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George D. Gregory EdLarsen

3700 s i street sw 2300 Northwood Drive
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Salisbury, MD 21801
Members: PlOlS Worki i Croup ofthe IEEE Low-Voltageprdecbon'

Subcommittee Absbrvrct -
The PlOlS Working Group of the IEEE Low-
Voltage protection Subcommitteeisfiniisbingaaapplication
wide for low-voltage circuit brepLers. when tk p~pnwrrl
process has been completed, the guide Win be published in a
WWIEEE"Color Book" called the IEEEBlue Book. Tbis
CircuiiBrPkcr&" Chapter 7 ptoviecS an overview of tk
descriptions, applications, ratings, code comidemtiolrg test-
i n g ~ ~ b , d s e t t i a g s o f h - ~ c i r c u i t b r e P k e r s
e circuit breakccs wbih are tbe industrystandrvd for indus-
trial and commercial applications, "he&? chwa breakers
provide a range of Sdutbns for specirle applications of
overcurrent prdectioa.
7.1 Intmducbo'0
Themost widely wedcircuitbreakers areconventionalthennal-
magneticcircuitbreakers.Thesegeneralprvposecircuitbreakers Instantane.€)wtrip only circuit baealrers (motor circuit protec-
a r e t h e i n d u s l r y ~Thermal-magneticcircuitbreakersuse tors) provide &justable shortcircuit protection but no overload
bimetals and elecmmagnea- assembliesto~botll~
protection. They are magnetic triponlycimitbrealrers, with no
andmagneticovemrrent~tionTheircharacteristicinverse. thermalelements, and thexefm, p v i & no thermal protection.
time tripping (due to thebimetal) andan instantaneousaipping
characteristic (due to the ekaanagneac- portiOnofthecircuit Sinceexternalo~protectionmustbeusedwith~circuit
breaker) rn ideally suited for many applicaaons varying from breakeas,theycannotbeusedforttranchcircuitputection.These
residential loads to heavy industrial loads. A thmd @ping circuitbreakersare~yimarilyasComcomponentsinmotacircuits
action isonewhichemploysabimetal which bends with heat mtil incombinatiorrwithmsmtersstxhasin~m~cen~
itreleases themechanismwhichallowsthecircuitbreakertotrip. orindi~ualcombinationmatorstarters. Theyarealsousedin
Thermal hipping provides inverse time response, i.e., as the welding equipment fa shorwircuit protection only. Several
overloadincreaseS,theheatingandtripphgtimeSareredwed.A manufixtmm have add-on current-limibg attachments that, if
magnetictrippingactian is one whichemploysasolenoidmagnet added to the end ofthe instan- trip circuit hK!akef* will
response is instantaneous,with no trip &lay.
Therearealsoelectmnk tripcircuit breakers which use trans-
formers and sensors which measure and time cmxt levek and
canparethemtopredeterminedval~.whenthepedetermined circuitbreakertoitsintende!dapplication. settingsoftripadjust-
cucrent and timelevelshavebeenreached,the elecaonic trip unit men& are discussed along with applications requirements for
sends a signal to an internal solenoid w h i i trips the circuit
protection of motor circuits under the Natitml Electrical code.
breaker. Thetripunit canbeprogmmmedtope&rmamultiitude
OffunctionS. 7 3 Mining Circuit Breakers
Mining circuit brealrers are specifically designed for mining
tions, ratings, testing and setting adjustments modified to meet appliations and pennit the user to Comply with the Federal
q-tsoftheirspecialapp-. Low-voltageovercurrent Registerformkingstandards Theronnalapeaionofself-
pmtection devicesarede~as~rangingfromzerotloo0 ~lledminingequi~tsub~itsaairingcabletoeJrtreme
volts AC ms.Most low-vdtage systemsare600 vdts AC IS OT
k'Ihisguidecovexsbothmol&d - case~t~andknv - andfkquentflexing,twistingandcrushing. Asadt,ekmical
voltage power circuit breabers. faultsintrailingcablesoccurmuchmorefrequentlythanwiriagin
0-7803-06?4-1~$03@Em.W 1311
standard stationary installations. Additionally, the presence Current-limiting circuit breakers are available from 15-600
of loose coal dust and other combustible materials makes the amperes, rated up to 600 V, and have interrupting ratings up to
occurrence of such faults very hazardous. For these reasons, 200,OOO rms symmetrical amperes. These circuit breakers com-
adequate trailing cable protection is extremely important. pletely clear the faulted circuit within the first half cycle.

