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The Remnant Church

« As we near the close of this world's history, the prophecies
relating to the last days especially demand our study" (COL 133).
This series of lessons centers around the topiC of THE REMNANT
CHUROH. 'rhe importlJ-llce .i£. se1f-e~dellt. eSJ?~cially as the end of
time is continually draWing Closer. - Many- de-nominations woold like
to believe that they are the remn.ant, and even make this assertion.
It is important that we s,hould know which of these bodies meet
the specifications s'et forth in the Scriptures. 'rhe various pretensions
are soon naITo-w'ed when cempared· wiMl- the -third angel's message and
the present truth in its fullness. Yet even within this narrow field
there are eonflicting elaims. They Cllinnot all be right while they
have different ideas and beliefs.
Sabbath Sehool students do not lleed to be told that these pre-
tenses have to be compared with what is written in the Bible and
the Testimonies. To ulldersta,nd the events of Prophecy yet to
be unfolded,' we should understand fully what has already been re-
vealed b~' fulfilment. 'l'his is espec.ia ll~· so cOllcerning the work
the angel of Hevel:ttion 18, for here we ean l~arn mueh from the
history of the seeond angel's wo,rk. The pllil'allel between the midnight
ery and the loud ery is obvious, yet many woullt-be aut·ho.rities on
last day events miss tile nnderlying principle involved: The neees-
sity of separa.t'illg from the world and allY eompromise with it. That
sueh llompromis-e would hind!']' us from being the children of God
must be elearly known.
'rhe time is nellir when we need pe ready to go home. In prepa-
ration for this event Jesus '",ants to draw near to u.s, but if we
are not anxious to separate from everything that would prevent
this and enter into ('OJ18Cious fellO\\'sltip with Him HnCl t,lte holy angels
tllat are sent to help us, He will he disappointed. We will fin(l
ourselvtes like tILe foolish virgins - outside - when the door is
shut. Bible studellts must Sl'l' the importance of understanding and
heeding the call of the second angel. All are now without exeuse
because the fourth angel is repeating this message with grea.t power
so that we may be ready' to pa.rticipate in gliving the loud ery
of the third angel. Note', as in the fo.rmer time, it will he the most
spiritual tha,t a.re the' .first to discern and give t he n1('ss>~g('. May we
all be among that number.


Sabbath School 1,esson Quarterly, "'fhe Henlllant Church" ror
Janu.ary to Mn.I·ch 1972, ;s published by the Seventh Day Adventist
Reform Movement Geneml Conference. - Mailing address: Box 312,
Slackwood, NJ 08012, USA,
I,esson No. 1 Sabbath, January 1, 1972


KEY TEXT: 1 Peter 2:9.
1 What sacred bond unites the family of God in earth and in
heaven? Ephesians 3:14,15.

2. How may men and women of different races and creeds beeoJlUl
members of this family? Ephesians 2:12, 13, 18, 19.
NOTE;: "From that scene of heavenly joy, there comes back to us
on earth the echo of Christ's own wonderful words, 'I ascend unto
My Father, and your Father; and to My God, and your God.' John
20:17. 'rhe fa,mily of heaven and the family of earth are one. For
Uis our Lord ascended, and for us He lives. 'Wherefore He is
able nlso to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him,
seeing He ever liveth to 111 a ke intercession for them.' Heb. 7: 25. "
DA 835.
3. How does the apostle Paul !refer to the church of God? To
what does the apostle Pelter liken it? 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Peter 2:5.
NOT1~: " .. .tl.'hese l'ough stonos we bring if possil'le into the
worksh"n of God where they will he hewed and squarecl, and all
the rough edges remrlVed, lind they be polished under the divine
JUlIld until they will make p1'eeious stones in the temple of Gor] and
shall be living stones emitting light. TI1Us they rna,}' grow up into
a holy temple for God. Letter 44, 1886." Ev 573.
4 Wha1t is the S~lrE' fonndation of this building, and who has been
built upon it and by whom? 1 Cor. :~ :9-11; Ep'h. 2:19,20.
NOT E: '''ro those who believe, Christ is a sure foundat;lon. Upon
this living strIne. Je1\'s nnd Gentiles alike lIlay lnl'ild. it is broad
enough for all and strong enough to s\lstain the weight and burrlen
or the whole world." AA 175.
5. What evidence is there Ithat God regarded the children of Israel
in the wilderness as His church? Deut. 7:6; Acts 7:35; 1
Cor. 10:1-4.
6 W(hat would lead us to understand that believers in the time
of David also melt in local groups? How do we know that
the "conglrega'b.ion" mentioned was the ., church" in his day?
Psalms 22.:22,25; Hebrews 2:12.
7. What parable did Jesus use to show that the church of God
would be taken from the Jewish leaders and transferred to the
Christian leaders? Luke 20:9-18.
1\O'1'E: "1\ lid His words ha:d another purpose. In asking the
,question. 'When the lord therefore of the v(illeyard cometh, what
II'ill he do unto those husballdmen?' Christ designed that the Phai·
risees should answer as tlJey did. He dosigned that tlley should
~ondemJl themselves. His warnings, fa~lings to arouse t.hem 1.'0
repentan~e. would seal their doom, and He wished tlJem to scc
that they had brought I'uin on tl1('111sel"e8. He designed to show
t.hem th~ justice of God in the withdrawal of their national privi-
leges, which had ·already begun, and which would end, not only
in the dest.l'Uction of their tell1pl~ BoIH1 their c-it~· but in the cmspcrsion
of the nation:" DA 597.
8. With what eXllression did Jesus !reveal the foundation of the
Christian church? Maitthew 16:18.

No'rE: "Human power and human might die] 1101. establish th;>
chul'c-h of God, and neither CUll they destroy it. Not on the roc-.1<
of humaill strength, but on Christ Jesus, the Rock of Ages, was the
church founded 'and the gates of hell shall 1101. preva.il aga.inst
it.' ... " PK 595,5£16.

9. During the Dark Ages and papal supremacy from A. D. 538 to

1798, where was the Christian charch? Revelation 12:6,14.

NOT I~: .. UncleI' the symbol of a great red dragon, II leopnrdlike

beast, [l.ud a beast With lamblike horns, the earthly goYcl'flluent,
which would especially engage in trampling upon God's law ann
perseeuting His people, were presentcd to John. 'The wal' i; o(\\,l'ied
on till thc ~Iose of time. 'I'ho people of God, sym.boli.zec] b~' a ho,ly
WOl11,an and her ch'ildren, were represented as greatly in the min01;ty.
. In the last days only a remnant still existed ... " 7 Be 972.

"For hUJldrcds of years the church of Christ. found refuge in

seclusion and obscurity. Tlms says t.he pro>phet: (B.c\'. 12:6 quoted)."
GC 5il.

"Centuries of fierce peraecutlion followed the est.ablishment (}f

the Chrisiti~ll church, but there were never ,,,anting m!eu whd
~ouuted t.he work of building God's temple dearer than life Hs('lf ...

"The \¥aldenses, John Wycliffe, Huss and Jerom(', Martin Lut.her

and Zwiogli, ('ranmer, Latimer and Knox, th(' Hugu('nots, John fU1i!
(;harl('8 W('sle.\', and a host of ot,hel's hrought to the foundation ma-
terinl t.hat will enclUl'P throughout. ·2t('Tnity ... " A A: 5!l7,5!l8.

10. How is the faithful renmant of the church identified in the

Slcriptures? Revelation 12:17.

~OTE: " ... Said the' angel, 'The littIP rl'nl.nant \\'1'0 ]""C Goa HnL!
keep HiS l:ommandments and are faithful to the end will enjoy this
glory and ever be in the presence of Jesus and sing with the holy
.angels.' " EW 66.
; 0
Lesson No.2 Sabbath, January 8, 1972


KBY ']'J~X'l': Revelation 12:17.

1. Wh.o is our Law,giver? What is the extent of His government?

Isaiah 33:22, malrgin; Psalms 103:19.

NO'l'E: "God desired His people to look to Him as t.heir Law-

giver and their Sourc,- of strength. Feeling their dependenee upon
God, they would he (\on~tantly drawn nearer to Him. ,Thev would
hecome elevated lind ennohled, fitted for t.lle high destill)' t'o which
Hc had called tillem '::IS His chosen people ... " PP: 606.
2. What do we know a,bout the natulre of the law of God Ro-
mans 7:12.
NOTE: "But Israel had not pcrceiver1 t.hc spirit.ual nat.urc of t.he
law, and too often their p.rofessed obediencc won hut an obscrvance
of forms and ceremonies, rathcr thnn n surrender of t.he henrt t.o
the novPl'eignty of love ... " MB 46.
"None neen he deceived. Tnle law of God is ns snrrccJ ns Hia
t.hTone. find by it. every m!ln who comet.h into tIll' ,,'arId ff to he
judged. There is no other skllldal'C1 hy which to test. chnrReter ... "
5BC 109.
3. Whait is required of all men? Ecclesiastes 12:13.
NOTE: « The law of God is aa snered n,S God Hi,mself. It is a
revelat.ion of His will, a transcl'ipt if His chaJ·ar.ter, the cxpression
of divine love and wisdom. '!The hflrmon~' of creation depcnds upon
the perfect conformity of all being's. of everything, nnimnte nnd
innnimate, to the law of the Creator ... " PP 52.

4. Wha1t agency is used by God to conve!rt a carnal man to a

spiritual man? PS'alms 19:7,8; Romans 1:14.
NOTE: "Jesus pl'oceeded to show His hearel's what it means to
keep t.he commandments of God - that it is a reproduction in
themselves of the character of Christ. For in Him, Gon "-as daily
mnde mnnifest before them." MB 55 .
. . 'I'his standard (of character) ia not one to which we c.:lnnot
nttain. III every command or injuction that God gives there is a
promise, file most positive, underlying the commamd. God ha.s made
proviaioll thnt we may hecome like unto Him, a.nd He will accom-
plish' this 1'01' nll who do 11 ot- interpose a perverse will and thus
i'nlst!'ntC' HiA gl'ace.''' Ibid., p. 76.
S. What does God p/rom1se to do f01' all who respond Ito the
goopel and come under tlle Ilew covenant? Heb. 10:16.,17.
NOTE: " ... The law of God is an expression of His very n.ature;
it is an embodiment of the great principle of love, and hence ill
the foundat.ion of His government in heaven ,::Ina ea.rth. If our
hearts a:re renewed in the likeness of God, if the divine I{)ve
is implanted in t·he soul, will not the law of God be carried out
in the life? When the principle of love is implanted in the heart,
Whel] man is renewed after the image of Him that created him, t.he
'new-covenaIlt promise is fulfilled, '1 will put My laws into their
hearts, mId in their minds will 1 write them.' Hehrew.s 10 :116. And
if the law is II"l'ittcn ill t,he heart wj]] it not shape the life~ Obedience
-- the service and allegia,nce of love - is t.he trill' sign of di.sciple-
ship, .. " se 60.
"It is not the work of the gospel to weaken the claims of
God's hal)' law, but to bring men up where they can keep its pre-
cept.s " 6-BC 1703.

