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Jianna Kalouche, Caroline Maher, Phillip DelRossi,

Francis Rapone

Table of Contents

Mission Statement ……………………………………………………………………...…...4
Understanding Language……………………………………………………………...…….7
Interactive Technique……………………………………………………………...……......7
Beginning Questionnaire……………………………………………………...………...…..8
Section 1: Social Language
Section 2: Everyday terms
Days of the Week……………………………………………………………….....10
Months of the Year………………...…………………………………………...10,11
Section 3: Common Phrases
Hotel Phrases……………………………………………………………………....13
Closing Statement…………………………………………………………………………15

Foreword: Language Training International; Spanish Version

Welcome! We are the Language Training International group. I founded this company in 1998 in
Los Angeles California, then called Language Training LA. I noticed the great need for language
inclusion in the hospitality industry, specifically hotels. My hope was to create a resource and
guide to business owners throughout the area that would promote a culturally diverse customer
base. In time, the company expanded with the rising demand and became Language Training
International (LTI). The brand is widely known and respected today for paving the way for the
hotel industry to become more language inclusive.

With all the leaps this company has made, there is still a way to go. At LTI, we recognize the
vital role that diversity plays in our society. We strive to work with companies in the Hotel
Industry that have the same mindset. Being based out of LA, this company is no stranger to
diversity. The advantages a company can reap from embracing our diverse culture are numerous,
and all extremely beneficial.

I personally want to thank you for taking the time today to complete this training. Not only will
you be attracting and retaining more customers, but you will have stronger, more valuable
employees as well. We hope you enjoy your training and thank you for doing your part to create
a more inclusive hotel industry!


Karen Reed
Karen Reed
CEO of Language Training International

Mission Statement
Language Training International strives to help companies break down language barriers
within their company as well as the workforce. Through our program we envision a workforce
where people from all over the world are able to communicate smoothly with the help of our
training programs. We want the hotels we train to be able to communicate with all guest in
simple conversations. Doing these thing will bring inclusion into our hotel and help people who
may not speak the dominant language.

Our Goal
Our goal is not to have our trainees be fluent in Spanish but to be able to understand the basics
when it comes to communicating in the hotel industry. We do not expect our trainees to
understand every word that is said to them but
understand these common phrases and other itinerary
so that majority of the time they are able to handle the
situation without receiving assistance. Overall, we just
want a smoother conversation and less language
barriers in the hotels we provide our service in.

While our training today is focused on the use of the Spanish language in the hospitality
industry, our company offers training for other languages as well. Other training modules include
the Chinese language, Arabic, and French. These languages, as well as Spanish, are some of the
most commonly spoken in the world. We strive to assist with hotel’s inclusion of different
cultures, and in the future intend to expand our program with more language training.
We offer different options for training, depending on the extent of language fluidity the
company desires their employees to have. The program that we are conducting today is our
express version, and the details will be discussed in the itinerary below. Other programs offered
vary from two weeks to a year. We strive to be as efficient as possible without being a boring
process for the employees. Learning a language should be exciting and enjoyable for all
involved, and these trainings are aimed at that.

 Providing basic knowledge of the Spanish language
 How to appropriately interact with a guest whose first
language isn’t English
 Create a fluid check in process
 Create more valuable and strong employees
 Provide an inclusive environment


Day 1: (1 hour)
 About us
 Our objectives
 Survey results
Day 1 Summary:
For day one, we want to get our message across to the people we are training. We want to tell
them what we are about and what they are going to be learning in the next two days while
training with us. After they get a better understanding of them we want to get a better
understanding of our trainees. The questions listed in this training module under beginning
questionnaire will give us the information we need to get our training started. There are going to
be some people that already know how to speak Spanish and of course some people who cannot.
For the people that already know the language we use them as teachers too. We do this in order
to get more help for the people who cannot understand nor communicate in Spanish.

Day 2: (2 hours)
 Greetings
 Everyday Language
 Common Phrases
Day 2 Summary:

Here is when we really get into the learning of the Spanish language. We first want to teach our
trainees how to greet customers coming into the hotel. Also give them simple words such as
please and thank you to be polite. Following that we want to educate our trainees about everyday
words that are also beneficial in the hotel industry. Knowing the days of the week, months of the
year, and the numbers in Spanish will really benefit the worker if he does indeed come across a
Spanish speaking customer. A customer booking ahead or trying to tell a customer what floor he
is on is crucial and in order to understand this we need to know these words.

Day 3: (2 hours)
 Review
 Quiz/Exam
 On the floor (Role Play)
Day 3 Summary: Our goal on this day is to see what everyone knows. We will start off with a
review of everything learned the day before. Followed by this we will administer a quiz to make
sure that the trainees were paying attention and in fact learned basic Spanish. Finally the last part
which we believe as a company is the most important is the role play. We will put our trainees in
real life situation to see if they can handle the situation correctly. We do the role play to give
them some experience and different scenarios they may face when intervening with a Spanish
speaking person.

