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G. Ya. Sergeev, V. V. Titova, Z. P. Nikolaeva,

and A. M. Kaptel'tsev
Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, V ol. 8, No. 4, pp. 340-347,
April, 1960
Original article submitted April 20, 1959

This article describes one of the uranium heat-treatments, hardening, which makes it possible to obtaina fine-
grained quasi-isotropic structure.

The possiblity of improving the strength characteristics of uranium by hardening in the/3 and 7"phase and
the effect of hardening on the micro- and macrograins in dependence on the chemical composition is analyzed.
Uranium creep in the a-phase temperature interval is considered.

The deformation resistance of uranium materials However, as will be shown later, hardening produces a
under the action of neutron fluxe~ depends on the c o m - considerably finer macro- and microstmcture, changes
position, structure, and properties of the metal [1]. the texture, and improves the strength characteristics of
The composition and structure of the core metal uranium.
must vary with the fuel element operating We investigated the effect of hardening on the
conditions. One of the methods for modifying the struc- macro- and mierostructure and the mechanical pro-
ture and properties of uranium is heat-treatment, con- perties of cast and hot-rolled uranium, which were
ventionally called hardening. determined at room and higher temperatures.
By hardening, we shall designate the heating of Tensile tests of proportional shortened specimens
uranium to the temperatures of the/3 and y-phases with which had a diameter of 5 mm, were performed in an
subsequent quenching in water or oil. In this, the fix- IM-4R machine with short-duration load application,
ing of high-temperature or intermediate phases does not and creep tests were performed in TsKTI-3 machines,
occur at room temperature in uranium of usual purity. which were specially modified and equipped according
to the authors' specifications for the heating of readily
oxidizable metals in an atmosphere of purified helium.
Standard specimens (diameter: 10 ram, gauge length:
el e' "'0 100 ram) were machined from rods 22 mm in diameter
60 f and 200 mm long.
9 ! The rods to be hardened were heated in a vacuum

"-. qO

/ ,o
furnace. The heating of uranium specimens to 1000~
in tensile tests was performed in an atmosphere of
chemically pure argon in a specially constructed
adapter [2].
tJ For the investigation of different changes in me-
, Oyp ___ /
20 ~ - - - - . . . . . .
chanical properties caused by hardening after heating
in the c~, /3, and y-phases (Fig. 1), rods of hot-rolled
? -- ~o. -o-7- 8- ~6 and then air-cooled uranium were heated over a period
of I hr at temperatures from 200 to 950~ after which
they were quickly transported to the oil tank.
0 ......
200 z/O0 600 ~00 I000 IZO0 Hardening of uranium at the temperatures of the
Temperature, *C /3- and y-phases considerably improves its strength
Fig. 1. Variation of the mechanical properties of hot- characteristics. The greatest change in ultimate
rolled uranium at 20"C with the hardening strength and the yield point is observed after harden-
temperature. The specimens were tested at 20"C. Im- ing in the y-phase (a change of approximately 60%),
purity content (% by weight): iron, 7 " 10-2; silicon, when the ultimate strength increases from 35-40 to
1 . 2 . 10-2; carbon, 0.04; nitrogen, 7.4" 10 -3. 60-65 k g / m m 2. A similar regularity in the ultimate

Fig. 2. Structural channges in uranium after hardening, a) Macrostructure of hot-rolled
uranium; the over-all content of iron and silicon was 1.9 9 10"~o by weight (x 2);
b). macrostructure of uranium hardened in the l~-phas'e (• 2); c) macrostructure of
uranium hardened in they-phase (• 2); d), e), and f) microstructure of th e a, b, and
c specimens, respectively (x 135).

TABLE 1. M e c h a n i c a l Properties o f U r a n i u m Hardened in Different Cooling M e d i a I

Ultimate Yield Relative

Strain, reduction
Heat - t r e a t m e n t strength, point,
qo in area,
kg/mm 2 kg/mm z

Hotrrolled 37.9, 26,0 6.8 i0.8

H a r d e n i n g 9- at 750* C in argon-stream ..... 39.5 2t .2 8,2 i0.4
,) at 750* C in oil 50.4 34.7 4.9 8.2
,) at 750* C in water . . : . . 5t .6 31.2 6,3 8.4
, at 850* C in argon stream ..... 39,5 23,1 6,6 9.7
)) at 850* in ou ..... 55.6 39.3 6.5 8.4
)) at 850* C in water ..... 64.3 56.5 6.8 8.6

1 T h e s p e c i m e n s were tested at room t e m p e r a t u r e .

s Exposure at the g i v e n t e m p e r a t u r e s lasted 60 rain.

TABLE 2. Effect of the Water T e m p e r a t u r e on the M e c h a n i c a l Properties of Hardened U r a n i u m .

