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                              FCMFOS(SA) Final


Incorporated Association not for gain
Reg No 1955/000003/08

Final Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeons of South Africa

8 April 2016

Orthognathic and Cleft Palate Surgery, Diseases of the TMJ,

Dental Alveolar Surgery and Implantology
Paper 2 (3 hours)
All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is
required for the one answer)
1 a) Discuss briefly post-herpetic neuralgia by referring to a definition/aetiology,
symptoms, pathogenesis and treatment options. (12.5)
b) A patient presents with a condyle that has been traumatically logged into the middle
cranial fossa. Discuss the problem by referring to (i) clinical presentation (ii) treatment
options. (12.5)

2 Fairbairn-Robin Triad (a subdivision of a Pierre Robin sequence) patient needs serious

interventions in the first two years of his/her life. Briefly evaluate the type of deformities,
especially considering the associated airway and feeding problems, the general initial
treatment concepts and the different surgical approaches in the short term and in the long-
term. [25]

3 Give a critical account of the indications, risks, limitations and complications of surgically
assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) with specific reference to differences in surgical
techniques and activation. [25]

4 Consider the statement; “Although the mandibular third molar is the most commonly impacted
tooth, any other tooth may be impacted”
a) Discuss the management of the non-third molar impacted teeth using the maxillary
canine as the prototype. (15)
b) Discuss the control of post-operative morbidity after third molar surgery. (10)

5 Write a detailed overview on pre-malignant disease and squamous cell carcinoma of the
lower lip with regard to clinical presentation, staging, surgical management and
reconstruction. [25]

PTO/Page 2 Question 6…
6 The application of osseo-integrated implantology in the maxillo facial region has extended
the range and effectiveness of reconstructive surgery. The placement of such implants into
the edentulous maxilla is often restricted due to lack of available bone
a) Briefly discuss the principles of implant rehabilitation techniques in the maxilla
following maxillary resorbtion. (10)
b) Discuss guided bone regeneration used in association with implant placement in the
aesthetic zone. (10)
c) Discuss the various soft tissue re-contouring and pre-prosthetic procedures that are
used in the preparation of the alveolar ridges prior to bone augmentation or implant
placement in the maxilla and mandible. (5)

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