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Weekly Evaluation of Student Teacher by Cooperating Teacher (Formative SurveyMonkey


Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link)
Started: Monday, October 08, 2018 12:08:45 PM
Last Modified: Monday, October 08, 2018 1:12:04 PM
Time Spent: 01:03:18
IP Address:

Page 1: Student Teacher and Cooperating Teacher Information

Q1 Student Teacher's Name (First and Last)

Nicholas Kowalski

Q2 Cooperating Teacher's Name (First and Last)

Stephanie Aitchison

Q3 Name of Your School

Old Donation School

Q4 School Division Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Q5 Semester of the Student Teaching Placement Fall 2018

Q6 For which week of placement are you evaluating the Week 6 of

student teacher? placement

Page 2: Professionalism

Q7 Reliability/Dependability. The student teacher has Superior work

exemplary attendance, gets to work on time, and
perceives the need to attend to all assigned duties and
tasks immediately.

Q8 Oral Expression. The student teacher is articulate, Satisfactory work

demonstrates proper use of grammar, and is expressive
and animated as appropriate.

Weekly Evaluation of Student Teacher by Cooperating Teacher (Formative SurveyMonkey

Q9 Judgement and Tact. The student teacher maintains Superior work

good relationships by being sensitive to other's feelings,
opinions, and needs for safety and responds accordingly.

Q10 Written Communication. The student teacher's Satisfactory work

written communication is organized, clear, and free from
grammatical errors.

Page 3: Professional Qualities and Characteristics (Cont.)

Q11 Self-initiative/Independence. The student teacher Superior work

demonstrates initiative by (a) sharing ideas, (b) being
creative and resourceful, and (c) working effectively with
limited supervision, and (d) independently implementing

Q12 Collegiality. The student teacher works well with Satisfactory work
other faculty and staff as part of a team, willingly shares
ideas and materials, and actively seeks opportunities to
work with school personnel.

Q13 Interaction with Students. The student teacher Superior work

actively seeks opportunities to work with students and
accepts responsibility for student learning.

Q14 Response to Feedback. The student teacher not Superior work

only is receptive and responsive to feedback but also
solicits suggestions and feedback from others.

Page 4: Teaching Responsibilities

Q15 Professional Knowledge

Strength Provides developmentally appropriate experiences.

Area for Improvement Uses high-quality questioning techniques.

Q16 Instructional Planning

Strength Plans have objective(s) aligned with the appropriate

SOL., Materials are appropriate and ready for instruction.

Area for Improvement Plans differentiate instruction as appropriate.

Weekly Evaluation of Student Teacher by Cooperating Teacher (Formative SurveyMonkey

Q17 Instructional Delivery

Strength Implements lesson elements, as planned.

Area for Improvement Actively engages students throughout the lesson., Uses
a variety of instructional strategies.

Q18 Assessment of and for Student Learning & Student Academic Progress

Strength Overall, achievement data reflects student learning.

Q19 Learning Environment

Strength Sets and reinforces behavior expectations.

Area for Improvement Quickly redirects or intervenes when necessary.

Page 5: Recommendations and Commendations

Q20 Areas that require the student teacher's corrective action.

Mr. Kowalski is working to design learning opportunities that are interesting to students. This week he learned the value of overplanning
to ensure student engagement. One of Mr. Kowalski's lessons moved along quicker than anticipated leaving him with time in the end.
He went back to his lesson plan after the feedback and adjusted. He saw greater success with the lesson the second day.

Q21 Areas in which the student teacher has demonstrated excellence.

Mr. Kowalski is constantly seeking feedback and makes changes based upon that feedback. He has a desire to learn and has noted his
interest to watch other teachers during his planning time to gain greater insight into the teaching profession. He also is on board with
integrating technology including Google Forms, Schoology and Weebly.


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