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Nutrition Research 31 (2011) 77 – 87


Chemopreventive effect of dietary polyphenols in colorectal

cancer cell lines
João R. Araújo, Pedro Gonçalves, Fátima Martel⁎
Department of Biochemistry (U38-FCT), Faculty of Medicine of Porto, University of Porto, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal
Received 6 September 2010; revised 27 December 2010; accepted 24 January 2011


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most fatal and the third most diagnosed type of cancer
worldwide. Despite having multifactorial causes, most CRC cases are mainly determined by dietary
factors. In recent years, a large number of studies have attributed a protective effect to polyphenols and
foods containing these compounds (fruits and vegetables) against CRC. Indeed, polyphenols have been
reported to interfere with cancer initiation, promotion, and progression, acting as chemopreventive
agents. The aim of this review is to summarize the main chemopreventive properties of some
polyphenols (quercetin, rutin, myricetin, chrysin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, epicatechin, catechin,
resveratrol, and xanthohumol) against CRC, observed in cell culture models. From the data reviewed in
this article, it can be concluded that these compounds inhibit cell growth, by inducing cell cycle arrest
and/or apoptosis; inhibit proliferation, angiogenesis, and/or metastasis; and exhibit anti-inflammatory
and/or antioxidant effects. In turn, these effects involve multiple molecular and biochemical
mechanisms of action, which are still not completely characterized. Thus, caution is mandatory when
attempting to extrapolate the observations obtained in CRC cell line studies to humans.
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Colorectal cancer cell lines; Diet; Polyphenols; Quercetin; Catechins; Chemoprevention
Abbreviations: BT, butyrate; CDK, cyclin-dependent kinase; Cox, cyclooxygenase; CRC, colorectal cancer; CYP, cytochrome
P450; EGCG, epigallocatechin-3-gallate; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; ER, estrogen receptors; ERK,
extracellular signal–regulated kinase; FHC, fetal human cell; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; iNOS, inducible
nitric oxide synthase; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinases; NF-κB, nuclear factor κ B; PPAR, peroxisome
proliferator–activated receptors; pRb, phosphorylated retinoblastoma; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VEGF,
vascular endothelial growth factor.

1. Introduction (quercetin, rutin, myricetin, chrysin, epigallocatechin-3-

gallate [EGCG], epicatechin, catechin, resveratrol, and
The relationship between the more than 8000 polyphe-
xanthohumol) might protect against CRC, according to the
nols present in the diet and the prevention of diseases in
information provided by cell culture studies.
humans has been an intense field of research during the last
years [1]. One of the reasons for the growing interest in
studying these compounds resides in their protector role 2. Polyphenols: classification, food sources, and
against colorectal cancer (CRC) [2-6], a high-mortality health-promoting effects
pathology in occidental countries [2]. Thus, the aim of this
article is to review the cellular and associated molecular and Polyphenols are phytochemicals derived from phenylal-
biochemical mechanisms by which some polyphenols anine and contain an aromatic ring with a reactive hydroxyl
group [7]. According to their structure, polyphenols can be
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 225513624; fax: +351 225513624. divided into different classes [8,9]. The main classes
E-mail address: fmartel@med.up.pt (F. Martel). include flavonoids and phenolic acids (eg, gallic acid and
0271-5317/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
78 J.R. Araújo et al. / Nutrition Research 31 (2011) 77–87

curcumin), the most abundant in foods, and the less cases, and diet optimization will prevent most of them
common stilbenes (eg, resveratrol) and lignans (eg, [24,25]. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease is also an
secoisolariciresinol) [7,10]. Flavonoids may be further etiologic factor in the development of CRC because high
divided into 7 subclasses: flavones (eg, chrysin), flavonols oxidative stress burden present in the inflamed mucosa alters
(eg, quercetin, myricetin, and rutin), flavanones (eg, important cellular functions [20].
naringenin), anthocyanidins (eg, malvidin), flavan-3-ols Despite the multifactorial etiology of CRC, it is known
(eg, catechin, epicatechin, and EGCG), isoflavones (eg, that (a) ingestion of a diet rich in calories and lipids
genistein), and chalcones (eg, xanthohumol) [11,12]. (particularly those of animal origin) [26], red meats, N-
Quantification of dietary intake of polyphenols is difficult nitroso compounds, and aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons
to estimate, but the studies available point out to an average present in grilled fish and meat [27]; (b) ingestion of high
ingestion of 0.1 to 1 g/d in occidental Europe and the United amounts of ethanol; and (c) certain diseases (eg, obesity
States population [10]. The most important dietary sources of [28] and diabetes [28,29]) raise the incidence risk of CRC.