6. What is the scriptural definition of sin? W',hat is it that gives

us a knowledge of sin? 1 John 3:4; Romans 7:7.

NOTE: "Sin is the t.ransgression of the law of God; and tho-se

who will not accept the light in regard to the law of God will not
underst':lnd the proclamation of the first, second, and third angel's
messages". TM 115.

7. How did sin enter this world? Is there any who have not
become involved? W;hat is the only hope? Romans 5:12; 3:
23; 5:17,19.

NQTE: " ... He saw that only through Christ cam man keep the
moral law. By trQnsgJ'ession of this law man brought sin into the
world, and with sin eame death. Christ b.ecame the propitiaJtion
for man's sin. He proffered His perfection of character in the
place of man's sinfulness. He took upon Himself the curse of
disobedience ... " 6BC 1096.

8. How many members Of the church know if they qualify for

God's remnant that will be saved? 1 John 2:3-5.

9. 'Vhat are the prominent dharaetertstics of God's tnle churcJ1?

Is this theiir profession or what they actually put into prac'tise?
Revelation 14:12.

:\-OTI~; "\\'e have far marc to fear from \\'.ithill than fl'om with-
out.. The hill(ll'llllCeS to strength and success -arc far g'refltCI' fnllll
the church itself thUll trom the world. Unbeliev'crs have a right
to expect that tlJOse who profess to be keelling tIle commalldments
ot God and the faith of Jesus, will do more than any other cktss to
promote am1 honor, by their consistent lives. by their gO(Uy example
and their active influence. the cause whitch they re,present ... "
ISM 122.
10, why is !the dragon angry with the church, !represented by the
woman, but has to make war with the remnant of her seed?
do they give up? Revelation 12:17,
::-10'1' E: "']1hose who apostatize are voicing t.he words ofi tale
dragon. We have to meet the satanic agencies who went to ma:ke
\\-ar with the s·aints, (Rev, 12 :17 quoted), Those who ,apostatize
leave the true Hnd faithful people of God""
"I wTite this because m3lllY ill the church are represented to me
as seeing men like trees walking. 'r.hey must have another and
decpel' experience before they discern the 8U03rcs spread to take
them ill the net of the deceiver"," 2SM 395
: 0 :

,Lessun Nu. 3 Sabbath, January 15, 1972


KblY T]~XT: Bevela-.t.ion 10 :10.
1, What is one of the methods by which God conununicates with
His church, since sin prevented further face to face communion?
Amos 3:7.

N O'rE: ' ,From the earliest times, prophets h'ad been recog-
nized us tenche.rs divinely appuinted. In the highest sense the pro-
phet Wfl.s onc \\']\0 spoke by direct inspiration, communica:ting to
tho people the messages he had received from God. But the name
was given also to those who, though not so directly inspired, were
divinel~' ('ailed to instruct t.he people in the works and ways of
God"," Ed 46,
2, What are the steps by which prophecy is conununicated from
the divine mind 'to His church? Revelation 1: 1-4.
NO'l'J<J: "Wonderful thought - that the angel who stands Jlext
in hono:' t.o the Son of God is the one chosen to open the pur-
poses of God to sinful men" DA 99.
3' In what way does God rev,eal His messages through the pro-
phets? Numbers 12:6; 2 Pelter 1:21.
NOTE: "God committed t.he preparat.ion of His divinely inspired
Word to finite man' '. 7BC 944.
"Tho II'l"itel"s of the Bible had to express ideas ill huulan lan-
guage. It was 'l'ritt.el] by human men. These men were inspired
of the HoJy Spirit,". Ibid., 945.
4, W11at warning did Jesus give of a danger, especially in the
last days? Wlhat must we infer from this warning? Matthew

NOTE: "(Isaiah 8:20 quoted). From this statement it is evident
that it becomes us to be diligent Bible students, that "'C may kno,w
what is. a·ccording to the law and the testimony. ""e are safe in
no other course of actia.n." 7BC 951,952.
5. Where were God's people when Moses was sent to them? What
did he say of another work similar to his? Deut. 18:15,18;
Hos. 12:13.
6. What was a most prominent feature in the work of Moses?
'What is also a prom,inent featulre in the advenl!; movement since
1844? John 1 :17; Revelation 14:12.
NOl'E: "It is at this time that the true Sabbath must be brought
before the people both by pen and by voice. As the fourth command-
ment of the Decwlogue and those who observe it are ignored Clnd
despised, the faithful few know that it is the time n.ot to hide their
face hut to exalt the law of Jehovah by unfurlIng the banner
on which is inscrihed the message of the third angel, 'Here are
they th,at keep the commandments of God, and the fa-ith of Jcsus.'
Rev. 14:12 ... " Ev 281.
7, wthat is plromised if tthe church believes the prophets? What
is a con'"Gri,but(ing factor to the mateiL1i.a1 P!l'ospenty of the
Laodicean church? 2 Chronicles 20:20; Revelation 3:17.
:-''CJ'r l~: "Of special value to God's chUJ'(:,h on earth today -
the keepers of His vineyard - ure the messages of counsel and
a(1monition given through the prophets who have made plain His
cterna.l purpose in beh,alf of mankind." PK 22.
8. Does God send His prophets to commend His people, or, when
they are in dangelr of loosing the way and going into apostasy?
Hosea 6:5.
NOTE: "In His providen ce th e Lord has seen fit to teach and
warn His people in v.arious ways. By direct command, by the sacred
\\'ritings, and by the spirit of prophecy has He made known unto
them His will. My work has been to speak plainly of the faults
and errors of God's people ... " 4'1' 12, '13.
9. What prophets were sent to the early church during tJle cIitical
period of its establishmen1t? What is plrom,ised to the church
in the last days? Acts 11:27,28; 13:1; 21:9,10; Mal. 4:5.
10. What warning, neglec'ted by the church must be heeded by the
fa.ithful remnant? What deception that was among the religious
leaders in the days of ChIiglt is again being repeated? James 1:22.
NOTE: "A Imo\l'1cdgc of the state of the backslider from God
seeIll,'l to be hidden from him ...
"What greatcr deJusion can deceive the human mine! t.han that
in which individuals flatter themselves that they have the truth,
toot they, are on the only 8ure foundation, and that God accepts

their wOl'ks because the~r are actively engaged in some work in the
cause of God, when they are siuning against Him by walking contrary
t.o the expl'css will of God~ Thcy work mechanicnll~', like machin·
ery; I>ul' prcparation of heart, the sitnctificatiolL of the chara.cter, is
waJlting. f::lnncd and hol,r things :1-I"e brought clown to the lcvel
of common things and a eommonJle~s a chea(lnC,~H, is working i.tself
illto OUI' "hul'ches. The sel'vh'e is dcgCJl~r:lting illto little else
titan fOI'I11." 'I'M 451.
: 0

IJesson No. 4 Sabbath, JanllJary 22, 1972


KEY 'J'EX'!": Jude 3.
1. What is the purpose of Ithe gospel? What effect does it have
on the believer? 1 Timothy 2:4; John 17:17.
NO'l'E: " ... No m:JJl can rightly present the law of God without.
the gospel, 01' the gospel without the law. 'Phe law is the gospel
em.bodied, :lnd the gospel is the law unfolded. 'Phe law is the root,
the gospel is the fl'ugraillt blossom and truit wllich it beaTs."
COL 128.
(( ... Chl'ist callle to our world to represent the charactel' of God
{a's it is rcprcscnted ill His holy law; fOl' His law is a transcript
of His character. Christ was both the law 3lnd the gospel. The
'lngcl that pl'oclaims the everlasting gQspel proclaims the law of
God; for tJlll gospel of salvation lilrillgs men to o,bediellce of the
law whcl'e!:;y t.hei.r ch3;I'acters are formed after the divine similitude."
2SM'106. .
2 If the law calUlOt make a man righteous, can a man becoma
righteous without the law? How alone can man be made right-
eous? He'bTews 8:10.
NOT-I';: (( OUI' dut.y to obey this law is to be the bUl'den of this
j':iSt. message of Ille'rcy to the world. God's]a IV is not a liew thing.
It is not. holillcss crcated, but holiiness ma:de kllOW11. I:t is a code
of principles cxpressing mercy, goodncss. a'ILd love. It prescnts to
fa.lIell humanity the character of God, and states plainly t.he whole
tIuty of m:w (?lIS 88,1897)." 1BC 1104,1105.
3. Instead of doing away with the law or diminishing its author-
ity, what did Jesus say? What was prophesied that He
would do with the law? Matthew 5: 17-19. Esaiah 42: 21.
~o'rE: ((JeHus takes up the cUlnllullldlllcnts separately, and explaills
tIle dcpth :!]J(l breadth of their l'equiremellt. Instea:c1 of removing
one jot of thob' force, He show's holV far·reaching their pl'inciples
are, and (,XpOSl'.s the fatal mistake of the Je\\'s ill thei.r outwal'd
show of obedience. He deelarcs that by the evil thought or the
Instful look the law of God is tra,nsgre~sed. One who becomes a
party to the least injuatice is breaking the law and degrading his
o,,-u mon:tl nature. }.Ifnrder first exists in the mind. He who gives
hatred a place in his head·t is setting his feet in th e path of t.he
murderer, :llld his offerings are abhol'l'ent to God." DA 310.
4. Of what is true Stabbath-keeping a sign? Can one be a 'true
Sabbathkeeper if he is in violation of any other commandment?
Exodus 31:13; James 2:10.
NOTE: " ... As the tree of knowledge was placed in the midst
of the garden of ]~dell, so the Sabbath (:om.nl~nd is placed in the.
mid,<;t of the decalogue. In regard to the fruit of the tree of know-
ledge, the restriction wa.s mo3de, 'Ye shall not eat of it, ... lest
ye die' (Gen. 3:3). Of tlH' Sabhath, God said, Ye shall not defile
it., but keep it holy... As the tree of knowledge was the test of
Adalll's obedjpnce. so the fourth ('ommand is the test that God has
given to prove the loyalty of all His peo.ple. The experience of
Adami is to be a w:J,l'ning to us so long as time shall last. It warns
us Hot to r,'"pive any as.surance from the mouth of Ulcn 01' of
angels that WIll det.ract one iot 01' tittle from the sa<;rcd la\\' of
J.~hovah (R.H Aug. 3C, 1898)." 1BC 1106.
S. Wha't was the only occasion that the Lolrd spoke personally
With His people? Why? What preparation was necessary',
Exodus 18:1,9,10,14,15.

No'rE: ; 'When the law was spoken, the Lord, the Creator of
heavell aud earth stood by the side of His Sou, enshrouded in the
f.ire and the smoke of the mount. It was not here that the la,,-
was first given; but it was proclaimed, tha;t the chiJdren of Israel,
who-se ideas had become confused in their association wth idolaters
in Egypt, might be reminded of its terms, and understand what
,,:ollstitutes the true worshill of Jehovlah (ST Oct. 15, 1896)." 1BC
1103, 1104.
6. After He had spOken with the people, what did God tell Moses
Ito do? 'W/hat was given him? Is there any other occasion of
which it could be said that the Lolrd delivered a faith to His
people? Exodus 19:2D; 31:18.

