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Forest Condition Analysis Based on Forest Canopy Closure With Remote

Sensing Approach

Article · January 2011


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Endah Sulistyawati
Bandung Institute of Technology


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J. Biol. Indon. Vol 7, No.1 (2011)
ISSN 0854-4425
ISSN 0854-4425

Akreditasi: No 816/D/08/2009
Vol. 7, No. 1 Juni 2011

Phylogenetic relationships within Cockatoos (Aves: Psittaciformes) Based on DNA Sequences 1

of The Seventh intron of Nuclear β-fibrinogen gene
Dwi Astuti

Forest Condition Analysis Based on Forest Canopy ClosureWith Remote Sensing Approach 13
Mahendra Primajati, Agung Budi Harto & Endah Sulistyawati

Genetic Variation of Agathis loranthifolia Salisb. in West Jawa Assessed by RAPD 25

Tedi Yunanto, Edje Djamhuri, Iskandar Z. Siregar, & Mariyana Ulfah

Bird Community Structure in Karimunjawa Islands, Central Jawa 35

Niarsi Merry Hemelda, Ummi Syifa Khusnuzon, & Putri Sandy Pangestu

Morfologi Larva dan Pola Infeksi Falcaustra kutcheri Bursey et.al., 2000 (Nematoda : 45
Cosmocercoidea: Kathalaniidae) Pada Leucocephalon yuwonoi (McCord et.al., 1995) Di
Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
Endang Purwaningsih & Awal Riyanto

Tingkat Eksploitasi Ikan Endemik Bonti-bonti (Paratherina striata) di Danau Towuti 53

Syahroma Husni Nasution

Bentuk Sel Epidermis, Tipe dan Indeks Stomata 5 Genotipe Kedelai pada Tingkat Naungan 67
Titik Sundari & Rahmat Priya Atmaja

Sintesis Alkil N-asetilglukosamina (Alkil-GlcNAc) dengan Enzim N-asetilheksosaminidase 81

yang diisolasi dari Aspergillus sp. 501
Iwan Saskiawan & Rini Handayani

J. Biol. Indon. Vol 7, No. 1 (2011)

Jurnal Biologi Indonesia diterbitkan oleh Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia.

Jurnal ini memuat hasil penelitian ataupun kajian yang berkaitan dengan masalah biologi
yang diterbitkan secara berkala dua kali setahun (Juni dan Desember).

Editor Pengelola

Dr. Ibnu Maryanto

Dr. I Made Sudiana
Deby Arifiani, S.P., M.Sc
Dr. Izu Andry Fijridiyanto

Dewan Editor Ilmiah

Dr. Abinawanto, F MIPA UI

Dr. Achmad Farajalah, FMIPA IPB
Dr. Ambariyanto, F. Perikanan dan Kelautan UNDIP
Dr. Aswin Usup F. Pertanian Universitas Palangkaraya
Dr. Didik Widiyatmoko, PK Tumbuhan, Kebun Raya Cibodas-LIPI
Dr. Dwi Nugroho Wibowo, F. Biologi UNSOED
Dr. Parikesit, F. MIPA UNPAD
Prof. Dr. Mohd.Tajuddin Abdullah, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Monica Suleiman, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Dr. Srihadi Agungpriyono, PAVet(K), F. Kedokteran Hewan IPB
Y. Surjadi MSc, Pusat Penelitian ICABIOGRAD
Drs. Suharjono, Pusat Penelitian Biologi-LIPI
Dr. Tri Widianto, Pusat Penelitian Limnologi-LIPI
Dr. Witjaksono Pusat Penelitian Biologi-LIPI

Alamat Redaksi
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Email : jbi@bogor.net; ibnu_mar@yahoo.com
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Jurnal ini telah diakreditasi ulang dengan nilai A berdasarkan SK Kepala LIPI 816/
D/2009 tanggal 28 Agustus 2009.
J. Biol. Indon. Vol 7, No.1 (2011)


Jurnal Biologi Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh PERHIMPUNAN BIOLOGI