polyphenols are fruits, vegetables, seeds, and beverages such On the other hand, it is also known that (a) a diet rich in
as fruit juice, green tea, coffee, cocoa drinks, red wine, and fruits, vegetables (and, consequently, polyphenols) [26],
beer [13]. fiber [30], short-chain fatty acids, especially butyrate (BT)
The growing interest in studying these compounds [31]; (b) beverages such as mineral waters [25,32], red
resides in the accumulating evidence showing that these wine [15], and green tea [6,15,33]; (c) micronutrients such
compounds possess a high number of protective biologic as vitamin A, C, E, and D; folic acid [24,34]; selenium
properties: antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory [35]; and calcium [24]; (d) drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-
[8,11,14,15], neuroprotector [16], antiallergic, antidiarrheal, inflammatories and selective cyclooxygenase (Cox) inhibi-
antiulcer, antibiotic [10,17], antilipidemic, vasorelaxing [7], tors (eg, aspirin, sulindac, and celecoxib) [24,36], epider-
and antithrombotic properties [8,10,11,14,15]. Because of mal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors, [21] and
these effects, polyphenols may confer protection against peroxisome proliferator–activated receptors (PPAR) ago-
pathologies with very high incidence and mortality in nists [37]; (e) estrogen replacement therapy; and (f)
occidental countries: cardiovascular and neurodegenerative moderate-to-vigorous physical exercise [2,24] reduce the
diseases and cancer [2-6]. In relation to cancer, numerous incidence risk of CRC.
case-control [18] and animal and cell culture studies have
corroborated a protector role of polyphenols and of foods and
4. Colorectal cancer: the molecular perspective
drinks that contain them (especially fruits and vegetables) in
distinct cancer types (eg, breast, lung, colon, stomach, Intestinal epithelium is a dynamic tissue with an elevated
esophagus, larynx, and oral cavity) [9,18]. However, in regeneration capacity: in the inferior two thirds of the
human prospective studies, a very small [19], or even an colonic crypt, colonocytes proliferate, and in the upper two
absent, positive association between intake of fruits and thirds of the crypt, they undergo differentiation and finally
vegetables and reduced risk of cancer [12] has been reported. apoptosis [22,38]. The balance between proliferation,
differentiation, and apoptosis maintains the tissue homeo-
stasis, and deregulation of these processes has a determinant
3. Colorectal cancer: epidemiology, etiology, risk, and
role in CRC development [22,39]. In general, carcinogen-
protective factors
esis is a complex process that involves multiple phases
Cancer is the second leading cause of death, after where molecular and cellular alterations, particularly of
cardiovascular diseases, in occidental countries [2,20]. genetic origin, may occur [21,23]. In a simple manner, 3
Every year, around 10 million people worldwide are phases have been described: initiation, with exposure of the
diagnosed with cancer, and approximately 6.2 million die normal cell, particularly the nucleus, to the carcinogenic
of this disease [2,21]. Colorectal cancer is the second type of agent causing a genetic alteration; promotion, a phase
cancer with the highest mortality (492 000 persons per year) longer than the former, in which survival and replication of
and the third most diagnosed (945 000 persons per year) in damaged cells occur; and progression, which is character-
both American men and women [2,22]. ized by deregulation of cellular proliferation and differen-
Etiologically, CRC may be hereditary or sporadic or have, tiation, reduction of apoptosis of damaged cells (tumor
on the background, inflammatory bowel diseases [23]. In growth), and increase of metastatic and angiogenic potential
hereditary CRC, inherited genetic mutations occur in critical [18,40,41]. Human CRC is particularly associated with a
genes, such as tumor suppressor genes, genes associated with progressive inhibition of apoptosis [42], this being an
DNA mismatch repair, or other genes [23]. Most sporadic important mechanism by which colonocytes with damaged
CRCs are due to somatic genetic mutations (normally in the DNA escape normal clearance mechanisms and grow to
same genes as those cited for hereditary CRC) that occur as become invasive tumors [43,44].
part of the normal cellular lifespan or because of exposure to During the last 3 decades, chemoprevention has been a
environmental factors such as dietary carcinogens [23]. field of intense research. Chemoprevention is the use of
Dietary factors are responsible for 70% to 90% of CRC synthetic or natural compounds, in pharmacologic doses, to
J.R. Araújo et al. / Nutrition Research 31 (2011) 77–87 79
reduce the risk of development or recurrence of cancer [21]. p21 , p27 , p53, and phosphorylated retinoblasto-
As the carcinogenic process may be delayed or interrupted in ma (pRb) [16,43,88]. Any alteration of cell cycle–specific
each of its phases, several anticarcinogenic mechanisms may proteins by polyphenols can affect growth and prolifera-
be displayed. Chemopreventive blocker agents act immedi- tion of cancer cells. In addition, cell cycle checkpoints,
ately before or after initiation of carcinogenesis, and such as G1/S and G2/M, are also important targets for
chemopreventive suppressor agents act after initiation, polyphenols [40].
