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Abstract Format

1. Paper Title
Word Limit: 20 words. Format: Times New Roman, 14point font, bold, centered. Do not
write the heading Paper Title. Leave one-line space after the title.

2. Author’s Names
Full Name: Given Name Middle Initial Surname, (title). Format: Times New Roman, 12-
point font, bold, centered. Do not write the heading “Authors' Names”.

3. Author’s Affiliation
Name of Institution, City, Country. Format: Times New Roman, 11-point font, centered

4. Contact:
Include the email addresses of the author(s). Leave two lines after the contact.

5. Abstract:
Word limit: 500 words. Format: Times New Roman, 12-point font, justified. Do not write the
heading “Abstract” Leave two lines after the abstract.
*The abstract should include the 5 following parts. Leave one-line space after each part.




Conclusion and Recommendation:

6. Keyword(s):
Write the heading “Keyword’s:” Format: Times New Roman,12-point font, bold, align to the left.
Italicize the keywords. Format: Times New Roman, 12-point font. Leave one-line space.

7. Co-author(s):
Write the title “Co-author(s)” Format: Times New Roman, 12-point font, bold, align to the left.
Co-author’s affiliations Do not write the heading “Co-author’s affiliation” Provide each
affiliation after the co-author’s name.

 Document: No more than one page in length.
 Format: 2 cm margins on top and bottom; 2.5 cm margins at both sides, single-spaced.
 Paper size: Standard size (8.5 x 11" inches)
Abstract Layout

Paper Title
The first author1, The second author2, The third author3
Work place of the first author
Work place of the second author
Work place of the third author
Conclusion and Recommendation: _______________________________________________
Keywords: first keyword, second keyword, third keyword ….
Co-authors: The first co-author1, The second co-author2, The third co-author3
Work place of the first co-author, 2Work place of the second co-author, 3Work place of the third

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