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Serambi Mekkah University

Faculty of Public Health

Specialization Health Policy Administration
Skripsi, September 2014


NPM : 1016010094
“Factors Affecting Anxiety In The Face Primigravida Delivery Process In Health
Centers Blang Bintang Aceh Besar District 2014 "

xiv + 50 Page, 11 Table, 6 Appendix, 2 Picture

For a mother's first pregnancy ( primigravida ) is one of the periods of

crisis in his life. The crisis is a psychological imbalance glitches, as well as a
change of identity and the role that can cause anxiety . The PHC Blang Bintang in
Jan s/d in March 2014 a total of 112 pregnant women, of the 10 people
interviewed primigravida aged 19-35 years, 7 mothers say anxious in the face of
labor while 3 people say do not worry. In addition, support is also less supportive
husband and mother while facing labor thus causing anxiety, for it required a good
knowledge and positive attitude of the mother to overcome it. This study aims to
determine the factors that influence anxiety primigravida in the face of labor in
Puskesmas Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar District 2014 .
This study was a cross-sectional survey study analytic approach . The
population in this study were all primigravida pregnant women who visit each
health center to Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar regency period of January / d in
March 2014 as many as 112 people, with a total sample of 53 people. Sample
collection techniques are accidental sampling . Analysis of the data by using chi -
square statistics .
The result is that there is a relationship between knowledge, experience
and support primiravida mother's husband to anxiety in the face of labor in
Puskesmas Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar district in 2014, with the results of
statistical tests as follows : knowledge P Value = 0,002, experience with statistical
test results P Value = 0,004, and the support of her husband with the results of
statistical tests P Value = 0,317 .
It is suggested to head health centers in order to continue to improve the
training of the head of the family about the importance of immunization in

Keywords : anxiety, knowledge, experience, support the husband, childbirth

Reading List : 20 books ( 2000-2012 )

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