during the prolonged phases of promotion and progression
[18]. Dietary polyphenols modulate different cellular 4.4. Apoptosis
processes (pleiotropic effects) on cancer cells, acting as Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is a protective
chemopreventive blocker agents, chemopreventive suppres- mechanism against cancer, by removing genetically dam-
sor agents, or both [45] (Table 1). aged cells from the epithelium before they undergo clonal
Although not completely proved to occur in vivo, Ramos expansion. Thus, resistance to apoptosis is another hallmark
[12] pointed out the 6 main common chemopreventive of cancer [48]. The 2 major pathways that initiate apoptosis
effects that polyphenols can exert on cancer cells: (1) are (a) extrinsic, mediated by death receptors CD95/Fas/
antioxidant effect, (2) antiproliferation and antisurvival Apo1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 1, TNF receptor
effect, (3) induction of cell cycle arrest, (4) induction of 2, and death receptors 3 to 6 [23,89] and (b) intrinsic
apoptosis, (5) anti-inflammatory effect, and (6) inhibition of (mitochondria-mediated) [90]. In the mitochondria, propa-
angiogenesis and metastasis. Each of these effects will be gation of the apoptotic signal is regulated by proteins such as
analyzed next. Bcl-2 family members (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Bcl-w, which
exert antiapoptotic effects, and Bid, Bad, Bak, Bax, and Bim,
4.1. Antioxidant effect
which exert proapoptotic effects) [23,89,91]. A third
The most well-known property of polyphenols is their apoptotic pathway, the “endoplasmic reticulum stress”
antioxidant capacity [11-13]. This property depends on the pathway, has recently been described [89].
hydroxylation status of their aromatic rings [45]. Antioxi-
dant effects of polyphenols include the following: (a) 4.5. Anti-inflammatory effect
scavenging of free radicals [11,85], (b) chelation and The association between inflammation and CRC
stabilization of divalent cations, and (c) modulation of involves key inflammatory mediators such as NF-κB,
endogenous antioxidant enzymes (induction of phase II and TNF, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), lipoxygenase
inhibition of phase I [cytochrome P450 {CYP}] enzymes) [11,92], PPAR-γ [93], and, particularly, Cox. Constitutive
[11,16,85]. Because polyphenols are redox-sensitive com- Cox-1 and inducible Cox-2 are key isoenzymes involved in
pounds [86], depending on cell type, dose, and/or time of prostaglandin biosynthesis. Inhibition of Cox, particularly
treatment, they can also act as pro-oxidants, enhancing of Cox-2, may inhibit tumor cell growth, proliferation,
reactive oxygen species production, especially H2O2, and, angiogenesis, metastasis [11,92], and inflammation and
therefore, reducing cell growth [12]. induce apoptosis [7,92].
4.2. Antiproliferative and antisurvival effects 4.6. Antiangiogenic and antimetastatic effects
One of the most representative studies concerning Angiogenesis, the formation and growth of new blood
polyphenols ability to inhibit cellular proliferation was vessels from preexisting microvasculature [78], is a key
performed by Kuntz et al [50]. Of the 36 polyphenols tested, stage in tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. In an
30 demonstrated antiproliferative activity in the absence of intimate way, metastasis involves the interplay of extracel-
cell cytotoxicity in human CRC cell lines. The most lular matrix degradation, proteolysis, cell adhesion, cell
important signaling pathways regulating cell proliferation migration, angiogenesis, and invasion [12].
and survival involve phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase/protein Because the chemopreventive effect of polyphenols is
kinase B, growth factor receptors/Ras/mitogen-activated dependent on the particular compound selected, on its
protein kinases (MAPK), and, especially, nuclear factor concentration, time of treatment, and cell type studied, each
κ B (NF-κB) [12]. Constitutive activation of NF-κB is polyphenol must be analyzed individually. Thus, clarification
common in cancer, inhibition of its activation being a key of the molecular mechanisms by which polyphenols might
chemoprevention target [87]. exert a potential anticarcinogenic effect turns out to be an
important challenge [12]. The intestine is considered to be a
4.3. Induction of cell cycle arrest
promising site for chemoprevention because it is exposed to
Deregulated cell cycle is a hallmark of cancer. Cell higher doses of dietary polyphenols compared to most other
cycle control is a highly regulated process that involves tissues, which are exposed to similar or inferior levels to those
the modulation of cell cycle regulatory proteins, including found in plasma. In fact, most polyphenols are probably too
cyclins (cyclin A, B, Ds, or E); cyclin-dependent kinases hydrophilic to penetrate the gut wall by passive diffusion,
(CDKs) (CDK 1, 2, 4, or 6); and CDK inhibitors, such as having, thus, low systemic bioavailability [10,13]. After the
80 J.R. Araújo et al. / Nutrition Research 31 (2011) 77–87

Table 1
Mechanisms involved in the chemopreventive effect of polyphenols in colorectal cell lines
Polyphenol Cell type Cellular mechanism References
Quercetin HT-29, Caco-2, SW480, HCT-116, Cell growth inhibition and cytotoxic activity; [12,16,18,22,44,46-58]
IEC-6, FHC, VACO-235, COLO 201, reduction or stimulation of cell proliferation;
LS-174T, T84, DLD-1, LT97, rat decrease of cell migration; induction of cell cycle
and mouse colonocytes arrest, differentiation, apoptosis, and autophagy
Rutin HT-29 and Caco-2 Inhibition or no alteration of cell proliferation, [44,47,50,59]
differentiation, and apoptosis
Myricetin HT-29, Caco-2, SW480, T84, Cell growth inhibition; reduction of cell [47,50,59-61]
VACO-235, COLO 205 proliferation; induction of apoptosis;
antimetastatic properties
Chrysin HT-29, Caco-2, SW480 Cell growth inhibition; reduction of cell [47,50,59,62]
proliferation; induction of cell cycle
arrest and apoptosis
EGCG HT-29, Caco-2, SW480, SW837, Inhibition of cell growth, proliferation, neoplastic [12,45,47,59,63-72]
SW426, HCT-116, FHC, T84, murine transformation, invasion, and angiogenesis;
colon 26-L5, mouse colon 26 induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis
In a few cases, proliferation is increased.
