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Sr. No.

: 1
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Human eye
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Easy
Question: The ‘accommodation’ property of the eyes accounts for the_______.

Options: (A). adjustment of the focal length of the eyes lens.

(B). change in the size of the cornea according to intensity of the
(C). formation of the real image on the retina
(D).correction of astigmatism

Correct Option: (A)

Solution: The images of the objects at different distances from the eye are
brought to focus on the retina by changing the focal length of the
eye-lens. This property of the eye is called ‘accomodation’.
Sr. No.: 2
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Defects of vision
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Easy
Question: Presbyopia is corrected by using a_______ for reading.

Options: (A). convex lens

(B). concave lens
(C). plano-convex lens
(D). plano-concave lens

Correct Option: (A)

Solution: Presbyopia is a defect in which image appears blurred if an elderly
person tries to read a book at about 25 cm from the eye. It is
corrected by using a converging lens for reading.
Sr. No.: 3
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Human eye
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Easy
Question: The standard value of the least distance of distinct vision for normal
vision is
Options: (A). 0 cm
(B). 0.25 cm
(C). 0.25 m
(D). 50 cm

Correct Option: (C)

Solution: The closest distance for which the lens can focus light on the retina is
called the ‘least distance of distinct vision’, or the near point. The
standard value for normal vision is taken as 25 cm .
Sr. No.: 4
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Human eye
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Medium
Question: Which of the following statement(s) regarding the human eye is/are
I. The change in focal length of the lens is adjusted by the iris.
II. Long-sightedness is also known as Hypermetropia.
III. Blind spot is a small area of the retina sensitive to light.

Options: (A). Only I

(B). Only II
(C). Only III
(D). Only II and III

Correct Option: (B)

Solution: The shape (curvature) and therefore the focal length of the lens can
be modified by the ciliary muscles.

Farsightedness or hypermetropia is a defect in eye-lens focuses the

incoming light at a point behind the retina.

The blind spot is a small area of the retina insensitive to light where
the optic nerve leaves the eye.
Sr. No.: 5
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Human eye
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Medium
Question: Which of the following statement(s) regarding the human eye is/are
I. Image formed on the retina is virtual and inverted.

II. Had one eye of the man been absent, the image formed on retina
would have not been three dimensional and the visible region

III. Image is formed for the short sighted person at a point behind the

Options: (A). Only I

(B). Only II
(C). Only II and III
(D). Only I and III

Correct Option: (B)

Solution: Image formed at retina is real and inverted.

Visible region decreases when one of the eyes is absent which affects
the depth of the image. The clear 3D formation is due to the two
distinct images formed by the two eyes

Myopia is a defect in eye-lens that focuses the incoming light in front

of the retina.
Sr. No.: 6
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Scattering of light
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Medium
Question: Which the following statement(s) is/are wrong?

I. The sun looks red at sunset due to total internal reflection of red

II. Clouds are generally white in colour because the clouds being
dense, the light doesn’t scatter from them.

III. The amount of scattering is proportional to the fourth power of

the wavelength.

Options: (A). Only I

(B). Only I and II
(C). Only II and III
(D). I, II and III

Correct Option: (D)

At sunset, the sun’s rays pass through a larger distance in the
atmosphere. The least scattered light which is red reaches our eyes
but most of the blue and other shorter wavelengths are removed by
scattering. Thus, the Sun looks red due to scattering phenomenon.

Clouds are white because contain droplets of water which have size
greater than the wavelength of the light. Therefore, all wavelengths
are scattered nearly equally making clouds appear white.

Rayleigh scattering states that the amount of scattering is inversely

proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength.
Sr. No.: 7
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Defects of vision
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Difficult
Question: Which of the following statement(s) regarding the human eye is/are

I. Presbyopia is a defect in which ‘least distance of distinct vision’

increases beyond the standard value.

II. Myopic eye produces too much convergence in the incident beam.

III. Astigmatism can be corrected by convex lens.

Options: (A). Only I

(B). Only II
(C). Only I and II
(D). Only II and III

Correct Option: (C)

Solution: The ‘near point’ may be as close as about 7 to 8 cm in a child ten
years of age, and may increase to as much as 200 cm at 60 years of
age. If an elderly person tries to read a book at about 25 cm from the
eye, the image appears blurred. This condition (defect of the eye)
is called presbyopia.

Myopia is a defect in which the light from a distant object arriving at

the eye-lens may get converged at a point in front of the retina
implying that the eye is producing too much convergence in the
incident beam.

Astigmatism can be corrected by using a cylindrical lens of desired

radius of curvature with an appropriately directed axis.
Sr. No.: 8
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Defects of vision
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Difficult
Question: Which of the following statement(s) regarding the human eye is/are
I. If the distance of the far point for a myopic patient is doubled, the
focal length of the lens is required to cure it will become half.

II. A defect in the eye causes close objects to be unclear because the
image is formed behind the retina.

III. Objects closer than 25 cm can not be seen because the cilliary
muscles can’t make the focal length of the lens large enough to
accommodate image behind the retina.

Options: (A). Only I

(B). Only II
(C). Only I and II
(D). Only I and III

Correct Option: (B)

Solution: For myopia, the focal length of lens is proportional to the distance of
far point. If distance of the far point is doubled the focal length will
also be doubled.

Hypermetropia is a defect of vision in which there is difficulty with

near vision but far objects can be seen easily. The image of nearby
objects is focused behind the retina rather than upon it.

To see an object placed closer than 25 cm , the ciliary muscles have

to make the focal length still smaller which adds pressure on the
muscles and they can’t compress the lens beyond the limit.
Sr. No.: 9
Subject: Physics
Topic: Optical Instruments and Some Natural Phenomenon
Subtopic: Scattering of light
Bloom’s Level: Knowledge
Level: Difficult
Question: Which the following statement(s) is/are wrong?

I. For large dust or ice particles greater than the wavelength of the
incident light, scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power
of the wavelength.

II. The reddish appearance of the full moon near the horizon is due to
the greatest dispersion of the red colour.

III. The reason for sky to seem blue rather than violet is that violet
gets scattered less than blue which is an exception of Rayleigh

Options: (A). Only I

(B). Only III
(C). Only II and III
(D). I, II and III

Correct Option: (D)

For large scattering objects (raindrops, large dust or ice particles)
whose size is greater than wavelength of the light Rayleigh scattering
is not true and all wavelengths are scattered nearly equally.

At moon near horizon, the light from the moon has to travel through
a larger distance in the atmosphere. Most of the blue and other
shorter wavelengths are removed by scattering and red color reaches
the eyes due to least scattering.

Violet, which has a shorter wavelength than blue, gets scattered even
more than blue but sky seems blue since eyes are more sensitive to
blue than violet.

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