INDONESIA edisi volume 7 nomer 1 tahun 2011 memuat 15 artikel lengkap dan
1artikel tulisan pendek, empat artikeldiantaranya telah dipresentasi pada seminar
ATCBC di bali 2010. Penulis pada edisi ini sangat beragam yaitu dari Departemen
Kementerian Pertanian Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-
umbian, Fak. MIPA-Biologi Universitas Negeri Malang, Universitas Cenderawasih
Jayapura, Universitas Islam Negeri Hidayatulah Jakarta, Jurusan Biologi FMIPA
IPB, Program Studi Sarjana Biologi, Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati (SITH),
ITB, Jurusan Konservasi Fakultas Kehutanan IPB, Puslit Biologi LIPI, Departmen
Biologi FMIPA, University Indonesia, Puslit Limnologi LIPI-LIPI, Puslit Biologi-
LIPI dan UPT Loka Konservasi Biota Laut Biak-LIPI. Topik yang dibahas pada
edisi ini meliputi bidang Botani, mikrobiologi, zoologi, remote sensing.

J. Biol. Indon. Vol 7, No. 1 (2011)


Jurnal Biologi Indonesia mengucapkan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada

para pakar yang telah turut sebagai penelaah dalam Volume 7, No 1, Juni 2011:

Dr. Niken T. M. Pratiwi, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB

Dr. Tike Sartika, Balitnak, Departemen Pertanian, Ciawi
Sigit Wiantoro SSi, MSc, Puslit Biologi-LIPI
Drs. Awal Riyanto, Puslit Biologi-LIPI
Drs. Roemantyo, Puslit Biologi-LIPI
Dr. Andria Agusta, Puslit Biologi LIPI
Ir. Titi Juhaeti MSi, Puslit Biologi-LIPI
Dr. Nuril Hidayati, Puslit Biologi-LIPI
Ir. Heryanto MSc, Puslit Biologi-LIPI
Drh. Taufik Purna Nugraha MSi, Puslit Biologi-LIPI

Sebagian dari edisi ini dibiayai oleh DIPA Puslit Biologi-LIPI 2011
J. Biol. Indon. Vol 7, No.1 (2011)


Phylogenetic relationships within Cockatoos (Aves: Psittaciformes) Based on DNA Sequences 1

of The Seventh intron of Nuclear β-fibrinogen gene
Dwi Astuti

Forest Condition Analysis Based on Forest Canopy ClosureWith Remote Sensing Approach 13
Mahendra Primajati, Agung Budi Harto & Endah Sulistyawati

Genetic Variation of Agathis loranthifolia Salisb. in West Jawa Assessed by RAPD 25

Tedi Yunanto, Edje Djamhuri, Iskandar Z. Siregar, & Mariyana Ulfah

Bird Community Structure in Karimunjawa Islands, Central Jawa 35

Niarsi Merry Hemelda, Ummi Syifa Khusnuzon, & Putri Sandy Pangestu

Morfologi Larva dan Pola Infeksi Falcaustra kutcheri Bursey et.al., 2000 (Nematoda : 45
Cosmocercoidea: Kathalaniidae) Pada Leucocephalon yuwonoi (McCord et.al., 1995) Di
Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
Endang Purwaningsih & Awal Riyanto

Tingkat Eksploitasi Ikan Endemik Bonti-bonti (Paratherina striata) di Danau Towuti 53

Syahroma Husni Nasution

Bentuk Sel Epidermis, Tipe dan Indeks Stomata 5 Genotipe Kedelai pada Tingkat Naungan 67
Titik Sundari & Rahmat Priya Atmaja

Sintesis Alkil N-asetilglukosamina (Alkil-GlcNAc) dengan Enzim N-asetilheksosaminidase 81

yang diisolasi dari Aspergillus sp. 501
Iwan Saskiawan & Rini Handayani

Eritrosit dan Hemoglobin pada Kelelawar Gua di Kawasan Karst Gombong, Kebumen,Jawa 89
Fahma Wijayanti, Dedy Duryadi Solihin, Hadi Sukadi Alikodra, & Ibnu Maryanto

Kajian Hubungan Antara Fitoplankton dengan Kecepatan Arus Air Akibat Operasi Waduk 99
Eko Harsono

Dimorfisme Seksual, Reproduksi dan Mangsa Kadal Ekor Panjang Takydromus sexlineatus 121
Daudin, 1802 (Lacertilia :Lacertidae)