Epicatechin HT-29 Weak or absent growth-inhibitory and [12,70,72]
apoptotic activity
Catechin HT-29 Weak or absent growth-inhibitory and [72,73]
apoptotic activity
Resveratrol HT-29, SW480, Caco-2, SW620, Inhibition of cell growth; induction of [17,47,52,57,59,74-81]
HCT-116, CCL 220.1, WiDr apoptosis; arrest of proliferation, cell cycle,
and neoplastic transformation
Xanthohumol HT-29, CCL 220.1, HCT-116–derived Inhibition of cell growth, proliferation, [78,82-84]
40-16 invasiveness, and angiogenesis; induction
of apoptosis, terminal differentiation, and
cell cycle arrest
Combination of polyphenols HT-29, Caco-2, SW480 Inhibition of cell growth and proliferation; [45,70]
induction of apoptosis
Combination of polyphenols HT-29, mouse colon 26 Inhibition of cell growth and proliferation; [70,71]
with therapeutic drugs induction of apoptosis
In certain cases, opposing results have been obtained because the studies were carried out in different cell types. In addition, the chemopreventive mechanism will
also depend on the concentration and time of treatment with the polyphenol(s) and/or therapeutic drug.

ingestion of 250 to 500 mg of polyphenol supplements, the Rutin and quercetin have shown a range of different effects
lumen of the colon can be exposed to concentrations around in in vivo animal models of CRC, inhibiting [44,46,48],
0.1 to 3 mmol/L [13,22,57,94], whereas the plasma promoting [98], or not influencing [58] CRC development.
concentrations are around 1 μmol/L [56]. Because of these contrasting effects, discussion whether
The aim of this review is to summarize the cellular and quercetin was carcinogenic or not was stimulated [22]. In
molecular chemopreventive effects of some dietary poly- vitro, quercetin was shown to inhibit growth and proliferation
phenols in CRC cell lines. The selected polyphenols of CRC cells such as the human adenocarcinoma HT-29 [44],
(quercetin, rutin, chrysin, myricetin, catechin, epicatechin, COLO 201, LS-174T [16,50], HCT-116 [56], SW480 [55],
EGCG, resveratrol, and xanthohumol) are some of the most and Caco-2 cells [50] and, in a much lower extent, of
representative in the human diet and have been previously nontransformed cells such as rat intestinal epithelial (IEC-6)
extensively studied by our group [47,59,95-97]. cells [51], and human fetal colon cells (FHC) [44,54]. In
addition, it was found to be cytotoxic for actively proliferating
cells and to cause undifferentiated cancer cell lines to
5. Quercetin and rutin
differentiate [57,62] (Table 1). Compared to quercetin, rutin
The flavonol quercetin (3,3′,4′,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) demonstrated a less significant effect, either inhibiting [50] or
is the most frequently occurring polyphenol in foods [85] and not altering [44] CRC cell proliferation (Table 1).
one of the most largely studied [11,13]. Quercetin is found in Several mechanisms explaining the in vitro antiprolifera-
abundance in onions, tea [13], apples, broccoli, berries [11], tive effect of quercetin have been proposed. These include:
and red wine [12]. Despite being converted to its glycoside (a) cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1, G2/M, and S phase [44,52];
rutin by the β-glycosidase enzymes of colonic microorgan- (b) inhibition of proliferation signal transduction pathway–
isms [51], this review will focus on quercetin rather than rutin associated enzymes [58] (eg, MAPK [46], phosphatidyl-
because the former has been studied in more detail. inositol-3-kinase [56], l-phosphatidylinosotol-4-kinase [99],
J.R. Araújo et al. / Nutrition Research 31 (2011) 77–87 81

protein kinase C, protein tyrosine kinases [56], and cyclic growth-inhibiting concentrations of quercetin might occur
adenosine monophosphate–sensitive casein kinases [46]); [56]. Third, quercetin may target different phases of cell cycle
(c) reduction of inflammatory metabolites formation through according to the concentrations used, probably blocking S
inhibition of Cox-2 activity and expression [58], lipoxy- phase at low concentrations and G1 phase at higher
genase and iNOS activities, and eicosanoid biosynthesis concentrations [57]. Finally, because the balance between
[18]; (d) interaction with type II estrogen receptors (ER) the antioxidant and the pro-oxidant activity of quercetin is
[16]; (e) down-regulation of expression of the cell cycle concentration dependent [56], high concentrations of quer-
genes cell division cycle 6 (CDC6), CDK4, and cyclin D1 cetin may be oxidized, thus generating reactive oxygen
[46,54]; (f) up-regulation of the tumor-suppressor genes species (superoxide radicals and H2O2), which induce
breast cancer type 2 susceptibility protein and mucin 2 and cytotoxicity and mutagenic alterations in cell culture systems
down-regulation of oncogene Ras [54] and survivin [49,53,56,58]. On the other hand, low concentrations of
expression [55]; (g) down-regulation of the β-catenin quercetin might behave as a powerful antioxidant and
pathway [18,55]; (h) rearrangement of cytoskeleton actin antimutagenic stimulus, effectively decreasing oxidative
microfilaments [54] and tubulin microtubules [100]; and (i) stress [53,56].
