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Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Pattern

Areas of Functional Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization


Health Perception Patient D.M is not very Patient D.M does not
particular of her health. considered herself healthy
Health Management She eats anything served anymore due to her
on the table. present condition. She is
diagnosed with cellulitis.

Nutritional-Metabolic Patient loves eating oily Patient is on soft diet. She

Pattern and dry foods. She rarely eats fruits like bananas
eats fruits and vegetables. and apples. She’s trying
her best to eat nutritious
foods to regain her

Elimination Pattern Bowel: Patient defecates 1 Bowel: Patient bowel

to 2 times a day without routine changed. She
experiencing discomforts, defecates once every 2
usually morning and days. Stool is minimal.
Bladder: Patient bladder
Bladder: Patient usually routine changed. Currently,
voids 7-8 times a day. the patient is under I/O
Urine is yellow and has no monitoring at an estimate
pain when voiding. of 1000 cc of urine/day.

Activity-Exercise Pattern Patient do brisk walking Patient activities in the

and do household chores. hospital are ambulation,
taking a bath and cleaning
her bed.

Sleep-Rest Pattern Patient sleeps late at night Patient has difficulty of

around 10 to 11pm and sleeping because she has
wakes up 6am. She feels no S/O and sleeps around
comfortable in her bed. 3-4 hours. She feels
She sleeps around 6 hours uncomfortable in the
a day. hospital.
Cognitive Perceptual Patient is a high school Because of patient’s
Pattern graduate. She can read condition, she has difficulty
and write. She can speak in speaking due to body
and understood by others. malaise.

Self-Perception-Self Patient describe herself as Patient is still hopeful that

Concept easy going person, has a her sickness will not limit
happy disposition with herself from functioning.
Pattern positive outlook in life.

Role-Relationship Patient is a single mom Her mother is the one

and is currently living with taking care of her in the
her parents. She is not hospital.
close to her siblings and
does not communicate

Sexuality-Reproductive Menarche was at 13 years Patient focuses more on

old. She is a single mom her treatment and children.
and is happy of her

Coping-Stress Patient would stroll in the Patient sleeps, eat and

mall with her children or gossip with other patients
Tolerance gossip with neighbors. in the ward.

Value-Belief Patient has strong faith in Patients’ faith is stronger

God. Though she is not now that she has a
active in church, she disease. She believes that
believes God is the God will never leave her
salvation of humanity. and these are all obstacles
to make her a better

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