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2 Criticism Discipline
2 Conflict Management
2 Interaction
2 Representative
2 Work Facilitation
2 Close coordination
2 Planing
2 Problem solving
2 Information Dissemination
2 Training Coaching
2 Goal Setting: e.g u mast hv plan 4 da coming 5 years
2 Role Clarification: job must be defined
2 Autonomy/delegation means to give authority, freedom.
2 Decision Participating.
2 Structuring contingencies means emergency plan.
2 Praise recognition means to extend to which ur manager admired u.
2 Inspiration means to get motivated ...
2 Consideration: how much ur boss is supportive if u late ur job..........
2 Performance emphases: is to extend to which da leader emphases ur good results




Brainstorming is a group discussion in which individuals use the free flow of ideas to generate as many thoughts as
possible within a defined period of time.

Edward de Bono, leading authority in the world in the field of creative thinking, talks about ³brainsailing.´ This
helps us visualize how the ideas in a brainstorming session should flow smoothly from one another.



It is important to be precise. The better the question, the better the result.

Compare the following questions:

³What are the challenges and opportunities regarding how we bring our next product to market?´

³What are the problems with bringing out new product to market?'

Very similar questions, but the first will elicit both positive and negative responses while the later will tend to
identify only the negative areas of the issue. Which will give you the results you want?



Let the process continue a bit longer if the discussion is still lively. Be careful not to end prematurely. A short lull
very often leads to a new wave of ideas.

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Commenting on ideas is the quickest way to derail or even shut down a dynamic brainstorming session. You should
however get clarification if people don't understand what is meant by an idea.






Spark: r the individual who spark the creative process

Sponsors: r the people who promote the idea

Shapers: r people who make the idea and so on....

Sounding boards: r the people outside the project whose objectivity and broad r known (proper Knwldge)

Specialist: r people who drown on their specialist knwledge just like Meraaj Sind wala'

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PricewaterhouseCoopers carried out a major study of innovation that found ³most companies fail to take advantage
of good ideas « the main reason is poor Idea Management.´

The PwC Innovation Report identified three main success factors of innovative companies, which are illustrated in
the diagram below:

Leadership & Followership

Climate & Environment

Structured Idea Management Process ² gathering ideas widely from employees, customers and supply chain

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Initially, innovation management was formed to provide an efficient managing system for Research & Development
(R&D), but it has now spread far beyond this area due to the importance of innovation in various fields of business.
In general, innovation management has two main duties to manage both input and output of innovative materials.
In the former case, innovation management must conduct the flow of innovative ideas (like new discoveries) into the
organization for subsequent usages. In other words, it is needed to collect all relevant external innovations to serve
the internal innovative system.

In the latter case, the internal innovation should be managed in a proper manner. According to the customers needs,
an organization always should have new products and services to satisfy their needs. Internal innovative system is
responsible for analyzing the external needs, estimating the internal possibilities, and proposing new innovative

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nnovation can outweigh whether it will be embraced. The half-century of diffusion research suggests that five
distinct attributes are strong predictors of an innovation's acceptance. It's those attributes and not learner preference
for one modality over another (or even the perceived need for change) that training organizations must assess and
use to inform an online intervention. They are the innovation's

* relative advantage

* compatibility

* complexity

* trialability

* observability.

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Leaders of successful, high-growth companies understand that innovation is what drives growth, and
innovation is achieved by awesome people with a shared relentless growth attitude and shared passion for
problem solving and for turning ideas into realities. Companies that continuously innovate will create and
re-invent new markets, products, services, and business models ± which leads to more growth. Innovation
is founded on your enterprise's ability to recognize market opportunities, your internal capabilities to
respond innovatively, and your knowledge base.
So, the best thing to do to guarantee growth is to build a sustainable innovation organization around the
following components:
1.Vision and strategy for innovation
2.Culture supporting innovation
3.Processes, practices and systems supporting the jazz of innovation
4.Top management team leading innovation
5.Cross-functional teams mapping innovation road
6.Empowered employees driving innovation

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