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Definición de energía

Energy is the ability to produce some kind of work or set something in motion . Although the term can be defined
from a wide variety of approaches, the truth is that they all have some kind of relationship with the definition
provided. Energy is a topic of enormous relevance for human activity, insofar as it allows the development of life on
earth and sustains economic activity .

The most important source of energy for man is the sun . This is thanks to sunlight that vegetables can, through
cells specially designed for this task, take energy and produce their own food that results in the production of
oxygen. Thus seen the facts, the vegetables also constitute the first source of energy of the alimentary chain,
insofar as they serve to nourish the herbivores, and from there, to all the rest of the alive beings, including the
scavengers. In fact, the energy provided by the sun in the form of light (photons or light energy) is transformed by
plants into chemical energy , stored in nutrients. This energy is in turn released as heat energy by animals.

It is worth noting that, for the activities of production of goods and services, the requirement of energy sources is
also important . That is why the exploitation of energy resources has an enormous strategic importance , because
it is the basis on which the entire economy is put into operation . The main sources of energy in this sense are
hydrocarbons, which are organic compounds that are made up of hydrogen and carbon; thus, natural gas and oil
are indispensable for human activity to develop in our days. It is interesting to note that these products have
originated from a slow and progressive process that had as starting point living beings, which is why they are
known as " fossil fuels ". In strict terms and remembering the previous paragraph, the energy contained in these
products does not stop being also originated in the sun, although thousands of years ago.

One of the main problems currently awaiting solution is the need to extract energy from new sources . A possible
answer was offered for a long time by nuclear energy , but its cost and the dangerous accidents associated with it
acted to the detriment of this possibility. Other variants to generate energy can be the use of the wind, the tides,
the heat of the earth, the rivers, etc. In the particular case of propulsion by moving air, known as wind power, has
been known since ancient times in the framework of the use of mills with the most varied purposes. At present, it is
possible to obtain large aliquots of energy with this resource, although it is limited to windy areas. On the other
hand, the movement of water (whether by tides or river activity) represents a resource of great interest for its
cleanliness and its ecological characteristic, although it may depend to a great extent on climatic and environmental
factors. flow of water courses involved in the process. The use of solar cells to accumulate energy directly from the
photons of the sun is a remarkable possibility, although it is admitted that a large number of cells is required to
achieve this effect even for small consumers. Finally, some alternative ways, like wood energy (obtained from the
waste of wood), geothermal energy (from the heat of the Earth) and bioenergy (like the gas produced by certain
strains of bacteria) are a door of hope for the generation of energy. In the future, new possibilities will be
appreciated regarding this issue.

... via Definicion ABC https://www.definicionabc.com/ciencia/energia.php

Tipos de energía

August 18, 2012

There are many types of energy, here we will try to list them all or the main majority of them with a brief
explanation of how they are.
1. Electric power
2. Light energy
3. Mechanical energy
4. Thermal energy
5. Wind power
6. Solar energy
7. Nuclear energy
8. Kinetic energy
9. Potential energy
10. Chemical energy
11. Hydraulic energy
12. Sound energy
13. Radiant energy
14. Photovoltaic energy
15. Reaction energy
16. Ionic energy
17. Geothermal energy
18. Seawater energy
19. Electromagnetic energy
20. Metabolic energy
21. Hydroelectric power
22. Magnetic energy
23. Heat energy
1. Electric Power

The electric energy is the energy resulting from a difference of potential between two points and that
allows to establish an electric current between the two, to obtain some kind of work, it can also be
transformed into other types of energy between which are light energy or light , mechanical energy and
thermal energy.
2. Light energy
The luminous energy is the fraction that is perceived of the energy that transports the light and that can be
manifested on the matter in different ways such as tearing the electrons from the metals, behaving as a
wave or as if it were matter, although the most normal is that it moves like a wave and interacts with
matter in a material or physical way, we also add that it should not be confused with radiant energy.
3. Mechanical energy