NOTE: "In these days of clelusion, everyone who is established in

:the tmth will have to contend for the fiaith once delivered to the
saints. Every variety of erl'or will be brought out in the mysterious
working of Satan, which would, if it were possible, deceive the
yery elert, anel t.urn them from the truth ... " 7BC 592.
7. How are the two tables of stone iden'tified in the Scriptures?
Exodus 32:15; 34:28 (last part).

8. What has always been the conditiOn of salvation under both

the old and 'the new covenant? Exodus 19:5; Romans 6;16;
Hebrews 5:9.

-10 -
NOTE: "When the judgment shall sit, and the books shall be
opened, and every man sha]] be judged according to the thing,'! written
in the books, then the tab~es of stone, hidden by God until th!\t
day, will be presented befo,re the world as the stMidard o,f right-
eousness. Then men and women will see that the prel'equisite of
theil' salvation is obedience to the perfect law of God ... " 1BC 1109.
9, In thedlr se9Jr..confiidence. wilat promise did the people maJte
under 1Jhe old covenant, and what was the result? 'What is
1Jhe be'tter promise in the new covenant? Exodus 19:8; 32:7,8;
Jeremiah 31 :31-33.
No'rE: "In utter discow'agement a'nd WI':lth because of their great
sin, he (Moses) threw down the tables of stone by divine direction
pm'posely to break them in the sight of the people, and thus signify
that they had broken the covella-nt so recently made with God (BT
May 20, 1880)." IBC 1109.
10, 'When probation closes, Who alone will be able to receive the
pIromises? ' Is i't possible for any shortcoming to be made up
by Jesus subsequently? Revelation 3:5,12,21; 22:11.
l\O'I'F:: "God has :lppointec1 mealls. jf II? will use t.hpm i1iligpntly
anc1 prnvel'fully, that no 'vessel sh\111 he shipwrecked, I'ut outride the
tempest" and storm and anchor in the haven of b~iss at last. But if we
rlespi,,(' find neglect these appointments amI privileges, God will
not wOI'k a miracle tlO save any of u.s, amI we will bp lost as
werc Judas and Eatan,
"Do not think that God wi]] wo,rk a mirilcle to sruve those weak
souls who cherish evil, who practise sin; or that SQme supernatural
('leIllent will be brought into their lives, liftin" them out of self into
a higher s,phere, whe,re it will be C,(}I11p:l1'atively easy work, wit-hout
:lIly special effort, a,ny special fighting, without any rJ'ucifixio'n of
self; hf.>CRUSe all who dally OIl Satan'8 ground for this to be done
\\'il1 perish With the evildoers, .. " TM 453.
: 0 :

Lesson Ko. 5 Sabbath, .January 29, 1972


KEY 'rEXT: Revelation 3:20.
1, What name designates 'the chutrch in 1ftle seventh and last pe-
riod? Who is the sender of the message and to Whom is it
particularly addressed? Revelation 3:14.
NO'I'E: "The names of the seven churches are symbolic of the
('hurch in different pOl'iods of the Chri&tian Era. The number 7
i l',dic:l tes completeness, a1ld is symbolic of the fact that the mcs-
~.:lges ('xU,"d to the end of the time, while the symbols used reveal
the ('onclil'i"'t of' th!' church at <liff(,l'ent p\Jriods in the history of
the world." AA 585.
"'1'he nH'ssage to the "hurch of Ow IJ:tocliceans is :t sklrtling de-
nunciation, and is RJpplicable to the people of God (It the present
time. " 3'1' 252.

"The Lord hel'e shows ill! that the message to be bome to

His people by ministers whom He has called to warn the people!
is not a peace-and-safety meS8!\!ge" (Iblid.).

2. What definite language is used by the True Witness in telling

of His definite knowledge of this church and ilts true con-
dition? Revelation 3:15.

NOTE: "\¥'hat greater deception can come upon hUI1l>:lll minds tkan
a confidence that they are right when they are all wrong! Th"
message of t.he True Witness finds the people of Goel in a sad
deception. ~'et honest in that decept.ion. They know not that their
condition is deplol\:lble in the sight of God. While those adel1'('ssed
!1Jre flattering themselves that they are in an exalted spiritual c.on-
dition. the message of the 'I'rue Witness breaks theil' security hy
the startling denunciation of their condition of spiritual hlindness,
poverty, and wretchedness. The testimony, so cutting ,and severe.
cnnnot he a mistake, 1'0rit is the True Witness who spea.ks, and
His testimony nlltst he conect." ilT 252,253.

3. As a resnN of this deplorable condition eXisting in this church,

what does the True Witness say He will do? Is the,re any
illdJcatiolJ. of doubt in this statement? Does the Tnte Witness
see any hope for'tld8 church? Rev. 3:1'8; Da,n. 5:27; Hos. 4:6.

NOTE: " .. 'I'hl' figure of spewing out of His Illouth me.nns that
Hc cannot offer up your pl'llyers 01' your expressions of love to
God. He cannot endorse yonr teaching of His worel 01' your Bpi,ritual
work in allywise. He cannot present yonI' religious exer('ises with
the l'e,ql1e~t thrut grace be given unto :von" 6'1' 408.

"In the hl1lfl.nces of the sane.tuar~' the Seventh-cllvy Adventist

('h1ll'c,h is to he "oighecl. She will he judged h"- the pl'ivileges
;;nd AclvantageA that ~he has 11:\.11. If her Apil'ltual ('xlWl'ie1lre docs
not cOI'l'('spollCl to the advallt1ges t1wt Ohr-i8t, at inf'inite I'ost. ha~
I,estowee] on her, -if the blessings conferred haTe not C]ualifieil hel'
1-0 do tIll' \\'ol'k entrusteel tC' hel', 011 her will he pl'onoul1crrl the 8('11-
tence: 'Foul1fl wanting.' n~, the lig11t he~to"'rrl, tht' opportnl1iheR
give". ,,-ill shc he juclgl'Cl.' , wr 2H_

4- WlJ.at explanation does He give of the three conditions existing

in this church that have led 'to its self-confidence? What is
the true sPiritual condition as divinely evaluated? Rev. 3:17.

NOTE: '''The peo]Jlf' of God are repl'esented in 1-h(' ll1essagp to

the Laodiceans as in a position of crurnnl sectnjt". 1'he\' are at
case, helieving thems\llves to be in an ex,alted (:~nditioll' of spiri-
tual attainments," 3'1' 252.
-12 -
5. Wh<llt counsel, if beeded, would remedy the condition? 18 tiIlere
any indication that this warning is accepted by the Laodicean
church? Revelaton 3:18.
KOTE: "Mueh excellent labor wnR be,stowed upon tho LflOdicenn
church, To them was given the exhortation, 'Be ye therefore per·
feet, pven :IS your FHther which is in heHvml is perfect,' But the
c,hl11'ch did not follow up the work begun by God's messengers.
'l'ho~' lllln.rd, but the~' fa:iled to appropriate the truth to th"l1I.selvea,
:md to rnrry out the in.struction,s given them. The result that fol-
lowed is the result always sme to follow the rejection of the Lord 'fr
wnl'ningR and enb'eaties (MS 128, 1903)." 7BC 964.

6. Althougil the Tlrue iWti.tness knows that Illhis ehurcih will not
respond to the warning, where does He see another avenue of
hope? To whom does He turn, and whalt gracious inVitation
does He extend to the individual believers? Rev. 3:19,20.

N01'1<;: " .. TllOse who rome up to every pOint. anel stm1n. f'ver~'
tpst, nll,l overcome, he the priee whHt it mHy. hHve hel:'ded the
('Ot1IlROl of the 1'rue 'Witness, mlel they will receive the Intter rHin,
:11',1 thus be fiHNI for translntion." I',]' IS7.

7. AltllOugh the denomination that was organized in response to

the threefoad message has turned back, does i1t mean that the
Lord is left Without representatives? W1lJat has the Lord al-
ways preserved unlto Himself? Rom. 11:5'; Acts 14:17.

"I nm filled with SfI,lness when I think of o,ur ronclition

ns n people ...

"'rhe church has turned back from following Christ her Lender
nn(1 is steadily retreating toward Egypt. Yet fl:'w are fllHrmed or
nstonish('d fit their wa,nt of .spiritThal power ... " 5T 217.

8. When the denomination fails to heed the counsels sent through

Goa. 's appointed messengelr, can she legitimately claim to be
tihe cihul'ch of God on the basis of the promises made to her
when faithful? What similar £elf-confidence prevailed among
the I"eligionists in the days of Christ? .Tel'. ?::4; .Tohn 8:33,39.

No'r'E: "The Pharisees had declared themselves t.he children of

AhrHhnm. Je.sus tolC! them that this cla,illl eould be estall,Hshed only
1>." rloillg the works of Abra 11:Jl1J. The true children of Ahrnham
woulrl liv<', ns he did, a life of obedience to God.... A mere lineal
,l(',('('nt from Abmham was of no value. Wi1hout a spiritual con·
llpd,iolJ with him, which would be manifested in possessing the sflme
spil'it, n11,l rloing the Sflllle w01'k8, they wer~ not his children.

" ... Ro the apostolic succession rests not upon the transmission
of enl.psin,~lienl authority, but. upon spiritual rela,tionship ... " DA
466, 467,
- 18-
9. What message of comfort did Jesus give Ithe little company of
disciples when tlle religious leaders mocked t:hem for their few-
ness of munb<ers and lack of amenities common to large and
prosperous organizations? Luke 12:32.
NOTE: "In comparison with the millions of the worJd, God's pe()'
pie ,'\'ill he, as they have eveI' been, a little flock; but if they
stand for the truth as revealed in His word, God will be their
refuge. 'rhe:1' stand nnder the hroad s.hield of Omnipotence. God
iq always a m'~.~Ority". J. AA 590.
: 0 :

Lt'sson No.6 Rabbnth, l"chl'uary 5 ,1972


Kl~Y 'I'EX'!': Revelation 14:6,7.
1. What country is Irepresented by 1lhe beast that came up of
the earth? In contrast to its gentle beginning, what does pro-
phecy teach us to expect in the future? Rev. 13: 11, 14, 15.
NO'!'J~: "'T'he appliNltion of the symbol a,dlnits of no question. One
nation, and only one, meets the specification of this pl'ophecy; H
points nnmistakebly to the United Rtates of Amerie'a." (i·e 440.

2. What important work, replresented by the first angel of Reve-

lation 14, comes in alt this time? Whll-t message was given
with power? Revelation 14:6,7. .
~o'rE: "The f'irst .angel'8 message of Revelati(Jn 14, an Bouncing
the hour 0'£ judgment and calling upon men to fear and worship
Him, was designated to separate the professed people of God from
the rorrupting influences of the world and to aU'ouse them to see
their true condition of wo.i'ldliness and backsliding. In this mes-
sage, God had sent to the chmch a warning, w.hich, had it been
aeeepted, would have eorrected the evils that were s·hutting them
away from Him ... " GO 379.
3. W'hat was the extenlt of thiS message? What effect did it
have? Revelation 14:6 (last part).
No'rE: ,( ... The advent 111ov('m.cnt of 1840,44 was a. glorious mani,
festa ti on of the power of God; the first angel's message was carried
to ('vel',v missional'v station in the world and in somc ('ountdes then'
\\'a." the greatest' I'eligious intcrest which has heen witnessed ill
;lll,\' lnnd sin('t' the Reformntioll of the sixteenth ('elltm')'; ... " GC 611.