Ultimate Yield Relative

Heat-treatment strength, St.rain, reduction
point, %
kg/mm~ kg/mm ~ in area,
[ Cast u r a n i u m with (% by weight): iron,
1.96 9 10"2; silicon, 1 65. 10"2;
carbon, 0.05 44.1 31,3 4,6 8.8
Harden~inwaterl{t=0~ i i i i i i i i i i i 68.6 50,7 4,t 4,7
,~ (t=20 ~ . . . . . . . : . . . 68,7 51.6 2,4 5,6
)) )) (t=30 ~ . i ....... " . 68.7 50.6 4,0 4,8
* , ( t = 5 0 ~ C) .... ....... 64.4 47 .t 3,3 5.2
>) ,) ( t = 8 0 ~ C) . . . . . . . . . . . 55,4 45,9 2,6 6.0
)> )) ( t = t 0 0 ~ C) . . . . . . . . . . . 49.9 45.4 2,4 5.0

1The h a r d e n i n g was performed in the y - p h a s e t e m p e r a t u r e range (850 *C), and the exposure t i m e at this
t e m p e r a t u r e was 60 rain,

TABLE 3. Effect of the Billet D i a m e t e r on the M e c h a n i c a l Pro)etties of Hardened U r a n i u m .

Billet d i a m . , U l t i m a t e strength, Yield point, Strain, Relative reduction

mm kg/mm z kg/mm 2 % in area, %

22 55.6 39.3 6.5 8.4

18 60,9 37.2 7.3 7,7
14 6t .0 44.5 6.9 6.7

strength variation is observed in hardening cast uranium the exposure time at the hardening temperature varied
[3]. The strain remains practically the same. from 15 to 120 rain. The quenching was done in oil.
Cast or hot-rolled uranium has a coarse-grained In many cases, good mechanical properties of
dendritic macrostrueture* (Fig. 2a). In large cast hardened uranium were obtained after a 15-rain. ex-
pieces, the size of individual macrograins attains 30 posure. A futher increase in the exposure time in
mm. Hardening in the B-phase region leads to the hardening in the/3 as well as in the y phase did not
formation of a fine-grained disoriented structure with a result in substantial changes in strength characteristic
macrograin size of the order of 0.8-2.0 mm (Fig. 2b). values.
The grains become finer also in hardening in the y- Table 1 shows the results of mechanical testing of
phase region, however, in this case, a radial orientation specimens hardened in different cooling media (water,
of grains is usually observed (Fig. 2c). oilt and argon), and Table 2 shows the effect of chang-
The microstructuret of cast or hot-rolled uranium ing the water temperature on the mechanical properties
consists of coarse grains, which, in turn, consist of a of uranium in hardening. These data indicate that the
number of subgrains whose orientation differs by 5-10", hardened uranium strength characteristics are the better,
while uranium grains without texture can have the most the higher the cooling rate.
diverse orientations. The size of micrograins in hot- Since the mechanical properties of hardened
rolled and cast uranium is of the order of 500-800/~. uranium depend on the cooling rate, they also depend
Hardening in the/3- and y-phase regions reduces the on the diameter of t~e billet to be hardened (Table 3).
grain size to 70-150/I. However, beside fine grains, The hardenability of uranium must be taken into
also large grains are observed, especially in uranium of account if large products are to be subjected to heat-
higher purity. Beside the general refinement of grains, treatment.
a strongly pronounced jaggedness of boundaries is also Figure 3 shows the diagram of changes in the
observed after hardening, and a large number of twins mechanical properties of hardened uranium in depend-
and slip lines appears (Fig. 2, d and e). ence of the annealing temperature. In comparison with
The degree of the reduction in size of grains in unhardened uranium, hardened uranium exhibits higher
hardened uranium depends on the chemical composi- ultimate strenght and yield point values after annealing
tion and the ratio of impurities, in the first place, iron, at ct-phase temperatures, and only after heating at the
silicon, nickel, and aluminum [1]. F o r a larger iron 13-phase temperatures can we observe a sharp reduction
and silicon content in uranium, the macrograin size of the strength characteristics to values obtained in test-
sharply decreases, however, beginning with a content ing the initial unhardened specimens. For the investiga-
of 3 9 10-~]o by weight, the changes are insignificant. tion of the effect of repeated hardefiing on the mechani-
Aluminum exerts a similar, but less intensive, in- cal properties of uranium, rods 22 mm in diameter were
fluence. hardened in water after an exposure time of 35 rain at
In order to determine the effect of the exposure 740"C. The metal contained the following basic im-
time before hardening on changes in mechanical pro- purities (% by weight): iron, 1.07 9 10-2; siiicon, 9.4" 10"s';
perties, uranium billets were heated to 750 and 850"C; carbon, 0.09; nickel, 3.2 9 10 -s.
After the first ten hardenings, the ultimate strength
increased by 17% (Fig. 4). If the number of hardenings
70 is increased tO 20, the ultimate strength drops to a cer-
tain extent, which is connected with the appearance of
60 ,__
cracks. During the experiment, the rod was elongated
\ by 4%. Metallographic investigations showed that re-

\ peated hardening leads to a reduction in size of macro-
40 ~ YP and micrograins in hardened uranium; this is in agree-
ment with data from [4].