The mechanical energy is due to the position and movement of a body and is the sum of the potential
energy, kinetic energy and elastic energy of a body in motion. It reflects the ability of bodies with mass to
do a job. Some examples of mechanical energy could be found in hydraulic, wind and tidal energy.
4. Thermal energy
Thermal energy is the force that is released in the form of heat, it can be obtained by nature and also by
the sun by an exothermic reaction such as the combustion of fuels, nuclear fusion or fission reactions,
through electrical energy by the effect called Joule or finally as a residue of other chemical or mechanical
processes. It is also possible to take advantage of nature's energy that is in the form of thermal energy,
such as geothermal energy or photovoltaic solar energy.
Obtaining this thermal energy also implies an environmental impact due to the fact that carbon dioxide
(commonly called CO 2) is released during combustion and different types of polluting emissions, for
example the current technology in nuclear energy gives radioactive waste that must be controlled . In
addition to this we must add and take into account the use of land for power generation plants and
pollution risks due to accidents in the use of the materials involved, such as oil spills or petrochemical
derivative products.
5. Wind Energy

This type of energy is obtained through the wind, thanks to the kinetic energy generated by the effect of
air currents.
Currently this energy is used mainly to produce electricity or electricity through wind turbines, according
to statistics at the end of 2011 the global capacity of wind generators accounted for 238 gigawatts, in this
same year this type of energy generated about 3% of electricity consumption in the world and in Spain
Wind energy is characterized by abundant, renewable and clean energy, it also helps to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and emissions by replacing fossil fuel-based thermoelectric plants, which makes it a type of
green energy, the largest inconvenient of this would be the intermittence of the wind that could suppose in
some occasions a problem if it was used on a large scale.
6. Solar Energy

Our planet receives approximately 170 petawatts of incoming solar radiation (insolation) from the highest
layer of the atmosphere and only an approximate 30% is reflected back to space the rest of it is usually
absorbed by the oceans, land masses and clouds.
The electromagnetic spectrum of sunlight on the earth's surface is mainly occupied by visible light and
infrared ranges with a small part of ultraviolet radiation. The radiation that is absorbed by clouds, oceans,
air and earth masses increases the temperature of these .
The heated air is the one that contains evaporated water that rises from the oceans, and also in part of the
continents, causing atmospheric circulation or convection. When the air rises to the upper layers, where
the temperature is low, its temperature decreases until the water vapor condenses forming clouds. The
latent heat of water condensation amplifies convection and produces natural phenomena such as storms,
anticyclones and wind. The solar energy absorbed by the oceans and landmasses maintains the surface at
14 ° C. For the photosynthesis of green plants, solar energy is converted into chemical energy, which
produces food, wood and biomass, from which fossil fuels also derive.

Solar 3,850,000 EJ 7

Wind power 2,250 EJ 8

Biomass 3,000 EJ 9

Use of primary energy (2005) 487 EJ 10

Electricity (2005) 56.7 EJ 11

It has been estimated that the total energy absorbed by the atmosphere, oceans and continents can be
3,850,000 exajoules per year. . In 2002, this energy in one second was equivalent to global energy
consumption for one year. Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass, which
represents only 0.08% of the energy received by the Earth. The amount of solar energy received each year
is so vast that it is approximately twice as much of all the energy ever produced by other sources of non-
renewable energy such as oil, coal, uranium and natural gas.
How is it obtained?
It is obtained from the use of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, the solar radiation that reaches our
planet can also be exploited by means of sensors that through different technologies (photovoltaic cells,
heliostats, thermal collectors) can be transformed into thermal or electrical energy and also it is one of
those classified as clean or renewable energies.
The radiation power can vary according to the time of day, as well as the atmospheric conditions that
dampen it and the latitude. in good radiation conditions the value is usually about 1000 W / m² (this is
known as irrandiancy) on the earth's surface
Radiation is usable in its direct and diffuse components, or in the sum of both. Direct radiation is that
which comes directly from the solar focus, without intermediate reflections or refractions. While the
diffuse is that emitted by the daytime celestial vault thanks to the multiple phenomena of solar reflection
and refraction in the atmosphere, in the clouds and the rest of atmospheric and terrestrial elements. Direct
radiation can be reflected and concentrated for its use, while it is not possible to concentrate the diffuse
light coming from all directions.
The normal direct irradiance (or perpendicular to the sun's rays) outside the atmosphere, is called the solar
constant and has an average value of 1366 W / m² (corresponding to a maximum perihelion value of 1395
W / m²). minimum value in the aphelion of 1308 W / m²).
According to Greenpeace reports, solar photovoltaic energy could supply electricity to two thirds of the
world's population by 2030.
7. Nuclear energy
This energy is released from the result of a nuclear reaction, it can be obtained by two types of processes, the first is
by Nuclear Fusion (union of very light atomic nuclei) and the second is by Nuclear Fission (division of heavy
atomic nuclei).

