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Money flows to me whether I work for it or not

2. I am doing what I love and earning lots of money doing it
3. There is plenty of money in the universe and there is plenty for me.
4. I love money and money loves me.
5. My wallet is full of money
6. I am open and receptive to new streams of income
7. My bank account is always overflowing with money!
8. Attracting money is easy
9. Large sums of money come to me quickly and frequently
10. I am financially free
11. I love the feeling of being rich
12. I can pay my bills easily and effortlessly
13. I can attract as much money as I want
14. I am accumulating large sums of money
15. Everyone wants to give me money
16. It's magic the way money flows to me in abundance everyday in every way
17. I allow more money into my life
18. Opportunity is coming my way, I am open to receiving abundance
19. I now live, feel and expect abundance of money
20. I am at peace with having a lot of money
21. I attract wealth abundance and prosperity with every breath I take
22. I am using money to bless my life and other people's lives
23. I easily bring money and wealth into my life
24. My income will double this month!!
25. My attitude towards money is always positive
26. I have a great relationship with money. It loves me and fills my pockets
27. I attract unlimited abundance
28. My goal is to become a billionaire and more!
29. I am on my way to creating great wealth
30. I am extremely lucky in matters of money. I constantly receive jackpots of money
31. I attract abundance to me from all directions
32. Every day I visualize myself creating more and more wealth
33. I have a wealth mindset Wealth is pouring into my life everyday
34. I am debt free
35. I have a millionaire mind
36. Money does grow on trees
37. I am the master of my wealth
38. I am deeply grateful for the wealth that keeps coming into my life
39. I am abundant in every good way
40. I am focused on achieving wealth
41. I am a powerfully charged money magnet
42. I am aligned with the energy of abundance
43. I release all resistance to attracting money. I am worthy of a positive cash flow
44. I am at ease with having lots and lots of money
45. Everyday my bank balance is more than that of the previous day
46. Money is my friend and I am blessed with abundance of it
47. I love abundance and prosperity and I attract it naturally
48. I feel marvellous as a rich person
49. I can afford anything I want in life
50. I now allow my vibration to attract abundance in beautiful and creative ways
51. I am attracting endless abundance by keeping a gratitude mindset
52. I allow the universe to drench me with prosperity and I receive it fully
53. Wealth floats around me daily
54. I have the power to create all the success and prosperity I Desire
55. I celebrate life love and abundance everyday
56. I am the next billionaire
57. I give myself permission to be prosperous
58. I am able to handle large sums of money
59. Money flows to me in waves
60. I am in the process of manifesting $100 billion
61. All my actions lead to abundance and prosperity
62. I am capable of all my goals and much more
63. I am a magnet for money and prosperity of every kind is drawn to me
64. I am receiving now.... I am receiving all the wealth that the universe has for me now
65. Success money and happiness comes easily to me
66. I deserve to earn all the income I choose and I'm capable of earning
67. I now see opportunities for abundance everywhere. I am blessed and prospered
68. This time next year we will be millionaires
69. I am a rich child of a loving universe
70. My mind is a powerful magnet for profitable ideas
71. I bless with love all the money that passes through my hands
72. I have more money in my account at the end of each month
73. I am fully open to the flow of abundance in my life now
74. I am getting richer and richer with every passing moment
75. Money is my friend and I am blessed with abundance of it
76. When I prosper other people prosper. When I succeed other people succeed
77. I am thankful for the comfort and joy that money provides me
78. I am at ease with having lots and lots of money
79. I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today
80. My money goals will manifest this year
81. I am an excellent Money Manager
82. It's raining money
83. I make millions. Yes, I save millions, I invest millions, I give millions away

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