Circuitbnakersusedtoprotectundergmundcircuitshavetight 7.5 Molded-caseSwitches (Circuit Interrupters)

tolerances, dust shields and gaskets, non-moistwe absorbing materials, heavy-duty
Molded- switches are similar in construction to thermal-magnetic
operating mechanisms, and mmsion resistant nameplates. They must be located in areas
circuit breakers except that the thermal OverCurrent protection is not
which are accessible for inspection and testing and that have a safe roof. present. The magnetic short-circuit protection may or may not also be
removed. These switches are intended for use as disconnect devices
In the guide,details of ratings, testing and settingsare provided only. Because of their molded-consauction,theyare more compact
relative to the applicationof protecting trailing cables in mines. than conventionaldiscannect switches and accept electrical
accessories for added flexibility. They are discussed in this
7.4 Current-limiting Circuit Breakers chapter since construction and testing are similar to that of
circuit breakers of the same frame size.
Current-limiting circuit breakers are basically conventional
molded-case thermal-magnetic or electronictrip circuit breakers
There are two types of molded-case switches: non-automatic
designed so that high-speed contact separation is achieved under
and automatic. Standard non-automatic molded- switches have no
high-level fault conditions. This high-speed contact Separation thermal or magnetic hipping elements. They consist of circuit
effectively limitspotentiallyhigh-level faultcurrentsandisachieved by breaker contacts,bussing and lugs for the highest ampere
closely spaced parallel contact arms carrying current in o p site
directions. In some cases, the current-limiting contacts are a only. Although these devices are primarily used in motor branch
second set of contacts in series with the primary contacts. circuits,theyneednotbehorsepowerratedbecausenormallytheu
withstand ratings are much greater than the lacked rotor currents
Current-limiting circuit breakers not only provide high produced on such circuits. Automatic molded- switches
inter-rupting ratings, but also limit l e t - h g h current and also do not provide overcurrent protection. However,
energy to downstream devices and conductors. The they do include a preset non-adjustable magnetic trip
current-limiting action is sufficient to reduce Ip and Pt let- element point calibrated to protect the switch
through to values that can protect lowerrateddownstream against thedamaging effects of high-levelfault Currents.
components including branch and feeder circuit breakem.
M01ded -w~switchesare capable of making and breaking
A common application of this is using the current- load currents up to six times theii marked rating. As a result,
these switches can be applied where horsepower ratings are
limiting circuitbreaker as either an integralor remote main
quired. Molded-case switches meet the requirements of the
circuit breaker for lighting panelboards on systems with high
National Electrical Code Section 430-109:
available fault currents. This is called a series connected rating.
It is important to note that manufacturers must test to demonstrate ‘“Thedisconnecting means shall be a motor circuit
that the downstream device is protected. There is presently no switch rated in horsepower, a circuit breaker, or a
accurate method of calculating this protection. moldedase switch (non-automatic circuit interrupter).”
Underwriters Laboratories Standard UL 489 defines a current- Molded- switches used as service disconnects must be
limitingcircuitbreakeras: “Acircuitbreakerthatdoesnotemploy a marked ”Suitablefor use as service equipment.” Both automatic
fusible element and that when operating within its current-limiting range, andnon-automaticswitchesaretestedforashortcircuitwithstand
limitsthe let-through 12t to a value less than the Pt of a 1/2 cycle wave rating with an overcurrent protective device in series. The
of the syrnmemd prospective current.” short-circuit rating is marked on the switch.

Current-limiting circuit breakers can be reset and service re- Molded- switches have ratings similar to those of safety
stored in the same manner as conventional circuit breakers even switches with ratings from 30 to 1200 amps at 250 or 600volts.
after clearing maximum level fault currents. Of course,whenever Details of ratings and testing are included in the section.
it is suspected that acircuitbreakerhasinterruptedafaultator near
its interrupting rating, a visual or opemtional inspection should be 7.6 Integrally-fused Circuit Breakers
made to assess differencesfrom a new circuit bmker. If differ-
ences are significant,additional functional testing or
replacement is called for. available fault currents. They are available in both molded-case

