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Great Information on Varaha Mihira works

Here is the long list of texts by Varahamihira known to me, and it does not contain any Muhurta text.

1) Pancha siddhantika (On five ancient theory texts on astronomical mathematics. AD. 525)
2) Brihat Jataka (Large Horoscopy. AD 550.)
3) Laghu Jataka (Small Horoscopy)
4) Brihat Yogayatra (Mahayatra, Yakshaswamedhiya Yatra, Large Course on Expedition. Written before
the period of Brihat Samhita.)
5) Laghu Yogayatra (Swalpa Yatra, Short Course on Expedition.
6) Tikkani Yatra (Vatakkanika, Vatakanika, Shorter Course on Expedition.)
7) Brihat Vivaha Patala (Large Treatise on Marriage.)
8) Laghu Vivaha Patala (Swalpa Vivaha Patala, Short Treatise on Marriage.)
9) Brihat Samhita (Large compendium on natural astrology. AD 585)
10) Laghu Samhita (Samasa Samhita, Swalpa Samhita, Small compendium on natural astrology.)
11) Lagna Varahi (On Ascendant)
12) Kutuhala Manjari (Just for joy. Probably a work on poetics. Bellalasena the 12th century king and
author of Adbhuta sagara has mentioned that Varahamihira wrote a book on poetics.)
13) Daivajna Vallabha (apocryphal. Favorite to astrologers. On Prasna. Some ascribe this text to the
11th century scholar Sripati.
14) Horapanchahotraya (Astrological considerations for archeological undertakings.)
15) Panchapakshi (Bio rhythms of natal Moon. )
16) Bahvascharyajataka (Wonderful horoscope. About natural astrology.)
17) Bahuchodya (Many questions.)
18) Prashnamahodadhi (The sea of Prasna. )
19) Prasnachandrika (The Moonlight on Prasna).
20) Yavanajataka (Persian horoscopy . This text is different from the works of Sphujidhwaja and
Meenaraja on Persian horoscopy)
21) Angachudamani (Physiognomy.)
22) Jatakanavasangraha (Chayadhikara, Compendium for drawing the horoscope of a newborn baby.)
23) Shringaratarangini (On erotics. Bellalasena the 12th century king and author of Adbhuta sagara has
mentioned that Varahamihira wrote a book on erotics.)
24) Shatpanchasika (apocryphal, Some ascribe it to Prithuyasas, son of Varahamihira.)

The above is information taken from writings of my friend Mr. Sreenadh OG. He is a scholar from
Kerala, and was admin of ancientindianastrolgy yahoo group

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