Understanding Language
How can understanding language in the workforce contribute to a sustainable competitive
A sustainable competitive advantage is something that your business does that:
 Is better than that of your competitors
 Is valuable to your customers
 Is rare in your industry
 Is difficult to acquire or imitate

Interactive Technique
In the beginning of this module there was a beginning questionnaire you were asked to fill out.
Our interactive technique for our training program is to take a survey before our training class.
All members of the training class are asked those same questions to get a general knowledge of
what they know and what they want to know. During our shortened trainings we try and have fun
with our trainees. We do this by playing Bingo. We will give the English words and they have to
know what the word is in Spanish on their Bingo card. We do this to give a fun easy way to get
these words in our trainees’ heads.

Beginning Questionnaire





Section 1: Social Language


The first step in learning a new language is to get started with basic greetings. Below are a few
common expressions you can use every day along with the enunciation.

Spanish Pronunciation English

Hola Oh-lah Hi/hello

Buenos dias Bwe-nos di-yahs Good morning/day

Buenas tardes Bwe-nas tar-des Good afternoon

Buenas noches Bwe-nas noh-ches Good evening/night

Como estas Ko-moes-tas How are you?

Por favor Por fa-vor Please

gracias gra-thyas Thank you

De nada de-na-dha You’re welcome

Adios a-dhyos Goodbye

Note: In Spanish, the letter (h) is not pronounced. This makes it a silent letter, so when
pronouncing hello, it is said (oh-lah) and not (hoh-lah).

Section 2: Everyday Terms
Knowing days, months, and numbers are essential in creating an inclusive environment for
guests who do not speak English. A fluid check in and reservation process is the perfect first
impression. This information is provided below.

Days of the Week

Spanish Pronunciation English

lunes (LOOH-nayss) Monday

martes (MAHR- tayss) Tuesday

miércoles (mee-AIR-coh-layss) Wednesday

jueves (WHAY-vayss) Thursday

viernes (vee-AIR-nayss) Friday

sábado (SAH-bah-doh) Saturday

domingo (doh-MEEN-goh) Sunday

Months of the Years

Spanish Pronunciation English

enero eh-NEH-no January

febrero feh-BREH-ro February

marzo MAR-zo March

abril ah-BRIL April

mayo MAY-o May

junio HOO-nio June

julio HOO-lio July

agosto ah-GO-sto August

septiembre se-TEEM-YEEM-bray September

octubre ok-TOO-brey October

noviembre no-VEE-YEM-bray November

diciembre dee-CEE-YEM-bray December


0-cero 20-veinte
1-uno 21-veintiuno
2-dos 30-treinta
3-tres 31- treinta y uno
4-cuatro 40-cuarenta
5-cinco 50-cincuenta
6-seis 60-sesenta
7-siete 70-setenta
8-ocho 80-ochenta
9-nueve 90-noventa
10-diez 100-cien
11-once 200-doscientos
12-doce 300-trescientos
13-trece 400-cuatrocientos
14-catorce 500-quinientos
15-quince 600-seiscientos
16-dieciseis 700-setecientos
17-diecisiete 800-ochocientos
18-dieciocho 900-novecientos
19-diecinueve 1000-mil

Section 3: Common Phrases

This section will be key in helping a Spanish speaking guest.

Hotel Phrases

Hello! Welcome to the Hilton do you have a Hola! Bienvenidos al Hilton, ¿Tienes una
reservation with us? reservación?

May I have your first and last name? Me puedes dar tu nombre

The elevators are down the hall and to your right. Los elevadores están rectos y a la derecha

Your room is on the third floor, number 323. Tu cuarto está en el tercer piso, cuarto
número 323

The pool is on the first floor. La piscina está en el primer piso.

Our breakfast service starts at 6 AM. Nuestro desayuno comienza a las seis de
la mañana

Enjoy your stay with us! Disfruta tu visita

Let me find someone to assist you. Déjame buscarte alguien que te puede


1. Hola A.Good evening/night
2. Buenas noches B. January
3. Viernes C. You’re Welcome
4. Enero D.Hello
5. Cuatro E.Tuesday
6. Martes F. Four
7. De nada G. Friday
8. Disfruta tu visita H. Enjoy your stay with us

Fill In

1. How are you? ___________________________________________________________

2. May I have your first and last name? __________________________________________

3. Hello! Welcome to the Hilton do you have a reservation with us? ___________________

4. Julio ___________________________________________________________________

5. Nuestro desayuno comienza a las seis de la mañana ______________________________

6. Déjame buscarte alguien que te puede ayudar ___________________________________

Closing Statement
We want to thank you for showing interest in our company! Together we can help build more
inclusive hotels and help make strides towards language barriers in hotels. This will just make
your job easier. With our qualified, outgoing and friendly staff, we make it fun and easy to work
with us. They are hardworking individuals who want to make your job easier! We want to bring
Language Training International to you and get your workers the training they need to be the


Spanish speakers bring diversity to workplace in El Paso County. (2006). The Colorado
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Hall, Sharon. (2014, Dec. 4). Breaking Down the Language Barrier with Hospitality
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Retrieved from www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic


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