inhibition of P-glycoprotein, a membrane transporter that
extrudes chemotherapeutic drugs [101].
Besides inhibiting proliferation, quercetin has been 6. Myricetin and chrysin
reported to strongly induce apoptosis in poorly differentiated
Little attention has been paid to the study of the
SW480 cells [55] and in well-differentiated T84, VACO-235,
chemopreventive properties of the flavonol myricetin
[52] HT-29 [44], and Caco-2 cells [47,57,59] (Table 1).
[50,60,61,105] and of the flavone chrysin against CRC
Quercetin-induced apoptosis has been demonstrated to be
associated with the following: (1) DNA strand breakage
Myricetin (3,3′,4′,5,5,7′-hexahydroxyflavone) is structur-
[51,52]; (2) up-regulation of caspases 3 [52], 7, and 9 and
ally similar to quercetin [105] and occurs in significant
Bax; (3) proteolitic cleavage of nuclear enzyme poly
amounts in berries, tea, and red wine [105]. Studies have
(adenosine diphosphate [ADP]–ribose) polymerase; (4)
shown that myricetin has antiproliferative properties (Table 1):
release of cytochrome C; (5) down-regulation of Bcl-xL
it is cytotoxic to HT-29 cells due to an auto-oxidation process;
and Bcl-2 proteins [12]; (6) down-regulation of protein kinase
induces growth inhibition and apoptosis in Caco-2 cells due
B pathway [58], extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK)
to stimulation of apopain activity [50] and, in SW480, T84,
[53], and human EGFR 2 and 3 signaling [44]; and (7)
and VACO-35 cells, due to inhibition of EGFR kinases [61];
inhibition of heat shock protein synthesis [99] and protea-
and has potent antimetastatic properties because it inhibits
some activity [102]. An interesting fact is that quercetin can
matrix metalloproteinase isoform 2 activity and expression in
also induce CRC cell death through autophagy, a caspase-
various CRC cell lines [60].
independent type of cell death distinct from apoptosis [54]. In
Chrysin (5,7-dihydroxyflavone), present at high levels in
relation to rutin's effect on CRC cellular apoptosis, studies
honey and propolis [62], exerts growth-inhibitory and
are scarce and contradictory [44]. Rutin may induce [47,59]
antiproliferative effects in CRC cells [47,50,59,62] (Table 1)
or have no effect on apoptosis [44] (Table 1).
through induction of cell cycle arrest, particularly at the G2/M
In CRC cell lines, quercetin is also capable of reducing
phase [62], induction of CDK inhibitors p21WAF1/CIP1 [16]
cell migration, a prerequisite for cell invasion and one of the
and anti-inflammatory effects due to inhibition of Cox-2
most important tumorigenic properties [54] (Table 1).