In the nuclear reactions, a great amount of energy is usually released due in part to the mass of particles involved in
this process, it is transformed directly into energy. The above is usually explained based on the relationship between
mass-energy product of the genius of the great physicist Albert Einstein.

8. Kinetic energy

The kinetic energy is the energy that an object owns due to its movement, this energy depends on the
speed and mass of the object according to the equation E = 1mv2, where m is the mass of the object and
v2 the speed of the same squared.
The energy associated with an object located at a certain height on a surface is called potential energy. If
the object is dropped, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. (see image)
9. Potential energy
In a physical system, the potential energy is energy that measures the ability of the system to perform a
job based exclusively on its position or configuration. It can be thought of as the energy stored in the
system, or as a measure of the work a system can deliver. Usually abbreviated with the letter U or Ep.
The potential energy can be presented as gravitational potential energy, electrostatic potential energy, and
elastic potential energy.
More rigorously, the potential energy is a scalar quantity associated with a field of forces (or as in
elasticity a stress tensor field). When the potential energy is associated with a field of forces, the
difference between the values of the field at two points A and B is equal to the work done by force for any
path between B and A.
10. Chemical Energy

This energy is retained in food and fuel. It is produced due to the transformation of chemical substances
that contain food or elements, making it possible to move objects or generate another type of energy.
11. Hydraulic power

Hydraulic energy or water energy is one that is extracted from the use of energy (kinetic and potential) of
the flow of rivers, waterfalls and tides, in some cases is a type of energy considered "clean" because its
impact environmental is usually almost zero and uses water power without repressing it in others is only
considered renewable if it does not follow those premises previously said.
12. Sound Energy
This type of energy is characterized by the vibration or movement of an object that also vibrates the air
that surrounds it, these vibrations are transformed into electrical impulses that our brain interprets in
13. Radiant Energy

This energy is what electromagnetic waves have such as visible light, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), radio
waves, etc.
Its fundamental property is that it propagates in the void without the need for any material support, it is
transmitted by units called photons, these units act in turn as particles, the physicist Albert Einstein raised
all this in his theory of the photoelectric effect thanks to which he won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.
14. Photovoltaic Energy
Photovoltaic energy and its systems enable the transformation of sunlight into electrical energy, in short it
is the conversion of a luminous particle with energy (photon) into an electromotive energy (voltaic). The
main characteristic of a photovoltaic energy system is the photoelectric cell , a device built of silicon
(extracted from common sand).
15. Reaction energy

It is a type of energy due to the chemical reaction of the energy content of the products is, in general,
different from that corresponding to the reagents.
In a chemical reaction the energy content of the products This defect or excess of energy is what is put
into play in the reaction. The energy absorbed or detached can be of different forms, light energy,
electrical, mechanical, etc ..., although the main one is usually in the form of heat energy. This heat is
usually called heat of reaction and usually has a unique value for each reaction, the reactions can also due
to this be classified as exothermic or endothermic, depending on whether there is detachment or
absorption of heat.
16. Ionic energy

The ionization energy is the amount of energy that is needed to separate the less strongly bound electron
from a gaseous neutral atom in its ground state.
17. Geothermal energy
This corresponds to the energy that can be obtained based on the use of the internal heat of the earth, this
heat is due to several factors among the most important are the geothermal gradient, radiogenic heat,
etc. Geothermal comes from the Greek geo , "Earth", and thermos , "heat"; literally "heat of the Earth".
18. Tidal energy