Serapan Karbondioksida (CO2) Jenis-Jenis Pohon di Taman Buah "Mekar Sari" Bogor, 133
Kaitannya dengan Potensi Mitigasi Gas Rumah Kaca
N. Hidayati, M. Reza, T. Juhaeti & M. Mansur
J. Biol. Indon. Vol 7, No. 1 (2011)

Analisis Fekunditas dan Diameter Telur Kerang Darah (Anadara antiquata) di Perairan Pulau 147
Auki, Kepulauan Padaido, Biak, Papua
Andriani Widyastuti

Giving Formulated Pellet on Javan Porcupine (Hystrix javanica F. Cuvier, 1823): Effects on 157
Feed Intake, Feed Conversion, and Digestibility in Pre-Domestication Condition
Wartika Rosa Farida & Roni Ridwan

Profil Mamalia Kecil Gunung Slamet Jawa Tengah 171


Kondisi Parameter Biologi Plankton dan Ikan di Perairan Danau Sentani 187
Auldry F. Walukow
Jurnal Biologi Indonesia 7 (1): 13-23 (2011)

Forest Condition Analysis Based on Forest Canopy ClosureWith Remote

Sensing Approach

Mahendra Primajati, Agung Budi Harto & Endah Sulistyawati

Program Studi Sarjana Biologi, Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati (SITH), ITB
E-mail: mahe_djaty@students.itb.ac.id


Analisis Kondisi Hutan Berdasarkan Tutupan Kanopi Menggunakan Pendekatan Remote

Sensing. Pengurangan luasan hutan masih menjadi problem di Indonesia teristimewa untuk
Pulau Jawa dengan kondisi populasi penduduk yang terpandat. Untuk mengetahui seberapa
jauh perubahan kawasan Gunung Papandayan terhadap fungsi bentang ekologinya maka
dicoba analisis satelit SPOT 2 tahun 2008 dengan standart koreksi pada level 2A. Prosesing
data satelit dilaksanakan dengan melakukan pengukuran awal meliputi radiometri, geometri,
dan koreksi topografi untuk memisahkan bentuk bentang penggunaan berupa hutan dan atau
lainnya. Penutupan kanopi dicatat menggunakan foto digital dan dianalisis menggunakan
perangkat lunak RGBFisheye. Hasil penelitian dapat ditunjukkan bahwa kawasan Papandayan
terdiri dari kawasan hutan terbuka (10-40%), semi tertutup (40-70%) dan tertutup (>70%). Hasil
analisis juga dapat dihitung seluas 16,846 ha. Sebagian hutan merupakan hutan semi terbuka
(49,38% atau 8983 ha) yang terdiri dari 3604 tapak sedangkan hutan terbuka terdiri dari 15,07%
(2741 ha) dan tersusun 16450 tapak.

Kata kunci: Kondisi hutan, tutpan kanopi, photograph, Gunung Papandayan.

INTRODUCTION (FWI / GFW 2001). Current forest con-

dition in Indonesia is very worrying. De-
Tropical rain forests have a variety forestation has become a threat to the
of ecological functions, such as carbon majority of forests in Indonesia, especially
storage. Hydrologic cycle is one impor- in Java which has a high population den-
tant part of the ecological functions of sity. Indonesia as a whole has lost more
tropical rain forest. In addition, tropical than 20 million ha of its forest cover be-
rain forests also serve as a refuge of liv- tween 1985 and 1997 the average defor-
ing marine resources as they provide habi- estation rate reached 1.7 million ha per
tat for endemic animals and plants year. Forest land in Java itself in the per-
(Montagnini & Jordan 2005). However, spective of space has been fragmented
the widespread transfer of forest land into into patches of patch-like farm fields,
agricultural land, residential & industrial, gardens, fields and residential and indus-
has caused extensive reduction and frag- trial. Land use to meet human needs such
mentation of forests which in turn may as agricultural land and the fields will
affect ecological functions of forests continue to increase the rate of defores-

Primajati et al.