4. Who wa~ given the beginnmg of the chain of l~ruth that lead
to the fixing of a definite time? Were his calculations correct?
Daniel 9: 23-27.
NOTE: " ... The commencement o.f the chain of truth wns given
to him (William Miller), and he wa-s led on to search for a link,
- 14-
lmtil he looked with wonder and aclmiration upon the Word of God.
He &:1\1' there a perfect cha,in of truth. That Word which he had
regarded as uninspired now opened before his vision in its beaut.v
and glor.,·. He sa w that one portion of Script.ure expla.in8 anothe;',
a.nd when one pas"ago '\'l1S closed to hi~ understanding, he found
ill anothe,' part (·,f the 'Word that. \I'hich expI1tined it. He regarded
the sacred Wonl of God with joy illlc1 with the c1eepest. respect. and
awe." EW 229.

5. Wllat event in Daniel's prophecy had to be fulfilled at that

time? Wha.lt; event did they expect to be the fulfilbnent? Da-
niel 8:14.

NO']'.Jo;: "Both tho propheeies of Daniel 8:14, 'Unt.o two thou.sand

and t.hroo llunc1red days; then shall the sanetuary be cleansed,' and
the first itngel's message, 'FeaT God, and give glory to Him; fool'
t.ho hoUl' of His judgment is come,' painted to Ohrist's ministration
ill the most holy plan', to the investigative judgment, ... " GO 424.

6. What event mentioned by the angel is Of great importance? Is

it legal to try a case b~fOlre a cour't wi1fuout first giving the
defendant due notice? How many days warning was given in
antitype? Leviticus 23: 24, 27.

.\"O'l'}:: « ••• Though, like the first disciples, they themselves had
fa:iJed to understand the message \I-hich they bore, yet it had beell
in evel'y I'CSpCl·t concet. In prodaimillg it t.hey had fulfilled the
purpose of God, aBd their labor had not. been in vain in the
J ,ord ... " GO 423.

7. What in the sanctuary service of ancient Islrael was a type

of this judgment? What work had to be done in this service for
both the 'thiags of the sanctuary, the priests, and for the peo-
ple? Leviticus 16:29,30,33.

NOTE: ' , Weare in the great day af atonement, and the sacred
\York of Ch risl: fM the peopJe of God tha,t is going on at the
present. time jn t.he heavenly sanctu<l"y should be our constant study.
,Ve :;hould teach om children what the typical Day of Atonement
signified and that it was ':'\ special season of great humiliation and
confession of sins before God. The antitypical day of atonement
lS to be of t he same charaeter. EV'eryone who teaches t·he truth
by precept. :llld ex,ample will gIve t.he trumpet a l'ertain sonlld .. "
5'1' 520.

8. What description is given in the Bible of the judgmen1t; scene?

Daniel 7:9,10.

.NO'rE: "'rhus Wl\Jl presented to t.he prophet's Vision the great

and solemll day when the ehara'cters and lives of men should pass
in review before the Judge of ,all the earth, and to every lllan
shoul,d be rendered 'according to his works.' The Ancient of Days
j~ u(),{[ tho .I!'athcr... Ahd holy angels as ministers and witnesses,
in number' ten thou~ancl timc~ ten thousand, and thousands of thou-
~and~,' aHcnd this great tribunal." GO 479.
9. What is the standard of the judgment? T'o Whom does the
angel direct worship, and what reason does he mention? James
2:10-12; Revelation 14:7 (last part).
NOTE: ' "l'ha t holy law God's righteousness, that amicl thunder
and filuue was proclaimed' from Sinal as the guide of life, is now
rCYl':.l!ed to Illcn as the mlc of judgment." GO 639.
10. What particular part of the law of God, so often disregarded
today, is direc'tly applicable in connection with the work of
c1reation? Exodus 20:8-11.
NOTG: "OIlC of thesc eOlllmandlllcnts poillts directly to God as
tho r'rcat.or. Thc fourt.h preeept declarcs: ''1'he seventh day is
tho Sabbat.h of the Lord t.hy God: ... " GO 437.
: 0 :

Lesson No. 7 SRlbbath, February 12, 1972


KEY 'rEXT': Revelation 14:8.

1. What pronouncement is made by the second angel? If this

condition is tll'uly so, is 1ihere any need for specific instruction
to ge't out of her? Revelation 14,:8.
NOTB: "Our hopes now centered on the coming (}f the Lord in
1844. T.hi8 was also the time for the message of the second angel,
who, flying through the midst of heaven, cried: 'Bab;r1on is fal·
lcn, is fallen, that great city.' That message was first pl'oclaimed
by the scrvants of God in the summel' of 1844. As a result, many
left the fallen churches"." 51' 53.
2. WlJ.at is the first mention in the S~ripltures of the term Baby-
lon? What was its subsequent history? Genesis 10:9,10.
N O'rE: "Hcro (the plaill of Shi nar, on tllC ban1<s of the river
Buphrates) they decided to build :l city, and in it a tower of such
stupendous height :lS should rende1' it the wonder of the world. These
onterpri~es were designed to p,revent the peo'ple from scatte1'ing
a.broad in colo·nies. God had directed men to disperse throughout the
earth, to roplcllish and subdue it, but these Babel builders deter-
mincd t.o keep theil' communit.y un1t.erl in one body, and to found
':1 monarchy that. shoulcl event.ual1y emhrace the whole eflrt.h. "
PP 118,119.
" ... aile ohject. before them in the eredioll of the tower was
secure their own safety in case of another deluge. By cal'l'ying the
~tructuri) to a much greater height than lI"as reached by the waters
of the B'lood, they thought to pIa'ce themselves beyond all p~si­
bility of d1lnger, And as th,'y lI'ollld be ablc to aSl'end tu thc reg-lOll
of the douds they hoped to 1Iscel't"in the l'aUsC of thc ~'lood, '1'he
\l'hole un,lert:1 kiJlg 1I'1IS desiglleil to exa It still further the pride uf
.its pro.iedors "",I to tU1'l1 thl' IninLls of future genl'\'"ti()n~ away
fronl Go<1 "nd Jp"d tl,em il;tO iilol"try," PP 119,

3, How did God show His disapproval of the building of the

tower of Babel? Wllalt meaning is attached to the name? Gen,
11: 8, 9 (see margin),
NO'I' I';: ' , , "\ I!gels were sen t to bring to naught the pUl'pose of
the huilders, As messages were t.hus passing from one to ano-
ther the In ngu"ge WO:IS confounded, so tha:t material was called for
\l'hil'h II'"S not oecdecl, and the directiolls delivel'ed were often tho
I','\'l'rs,' "f tbo',' th"t, h"L1 IJecn g-h,,'n, ConfusioJl and ,1isnln,v fol-
IOIl-('d, 'I'heir ('onfedel'[\cy cnded in strife an(l bJoodshed, Light-
nings from hl'aven, as fl'Jl evidence of God's disp103sure, brokc off
t.he upper portion of the towc,r "nd cast it. to the gl'ound, NLen
IVCI'(' m"de t.o feel that there is " God \l'ho ruleth in the heavens,"
I'£' 119, ]20,
4, What is Babylon represented to be in the New Testament pro-
phecy? What is the true church represen'ted as being? Rev,
17: 3--5 ; 2 Cor, 11: 2.
N01'1~: ".'I'he tcnn 'Babylon' is derived frum 'Babel,' and sig-
nifies l'onfnsion, It is (}Jl1ployed in Scriptures to designate t.he va-
,'ious fo;'nlS of hlse or apostnte religion, II', Revelation 17 13"IJyI01l
is repr('8('nted as a wonl'311 - n figure \l'hi~h is used in 1',he Bihle
n,: " 8."1111>01 of a ehul'ch, a yil'tuous lI"om:IJI I'epl'cselltillg a pUl'e
(,llUI'l'h, a "ik wOlllan an npost.nt.e chul'ch," GO ,381 ..

"Of Ibb,"loJl, :It the t.ime bl'ought 1;0 view in tltis pl'ophecy, it
is ded~I'l'cl: 'H{'I' SillS have reached unto heavell, nnd God hath
1'l'lllemltel'('d 1tl'I' illiquities,' Rcyelation 18::1, She 11:18 filled up the
l11ea8UI'e of hel' guilt, and clest.l'lIctioll is about to f:i11 upon her,
But. God still has a pcople in Babyloll; a 1\(1 before the visitatioll
of His ,iu,lgmellts these faithful ones must he called out, tl1<1t. they
partnke 1I0t of her sins [wd 'rl'ceive 11Ot, of h~r plagues,'"," 00 604,

5, What a'l'e some of the marks that clearly identify the Babylon of
Revelation 17 as papal Rome? Revela'tlon 17:1-6,15,18.

:-IOTE: ,,'!'he pOWCl' that for so mallY cenhu'ies ll1>:1iuhl'ined des-

potic sll'a,'- 0\'('1' t.he Jllollarchs of Chl'istenr10m is Rome, 1'hp pur-
ple and sC:]I'Iet. ('0101', t.he gold (]lId precious stoues a 110'1 ]leads, vi-
I'idly pidlll'l' the magnificence a 11,1 more t,han killgl,I' pomp :1ffl'l'ted
by t.he haughty sec of 'Rome, " GC 382,
6, If Babylon is said to b>e the mothelr Of harlots, what ll:ay be
legitimately inferred from 't.his statement? Rev, 17:5; Isa, 4:1.

-17 -
J\"O,TE: "Bltbylou is said t.o be 'the mother of ha.rlot·;.' By her
daugjltcrs must bc symbolized churches that cling to her eloctrines and
traditions, and follow her example of sacrif.icing the truth 'l,l~d the
:tpproval of God, in order to form an unlawful alliance with the
world ... " GC 382,383.

7. 'Wbile the dsatu,ghters reseni.ble tihe mother in cha:I'acte<r a.nd

walk in heir steps, can any daughter ever become the mother?
Who is positively identified as this mother?

:N O'£E: "In the sevell teell th of l'l,evela tion is foreto1d the destruc-
tion of all the churches who corrupt themselves by ido,kltrous de-
'-otioll to the service of all the papacy, those who have drunk of
the wine of the w!'ath of her fornication. (Revelation 17:1-4 quoted).

"'rhus is represcntcd the papal power, ... " 7BC 983.

8. What must the second angel's message refer to moire than

Rome - the molther? Who are the others-?

