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1 1 (a) (i) 1 State the correct manipulated variable

Length / L/
1 (ii) 1 State the correct responding variable
Resistance / R // Potential difference / V // Current / I
1 (iii) 1 State one fixed variable
Diameter of the wire // Cross-sectional area of the wire // Type of
1 (b) 1 State the correct use of the mirror
Reduce parallax error
5 (c) 5 Tabulate L, I, V and R correctly

Give a tick () based on the following:

A  Columns L, I, V and R 
B  Correct units for I, V and R 
C  All values of I correct 
D  All values of I consistent to 2 d.p. 
E  All values of V correct 
F  All values of V consistent to 1 or 2 d.p. 
G  All values of R correct 
H  All values of R consistent to 2, 3 or 4 d.p. 

L / cm I/A V/V R/Ω

20.0 0.36 0.4 1.11
30.0 0.42 0.7 1.67
40.0 0.50 1.1 2.20
50.0 0.62 1.7 2.74
60.0 0.70 2.3 3.29

Note for G : Accept e.c.f. from C and E

Marks awarded :
Number of  Marks
8 5
6-7 4
4-5 3
2-3 2
1 1

Total marks : 5

(d) 5 Draw correctly a graph of R against L

Give a tick () based on the following:

A  R at the
y-axis, L at the x-axis 
B  Correct units at both axes 
C  Uniform scale at both axes 
Mark Answer
(a) (i) State the change correctly 1
1 Decrease

State the value of θ

(a) (ii) 1 -shows graph exstrapolation
1 -shows the corresponding arrow
1 -18.5 0C // 18.00C // 19.00C (reject without unit) 3

Calculate the gradient of the graph, h and state the

(a) (iii) value of h with the acceptable range
1 -Draw a suffiecienly large triangle to calculate the
gradient of the graph.
1 -Correct substitution(follow candidate’s triangle)
1 -State value of the gradient with correct unit.
The gradient of the graph is14.55 0C kg 3

Correct substitution to the formula

(b) Q
1 gradient
6.1 ×10 4
1 gradient = 3
14 .55

1 4192.4 J kg-1 0C-1

(c) 1 Stir the water gently with the heater to ensure that heat
is distributed uniformly to all part of the water.

1 Make sure the insulating jacket is covered all part of the

beaker. 2
Total 12 12
3. (a) State a suitable inference
Acceleration is influenced by the mass 1
(b) State a relevant hypothesis
When the mass increased, the acceleration will be decreased. 1
(c) (i) State the aim of experiment
To investigate the relationship between the acceleration and the 1
State the suitable manipulated variables and responding variable
(ii) (Quantity that can be measured)
Manipulatd variable : mass 1
Responding variable : acceleration
State the constant variable
Force applied 1
State the complete list of apparatus and materials
(iii) 5 Trolleys, ticker timer, ticker tape, a rubber band, a wooden runway, 1
12 V a.c power supply, ruler.
Draw the functional arrangement of the apparatus
Trolley rubber band

Ticker tape
Friction compensated runway 1

Power supply

State the method to control the manipulated variable

(v) The apparatus is set up as shown in the diagram.

The ticker-timer is switched on and a trolley (of 1 kg) is pulled using

a rubber band. The extension of the rubber band is ensured to be of 1
the same length

State the method to measure the responding variable

Acceleration of the trolley is calculated using the ticker-tape.
a = ( v-u ) / t 1

Repeat the experiment at least 4 times with the values

Procedure 2 and Procedure 3 are repeated using 2, 3, 4 and 5 trolleys.

(Note : Based on SPM standard , at least five manipulated values 1

State how the data tabulated with the title MV and RV

(vi) Mass / num. of trolley acceleration / cm s-2
1 1
State how the data is analysed, plot a graph RV against MV
acceleration / cm s-2
(vii) 1

Mass / num. of trolley

No 4. Making the right inference
The distance between two spherical dippers affects the distance
between two constructive/destructive interference. 1
The distance between two constructive/destructive interferente
decrease when the distance between 2 spherical dippers.
To investigate the relationship between the distance between 2
spherical dippers and the distance beteen 2 constructive
/destructive interference.
ii Mv : The distance between 2 spherical dippers
Rv : the distance between 2 constructive /destructive
Fv: Depth of the water// speed of the motor// the perpendicular
distance between the 2 spherical dippers and the place where
the interference pattern is observed.

iii List apparatus and material

Ripple tank, power suplí, white paper and ruler

State a functional arrangement of apparatus

v State how the MV is controlled

- Two spherical dippers are attached to the water
- The distance between spherical dippers on the screen
are adjusted to a = 5.0cm
State how RV is measured
-The distance between 2 constructive /destructive interference
on the screen , x is measured with the ruler and recorded.

State how repeated the experiment

-Repeat the previous step by increasing the distance between 2
spherical dippers. a =6cm,7cm,8cm and 9cm.
vi Tabulating data

Total 12

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