expression [18], suppression of NF-κB and TNF-α activation
Interestingly enough, inhibition of cell proliferation by
[18,106], inhibition of iNOS, prostaglandin E2, and cytokines
quercetin showed, in some cases, a biphasic response: at low
(such as interleukin 6) production, inhibition of mieloperox-
concentrations (0.5-5 μmol/L), cell proliferation was mod-
idase activity [106], activation of PPAR-γ transcription factor
estly decreased by quercetin, [57,59] or even slightly
[107], and inhibition of proteasome activity [108]; and
increased [56,59], but at high concentrations (≥10 μmol/L),
induction of apoptosis [47,59,107], probably through activa-
cell proliferation showed a profound decrease. This biphasic
tion of caspase 3 and inactivation of Akt (protein kinase B)
effect on cell proliferation, generally called growth hormesis,
might be explained by several facts. First, at low concentra-
tions, quercetin might behave like a phytoestrogen acting as
an ER agonist [103], eventually inducing activation of
7. Catechin, epicatechin, and EGCG
intracellular MAPK pathways (ERK and c-Jun NH2-terminal
kinases) and leading to expression of survival genes (c-Fos Flavan-3-ols, also known as catechins, are mainly found
and c-Jun) [12,22], but at higher concentrations, quercetin in green and black tea and in red wine [11]. Green tea
may lead to inhibition of cell proliferation and activation of consumption has been associated with many health benefits
apoptosis [12], which are particularly seen in ER-positive including prevention of cancer and inflammatory diseases
CRC cell lines [22,56,104]. Second, regulatory overcorrec- [65,86,110]. Although epidemiological studies have not
tions by proliferation control mechanisms in response to low, yielded a clear positive correlation between tea consumption
82 J.R. Araújo et al. / Nutrition Research 31 (2011) 77–87

and cancer-risk reduction, there is no doubt that tea that concentrations of EGCG necessary for inhibition of
polyphenols have promising chemopreventive effects in activity of these enzymes (IC50 = 0.5-20 μmol/L) [86,110]
CRC cell models [45]. These effects can be attributed to are lower than those necessary for inhibition of CRC cell
some of its flavan-3-ols constituents (1 L of green tea growth (IC50 = 10-90 μmol/L) [110]. Other enzymes
infusion contains 1 g of flavan-3-ols) [13], mainly EGCG, inhibited by EGCG include DNA methyltransferase [63]
the most abundant one [6,111], and the less common (which reactivates the expression of methylated-silenced
epigallocatechin, epicatechin, and catechin [66]. Epigallo- genes such as the growth-inhibitory p16INK4a gene [70]),
catechin-3-gallate has been found to inhibit tumorigenesis in chymotryptic β subunit of the proteasome [63,102],
many animal models of CRC [16,17,65] and in studies using teleocidin-induced protein kinase C, 12-O-tetradecanoyl-
CRC cell lines [58,66,70,110]. In CRC cell lines, EGCG phorbol-13-acetate–induced epidermal ornithine decarbo-
may induce (1) inhibition of neoplastic transformation, xylase and urokinase [72]. Finally, EGCG may exert a pro-
growth, and proliferation [33,64,69]; (2) induction of cell oxidant effect because it may be oxidized generating
cycle arrest, particularly in the G0/G1 phase [70]; (3) superoxide radicals and H2O2 [33,86], which may, in turn,
induction of apoptosis [33,47,59,65]; and (4) inhibition of activate 5′-adenosine monophosphate–activated protein
cell invasion and angiogenesis [33,67] (Table 1). These kinase, down-regulate VEGF and the glucose transporter 1
effects may be achieved through the modulation of a wide [12], and inactivate EGFR [86], inducing apoptosis [33].
range of signaling molecules and their pathways, including However, it is not clear whether EGCG oxidation-induced
inhibition of growth factor–related cell signaling pathways effects also occur inside animal tissues because these are
(inhibition of EGFR activation; down-regulation of insulin- usually under lower O2 partial pressure (b40 mm Hg) than
like growth factors [IGFs] 1 and 2 [16,110], IGF receptor 1, cell culture systems (152 mm Hg) [86].
IGF binding protein 3 [12], human EGFR 2 [66], A matter of debate about EGCG is whether it binds to
transforming growth factor α [70], and platelet-derived membrane receptors and/or needs cellular uptake to exert its
growth factor; inhibition of platelet-derived growth factor chemopreventive effects on cancer cells [70]. A 67-kd
receptor β activation; down-regulation of fibroblast growth laminin surface receptor has been identified for EGCG [114]
factor and vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF]; being responsible for its interaction with lipid rafts, which
inhibition of VEGF receptors 1 and 2 activation; and could eventually result in alterations of membrane fluidity
down-regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1a [12]); down- and enzymatic activity of membrane-anchored proteins,
regulation of survival signaling pathways components such culminating in various downstream effects [63]. However,
as MAPK (c-Jun NH2-terminal kinases, ERK-1 and ERK-2, intestinal absorption of EGCG through passive nonionic
p38, and activating protein 1 transcription factor), signal diffusion of the undissociated form has also been demon-
transducer and activator of transcription, phosphatidyl- strated [115]. After transport, EGCG can be converted to
inositol-3-kinase, Akt [12], c-Fos [70], c-Jun, early growth aromatic short-chain fatty acid derivatives, particularly
response protein 1, and, very important, NF-κB [12]; phenylacetate, phenylbutyrate, and phenylpropionate
modulation of cell cycle regulators, such as inhibition of [66,112,116], that have been demonstrated to exert potent
cyclin D1, p21, p27, pRb, CDK-2, CDK-4, and CDK-6 [12] anticarcinogenic effects in CRC cells [117,118].