NOT};: " ... 'l'he message of Revelation 14, announcing the faU of
Ba.byJou must apply to religious bodies that were once pure and
have become corrupt. Since this message follows nil' warning of
the judgment, it must he given in the last cklYs; therefore it can-
not refer to the Roman Church alone, for that chureh has been
in a fallen condition for many centuries ... " GC 383.
"Tho second angel's message of Revelation 14 was the first
t.ime preached in the summer of 1844, and it then had a more clireet
application to the chure-hes of the United States, where the warning
of the judgment had been most widely proclaimed and most gene-
rally rejected, and where the declension in the chlU'chC<i had been
most rapid ... " Ibid., p. 389.
- ~_- ;r- -_.. . ::"2..~:-:_.-:-:;~-=-~-_~~-. :::~~

9. Under the symbol of a city. into how many divisions is Ba-

bylon ~.aid to be divided? W)here else is It,his threefold division
revealed? What is the threefold source of the unclean spirits?
Revelation 16: 19, 13.

10. WhaIt proof is there that the term Babylon embraces the entilre
counterfeilt or false Ireligious systems of the earth? Rev. 18:24.

NQTE: ';1 saw th,at 3ince Jesus left the holy place of the hea-
venly sanduary "nd entercn within the sl'cond veil, the churches
have been filling up wit.h every uncloan and hateful bird." EW 274.

: 0 :
. -: .~~-. -18-
Lesson :No. 8 Sabb!IJth, February 19, 1972


KEY 'l'EX'l': Isaiah 52:11.

1. In tIle second angel's message, what is Babylon charged willi

doing? Revelation 14: 8 (last part).

NOTE: "The great sin charged against Babylon is that she 'made
all nations chink of the wine of the wrath of her fornica.tion.' This
eup of intoxication which she presents to t.he world j'epresel1ts the
false dOBt,rines that she ha,s accepted as the result of her unlawful
connection with the grel1Jt ones of the earth. Friendship with the
world corrupts her fi:lith, and in her turn she exerts a corrupting
influencc upon the world h.y t:eaching doctrines which arc opposed
to the plHillest stHtements of Holy Writ." GC 388.

2 Wllat message joined the second angel's message in the summer

of 1844? What did this do for the message of JtJle angel?

NO'1"E: "NeHr t.he dose of the se<:ond 'angel's message, I saw a

~reat light from heHven shining upon the people of God. The rays
of this light seemed bright as thc sun. And I heard the voices
of angels crying, Behold, the BridegToom cometh, go ye out to
meet Him!'

"'rhis wa6 the midnight N'Y, which wa.s to give power to the
seeoll(l Huge-l's message ... " EW 238,

3. What resulted from the plroclamation of these combined mes-

sages? Wllat hope united the messengers? ReveJ.altion 22:
12 (first part).

NOTE: ",. ,'l'hose e,1 tl'usted with the lOry Ilmde haste, and in the
power of the Holy Spirit sounded thc message, and aroused their
discouraged brethTeJ1. This work did not stand ill the w'lsdom and
IC':Jl'ning of mcn, but i..n the power of God, and His saints who
heard the cry could not resist it.. The most spiritual received this
message fi..rat, and those w,ho had formerly led in the work were
the last to receive and help s,well t.he cry, 'Behold, t.he BridegJ'oom
('ometh; go ye out to meet Him!' " EW 238.
"'rhus the believers found thclllselvcs in a position of great
trial allll perplexity. They loved their churches and were loath
to sepa,I':lte from them; But as they saw the testimony of God's
word suppressed and t.heir right to investigate the propheCies de-
nied they felt that loyalty t.o God forhade them t.o submit. Those
who sought to shut out the testi1llfJllY of God's word they could
not regard as constituting the chul'<lll of Christ, 'the pillar and
-19 -
ground of t,he truth.' Hellce the~' felt themselves justified in sepa-
rating from their fonller cOlllledioll, III the summer of 1844 about
fifty thousalld withcll"c\I' hom the ~hu.rch .. ~." GC 376.
4. What new doctrinal teaching had been introduced by the firs't
angel's message? Revelation 14:7; Daniel 7:9,10; 8:14.
NO'I'E: "It is this wurk of juclglllellt, imlHediately preeeeding the
8ccond a,dvellt, that is :\lIlloullced ill the first 'lllgel's message of Re'
,'elati.un 14:7: (quoted)" GO 352.
5. Did the second angel angel's message introduce any new doc-
trine, or what did it cause th09C that received the 'third angel's
message to do? According' to the parable, what came as a re-
sult of the cry a't midnight? Matthew 25:6.
NO'l'.~: "As the chul'ches I'efu,sed to receive the first a·ngel's mes-
sage, the,)' rejected the light fl'OIl1 heaveJl and fell from the favor
of God. 'l'ht:)' trusted to their own strength, ;llld by opposing the
first message plarecl themselves where they could not sec the light
of the se~olld a'lIgel's message. But the beloved of God, II'ho Il'ere
oppressed. acceptec1 the message, 'Bahylon is fnllen,' a,llc1 left the
,'hmehes." EW 237.
6. What had caused the first angel's message to lack the impact
that it gained when joined by the second angel's message and
the midnigh1t cry? What is possible to those who hel:ieve? WllY
can the Lord not work for a large mixed multitude? Mark
9:23; Judges 7:2.
NOTE: "'In all illy labors,' "'aid Miller, 'I never hnd the desire
or thuught to e8tablish any sepa'rate interest from thnt of cxisting
denominntions, or to henefit one at the pxpense of ,1Jlother. I
thought to lWllefit all". J did Ilot· ('oncei.ve t.here Il'ollld ever be
a,ny necessity for separate IIlee-tings ... ' " GC 375.
7. What parable is quoted to show the necessity for separation?
Matthew 25:1-13.
NOTE: '''rhe ten Vil'gills are wakhing in the evening of t.his
's history. All claim to be Christ-ians. An have n call, a
name, a lnmp, and nll profess to be doillg God's service. All a,ppn 1'-
olltl~' wait for Christ's f~ppe:J,rillg. But five are unready. ]'ive
will he fOUllll sll1'[lI'ised, dismayed, out.side the hanquet h,:\l1." COl, 412.
8 Wllat Scripture shows the futility of tlrying to walk with those
in apostasy? Amos 3:3.
9. Wllat direct instmction given in the New Testament confirms
the continuing need to separate? 2 Corinthians 6 :17,18.
NOTE: "'rhe n'Lat.ter is plnced hefol'e liS in "o.neet light. The ques,
tion is asked, 'And II'h.:\t agreement hath the temple of God with
idol~1 for ye. al'e the temple of the living GOd; as Goel hath said,
I WIJl dwell III the-m, and walk in them; and I will be their God,
and they shall be my peopLe. When'fore come out from among theu"
and be separate, &3ith the Lord, all(l tOllch not the unclean thing.'
What does this mean - the :luggestions, the evil workings in the
childn'lL of dIsobedience. You are 1I0t in a:ny case to become conta-
minated with the spirit or iufluence of unbelievers. Be afraid of unit-
ing 01' bindi IIg up ill bundles with them. Be 'afraid of communicating
the works connect-cd with the Lord' e':lllse to thos!) who have no
pn,rt with God, 01' ~Yll1.pathy with those who love the truth of
God ... " 'r,M 272.
10 Is the message of the second angel still valid, or is it in ordell'
to stay In the apostatized churches and attempt to make a re-
folrm within? Isaiah 52:11 (first part).
NOl'E: "There are many in this day that would designate Achan's
sin as tof little consequenc<', nlld would excuse his guilt; but it is
becawse they have no l'cali7.a.tion of the chal':tcter of Sill nnd its
conse,cj'uellee,s, 110 seuse of the holiness of God and of His require-
ments. The st,atement is oftell heard. t.hat God is not particular
whether or not we !,{ive diligent heed to His Word, whether or not
11'0 obey all the cOlllmal1dlllen~S of His holy Jaw; but the rocord of
His rlCo31ing with Achall should be a, warning to us. He will ill
no wise deal' the gnilty ... " 2BC 098.
: 0 :

L~8S0Jl J'\ u. \) ~:tbbath, L"ebrual'y 26, 1972

KIo; r 'PEX'.!': E7.ekilJ I 9: 4.
1. In contrast with those who wO~'ship God as Creator, against
whom does the third angel give a moslt solemn and fearful
warning? Revelation 14:9,10.
NO'l'B: "I." contr:lst t.o those who keep Ih," cOlllmandments of God
and have the faith of Jesus, the thil'd angel points to another
class, agaJinst wllOse errors a solemll and fearful warnillg is utt&red:
'If any Illiln worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark
ill his forehead, OJ" ill his hand, the S:llne shall drink of the wine
Gf the wrath of God.. ' U,evelatioll 14:9,10. A correct interpretation
of the s;Yl1lbols employed is necessary t·o all lU'lderstanding of this
message. Wh:lt. is representorl hy t.he beast, the ima,ge, t.he l1lark~"
GO 438.
Z. What is the beas't referred to by the tllird angel? Rev. 13:1.
NO'!'i';: "Ill chapter 13 (verses 1·10) is described another beast,
'like uuto a leopard,' to which the dragon ga,ve 'his po,wer, and
his seat, and great ,authority.' This symbol, as most Protestants
have believed, represents the papacy, which succeeded to the power
a;nd seat and authority once held II,\' the ancient ROmal] empire ... "
GO 439.
- 21-
3. After the great disappointment in 1844 as foretold in :R.ev&-
lation 10 wfrlat indicated thalt there was yErl; another messag&?
Revelatio;l 10:11; Habakkuk 2:3.

4.. W'hat is the key that unlocked the mystery of the disappoint-
mEmt? Wha!t most wonderful truth was revealed? Hebrews 8:12.

NOTE: « 'fhe subject of the sanctuary ,,-as the key ~which un-
locked the ll1.J'stery of the disappointment of 1844. It opened to
view a complete system of truth, connected and harmonious, show-
ing that God's hand had directed the great advent movement and
revealing preseut duty as it brought to light the position and work
of His people ... " GC 423.
5. Wllat is the central point of the sanctuaIrY? W!ho alone can
minister 'there? Revelation 11: 19; Hebrews 9: 7, 28.

NOTE: " ... TherefoJ'e the anllouncement that the temple of God
lYas opened ill heaven and the ark of His testament was seen points
to the opening of the most hoi,\' pl:l(:c of the heavenl J' S"llctuary ill
1844 as Christ entered thCl'c to perform the dosing work of the
a.tonement. 'l'hose who by faith follo:wed their great High P.riest
as He entered upon His ministry in the most holy place, beheld t·he
ark of IUs testament. As they had studied the subject of the
sanctua:ry t.hey had come to understand the Saviour's change of
ministTation, and they saw that He waB now officiating before the
ark of God, pleading His holy blood in behalf of sillners." GC 433.

« After J~esus opened the door of the most holy, the light of the·
Sa.bbath \\'las seen, and the people of God were tested, as the child-
I cn of Israel were tested a.nciently, to see if they would keep God's
Law. I saw the third angel pointing upward, showing the disap-
pointed ones l~~he way to tbe holiest of the heavelll." sanctnaTY. As
they b:y faith enter the mast holy, they find Jesus, and hope and
,lOY spnng up anew ... " :8W 254,255.

