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In conclusion, “Edu for All” is a corporate service responsibility project for the good of the
native people society especially the primary school students where they are exposed to all sorts of
activity in order to enhance their interest in academic performance. On top of that, this project’s
main mission is to give awareness on the importance of knowledge in this century while helping
the students to find their path or goal to be achieved when they are matured enough to think. Other
than that, by conducting this project, we will create awareness among youth today especially
students towards the harmonic relationship between the civilized and native people. Next, by
exposing the native people with one of the current technology that is used in the industry of
agriculture, we hope that it will help their village to grow into a modern and more civilized one.
With that, it will one day make them realize the importance of science and technology in our daily
life that helps them to do any job easier.

We have by conducting the community service, achieved the targeted objectives where
wholly we were focusing the project towards getting the students of SK Ulu Geruntum involved
personally in the creation of hydroponic plantation used especially in Pahang which is at Cameron
Highland and would also educate them on the science behind how it works and the effectiveness
of this technology that will impact the agriculture activity of the native people. Throughout the
project we were also able to achieve all the specific objectives we wanted from the beginning to
the completion of the program. The goals achieved were :
 To enhance sustainable interest in academic performance
 To expose the students to applications of science in the real world.
 To encourage the students to read more and seek knowledge.
 To give awareness on how important knowledge is.
 To raise the awareness of students on the importance of personal hygiene.
 To stress on the importance of youth to give back to the society.

In addition, we had our fair share of our scope as the High Committee Department to make
the event a success. We manage and supervise the detailed event flow of activities that take place
on the day of the event and we were also in charge of the facilitator and students of SK Ulu
Geruntum well beings and ensure that the event runs smoothly without problems. Our department
members also took part in this activity to show that no exception exists for any leaders including
the Project Director to not participate in any sort of activity. This should give the student an insight
into how a participatory leader should be rather than the people who only coordinate and manage.
Overall, we have done a satisfactory job to supervise, facilitate and control the flow of activities
with the assistance of the Ceremony and Protocol Department.
Last but not least, it’s safe to say that the event turned out to be a successful one that we,
as a team, felt we had achieved the result we had expected to achieve. When we as a team
recaptured our progress through the " Edu for All " journey, we managed to help SK Ulu Geruntum
's student find their goal in the younger generation and encourage them to seek knowledge as much
as possible. We are delighted that community service has led to a significant change for our
students, society and team. Throughout the project, the result was so broad that the members of
the group developed a sense of social responsibility and community service, thus developing a
sense of need to give back to the community what we were taught at the University throughout our
years. Not only that, but also by involving students in the project, we have learned that the best
way to shape a society is by forming children, because they are able to understand and are also the
future of a nation. Therefore, indirectly, we not only helped build a better and preserved green
environment, but also helped foster the future of generation through the noble and responsible way
that they would one day become a good addition to future society.

Although this event was successful, several measures may be taken to improve the
performance of the event. Some of these measures include:

1. Pre-event meeting and post- event meeting: All group members must have a final
meeting prior to the event to highlight each other's roles in the event and the flow from
start to finish. Once the event has been concluded, all group members should meet again
to share their views on the performance of the event and discuss any problems encountered
during the event. This is a crucial point because even if one member is not present during
the briefing, the entire event flow could be disrupted and cause confusion among other
group members. The details of the roles discussed by each member must be very specific
and have no changes because last minute changes can reduce the efficiency of the program.

2. Research and Development: Event planning has become very fundamental with little
preparation. To make an event meaningful, organizers should come up with a new idea or
concept that no one has ever seen. With this said, each event should have at least one
element that makes it a surprise that helps people remember it for a long time and the
message that it interprets. This element can exist in many ways, such as how the presenter
presents his subject or how the facilitator interacts with students. This is especially
important for primary school students because they had many visitors from various
universities and even from other countries and we have to make it different so that the
student will remember it for the rest of their life. If the event does not stand out and
motivate the students, then it just defeats the purpose of our objective to stress on the
importance of seeking knowledge.

3. Propagation through social media: For most of the events that have taken place, it is
important to let society know about the effort that we are making, so that we can gain more
understanding. Instead of using social media for some unfavorable purposes, we could use
them to send the relevant information to the participant and the related society to let them
know that such a program will be running in their neighborhood. It would also add value
to the main goal by making the other community aware of the issue that is taking place and
starting to take the program as an example. In other words, the program will extend the
program to different parts of the world and make it a famous way to counter the problem
of the impurity of rivers around us. The use of social media can also give us new
alternatives and ways to improvise our program implementation method.

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