and activation of p16 and retinoic acid receptor β [45]; Similarly to quercetin, EGCG shows a biphasic response
modulation of apoptosis regulators, such as down-regulation on CRC cell proliferation [12,59,112,119]. This issue might
of the proteins Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bid, inhibitor of apoptosis be explained by several facts: (1) at low concentrations,
protein 2, X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis, and myeloid cell EGCG activates MAPK pathways, eliciting survival of CRC
leukemia 1 [12], release of apoptogenic cytochrome C cells, whereas at high concentrations, it activates the caspase
[12,45], second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase/ pathway, leading to apoptosis [12,119]; (2) overcorrection
direct inhibitor of apoptosis-binding protein with low pI and mechanisms in the presence of low, growth-inhibiting
apoptosis-inducing factor [12], up-regulation of Bax, Bad, concentrations of EGCG [56]; (3) modulation of different
caspases 3, 7, 8, and 9, and p53 [12,45], and proteolytic phases of the cell cycle in response to different concentra-
cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase [12,91,110]. tions of EGCG [57]; and (4) the balance between its pro-
Other mechanisms involved in EGCG anticarcinogenic oxidant and antioxidant activity [33,86,119].
effect include attenuation of the inflammatory response The flavan-3-ols with a galloyl moiety in their structure,
through inhibition of Cox and lipoxygenase expression and with EGCG being the most representative one, have a more
activity [71]; inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism pronounced chemopreventive effect against CRC cells [69]
[6,69]; reduction of expression and secretion of the compared to those without a galloyl moiety, such as
chemokines interleukin 8, TNF-α, macrophage inflammatory catechin and epicatechin. These 2 flavan-3-ols do not
protein 2 and 3α, and melanoma growth–stimulating activity display [73] or display only a moderate growth–inhibitory
α and γ [68]; and inhibition of expression and activity of [12,70,72] and apoptotic effect [12,70] (Table 1). Indeed,
DNA topoisomerase I [72], matrix metalloproteinases growth inhibition and apoptosis of CRC cells were found
(particularly matrix metalloproteinase isoforms 2 and 9) only with high concentrations (≥100 μmol/L) of catechin
[66,110], and telomerase [112,113]. An interesting point is and epicatechin [72]. Because of the magnitude of these
J.R. Araújo et al. / Nutrition Research 31 (2011) 77–87 83

concentrations, generation of H2O2 may be the explanation checkpoint kinases ataxia telangiectasia mutated and ataxia
for these effects [69]. telangiectasia and Rad3 related [43]; down-regulates the
transcriptional factors early growth response protein 1,
activating protein 1 transcription factor [7], c-Jun, c-MYC, c-
8. Resveratrol
Fos [43], and p65 NF-κB subunit [7]; and inhibits epidermal
The phytoalexin resveratrol (3,5,4′-trihydroxy-trans- growth factor, VEGF [16,43], and EGFR activation [45].
stilbene) is found largely in grape products [21,120], red Some authors argue that resveratrol has high-lipid solubility,
wine being its major source for human consumption so its major targets might be membrane components such as
[17,21,120], followed by peanuts, blueberries, and cranber- tyrosine kinases [74].
ries [7]. Its antitumor activity was first recognized in 1997 By exerting an antiestrogenic action [16], resveratrol can
when it was shown to block all 3 major stages of potentially inhibit estrogen-induced tumoral proliferation and
carcinogenesis induced by the polynuclear aromatic hydro- transformation [7]. Nevertheless, it must be taken into
carbon dimethylbenz(a)anthracene [120]. More recently, its account that depending on its concentration, cell type, and
antitumor activity has been confirmed in human cell lines ERs expression, this phytoestrogen [7] can act as an
[7,17,35,43,78,79,90] and animal models of CRC [121,122]. antagonist and/or agonist [75] of both α- and β-ERs [7,35].
In CRC cell lines, resveratrol (a) showed growth-inhibitory
activity [17,43,79]; (b) induced differentiation [120]; (c)
arrested cell proliferation [79-81] and neoplastic transfor- 9. Xanthohumol
mation [7,75]; (d) arrested the cell cycle in the S, G1/S
Xanthohumol is the most abundant prenylated chalcone
[43,52,79,81], G2/M [52,57,81] or, less frequently, in S/G2
in hops extract [125], beer being its major source of dietary
phase of cell cycle [81]; (e) induced apoptosis [7,79,80]; and
consumption [82]. Xanthohumol has been described as a
(f) presented antiangiogenic, anti-invasion, and antimeta-
broad-spectrum chemopreventive agent [83,126,127] in
static characteristics [43] (Table 1). Concentrations required
various cell- and enzyme-based in vitro bioassays
for resveratrol-induced apoptosis (100-200 μmol/L) are
[45,78,82-84,87,126,127], but only a few were performed
usually higher than those required to induce growth
in CRC cell lines (HT-29, HCT-116, CCL 220.1 [82,83], and
inhibition and cell cycle arrest (10-100 μmol/L) [79].