6. Wihat pal<ticularly took the attentlion of the believ6ll'S as they .' ,

considered the sanctualrY in the light of the judglnent-hour mes-
sage? Especially what law did they realize that they had
been viola't!ing? Exodus 31:16,17.

NOTE: « In l'l,evelation 14, mell are cwlled upon to worship t.he

C're'ator; allc1 t.he prophecy brings to vie\\' a class that, a.s the J'esult of
t.he threefold message, are keeping the commandments of God. One
of these commandments points directly to God as the Creator ... "
GC 437.
7. Wllat is the mark of the beast against which this ange:l warns?
Clan ill. be received ignorantly? Revelation 13: 16'.

NO'l':E: " With the issue thus clearly brought befoJ'e him, whoever
shall trample upon God's law to obe'y a human enactment receives
- 22-
the mark of th e heast; 11 ~ accepts th e sign of allegiance to the
power which he chooses to obey instead of GOf1. '1'he warnin/? from
heaven is: 'If any man WO'l'ship the h~~lst ana his image, and
receive h18 ma.rk in his f{)rellPa,il. or in his hand, the same shall
drink of the wine of the wrat.h of God, which is poured out witb-
out mixt.ure into the cnp of His indig-nation.' Revelation 14 :9, 10."
GC 604, 605.
"But Chdst.ian.s of past generations observed t·he Sunday, sup-
pc'sillg' that in so doing they were keeping t.he Bihle Sabbath; and
there al'e now true Christian.'; il' evel'y church, not excepting the Ro-
mam Catholic c9mmunion. who honestly belieye that Snnila~' is the
8ahh::tt'h od' ilivine appointment. Goil accept,s their .~incerity Of'
Imrpose ann thl'll' inteR1'it~' hefore Him. But when S.unday obser"'-
,,·nc.e shall he l'nf01'ced by ln.w, ana the world shall he enlight-
ened conc('I'ning tlw obligntion of thc true 8nbhath, then whocypr
".hall trnnsgrpss the command of God. to ohe~' a pl'ccept whieh has
no higher authority tha.n that of Rome, wilJ therehv honor panel'"
above God. He is mt~'ing' homa'i(e to Rome and to the powC]' which
rnforce.s the institution ordainefl h~' Rome. He is worshipping t.he
brast nllfl his imagr. As men then re.iect the institution 'which God
hns deelareil to he a sign Of His ':lnt.hority, and hon01' in its stead
that ,,"'hich Rome ha'l chosen ns t.he token of her supremacy, t.hey
will therehy accept the sign of allegiance to Romr - 'the mark o,f
the heast.' And it is 110t nntil the issne iH thus plainly set IJeforl'
the prople, ;11ll1 thp~· are hrought to choosr het.ween thr eommalld-
ments of (1orl anfl the c0111111a,nflments of mrn, that those who
rontinup in trnnsgl'e~~ioll will l'ereive 'thp mark of tlw he-ast' ,.
[bid., p. 44!1.

8 Wihat is tlhe image to 1Jhe beast? What power is to give life

to the image Of t'he beast? W1halt eXIJerience of the Dark Ages
will. be repea.ted? Revelation 13:11,14,15.

~OTE: " ... The (ima.ge of the heast' represents that form of
,,,postate 'Pl'otestalltism which will be developed when the Protest-
nnt dmrches shnll seek the aid of t.1w civil power for t.'he ertf'Orce-
ll1ent of t.hei I' dogm~s. " GC 445.

9. Is there any further hope Of mercy if this final appeal from

God is rejected? Revelation 14:9-11.

:-rOTE: ,( 'I'h e 1110St fparful t.hrGa telling e,fcr addressed to mortals'

i, crmt'ainp:l in the t.hil'fl mlgel's nlPssage. '1'hat must bc n terrible
Hill which calls down the wrath of God umningled with m.ercy. Men
are not t.o he left. in elarkness concerning this impOl'tant matter;
the ""}l'ning ngainst this sin is t.o he givcn to the world befol'e
the "i"it:1tiOll of Gael's ;judgments t.hat all 111RJY kno,,- why they are'
to he inflicterl, ann hnve opportUltity to escape t.he111 ... " GC 44!1,450.

io. What can the faitfuful remnant expect in Ithe final crisis? Re-
velation 13: 17.
NOTE: "Persecution hl its varied f{)rms is the development of a
principle which will exist as long as Satan exists and Christianity
has vital power. No man ean serve God without enlisting against
himself the opposition of the hosts of dm·kness ... " GC 610.
: 0 :

Lesson No. 10 Sabbath, March 4, 1972


KRY TEX'I': Revplntion 7:4.

1. What work is brought to view in Revelation 7'? How many

alrc sealed? Revelation 7: 2-4.

NO'l'E: "'I'he Sfl-blJath ,,-ill bp tho groat test of 10ya,]ty, {Ol' it

is thl' point. 0f truth especiall:,' controvertell. vVhl'n tho fina,l test
"hnll 1)(' hrought to hORr upon men. thon 1·hp line of distinl'tioll
will 1)(' dnnYlI hetween those who sprve God Rnd thosp who sprve
Rim not.... \~rhilp onE' clQss, hy ,:<ecepting the sigll of submission
j'O the ea rt.h I." power, recdvp the mark of tho beRst, tho othel'
choosing the jokeo of nllegiHIIl'O hI divine authority. l'pceivo the
'loal of God." Gr~ flOG.

2. Wh,fl-t other description is given of Ithe same wolrk in the Old

Testament'? What symbolism is used Ithere'? Ezekiel 9: 2, 4, 5.

~Ol'E: '''l'llls senling of thp sCl'vant:s of God is the rome that was
shown to Ezekiel in visioJl. John nlso ha.d been R witness of this
Illost stH.l'tling .rpv('lntiOl!." 'I'M 445.

3. What other view is given of the 144,000 sealed'? How do we

know that they atre overcomers and have kept the law of God'?
Revelation 14:1-5.

XOTE: "Nat one of u.s will ever recei vo the seal of God whilo
our chamders hnve Ollp spot or stain upon them. It is left with
WI to rpmecly tho [[efpd, in Olll' chal'a,cte]'s, tu cleanse tho soul tem-
ple of <'VP1'," tlefilempn1'. Thl'll thl' lattp]' )'nin will fall upon us ns
t.he ('111'1"' rain fell upon t.he ,liseiples on thp D~l)' of Pont.ecost.. "
3T 214.

4. What portion of the decalogue contains the seal of God'? W'ihel1

dill this again become a test for God's people'? Exodus 20:8-11.

XO'I'E: . 'l'hp fourth eomm.nllclmell t. is the onlv one of all the ten
in wlli<:h al'e fOllud the nan1\' nJl(l t.lIl' tit.]p of' tllp LawgiveI'. It
is thp only one that shows by whoso authorit.y the la,,- is given.
TlIlls It conklins tho soal of Uod, affixed to His Inw liS an evidencC'
(If its Huthenticity amI hinding fmce." PP 307.
-:;l4 -
" ... and that since .}eBuH hll' "pl'lIed the door into the most
hol.\· place, "'hid contains t.he ark, tho cOl1lmandments have been
,hining out t.o 00d's peoplf', and they [He being tf'st·ef1 on tho Sllh,
hath quest.ion." (Vision given all Sabbath, M,nrch 24, 1849.) J~W 42.
5. Where is the seal of God placed? Of what is Sabbath-keeping
a sign? Revelation 7:3; Ezekiel 20:12.
NOTE: "'I'he 'lllgeis of God do His bidding, holding ba'ek the
,,-illds of the ellrth, thllt the Willfls should ,lOt h10w on t.ho earth,
nnr ()n t.he sea, nor 011 nn~' tree, until the servnnts of God should
hf' s('n1cd in their forehends" 'I'M 444

"\V'ill this sen1 1)(' put. upon the impme ill mind, the fornicfltor, the
"i111lt.l'l·er, the man "'ho ro\'ets his llf'ighhor's ,,'iie? Let you~' souls
IIIlS\\,PI' t'lll' questioll, dOl'S m:,' chnrflrtCl' rO!'l'f'SIHlIld to the (jualifiea'
tioll l'sscIltJn1 tha,t T may reeeiYe ':\ passport to t·hf' mansiOlls OhriRt
has 1)1'epfll'(,11 fOr those who are fiUea for t.hel1l? Ffo!ine-ss must. he
inll'l'ought ill our cho:nader." Tbifl., p. 446.

6. When did the sea.ling lUe8sage begin? Which is the sealing

angel? Revelation 7:2.

NO'I'E: "T thell 811'" thp t'hirll IIlIg,,1. SIIi,l III." nc,·olll.pall,l·ing angel,
'Fearful is his ,,"ork. Awful is his Illission. He is the angel that
is to 81'11'!'t tllf' whl'at fl'OIlI the tal'('s 1111(1 SPill, "I' bind, tlw wheat
for th(' h('n\'('n1," garller, 'l'hcs(' t.hings HI:Olllri pngross thl' "'ho11"
l1Iinfl, t'IIl' whnl(' IItt.ention.'" l~\V 118.

"Satall is now usillg' every deviee ill tllis scaling time to keep
till' minds of GOfl'8 people from the pn'sent truth and to cause them
to wavl'1''' Thid., p. 43. (Visioll givell 011 Sabhat.h, March 24, lR49.)

7. How is the faitll and practise of those that reject the mark
of the beast described? Revelation 14:12.

,,"O'I'E: ... Vve are to l'ai~c aloft the hallller OJI which is ins'
('I'il)('(1: "I'hc Cflll111\ftlldmellts of God, alld the faith of Jesus.' The
\1'ol'1r1 is so"n to moot tho great Lawgiver ovel' His hroken law.
'!,hisis 110t till' l'imc t'o put out of sight the gr~nt issues heforC'
1I~. Gnd (·alls "POII Ifis pcop1(' to I1Iong'lIif.\' t,he lall' a'lId makc it 110-
1101"\ hlc'. " S'L' 197.

8. What blessing is pronounced on those who die in the Lord,

after the ~ealing work has begun? Wihen will this blessing
be realized? Reve,lation 14:13; Daniel 12:2.

"ocr I,;: " G ra ves n1'1' opencd, allfl 'man:,' of thelll tha t sleep ill
l'hp dust' of th(' caI'OI. .. n,,,'ake, sonll' to evcrlastillg' life, auel some
to (,\'Nlllstillg '·Ollt(,lllpt.' Dalliel 12:2. c\11 ,,-ho ha\,(' died in the
faitll of 1h,' thinl angel's m('ssage COlll(' forth from the tomh glo-
rified, to hear God's c.o\'ellaJ\t of I,,':I('C wirh thosc \\'ho ha\,(' kept
His law, 'TlJe:,' also \\'h ieh pierced Him' (Rcve1atioll 1: 7), those
- ~5-
that mocked and derided Christ, 's dying agonies, and the mo.st vio-
lent opposers of His truth ,an.d His people, are raised to behold
Him in His glo,ry and to sec the honor placed upon the loyal and
ohedient." GC 637.
9, How alone can the children of God 'become faultless? How
can they be able to keep all the conunandments? 1 'The!!. 3,:
13; 5:23; Phil. 3:9.
N·O'fE: "Tho stand,ard must be elevated, '1'11e work must have
a higher mold. There must be It coming out from the customs
and practices of the world and being separate. 'rherc must be a
coming up UpOli fl hig-hor platform b~' both ministers aud people,
Thero must be much mOiJ'e of Jesus an.d Ris meekness, His lowli-
ncss, His humilit.y, His self-clenial, His purity, His true goodness
[llId nobility of character brought into the experience and characters
of all who claim to 1H' acting any part in t,he sacred work of God."
'1'111 451, 452,

10. How do we know that since 1844 all who hear the truth must
be sealed in order to be saved? Is there any sail"ation for
those who are not fully overcomers? Is there any o1Sher class
that will escape? Ezekiel 9:5,6.