and powercircuit breaker constructions. They provide distributorswhostockordinarycurrent-limiting fusesrarely
high interrupting capability through the use of stock these current-limiting fuses. It is wise tokeep at
specially designed least one set of spare limiters of each size used.
current-limiting fuseswhich are assembled into the housing of the
Details of testing are provided in the section including a discussion
circuitbreaker or,in the case of high ampere power
circuitbreaker frames, in a separate fuse truck. The fuses in these of coordinationbehveen the circuit breaker and fuse.
devices are designed to blow, and need replacement, only after a high-
level fault. The circuit breaker portion is inteflocked so that when any
fuse opens, the circuit breaker will automatically trip, opening all The five categories presented in Chapter 7 were care.My
poles of the circuit breaker, and eliminating the possibility of chosen as those categories most used. They are
singlephasingcausedbytheopeningofoneofthefusesAddition.-ally, also rreated as defmite categoriesby codes,
many circuit H e r s are equipped with a mechanical inter-lock which prohibits the standards and regulating authorities.
circuit breaker from closing with a missing or blown fuse.
of the P1015 Working Group.
In the molded- circuit breaker construction, the fuses are
generally located within an added housing and separated hthe References
sealed trip unit of the circuit breaker for easy access. In
[1 I UL 489 Standardfor Safety Molded-Case Circuit Breakers
power circuit breaker construction, the fuses are mounted on the
rear of the circuit breaker frame or in a separately mounted fuse andcircuit-BreakerEncloswes,EighthEdition. Northbrook,
truck. Both mounting methods provide easy access to the fuses. IL., Underwriters LaboratoriesInc., 1991.
121American National Standard Test Proceduresfor Low-Volt-
Whenapp~edonhighshort-circuitcurrentcapacitysystems,the age AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures. ANSI
effectsof the let-through characteristicsof the fused circuitbreak-ers C37.50-1989.
on downstream equipment must be considered. The presence of the
current-limitingfuse as part of the fiwd circuitbreaker does not [31 UL 508 Standard for Safety Industrial Control Equipment.
necessarily imply that the downstream equipment can ad-equately Northbrook, IL., Underwriters LaboratoriesInc., 1991.
withstand these effects. Manufacturers must test to
assuterhatinallcombinationsthedownstreamdeviceispr~ted. There is no
[4] UL 845 Standard for Sdety Motor Control Centers,
accurate method of calculating this protection. Northbrook, IL., Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 1991.

Fused circuit breakers do not have any current-limiting effect until the [5] National Electrical Code 1990. Quincy, MA, National Fire
current associated with the fault exceeds the threshold current of Protection Association, 1989.
the fuse. The fused circuitbreaker performs as any other circuit breaker
[6] Title 30 - Mineral Resources, “Chapter 1 - Mine Safety
in the overload and low short-circuitrange. How-ever, as the shortxircuit
current begins to a p v h the capacity of the circuit breaker, the fuse clears
the fault preventing circuit breaker damage. The fuse clears the Health Administration.” Code of Federal Regulations.
fault within the 1st half cycle and greatly reduces the Ip and Pt let-
[7] Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Molded Case Switches,
boughs. Because the fuse
NEMA Standards Publication No.AB 1,1986.

a current-limiting fuse or limiter. [8] UL Recognized Component Directory. Northbrook, E.,

Underwriters LaboratoriesInc.
Where downseeam protection of smaller circuit breakers is
required, smaller cmnt-limiting fuses can be used to protect [9] UL 1087 Standard for Safety Molded-Case Switches.
these circuit breakers. Using fused circuit breakers to protect standad Northbrook, IL., Underwriters Laboratories Inc.,1986.
circuit breakers downstream is sound design, provided the [ 101 An American National StandardlIEEE Standard for
manufacturer’s cooTdination data is applied carefully and it is Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures.
understood that reduced size limiters may be necessary and may result in ANSVIEEE C37.13-1990.
less than ideal coordination within the fused circuit breaker and
therefore more frequent blowing of the limiter fuses. In no case should 111 American National Standard Preferred Ratings, Related
combinations of trip devicesand fuses which are not approved by the Requirements, ana‘ Application Recommendationsfor Lav-
manufacturer be installed. Where fuses of different manufacture are Voltage Power circuit Breakers and AC Power
being considered for the same system, the characteristia and peak let- Circuit Pro-tectors. ANSI C37.16-1989.
through current of a given fuse rating may vary substantiallybetween
123 American Natwnal Standard for Trip Devices for AC and
manufacturers. Electrical
General Purpose DC Low-VoltagePower Circuit Breakers.
ANSI C37.17-1979(R1988).

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