Caco-2 cells [84]) (Table 1). In enzymatic assays, xantho-
However, at lower concentrations (b1-10 μmol/L), resver-
humol was able (a) to modulate the activity of several
atrol targets multiple intracellular pathways responsible for
enzymes involved in carcinogen metabolism, namely, by
the aforementioned effects, including (1) inhibition of Cox-1
inhibiting CYP1A, CYP1B1, CYP1A2, CYP3A4, and
and Cox-2 [78,120], hydroperoxidase [120], and iNOS [7]
CYP2E1 and by inducing NAD(P)H:quinone reductase; (b)
activities [18]; (2) inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase
to scavenge reactive oxygen species production, including
isoform 2 and 9 expressions [7]; and (3) down-regulation of
hydroxyl, peroxyl [78], and superoxide anions [78,83]; and
DNA polymerase, ribonucleotide reductase, ornithine decar-
(c) to decrease inflammation by inhibiting Cox-1 and Cox-2
boxylase [79], and telomerase [35,77]. Resveratrol was also
activity [45], nitric oxide production [45,78], and TNF-α
found to (4) down-regulate CDKs 2, 4, 6, and 7 and p34cdc2
secretion [126]. In the assays performed in cancer cells,
[57,79,81,123] and their activators (cyclins A, D1, D2, and E
xanthohumol induces apoptosis [82,83,87], cell cycle arrest,
and β-catenin [57,79,81]), while up-regulating their inhibi-
particularly in S, S/G2, or at the end of G1 (subG1 peak)
tors, tumor suppressor p53 transcription factor, and their
phase [82,83], and terminal differentiation [83,126], and
responsive genes (p21, p21WAF1, p27, p27KIP1 , p300/cyclic
inhibits cell growth and proliferation [82,83] (through DNA
adenosine monophosphate response element binding protein
polymerase α activity inhibition) [126], invasiveness [87],
(CREB), apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1, Bak, Bax,
and angiogenisis [78,128]. In addition, xanthohumol also
PUMA, Noxa, and Bim), and Rb/E2F cell cycle pathway
demonstrates potent antiestrogenic properties, without
[7,35,43]. Still, other effects include (5) down-regulation of
possessing intrinsic estrogenic potential [45,126], and
Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, myeloid cell leukemia 1, X-linked inhibitor of
inhibits P-glycoprotein [82].
apoptosis, and interleukin 6 [7,43,76] and decrease of
At the transcriptional level, chemopreventive properties
survivin (inhibitor of apoptosis protein [IAP] family
of xanthohumol include down-regulation of p53/p53–
member) levels [46] and (6) up-regulation of poly (ADP-
negative regulator Mdm2 network and of Bcl-2 [83];
ribose) polymerase [16,35], caspase 3 and caspase 9 [45,81],
inhibition of NF-κB activity; up-regulation of Bax [82,87]
Fas ligands [74], ceramide biosynthesis [16,35], proteasome
and of caspases 3, 7, 8, and 9; and induction of poly (ADP-
activity [102], and cytochrome C release [7,43,45].
ribose) polymerase cleavage [83].
Resveratrol is also capable of modulating MAPK
transduction pathways (it up-regulates c-Jun, NH2-terminal
kinases 1 and 2, and p38 but down-regulates ERK-1 and
10. Combination of polyphenols
ERK-2 [124]); down-regulates Src tyrosine kinase [7,43],
focal adhesion kinase, protein kinase C isoform α and γ, Rather than a single compound, combinations of poly-
protein kinase B, kappa B kinase inhibitor [74], and the phenols may target overlapping and complementary phases
84 J.R. Araújo et al. / Nutrition Research 31 (2011) 77–87

of the carcinogenic process [7,21,45], thus increasing the Despite the evidence provided by cell culture studies
efficacy and potency of the chemopreventive effect [7,45,62]. presented in this article, the molecular mechanisms respon-
For instance, a synergistic effect when EGCG is used in sible for the anticarcinogenic effect of polyphenols,
combination with other flavan-3-ols, such as epicatechin particularly at physiologic doses, are not completely clarified
[45,70], toward inhibition of cell growth and proliferation [12,17,85]. To overcome this issue, investigation on this
and induction of apoptosis in CRC cells, has been subject should focus more on (a) studies about the combined
documented [70,71]. The same synergic effect occurs when chemopreventive effects of different polyphenols and of
EGCG is combined with therapeutic drugs, such as polyphenols and therapeutic drugs in cell culture and animal
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (sulindac and tamox- models and clinical trials [12]; (b) studies about polyphenol
ifen) [71] or with drugs used in chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, bioavailability (eg, intestinal absorption and metabolism) in
oxaliplatin, or paclitaxel) [70]. In other cell types, resveratrol animal models, to better elucidate the chemopreventive
and quercetin interact in more than an additive manner in the properties of its intestinal metabolites (particularly the
activation of caspase 3 and cytochrome C release, inducing conjugated ones) [10,78]; and (c) further clinical studies in
apoptosis [129]; in inhibition of cell growth and DNA human subjects to fully confirm and quantify the bioavail-
synthesis [130]; and in arrest of cells in G0/G1 and S phase of ability, safety, efficacy, and chemopreventive properties of
cell cycle [52]. polyphenols [18].

11. Polyphenols and BT: impact in CRC
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2006) and iBesa (Instituto de Bebidas e Saúde)/UNICER
epithelium homeostasis because it is the main energy source
bebidas SA.
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