XO'T'E: "0/11." those \\'ho recpiv!' the seal of the lht.illg God will
havc th!' pnssport through th(' gat!'s of the Holy City." 7BC 970.

"'I'he seal of the living God will be plocL'd uJlon those only who
heal' a likeness to Christ in character (RH May 21, 1895)," Ibid.

"Many will not receive tlH' seH,) of God becausc they (10uot, keep
His commandments 01' bea,]' th(' fruits of righteousness (Letter 7N3,
1900). " Ibid.
: 0 :

T,esson No. 11 Sub]')a th, March 11, 1972


K~jY TJ<;X'J': R.eveliltion 18:1,

1 What angel is next to enter upon his work after the first,
second, and third angels? Where do we read a description of
the work of this angel? Revelation 18:1.

XOTE: "Vlfe [Ire to throw asir](· our naI'\'C,IV, selfish pl[lllS, remem-
I'ering that 11"(' have a wo,rk of t.h(' largest magnitude and highest
ill:port.lwr·('. In doing- this \Vork \lOP nre sounding the first, second,
and third angel's messages, and are thu,s being prepared for the
('Ollling of that ethel' angel f1'ol11 he,nfen who is to lighten the
('[lrth with his gIory." 6'1' 406.
":The work of this angel comes in at the right time to join
in the last. great work of the third angel '8 message as it swell~
to a loud cry. And the people of God are thus prepared to sta.nd
in the hour of temptation, which they are soon to meet. I saw a
gre.at light resting upon them, and they united to fearlesly pro-
claim the t:11 ird angel's message." EW 277

2. What mes:;;age has to be repeated? Wllat additional things

must now be included? Revelation 18:3,4.

NO'J:E: "The second ;\ ngel 's message of Bevelation 14 was first

preached ill the summer of 1844, and it theft had a more direct ap-
plication to the churches of the United States, whero the warnisg
of the judgment had been WIdely pro chimed and most generally
rejected, and whe.re the declen.sion In the churches had been most
rapi(1. But the mes.sage of the second angel did not reach its complete
fulfilment in 1844. The churches then experienced a 1110ral fall,
in consequence uf their refusal of the light of the advent message;
but that fnll was not complete ... " GO 389.

"'I'his scripture points forward to a time when the announce-

ment of the fa 1] of Babylon, as made b.y the second angel of Re-
velation 14 (verse 8), is to be repeated, with the additional men-
!'ion of the' COJTuptioJ'~ which liave been entea'lng the Vl3.rious·
organizations that constitutes BiI.bylon, smce that message was first
given, in the summer of 1844 ... " Ibid., p. 603.
3. What does this angel, which came down from heaven. have'?
What has the tlhilrd angel's message lost tihrough the COIDr
prOmise and backsliding of those who profess to be carrying it
to t.he world? Revelation 18:1 (first part).

NOTE: ' "l'hen I sa II' f\.noth er migh ty a ugel c0111Dlissioned to descend

to thc earth, to unite his voice with the third ilngel, and give
powe.r and force to his message." EW 277.

4. Does this angel come wilih a new doctrine? What has to be

repeated in the work of this angel's message? Revelation 18:2.

NO'l'E: "The message of the fall of Babylon, as given by the se-

cond angel, is repeated, with the additional mention of the cor-
mptions which have been entering the church~s since 1844" EW 277.

5. How does a repetition of the work Of separation, such as

b'rought undeIJ.· the second angel, lighteu the earth with glory?
Ezekiel 43: 2, 9.

NOTE: "TIle t.ruth and the glory of God arc inseparable; it is

impo.ssible for us, with the Biblo within our reach, to honol' God
hy erroneous opinions. :i\1:any claim that it matters 1101. what one
believes, if his life is only right. But the life is molded by the
faith ... " GC 597.
- 27
(j, As the se<:ond a,ngel was joined by the midnight cry, what si-
milar experience is _to come with the fom-th angel's work? What
is emphasized by both these cries? Is this message Ireally an
additional one? Revelation 18:4

NOTl<J: " , , ,'l'his message ~eel1lcd to be atltlitional to the third

mcssage, joining it ':IS the midnight cry joiued the second angel's
message in 1844. The glory of God rested uTJon the patient, waitblg
sa:in,ts, and they fearlessly gav,e the last solemll warning, proclaiming
the faU of Babylon 'and calling upon God's people to come out of
her that they might escape her fearful doom." EW 277,278.
~. _. . -MY"".'~
7 Because this angel has come to assist with power the wolrk
of the third angel, of which message does this bring the loud
NOTE: "I asked whoat had Illade this great change. An angel
answered, 'It is the latter "a in, the rofreshing hom tho prescnee
of the Lord, tho JJoud cry of tho thi"d lIngol '." EW 271.

8. When did this angel first come to start his work? What re-
ception was accorded the message by the plrofessed followers
of Christ?
No'rE: '''rhe time of test is just upon us, fol' the loud cry of the
third angel has already begun in the revelation of the righteousness
of Christ, the sin-pardoning Redeomel'. 'rhis is the hegilUling of
the light of the angel whose glOl'y ~ha\] fill the whole eartll (RH
Nov. 22, 1892)." 7BC 984. (ISM 363; CAR 56.)

9. What truth is especially lighted? What is the third angel's

message in a few words?
No'rE: "Several ho:lve written to me, inquiring if the lIlt'ssage
of justifil'ot,ioll h~" faith is the third angel's message, and I ha\'c
answcred, 'H is thc third angel'~ message in verity.' Rcyiew ::md
Hel'a.Jcl, April 1, 1890." lEv 190 (ISM 372; COR 64.)

" ".A theoretical knowlcdge of the truth is e"'8ential. But t.he

knowledge of the gr0:1te.st truth will not save us; our lmowledge
must be practicaL,. The tl'uth must be bl'Ought into their hearts
~allctifying and. cloalls~ng them from all cal,thJino~s and sensualit;
III tho most pnvato hfc. The soul tcmplc must be clc:J.llsod"."
Review and Hcrald, M,~y 24, 1887. (COR 79.)

10 In the closing work, what will a large class Of nominal Se-

venth Day Adventist do? Who are more able to oppose the
faithful remnant than those Who have a full knowledge of their
beliefs? Psalms 55: 12-14.

No'rE: "As I-,hc ~tOI'IJI npprocl(·hes, ;1 l:ll'g~ cJass \\"110 have p:'o·
fesserl fa ith ill the thi I'd Hngcl', lllessngc IJut have not beon sanc-
tifiel1 til ['ough obedience to the tmth, a banUOH their positon and

-28 -
.101n the ranks of th opposition. By uniting with the world (jlld
partaking uf its spirit, the,)' have "Ollle to v!iew matters in nearly
the sallle light; and when the test. is brought, they are prepared to
choose the eas,)', pupular side. Men of talellt and pleasing address,
II-ho ullce rejoiced ill the truth, employ their power to deceive and
mislead souls. 'rhey become the most bittel' enemies of their for-
Iller bret.hren. ''')hen 8a.bbathkeepers are brought before the courts
to anS\l'er for their fa,ith, these aposta teR arc the most efficient
':lgents of Satan t.o misrepresent and accuse them, and by false
reports ani! insinuatlolls to stir up the rulers against them." GC 608.
: 0 :

Lesson No. 12 Sabbath, March 18, 1972


KEY 'I'J~X'J': Zechariah 10: 1.

1. What has been promised to the church in Ithe last days'? . What
is the meaning of these symbols'? Hosea 6:3.

NOTE: "Under the figure of the early tlJlld the latter rain, than
falls in Eastern lands as seedtime and hO:\l'vest, the Hebrew pro-
prophets foretold the bestowal of spiritual grace in extr,aordina.ry
Illcasurc upon God's chu rch. " AA 54.

2. What great danger exists for those who neglect the necessary
preparation'? Amos 8:11,12.

NO'I'E: ".Many have ill a great measurc failed to receive the

fa rUler rHin. They have not obtained all the benefits that God
had thus pl'ovided for them. They expect that the lack will be
supplied by the latter rain. When the richest ·abundance of grace
hall be bestowed, they intend t" open th uir hearts to receive it.
The,)' are making a teniblc mistake. The work tha,t God has be-
gun in the humall hea'rt ill giving His light and knowledge lllU"t
be continually going for"'o31·d. Every individual must realize his
oll'n necessity. 'l'he heart must ]Je emptied vf every defilement, and
cleall.'lCd fo.r the indwelling of the Spirit.. It wa'S bvr the confession
and fO.J'Eaking of sin, b~' earnest prayer and consecration of them-
selves to God, that the early disciples prelKlred for the outpouring
of the Holy Sphit. on the Day of Pentecost. 'rhe same work, only
iE greatest degree, must be done now ... " 'I'M 507.
3. What did the apostle Peter say must be done in order tt>
receive the Holy Spirit or latter rain'? Acts 2:38.
NO'I'E: "Christ has prumised the gift of the Holy Spirit to His
church, and the promise belongs to us as much as to the first dis-
c-iples. But like every other promiso, it is given on conditions.
Thero are many who believe and p:'ofess to claim th e Lord's pro-
mise; they talk about Christ and about t.he FfoIJ' Spirit, yet receive
no benefit. They do not surrender the soul to be guided llJIld con'
trolled by the divine agencies. We ('annot use the Holy Spirit.. The
Spirit is to use us. Through the Spirit God works in His people
't'o will and to do of His good pleasure.' Phil. 2:13. But many
",ill not submit to this. 'l'hey want to lll&nage themselves. This
is why they do not receive t,he hea'venly gift., .. " DA 672.

4. Will the latteJr rain fall on any who have known the truth
but have deferred the work of overcoming and sanctification?
Acts 3:19.
No'rE: "I was ~hown that if God's ptlople make no effort au
their part, but wait for the refreshing to come upon them and reo
move their wrongs and correct their errors; if they depend upon
that to cleanse them from filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and
fit them to engage in the loud CTy of the third angel, they will
be found wanting. Tlle refreshing or power of God comes only
on those who have prepared themselves for it by doing the wori,
which God bids them, nam.ely, cleansing themselves from all filUli.
ness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of
God. " 1'1' 619.
" , . ,Unless those who can help in are aroused to a
sense of their duty, they will not recognize the work of God wIlen
:the loud cry of the third angel shall be heard. When the light
goes fOI'th to lighten the earth, instead of coming up to the help
of the Lord, they will wamt to biud about His work to meet their
nlarrow ideas. Let me tell you that the Lord will work in this
last work in a manner very much out of the com.lIlon order of
things, and in 11 \\13~' that will be contrary to any human plan-
ning. 'l'here will be those among us who will always Wo3nt to
control the work of God, to dictate eVel) what movements sha'}l
be madu whell the work goes fonl'anl undO' the (lirectioll of the
angel who joins the third angel ill the message to be given to
th e world.,." TIM 300.

