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From: Douglas Grandt answerthecall@mac.

Subject: The writing is on the wall. XOM had best prepare to lead the industry endgame
Date: October 23, 2018 at 12:01 AM
To: Suzanne M. McCarron Suzanne.M.McCarron@ExxonMobil.com, Max Schulz max.schulz@exxonmobil.com
Cc: Darren W. Woods Darren.W.Woods@ExxonMobil.com, Jeffrey J. Woodbury jeff.j.woodbury@exxonmobil.com,
William (Bill) M. Colton William.M.Colton@ExxonMobil.com

Dear Darren, ExxonMobil Management and Employees,

AND REQUEST FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE STAY” filed today Bit.ly/OCT22Oct18. Bottom line, the Department of Justice
is fundamentally “behind the eight ball” but they cannot withdraw like you, API and other Intervenors did back in 2017.

I hope you are prepared to become part of the fall-out from what I foresee as Our Children’s Trust annihilation of the
Department of Justice’s defense in KELSEY CASCADIA ROSE JULIANA, et al. v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, et al.

ExxonMobil through the American Petroleum Institute, other industry Intervenors and the Defendant’s November 12 and
November 17, 2015, motions to dismiss were denied on April 8, 2016. Gluttons for punishment, you failed again on
November 10, 2016 after your oral arguments were heard on September 10, 2015.

Now, here we are, one week from trial and the kids have won yet two more rounds of attack by the Defendant U.S.A.:

By allowing Plaintiffs’ claim of infringement of an unenumerated right to a stable climate system capable of
sustaining human life to proceed to trial, along with Plaintiffs’ other claims, Judge Aiken recognized that such a
right, if supported by evidence at later stages of litigation, would be, like the right in Obergefell, a right “underlying
and supporting other liberties” and “quite literally the foundation ‘of society, without which there would be neither
civilization nor progress.’”

On December 15, 2016, you and your cohorts took another swing and missed and on January 13, 2017, you admitted,
among other significant facts:

“for over fifty years some officials and persons employed by the federal government have been aware of a
growing scientific body of research concerning the effects of fossil fuel emissions on atmospheric concentrations
of CO2—including that increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 could cause measurable long-lasting
changes to the global climate, resulting in an array of severe and deleterious effects to human beings, which will
worsen over time”;

“global atmospheric concentrations of CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide are at unprecedentedly high levels
compared to the past 800,000 years of historical data and pose risks to human health and welfare”;

Petitioners “permit, authorize, and subsidize fossil fuel extraction, development, consumption, and exportation”;

“fossil fuel extraction, development, and consumption produce CO2 emissions and . . . past emissions of CO2
from such activities have increased the atmospheric concentration of CO2”;

“EPA has concluded . . . that, combined, emissions of six well-mixed [greenhouse gases] are the primary and best
understood drivers of current and projected climate change”;

“the consequences of climate change are already occurring and, in general, those consequences will become
more severe with more fossil fuel emissions”;

“[T]hat current and projected atmospheric concentrations of . . . [greenhouse gases], including CO2, threaten the
public health and welfare of current and future generations, and thus will mount over time as [greenhouse gases]
continue to accumulate in the atmosphere and result in ever greater rates of climate change.”

Motion to dismiss was again denied on May 1, 2017. You were building a great track record! We know that the
mighty ExxonMobil is not used to losing, rather playing by the rules, twisting the law to get what you want.

But, typical of your modus operandi, you and DOJ got pushy and abusive on June 6, 2017 … and you lost again.

June 28, 2017, you and the other Intervenors withdrew, packed your bags and went home, tails between your legs.

In spite of all your finagling to dismiss a legitimate examination of the facts, the Ninth Circuit Court slammed the motion to
dismiss big time:
dismiss big time:

“There is enduring value in the orderly administration of litigation by the trial courts, free of needless appellate
interference. In turn, appellate review is aided by a developed record and full consideration of the issues by the
trial courts.”

There is so much to relish in the Plaintiffs response to the Department of Justice’s flailing, which I am sure your attorneys
have already digested and regurgitated for your reluctant consumption … but let this sampling be a warning.

It is time you get serious about putting the endgame together, and rally your global cohorts to get on board so the world
does not suffer from your demise … if the economy and society turn chaotic, that will affect you and yours equally. Put the
obsolete hulks to rest gracefully ad with dignity. Buy back the outstanding shares, and put yourselves and former
employees at the end of the line. No more dividends and no more bonuses. No more CapEx for exploration or expansion.
Put all profits into paying down debt and dismantling and detoxing assets first, share buyback second. Advise Congress
how long it will take to wind down, and what you will do to avoid bale out from We the People.

How can you defend yourself for obstructing Our Children’s Trust when this is the first of many paragraphs:


1. These young Plaintiffs commenced this action on August 12, 2015 and filed their First Amended Complaint
(“FAC”) on September 10, 2015. D. Ct. Doc. 7.8 Plaintiffs allege that Petitioners’ systemic affirmative ongoing
conduct, persisting over decades, in creating, controlling, and perpetuating a national fossil fuel-based energy
system, despite long-standing knowledge of the resulting destruction to our Nation and profound harm to these
young Plaintiffs, violates Plaintiffs’ constitutional due process rights. Specifically, Plaintiffs allege Petitioners’
conduct violates their substantive due process rights to life, liberty, and property, to dignity, to personal security, to
a stable climate system capable of sustaining human lives and liberties, as well as other previously recognized
unenumerated liberty interests, and has placed Plaintiffs in a position of danger with deliberate indifference to
their safety under a state-created danger theory. Id. ¶¶ 277-89, 302-06. Further, Plaintiffs allege Petitioners’
conduct violates their rights as children to equal protection by discriminating against them with respect to their
fundamental rights and as members of a quasi-suspect class. Id. ¶¶ 290-301. Finally, Plaintiffs allege Petitioners’
conduct violates their rights as beneficiaries to public trust resources under federal control and management. Id.
¶¶ 307-10. With respect to all claims, the FAC seeks a declaration of Plaintiffs’ rights and the violation thereof and
an order directing Petitioners to cease their violations of Plaintiffs’ rights, prepare an accounting of the nation’s
greenhouse gas emissions, and prepare and implement an enforceable national remedial plan to cease the
constitutional violations by phasing out fossil fuel emissions and drawing down excess atmospheric CO2, as well
as such other and further relief as may be just and proper. Id. at Prayer for Relief.

Prepare your endgame now. I suspect, based on your current P/E ratio that it will take you 40 years to responsibly take
care of your fiduciary duty and remunerate share holders, settle your massive debt and clean up your abandoned assets,
dismantle, recycle and detox and tie it up with a bow.

You owe it to society who gave you your wealth, to manage the endgame with dignity.

Maintain your dignity and accept the reality. The era of oil and gas combustion is over

It’s time to bow out gracefully.

Sincerely yours,

Doug Grandt

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