It is the result of the use of the tides, is due to the difference in average height of the seas according to the
relative position of the Earth and the Moon and as a result gives the gravitational attraction of the latter
and the sun over the oceans.
From this difference in height, energy can be obtained by interposing moving parts to the natural
movement of rising or falling waters, together with channeling and deposit mechanisms, to obtain
movement in an axis.
19. Electromagnetic energy

The electromagnetic energy is defined as the amount of energy stored in a part of the space to which we
can grant the presence of an electromagnetic field and which is expressed according to the strength of the
electric and magnetic field of the same. At a point in space the density of electromagnetic energy depends
on a sum of two terms proportional to the square of the field strengths.
20. Metabolic energy
This type of energy called metabolic or metabolism is the set of reactions and physical-chemical processes
that occur in a cell. These complex interrelated processes are the basis of life at the molecular level, and
allow the various activities of cells: grow, reproduce, maintain their structures, respond to stimuli, etc.
21. Hydroelectric power

This type of energy is obtained by dropping water from a certain height to a lower level, thus causing the
movement of mechanisms such as hydraulic wheels or turbines. This hydroelectricity is considered as a
natural resource, only available in areas with a sufficient amount of water . Its development requires the
construction of dams, swamps, bypass channels as well as the installation of large turbines and the
additional equipment necessary to generate this electricity.
22. Magnetic Energy
This energy that develops on our planet or in natural magnets. it is the consequence of the telluric electric
currents produced in the earth as a result of the different solar thermal activity on the earth's surface, and it
lets its action be felt in the space that surrounds the earth with variable intensity in each point
23. Heat Energy

The calorific energy is the manifestation of energy in the form of heat . In all materials the atoms that
make up their molecules are in continuous movement either moving or vibrating. This movement implies
that atoms have a certain kinetic energy that we call heat or heat energy.

Kinetic Energy And Potential Energy

Energy is a physical quantity that is displayed in multiple manifestations. Defined as the ability to perform work and
related to heat (energy transfer), is perceived primarily in the form of kinetic energy, associated with movement, and
potential, which depends only on the position or state of the system involved.

Kinetic energy
The work done by forces that exert their action on a body or system in motion is expressed as the variation of a quantity
called kinetic energy , whose formula is given by:

The product of the mass m of a particle by the square of the velocity v is also called living force , so the above
expression is known as the kinetic energy theorem or the Living Forces.

Gravitational potential energy

Every body subjected to the action of a gravitational field has a gravitational potential energy, which depends only on
the position of the body and can easily be transformed into kinetic energy.
A classic example of gravitational potential energy is a body located at a certain height h above the earth's surface. The
value of the gravitational potential energy would then be given by:
where m is the mass of the body and g is the acceleration of gravity .

If the body is dropped, it acquires speed and, with it, kinetic energy, while losing height and its gravitational potential
energy decreases.

Elastic potential energy

Another common form of potential energy is that which has a spring when compressed. This elastic potential energy has
a value equal to:

where x is the position of the end of the spring and k a constant of proportionality. Releasing the spring releases elastic
potential energy, while the end of the spring acquires speed (and also kinetic energy).

When compressing a spring, a work is performed that accumulates as an elastic potential energy.

Mechanical energy
In physical processes, energy is usually stored in bodies in a combined form of kinetic and potential. This sum of
energies is called mechanical energy , and is written generically as:
Forces that intervene in a body thrown up: one generates movement (kinetic energy) and the other, the weight,
accumulates gravitational potential energy to the highest point of the trajectory.

Conservation of mechanical energy

One of the basic principles of physics is that energy is not created or destroyed, but only transformed from one state to
another. This principle also extends to mechanical energy. Thus, in an isolated system, the sum of kinetic and potential
energies between two instants of time remains constant.

In this way, kinetic energy is transformed into potential, and vice versa, but the sum of both is always conserved (when
the system is isolated and no dissipative forces are applied ).

Mechanical power
The energy transferred (or the work done) per unit of time under the action of a force is called mechanical power , and is
expressed as:

If the definition of work is considered ( see t11 ), it must:

The power unit in the International System is the watt (symbol W), equivalent to a July divided by a second (1 W = 1 J /
1 s).

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