tation and forest fragmentation inherent one of the remaining conservation areas
in the nature reserve and national parks. in Java with a variety of problems as a
If this activity continues to adversely im- conservation area in it, including the prob-
pact on the ecological functions of for- lem of deforestation (Whitten et al. 2007).
ests as described previously (FWI / GFW Illegal logging and land clearing and plan-
2001). tation agriculture is still a threat in some
Some studies, for example Zuhri & corners of the forest area in this region.
Sulistyawati (2007) and Wickham et al. Natural factors, namely the eruption that
(2007), shows that the use of land around occurred in 2002, also became the cause
the forest is one factor that can influence of damage to some forest areas in the
the occurrence of disturbances on for- volcano area. Seeing these conditions it
ests, especially from human activities. is necessary to attempt to determine the
Therefore, in forest conservation efforts, extent to which these disturbances have
it is important to study the existence of a affected the structure and quality of for-
forest in the spatial or spatial perspec- ests in the volcano area spatially.
tive, including a look at the position be- Forest canopy closure is one impor-
tween the forest land-use forms in the tant parameter in providing the effect of
vicinity. One technology that can be used several ecological processes in a forest
to conduct spatial analysis of forest land- ecosystem and is a key variable in sev-
scape and its surroundings quickly and eral studies on the modeling of forest pro-
accurately is remote sensing. In principle, tection, forest management and planning.
this technology allows users to identify Canopy cover can also be used as indi-
landscape structure within a broad spa- cators of forest condition in knowing the
tial scale. Remote sensing technology, extent of its density, other than that it is
when combined with geographic informa- also used as an indicator in estimating the
tion system (GIS) can facilitate data man- density of stands, to calculate leaf area
agement, data processing and presenta- index (LAI), various indices of vegeta-
tion of data in spatial or in forms that are tion, habitat analysis and in estimating the
easy to be understood and used for for- composition of forest vegetation
est management purposes. (Korhonen et al. 2006). In addition the
The Mount Papandayan volcano canopy closure is one of the parameters
area is one area that still has a fairly ex- used to define the term 'forest' with 'other
tensive forest areas, and includes the vegetation areas' (Paletto & Tosi 2009).
conservation area is the Mount One use of identification data based on
Papandayan Natural Reserve. Various the condition of the forest canopy cover
ecological functions are still stored in this in the future can be developed to
these forests, including as a store of car- determine the condition of the forest (for-
bon. It is known that in the year 1994 till est health), forest conservation, disaster
2001 the volcano area, capable of stor- management and evaluation in conduct-
ing carbon stocks reach 2,771,575 Mg C ing forest management in the volcano area
(Sulistyawati et al. 2006). This area is (Prasad et al. 2010).

Forest Condition Analysis Based Forest Canopy

This study also explored the use of According to climate classification the
digital photography as a simple method area of Mount Papandayan is concluded
to obtain the level of canopy closure (CC) as climate type B with annual rain fall up
in a forest. In this study, canopy closure to 3,000 mm, average air temperature
is defined as an area of tree canopy cover 10C and air humidity between 70-80%
is projected horizontally at the soil sur- (Ulumuddin 2004).
face, and expressed as a percentage of
land covered by such projections METHODS
(Escobar et al. 2005). Satellite remote
sensing technology is a technology that Satellite imagery used in this re-
is often to perform analysis of canopy search is the SPOT 2 satellite imagery,
cover, where the assumptions used is any with the date of acquisition June 20, 2008.
change in the forest canopy closure is SPOT satellite image data was the main
reflected in the canopy structure as de- data to extract thematic information on
scribed in the satellite image (Prasad et land cover. The data supporting for spa-
al. 2010). This research aimed to detect tial data was digital elevation model
the land cover around Mount Papandayan (DEM) which contains information on the
and to analyze forest condition using re- altitude. This DEM data is the support-
mote sensing approaches and parameters ing data to make ortorectification SPOT
of canopy cover as a determinant of the satellite imagery.
existence and condition of the forest land- Software used to perform process-
scape perspective contained in the Mount ing satellite image data that is ER Map-
Papandayan volcano area. per 7.0 and ERDAS Imagine 9.1. Mean-
while, to perform spatial analysis and GIS
MATERIALS AND METHODS data used the software ArcGIS 9.3. Other
software used in this study was
This research was conducted at the RGBFisheye which is a software for im-
Mount Papandayan and surrounding area, age processing hemispherical photo-
located within the administration area of graphs.
Kabupaten Garut and Kabupaten In this study, the SPOT image data
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. With the used consisted of two scenes, where the
study area boundaries are determined by area of the Mount Papandayan volcano
arbitrary which in 7o 8' 25.277" LS until is located on the border between the two
7o 23' 20.944" LS and 107o 39' 41.167" scenes, so to get the image area done
BT to 107o 48' 36.304" BT with a total first study combining the two images
study area covers 36,963 hectares. This (mosaic image) and make selection in the
area consists of natural forests and for- study area the Mount Papandayan area.
est plantations. Regions volcano has an The process of merging the images us-
altitude 2,638 meters above sea level. ing ER Mapper 7.0 software.
General location of steep topography, SPOT image data that is used al-
hilly, mountainous and has a steep cliff. ready experiencing radiometric and geo-

Primajati et al.