"~20 * The macrostructure was developed by immersing the
o 6
p. | section into the following reagent for a period of 3-5
rain: 1 liter water solution of 53 g ammonium
0 chloride, 85 g cuprous chloride, and 6(3 ml hydrochloric
s qo0 600 800 11700 IZQO acid. The chilling was performed in concentrated
Annealing temperature, *C nitric acid.
Fig. 3. Variation of the mechanical properties t The microstructure was developed by electrolytic
of uranium hardened in the y-phase with the etching in a reagent consisting of a water solution of
annealing temperature. chromic and acetic acid in 1 : 1 : 2 proportion.

TABLE 4. Results of Creep Tests of Cast and Hardened Uranium at 100, 300 and 500* C. Impurity con-
tent ( % b y weight): iron, 1.5 • 10r silicon, 4.83 • 10-s; carbon, 4 • 10"z; nitrogen, 4.85 x 10"3.

Test Deformation Creep rate Total creep

Stress, at the too- Creep rate, measure- ideformation
Metal state k g / m m z Iment of load. %/hr ment in-
*C hr. 9 8, %
l ing, % terval, hr

Cast uranium 30 t.88 i.6.t0-~ i80--500 500 2.53

100 Cast uranium with sub-
sequent hardening in the
~'-phase region 30 0.45 2.9. i0 -5 20--500 500 0.52

Cast uranium 25 3.50 4,9.10 -4 220--540 540 5,00

Cast uranium with sub-
sequent hardening in the
300 B-phase region 25 0,59 , t. t074 it0--565 565 0,74
Cast uranium with sub-
sequent hardening in the 565 0.53
y-phase region 25 O. 35 7,6. iO, 5 i70--565

Cast uranium 0.04 t.3.10-a 40--520 520 0.87

Cast uranium with sub-
i sequent hardening in the
500 /~-phase region 0,04 7.7.i0-a 50--210 500 5,05
Cast uranium with sub-
sequent hardening in the
7-phase region I 0.05 7.3.i0-a 40--340 525 4.92

Oul t, k g / m m z
,~70 .
7O ~ , -
.o~" ~ ' ~ - - - ' - - ' ~ ~ ~

E ~0 . . . . . . . . . .

~~ . . . . . .
-- Oyp ,o \

t~ 30

e0 2O

,, . . . . _ _ . . _
g #
g 8 12 /5 20 24 100 2g0 300 q00 580 6l~
N umber of hardenings Temperature, *O
Pig. 4. Variation of the mechanical properties of Fig. 5. Effect of test temperatures on the me-
uranium with the number of repeated hardenings; chanical properties of uranium. 1) Cast uranium;
(3) strength characteristics of hot-rolled uranium. 9.) uranium hardened in the l~-phase region;
3) uranium hardened in xhe y-phase region.

5.0 ....... ~0
9.8 9,5
0.6 ~0
"~. q,2
.~ q.O .~ ao
N 3.6 2,5
2~ f
~z t15
o O " ' ' ~"" "-'T
I00 200 300 tO0 50~1 /(10 200 3O0 ~OO 500
Time, hr. Time, hr.
Fig. 6. Primary creep curves for uranium. 1) Cast uranium; 2) uranium hardened in
the B-phase region; 3) uranium hardened In the y-phase region. A) Test temperature=
300"C; stress: 25 kg/mmZ; B) test temperature: 500~ stress: 4 k g / m m z.

