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‘eblel. BfectaofBeapo or Five Gav om (7 npn in nan er et saveap Conlin Tower Cereus mg ae ‘Ofice Plt = = 1 aa 3 ABhalingy C0) eS) Ot) M1 pss) st 645) fo) steoeen 1% man oan comoentrations of alkalinity, hardness, and calcium than would be expected on the basi ofthe cycles of, comcentration calculated Irom the ratio ofehloride in he tower water to that in the makeup water. This inclicated heavy calcium carbonate precipitation ‘winich was confirmed by the heavy ecale found in the refrigerant condenser, ‘A.wery diferent picture was presented by the water in ‘the lange plant cooling tower located om a rot less thean 100 feet away and, unfortunately, only 10 fet fram the stubby plant stack. Serubbing ofthe stack gases resulted in the absorption of enough eulfur oxides to exceed the neutelaing capacity of the allcaliity inthe makeup water. The excess wlfurie ciel which formed drastically reduced the pH. The ‘cor rosiviy ofthe circulating water is obvious from the excessively high ion content. The very high sulfate forscentration also ‘caused. heavy ‘alcium sulfate deposits, Finally, changes inthe cooling water composition are sonneetimes caused by leakage from higher pressure process streams in heat exchangers. Here, too, the water may become more corrosive or develop a greater fouling tendency, depending upon the nature. of ‘contaminants 2, EFFECT OF WATER QUALITY, ‘A cooling tower is part of a carefully engineered he exchange system. Any film oF deposit which forms on the waterside heat exchange surfaces redices the heat ‘exchange efciency ofthe syvem. System reliability ‘an_be sharply reduced by maintenance shutdowns required for removal of watemide deposits, replace ‘ment of circulation pump shaft seals abraded by ‘suspended particulates in the water, or repaits required by waterside coroton failures: Corrosion of system componente shortens the system life, as well 1s reducing operational reliability ‘The cooling tower operator sees these water caused effects as symptoms—cooling capacity becomes ined 01 equate—cooling water Now decreases—leaks develop. However, these same symptoms may als) develop, from causes untelated to the cooling water. Insulating deposits may form on the process side of Feat exchangers. Thin plastic sheeting has boon know to feniet a cooling tower and cut off water flow by Dlanketing heat exchanger tube inlss, Leaking pansy ‘lands may reflect poor mechenical maintenance, So, the fis step in eorsecting these stiations must bes

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