Figure 1.. Location of Study Area (Source: SPOT Image 2008).

metric correction 2A level, but because ducting the topographic normalization

the study area is a mountainous region using the software, changed the struc-
which has a very curvy contours, topo- ture of image data prior to radians, and
graphic correction was also done to fur- after normalizing the data structure is
ther improve the quality of spatial data in returned in the float data type and then
the extraction of image and reduce the used to perform spectral extraction in land
shadow effect due to topography of the cover land use classification.
study area very varied. Shadow effects Prior to the classification of vegeta-
greatly affect the result of interpretation, tion cover information, beforehand to pro-
especially for mountainous areas, thus this cess visual images increased by adding a
process is needed for the study area in layer of vegetation index SPOT multi-
the volcano area. spectral imagery and false color compos-
Topographic correction process car- ite technique to facilitate the identifica-
ried out by using the software ERDAS tion of each land cover. Then the image
Imagine 9.1. Applications used in the soft- classification based discrimination is open
ware is in part based topographic nor- forest (canopy closure 10% -40%) with
malization Minnaert constant. In principle levels of density is low disturbed and ex-
applied in the normalization process in- tracted; forest dense (40% -70%) with
volves several functions, and data as levels of density is medium average for-
shown in Figure 2. One of the necessary est subjected to disturbance; and very
data is elevation data obtained from the dense forest (canopy closure> 70%) with
DEM, and data concerning the direction levels of density is a very high and very
of sunlight coming to the angle sensor dense forest, undisturbed intact patches,
(solar azimuth & elevation) derived from some area have high forest extracted
SPOT imagery metadata. Prior to con- once, now well protected and managed;

Forest Condition Analysis Based Forest Canopy

Figure 2.. Topographic normalization process (ERDAS Imagine).

shrubs or grasslands; Agricultural field or fication required additional data that pro-
dry land; buildings; water bodies and other vide information of forest canopy closure
land cover. The basis of this classifica- in the study area. Due to determine an
tion based on land cover classification area known as the forests in this study is
methodology of the FAO (1996) in the the minimum area of 0.05 to 1 hectare
journal Forest resources assessment with tree canopy closure of more than
1990. 10-30 percent with trees potentially reach
Subsequent data processing, is ex- a minimum height of 2-5 meters (Sasaki
traction of spectral characteristics of the & Putz 2009 ). For data collection was
combination of the three channels owned done in the field of forest canopy cover
by the SPOT satellite imagery was con- in the study area using hemispherical pho-
ducted in Terrestrial Ecosystems Analy- tographs. Digital data stored in JPEG
sis Laboratory-SITH ITB. The software format (pictures 3.2.b) and captured us-
used is ER Mapper 7.0. In this study, to ing a digital camera device single lense
perform detection algorithm approach reflect Nikon D-90, with wide-angle lens
was used in land cover classification of is AF Nikkor fisheye 10.5 mm and has a
multispectral image. Type classification angle of view lens reaches 180o . Tech-
used is the supervised classification. In nically, the image capture canopy done
principle, supervised classification re- in good weather conditions, altitude of the
quires data from a field training site that camera 1.3 m above the ground, and use
provides an indication or characteristic of a tripod to help stabilize the camera holder
each land cover. There are 101 point as shown in Figure 3a. Exposure settings
training site that has been collected and used in the automatic mode to reduce the
a reference in the analysis of land use possibility of overexposure.
classification. Data collection was done by random
For forest areas, prior to the classi- sampling at the edges and middle of the

Primajati et al.