5. What is God's remnant to do in the time of the latter rain?

Wihat has God promised? Zechariah 10:1.
NOTE: "But. lleUI' the close of the earth's harvest, a special
bestowal of spiritual grace is pl'omised to pl'epare the church fol' the
eomillg of the Sou of man. This outpouring of the Spirit is likened
to the falling of the latter min; and it is fol' this added power
that Cllristialls 'ne to send their petitions ~u the Lord of the han',
cst 'in the time of t.he latter rain.' In respouse, 'the Lord shall
make bright clouds, lmd give them showers of rain.' 'He will
cause to come down". the l'a~ll, the formel' r:lin, alHl the latter
rain.' Zechariah 10:]; ,Toel 2:23." AA 55,
'6, Will nommal believers !receive or recognize the latter rain?
Wha:t will be done at that time by the leaders who have only
a formal experience? HabakkUk 1 :5.
-30 -
NOTE: " .. But there must he 110 ncglect of the grace represente<1
by the forUlcr Nlill. Only those "'ho arc liviag IlJP to the light they
have will roo£jyl' greater light, Unless we are daily advancing in
the eXl'mplif'i'ca tion of the a:ctive Christian \-1.rtues, we shall not
"ecognize the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the kttter rain.
11. may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall not discern
or rcccive it." 'I'M 507.
7. What may we expect in the glorious culmination and final ma-
nifestation of God's power in 'the gospel? Habakkuk 2:14.

""O'l'E: "'rho. angel who unites in the proclamation of the third

angel's message is to lighten t.he whole earth with his glory. A
\\'ork of 1Y0rld-wide extent and unwonted power is here foretold.
The adyont movenll'nt of 1840-44 W:IS a glorious m:mifestation of
the pawer of God: the first angel's mcssa·go was carried to every
missionary ~tatiOll in thl' \,"orld, and in some cotl1ltries there wa·s
t.he grcatest religious intercst which has hecn witnessed in any land
si.nce the H.cformation of the si.xtcenth centurY; hut these arc to
be excrcde(l by the mighty movement under 'the last warning of
the third .angel." GC 611.

"'l'he groat "'ork of the gospel is not to close with less mani-
festation of t.hc power of God that 1l1.a.-rl<ed its opening. The pro,
phecies \\-hieh "'ere fulfi11l'd in thl' outpouring of thl' fornwr rain
at the opcning of the gospel are again to ])l' fulfilled in the latter
l'ain :It its ('lose ... " Ibi·d., p. 611,6] 2.

8. What is symbolized bty this angel of Revelation 18 and its

mesfoage? What great movement resulted from the message of
the 'third angel? By parity or reasoning, w'hat are we told
will. result flrom the message of the fourth angel? Amos 3:3;
Isaiah 52:11.
NOTE: " .. The churches in gl'nera 1 closed 1.heir doors against this
mess,:tge, and :l large company of those who received it withdrew
fTom their connection. In the providence of God this proclamation
united wit.h t.hr srcond :lngel's message and gave power to th:lt
wo-rk. " GC JO~.

"In the summer of 1·344 ahout. fift." t.hou~and withdrew from the
(·llUrches." GC 376.
" ... Now the r·ays of light. penetrat€' evcrywhere, the truth is
seen in i ts clearnes~', :lnd the honest children of God sever the
bands "'hich h:lve heM them. Family connections, church relations,
are powerless to stay them now. Truth is more precious than all
])C'sirlrs. Notwithstanding t-he agene.ies combined against the truth,
'ct l:lrgp 1Illlnlwr t.akr thei1' stand upon the LOI'd's &ide" Thid. p. 612.

9. Does this message bring new doctrine or will the great light
change what has already been esltaMished? James 1: 17; Pro-
verbs 3{):6.
- 31-
NOTE: "TIle proclamation of the first, second, and third a.ngel's
messages has been loe-ated by the Word of Inspiration. Not a peg
or a pin is to he removed. No human authority has any more
right to change the location of these messruges than to substitute
the New 'restament for the Olil.,." 2SM 104.

10. What is the plan of Satan in time-setting? Does it grea.'tly

differ if tale time is specified by calendalr reckoning or a
particular event? Why did Ithe religious leaders and people
fail to recognize Christ or the prophesied signs at the time
of His first advent? Isaiah 29:13,14; Jeremiah 8:7.

NO'l'E: "Goil has not revealed to us the t.ime when this message
\I-ill c10s<', OJ' when prohat.ion "ill have an end ...

"Lettel's have come to me asking me if I have any specioal

light as to the time when probation will close; and I answer that
I have only this message to bear, that ·it is now time to work
while the day 1.:\Sts, for the night cometh in which no man can
work, Now, just. now, it is timc for US to be wat.ching, working
lmd wniting ..

"I liny<, 110 specific time of 'which tu speak when the out-
]laming of thc Holy Spirit will take place - when the mighty angel
will come down from heavcn, alld unite with the third angel in
elo~ing IIp the work for this world; my message is that our only
f~afet~· is in being rendy for the heaven:y l'efreshing, haying our
lamps trilllmed Iwd burning ... " ISM 191,192.
: 0 :
Lesson Ne 13 Sabbath, March 25, 1972


KEY TEX'l': Acts 14:17.

1. What should the denomination! name of 'the remnant church

represent? W!hat conuuandment is violated by the claJ.m to be
Seventh-day Adventists While not Jiving up to 'the principles
designated by the name? Exodus 20:16; Matthew 7:16,20,

NOTE: "7'\0 nlllllC \\'hich we can take will be appl'opl'iate but

that which accor'lls with our professioll and expresses our f':lith and
marks us a peculill:l' people, ..

"'I'hl' Illlllie Sevcntll-tlny Advelltist canies the true feature of

our faith in front, and wii1 convict the inquiring mind. Like an
al'l'oll' fl'om the Lord's quiver, it will wound the tl'ansgresso'rs of
God's lllw, a'l1ft will lelld to repentance toward God Ilnd faith in
our Lord Jesus Christ," l'r 223,224.
- 32-
2. What does the word "remnant" specifically designate? Can
it be entilL'ely different from the original from wh!)::h it re-
mains? How are the differen't remnants identified? Cite some
biblical examples. Matthew 7:16 (last part).

Gi.bconites, a remnant of Amorite.s (2 S:\1llUel 212) .

.\ I"('nlnant of Israel and Judah (2 ChroJli,·lt's 34:9).
A l"('lllnant of Ashdod (.Tercmiah 25:20).
A rt'lIlnnnt of BMIl (Zephnninh 1:4).
A renlllant of Isr:'\el (Romans 9:27).

3 When Paul was writing to the Roman3 in llis days, to what

remnant did he refer? To What previous remnan't did he make
reference? Romans 11:4,5.

~01'E: "KotwithstM1Cling Israel's failure ':lS n nation, therc re-

mained among them a goodly remnant of such as should be saved ...
Whpl! tIll' ea rl? Christia I! church was founded, it was composed of
thesp faithful .Tews who recognized Jesus of Na7,:'\reth a,s the one
for II"h"sp ~l(1"ent tht'~· hn\'() heel! longing. AA 376, ?77.

4. Will the Lord leave Himself without a remnan't according to

the electiOn of grace? Acts 14:17.

NO'f E: "Christ has a church in every agp. 'l'hcre are in the

church those who are not made better by their connection with
it. They thernselv<1s break the terms of their election. Obedience
to t.lle eOl:l1l"l)l(lments of and gi.ves us fl right to t.he pl'ivilcges of
lIi., church (MS 166, 1898)." 6BC 1079.

5. What church period preceded the disappointment of 1844? Did

all who had accepted the messages of the first and second
angels accept ·the message of the third'? How many did? Re-
velation 3:7.

NO'l'I~: ":l'his subjel't (nhrist's work ill the heavenly sanctuary)

"'!IS 1I0t ulI(1erst<:00 hy '\Ilventists ill 1844. " GC +29.

, , ?-; () \\' 11":18 8()ell the "pplicatioll of those words of Christ ill th"
]{cvelatioll, addressed to the ('.hul·rh flt" thi" very time: (Rev. 3:7,8
quoted).' , Ibid., p. 430.

6. How did the few tha't accepted the sanctnary teaching and
the Sabbia1ih refer to themselves? Re·velation 12:17.

NOT·E: "1'hen my ~yes werc taken fJ'orn the glory, and I ,V>aS
pointed to the remnant on the earth." EW 66.
aa -
7. When through the blessing of God they had glrown in number.
and organized into a distinct denomina,tion, ricih and
increased with goods, can they still be regarded as a remnant?
Revelation 3:14,17.

NOTE: "The message to the Laodicean chmch is highly applicahle

to us Ils a people. It has been placed before u,s for a long time,
hut hHS not been heeded ,as it should have been." 7BC 961.

8. Will Ithis church, which has been entrusted by God to proclaim

the trulth for this time, be saved as a whole? Matthew 22:14.

NOTE: " .. , Ho'" is it with the "ising g811eration? Are they

('onvcrted to God? Are we ilwake to the work that is going on
in the heavcnly sHnet.uary, or are we waiting for some compelliug
pow'c]' to C0me upon the church bcfore we shaH arouse? Are we hop'
ing to see the whole churrh revived? Tha,t time will never come."
IBM 122.

9 In. the end what will remain out of this seventh church? How
is this small minority W'hich hold fast to the original fai'th
identified in the Scriptulres? Reve,lation 12:17.

NOtrE: " ... God's remnant people, standirLg before the world as
reformers, a ,'e to show that the law of God is the foundation of
:111 eniluring reform and that thc Sabhath of the fourth commalHlment
is to stand as .:1 memorial Of creat.ion, :, (,onstant reminder of the
power of God. In clear, distinct lines they are to present the
neccssity of obedience to all the pl'ecepts of the Decalogue. Cons-
t.rained by the love of Christ, they arc to cooperate with Him in
lnlildillg up t.he ,,-a,ste places. " PK 678.

10. Can their claim to be God's true church _. the remnant church
-- be considered valid because they have the name and the
helritage? Do 'they have right to this claim more than the

Jews in the days of Jesus, when they claimed to be the right-

fttl heirs of Ab!raham? How did Jesus reply to this cla.im.
and would this reply be fitting in our days also? John 8:39.

~OTE: ., \~f;hcn God's jl"CSCll('C ,,'ns finally withdrawn from the

Jewish nation, pricsts and people knew it not." GC 615.

: 0 :

- 84-
.'... -:.:.
Pl'inted by Religious Liberty Publishing Association,
43 Hanow Road, Auburn, N.8.W. Australia, IH44

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