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When is an endangered animal considered?

An animal is considered in danger of extinction when its number is compromised

worldwide, this is due to the extermination of a resource on which each and every
one of the species depends. Whether by poachers or large-scale logging.


Throughout the history of the Earth, different animals and plants have appeared and
disappeared. Some of them have become extinct due to climate change, if species
can not adapt to that new climate, perish. Some species become extinct because
they can not compete with each other for food; Others are exterminated by their
enemies, massive hunting. In some cases it is prohibited; But many poachers do not
respect that prohibition.


A threatened species is one that is at risk of disappearing. These species are grouped into
several categories: Vulnerable: a species at risk of extinction. Endangered: a species with
very high risk of extinction. Critically Endangered: a species at extreme risk of
BERRENDO Their populations and range have declined considerably due to one of the most serious
problems for this species, the destruction and modification of habitat, as well as poaching. It has been
estimated that there are no more than 200, 250 and 750 specimens for the subspecies.

MEXICAN WOLF Because the wolves have been repudiated by cattle ranchers, who
argued that they lost their calves, cows, horses and donkeys by the attacks of these
canids, in the 1950s they were condemned to extermination. At the beginning of 1990
some authors considered that as soon as 10 wolves were left free. At present, the wolf
population is only 260 wolves between the United States of America and Mexico.

BLACK BEAR The black bear was an important piece of big game in Mexico so its
populations were reduced, forcing it to be considered as an endangered species, so that
hunting was prohibited. American black bears, unlike other species of bears, are able to
live close to humans; However, one of the important causes of the decline in their
populations has been the loss of habitat.
In Mexico, about 50% of the world's cetacean species live. In the Pacific and the North Atlantic these animals
reach an average length of 24.5 meters. Although this whale was intensely exploited throughout the world
reducing its population from 200 thousand to less than 13 thousand individuals.

SEA COW Only exists in some places of Tabasco, Chiapas Campeche, Quintana Roo and
Veracruz, originally the distribution also comprised Tamaulipas. It is a fully aquatic
mammal and in this medium passes its entire life cycle. You can find animals alone as well
as in small groups. It is active both in the day and at night and its feeding is herbivorous.

In the jungles of Chiapas, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras lives this macaw. In recent
years, a large number of these birds have disappeared because of their illegal traffic. A bird
trafficker smuggles Mexico to the United States at least 2,500 drugged birds hidden in rim caps,
bras, girdles, hair tubes and many other containers in just two years.

Ways to avoid it
We as people if we want to achieve something great and really help animals, we need to start changing habits
in ourselves, in our homes and in our community. Garbage is a big problem that also affects endangered
animals. For through it the environment is polluted. With the community or colony we can make campaigns
to inform other people about this problem and its consequences, we can also talk with the government to
reach an agreement on this problem (making ecological reserves).

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