forest. Performed three times in one foot- Landcover fields and plantations are
print repetition of data acquisition, and the the second largest land cover after for-
distance between each footprint of more est (10,026 hectares or 27.12%). This
than 30 m to improve the accuracy of land cover is divided into various size
the data. In each footprint making geo- patches, which accounted for 1,488 with
graphic location data were recorded us- different size and spread in almost all re-
ing a GPS Garmin 60CSX with a mini- gions, but quite a lot which is located ad-
mum of error between 3 to 8 meters. jacent to the forest. The type of grass or
Canopy images were analyzed using a shrub land is land cover with the domi-
RGBFisheye program to extract percent nant shrubs and herbaceous life forms the
canopy cover. The software is developed extent of 4,832 hectares (13.07%). This
by the Gifu Faculty of Applied Biological land type appear scattered in several
Science, Japan, and can be obtained online parts of the study area, especially on the
from http://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/ ~ ishidam edge of the woods, and some also ap-
/ RGBFisheye.htm. Any data obtained pear in the interior forest.
were recorded and tabulated by the pro- Forest land cover in this study dif-
gram Microsoft Excel 2007. ferentiated the condition based on physi-
Results from the classification of cal parameters of the tree canopy clo-
areas with different patches of land cover sure (Figure 4.B). Class is open forest
including forest land cover with a canopy with canopy closure between 10% - 40%,
closure certain who then made a calcu- class dense with forest canopy cover
lation amount, size, and shape of patches between 40% - 70%, and the class very
that correlated with the inventory data in dense forest with canopy cover between
the field. Mapping land cover and forest 70% - 100%. Open forest has a number
area of forest canopy closure in the re- of patches reached 16,450 patch and only
gion this volcano requires processing us- have a total area of 2,741 hectares
ing software Arc GIS 9.3. (15.07%). While the dense forest has a
total area of forest area reaches 8,983
RESULTS hectares (49.38%), with a patch that were
identified totaling 3,604 ha. Then, very
By using a supervised classification dense forest has a total area of 6,467 ha
technique, the type of land in the volcano (35.55%) and 5,554 the number of
area consists of tea gardens, settlements patches. From some of these statistics
or buildings, fields / plantations, grass / can be seen that the forest dense is the
shrub, craters, waters and forests area. most extensive land cover classes com-
From Figure 4.A shows that the forest is pared to two other forest canopy cover
the most dominant land cover (16,847 land. This dense forest was dominated
hectares or 44.38%). The forest area is forest area of southern and northern
continuous with each other extends from Mount Papandayan forest.
the north and south of the study area so From the data in Table 1 shows that
that it can be considered as one big patch. a dense forest with forest canopy cover

Forest Condition Analysis Based Forest Canopy

is 40% -70% of land cover classes of the forest edge. This is in accordance with
most extensive forest canopy closure the Lele et al. (2007) stating that the open
compared with other forest canopy clo- forest is more often found on the edges
sure classes. This dense forest was domi- resulting from the fragmentation of the
nated forest area of southern and north- dense forest. Edge of the dense forest
ern forest Mount Papandayan Area.Very area is the location of vulnerable and more
dense forests are more numerous in the susceptible to interference than the for-
middle of the study area, with a still fairly est interior areas (Forman 1995). In this
large proportion of which is approximately study, not only found in open forest on
35.55% of the total area of forest. the edge of the forest, but also identified
Whereas open forest has the smallest in the area of forest interior. This is ap-
proportion than the two other forest class, parently because of interference originat-
ie approximately 15.07% of the total area ing from human activities like illegal log-
of forest. ging has also been reaching the forest
Most of the open forest patches interior. Apart from illegal logging, natu-
more easily found spread on the area of ral factors such as a fallen tree due to

a. b.
Figure 3. a) Photograph hemispherical device., b) the image of the canopy closure (private


Figure 4. Distribution of land cover (A) and forest conditions Mount Papandayan (B).

