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O mundo de Airú e Yorewa, diálogo de conhecimentos para a construção da rede trófica dos peixes dos lagos de

Yahuarcaca (Amazonas, Colômbia)

The world of Airú and Yorewa, Dialogue of traditional knowledge to build a fish trophic web in Yahuarcaca lakes
(Amazonas, Colombia)
Prieto-Piraquive, E a,e,g; Damaso, J d;, Vidal-Abarca a, MR; Suárez a, ML; Cuevas, D; Rodríguez, C c; Taphorn, D; Sabogal-González, Af; Duque, SR b, Corredor, D,e
a Universidad de Murcia, . b Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Amazonia, c Fundación Tropenbos Internacional-Colombia, d Resguardo Tikuna-Cocama de La Playa, e

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, f Centro de Investigación en Acarología S.A.S., g Fundación Grupo PROA

Ethnobiology is the discipline devoted to investigate, among other issues, the Methodology
detailed traditional or local ecological knowledge (LEK) that is usually held by
local human communities who have been using and managing natural
ecosystems for a long time (Berkes, 1999). Surveys analysing LEK have been
providing new biological information as well as contributing to the
development of management and conservation measures in several research
areas, such as fish ecology and fisheries (Silvano et al. 2008).

1) Conformation and analysis of the trophic network of the ichthyofauna of the
Yahuarcaca lakes during high and low water seasons, having as primary sources
data from scientific collections and from records of local fishermen trained in METHODOLOGY
various ethnobiological methodologies for data collection.
2) Highlights of the contributions that can be generated from the exchange of Scientific fishing Bibliographic review Traditional fishing

knowledge for mutual benefit: incorporating popular local knowledge into the
Collection of material
generation of scientific knowledge and helping strengthen management Registration of the trophic guilds of 65
fish species
Collection of fish for
consumption and sale

processes of natural resources for local communities. Analysis of stomach contents of 65 species
verification and analysis of stomach
contents of fish

Verification of the diet change of the

Results and Discusión

fish in the two seasons
Confirmation of the trophic guilds of
65 fish species
Determination of the diet of 73 fish

Organization of the final fish matrix

Composition of the trophic network Structure of the trophic network Properties of the trophic network

• The incorporation of data taken on local fishes allowed us to obtain
important components of the trophic dynamics that had not been
obtained only with scientific fishing.
• The trophic networks showed the variation and complexity of
relations between fish and their trophic sources during each season.
• Networks conformed for both seasons had low connectivity values
between their components.
• A greater fraction of basal species was present during the season of
high waters. The largest fraction of top predators was recorded for
the low-water era.
• Available food sources for fish were lower during low waters.
• Scientific investigations with the participation of local counselors
allowed a better understanding of the ecological processes in the
lakes of Yahuarcaca.
• Local knowledge can be incorporated for ecological investigations
through an adequate dialogue of knowledge and of a rigorous
protocol for recording and verification of data.

Berkes F. 1999. Sacred Ecology Traditional Ecological Knowledge and
Resource Management. Taylor & Francis: Philadelphia, PA.
Damaso, J.; Ipuchima, A and Santos, A. 2009. Conocimiento local
indígena sobre los peces de la Amazonia: Lagos de Yahuarcaca.
Official resolution of fisheries co- Universidad Nacional de Colombia . Sede Amazonia. Editora
management in Yahuarcaca Guadalupe. 68 p.
Lakes Hallwass, G.;Lopes, P. ;Juras, A and Silvano, R. 2013. Fishers
knowledge identifies enviromental changes and fish abundance
trends in impound tropical river. Ecollogical Applications, 23 (2).pp.
Silvano, R.;Silva, A.;Ceroni, M and Begossi, A. 2008. Contributons of
ethnobiology to the conservation of tropical rivers and streams.
Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw.Ecosystem. (18). Pp. 241-260
Winemiller, K.; Zeug, S.; Robertson, C.;Winemiller, B and Honeycut,
R. 2011. Food web structure of coastal streams in Costa Rica
revealed by dietary and stable isotope analyses. Journal of Tropical
Ecology 27:463-476

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