For uranium hardened in the/3 and y-phases, the The structure of hardened uranium approaches the
strength characteristic values in short-duration tensile quasi-isotorpic structure as a result of fine grain division
tests at higher temperatures become gradually lower, and the elimination of texture. This considerably im-
however, for all a-phase temperatures, they remain proves the strength characteristics of uranium in short-
higher than the values of tile same characteristics of the and long-term tests (in the latter case, at temperatures
unhardened metal at the corresponding temperatures not exceeding 400~
(Fig. 5). If a specimen having a certain given crystal orient-
The hardening of cast as well as hot-rolled uranium ation is heated to a temperature higher than the ce ~ B
in the B- and y-phase regions leads to a considerable phase conversion temperature, this and the subsequent
increase in creep resistance. However, this is observed conversion in cooling will cause a reduction in the
only in the case where the specimen under investigation thermal expansion anisotropy, and the specimen will
is stressed at temperatures not exceeding 350-400~ At approach the quasi-isotropic state.
higher temperatures, hardening produces the opposite The reduction in the anisotropic thermal expansion
effect, i.e., it reduces the creep resistance of uraninm coefficient in a specimen or product depends on the time
(Table 4 and Fig. 6). This effect was noted also in [5]. of the /3- or y-phase existence, the heating temperature,
At temperatures exceeding 300-350*C, the grain and the cooling rate. Figure 7 [5] shows the dependence
flow at the boundaries begins to play an important role of the linear anisotropic expansion coefficient (variation
in the process of uranium deformation. In connection
with this, the deformation of hardened uranium with
fine crystals and large boundary surface~ occurs much ..... I ,,
more readily than the deformation of cast or hot-rolled
uranium with large crystals. At low temperatures, when I 20 --" ~~l--llll__
the deformation is caused mainly by twinning, uranium
with fine crystals, which is strengthened by hardening, g~ ,5
has a much greater deformation resistance.
Prolonged action of stresses in creep tests at tem-
peratures exceeding 400"C causes recrystallization in
the hardened metal, which also leads to a fine division op i
5 - . ...... ,: .......
of grains. The tendency to recrystallization in uranium
hardened at a certain given rate during annealing without .220 ..... L ,
the application of additional stresses was demonstrated tO 30 *0 50 60 70
in [6,and 7]. Heating time at 675~ rain
In the technolo~cal processing of fuel elements, Fig. 7. Effect of the heating time at 675~ on the aniso-
uranium is hardened in order substantially to reduce the tropic linear expansion coefficient in uranium rods under
anisotropy of its properties, which had an adverse effect different cooling conditions. I) Air-cooling; 2) harden-
on the stability of uranium cores in neutron fields and in ing in the B-phase region with subsequent annealing in
in thermic cycles. the et-phase; 3) hardening in the B-phase region.

of the coefficient value along the rod axis and radius) on are higher than those of unhardened uranium at the
the heating time at 675"C under different cooling con- same temperatures.
From the above, the following conclusions can be
drawn: 1. A.S. Zaimovskii, G. Ya. Sergeev, V. V. Titova,
1. As a result of fast cooling of uranium heated to B. M. Levit-skii, and Yu. N. Sokurskii, Atomnaya
the B- and y-phase temperatures (hardening), its ~nerg. 5_._~,4, 412 (1958).$
structure and properties change.. 2. G. Ya. Sergeev, V. V. Titova, E. M. Savitskii,
2. Hardening reduces the uranium macrograin size A. A. Zhul'kova, and Z. P. Nikolaeva, Atomnaya
from 10-30 to 0.8-2.0 mm and the mierograin size from Energiya 5_,6, 618 (1958).$
500-800 to 70-150 ~t. 3. A.A. 13oehvar, S. T. Konobeevskii, A. S. Zaimovs-
3. The ultimate strength of hot-rolled uranium kii, G. Ya. Sergeev, et. al., Atomnaya Energiya
after hardening at the/3-phase temperature is raised 5, 1, 5 (1958).:~
by approximately 30% and, after hardening at the y- 4. H. H. Chezwik, et al., Transactions of the Second Inter-
phase temperature, by approximately 60%. national Conference on the Peaceful Use of Atomic
4. Hardening of uranium brings about a manifold Energy (Geneva, 1958). Selection of Reports by
increase in its creep resistance at temperatures not ex- Foreign Scientists. Nuclear Fuels and Reactor
ceeding 400"C and a reduction of this resistance at Materials [Russian translation] (Atomizdat, Moscow,
higher temperatures of the (x-phase. 1959) Vol. 6, p. 53.
5. The degree of changes in the macro- and micro- 5. R. Nichols, Nucl. Eng. 2__.2,18, 355 (1951).
structure and the strength characteristics after hardening 6. W. Donell, "Kinetics of the beta transformation of
depends on the uranium chemical composition; pri- uranium." Nuclear Engineering and Science Con-
marily, it depends on the content of iron, silicon, ference (Chicago, March, 1958).
aluminum, and nickel. 7. H. Garder, and J. Riches, ~The effect of trans-
6. The cooling rate in hardening uranium in the formation cooling rate on the activation energy
/3- and y-phase regions greatly affects its strength required for recrystallization of beta-quenched
characteristics. The rise in the values of uranium uranium " Nuclear Engineering and Science Con-
strength characteristics is the greater, the greater the ference, (Chicago, March, 1958).
cooling rate in hardening.
7. At all (x-phase temperatures, the strength
characteristics of hardened uranium (in short-term tests) $Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation.


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