Primajati et al.

age and disease can lead to open areas vious section, in the region agricultural
with low canopy cover. fields are often found in areas bordering
the forest.
DISCUSSION The type of grass or shrub land is
the dominance of land cover with shrubs
Of the eight classes of land cover and herbaceous life forms (Table 2). Type
which can be identified and classified, of land has an area of 4,832 hectares and
forest land cover is the most dominant. covers 13.07% of the overall study area.
The total area of forest cover reached The distribution of land type of grass and
16,847 hectares or 44.38% of the total bushes seemed scattered in several parts
area. The forest area is continuous with of the study area, especially on the edge
one another extends from the north and of the forest, and some also appear in
south so it is considered as a single patch. the interior forest.
Agricultural land use is the second larg- From Figure 4, shows that the ma-
est land use after forest area, reaching jority of forest areas in the study area
10,026 hectares or 27.12% of the total is directly adjacent to the land cover that
area. But this is divided land cover has a very high level of human activity
patches, which accounted for 1,488 with such as a agricultural field, tea planta-
different size and spread in almost all re- tion, and settlements. Tea plantation land
gions. When the note Figure 4 in the pre- cover is more concentrated in the west
Table 1. Patch Size of Each Class of Forest Canopy Closure.

Patch Size
Area Number of
Canopy Closure Class (hectare) patches % Area
Open Forest (10%-40%) 2,741 16,450 15.07%
Dense Forest (40%-70%) 8,983 3,604 49.38%
Very Dense Forest (70%-100%) 6,467 5,554 35.55%
Table 2. Landcover classes in the Mount Papandayan area.

No. Landcover Class Area (hectare) % Patch Area Number of

1 Forest 16,847 44.38% 1
2 Shrubs 4,832 13.07% 2,384
3 Agricultural 10,026 27.12% 1,488
4 Water Bodies 13 0.04% 1
5 Buildings 3,655 9.89% 4,827
6 Tea Plantation 1,884 5.10% 301
7 Crater 121 0.33% 22
Total 36,963 100.00% 9,028
Forest Condition Analysis Based Forest Canopy

and borders directly with forest land this could happen, is because the edge is
cover, one of which is the region's tea having a higher level of disturbance com-
estates of PTPN VIII. Agricultural fields pared to forest interior, so there is high
located in the vicinity of forest are popu- number of conversion from dense forest
lar for farm produce some agricultural into open forest.
commodities such as potatoes, cabbage, In this research, open forest not only
and carrots and has a wide coverage could be found in the edge of the forest,
area. Residential buildings and land cover but also identified in the interior part of
population is scattered in the region. There the forest inside the Papandayan Natu-
are approximately 4,827 patches of land ral Reserve. This supposedly caused by
cover were identified as residential build- high level of disturbance in this area, es-
ings and residents. Landcover class resi- pecially from human activity such as
dential land or buildings is that there are illegal logging which still could be found
directly created by human infrastructure during the time of research (Figure 5a).
such as villages, urban, and industrial ar- Besides illegal logging, natural factor such
eas so that a very high level of human as fallen tree could cause an open area
activities on these land cover classes and with a low canopy closure (Figure 5b).
can provide the potential damage to the The most potential disturbance oc-
forest at the forest edge areas. curred in the mountain forest area was
Other land cover in the form of the from human activity, although there is also
crater and the water body does not domi- disturbance caused by natural activity
nate the study area.Water body is defined such for example volcanic eruption (Fig-
as areas dominated by coverage of wa- ure 5c and d). Mount Papandayan is one
ter such as sea, lakes, and rivers.There of the active volcanoes in Java, in 2002
is only one patch of land cover waters, ie the eruption from this volcano has expand
Lake Ciharus located on the north, with the diameter of the crater to even larger
total area of approximately 13 hectares. size than before. Volcanic eruption is one
While the crater area which is dominated form of disturbance caused by nature.
by rock the rest of eruptions in 2002, iden- The disturbance resulted from lava and
tified with a total area of 1.21 km2 in the cloud would give an extreme physical
middle area of study. Crater region lo- transformation (Figure 5c)
cated in the southern part of study area Vulcanic dust is a product from
and categorized as still active crater with vulcanic eruption which gives instant ef-
an active hot sulphur activity. fect on the surrounding ecosystem sup-
Most of the open forest patch mainly posedly because with even the slightest
found scattered evenly in the edge of for- layer of dust, volcanic ashes could cover
est land cover. This statement supported the leaf surface of plant and halt the pro-
by Lele et al. (2007) in which open for- cess of photosyntesis. In the area sur-
est most likely to be found in the edge rounding the crater of Mount
supposedly caused by conversion of frag- Papandayan, area in the impact of
mented dense forest. One reason as why vulcanic eruption has low canopy cover

Primajati et al.

a. b.

c. d.

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