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Internfl tinnnl }truman Rightl

Propo.sed 0xtline

L Concept ancl History

Burns \"Veston, fluw*n Rights,2A New Encyclopedia Briiannica ( l5,I' ed
1993) - Excerpr
fuIalanczuk" Ahshurst's lv[odent Intt'oductilon trs {ntenwtian*l Latv (7't,
Revised ed), pp. ZAg-?17
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

II. Inirodnction to l{unian Rights Issues and Discorrse

steiner and .A.lston, Inlentatiorzal Humsn Rights in canrext, pp. t-17

m. The Global Framelvork for contemporary Human Rights Discourse

C *tho li c C.otttnri ssiort tt. A ttamey G ene ral, l 4 Hurn. Rights L.J . 323 ( gg3)
Ertol .l*lntloir i,. Jamaica,UN Doc, CCPR/C/s 6n/SSS/lgg4, 5 IHrIR 2l
( I q??)

.?dle l'. Alalitvarn'cute, Case No. CCT/3/94, Constitutional Court of South

Africa (1995)

IV. Lalvs of trVar and Customary Intenrational Law

The P*rprcte l{abaxa, ITS IJS 677
h-la la nczr"rk, A ks ln r sl' s Me de rn ! ntr rsc*t cti on to { nte r ne ti ona l Lmt, {7tt
Revisecl eci), pp. 3g-48
I{ocltenni*mi, !'he Pull of tlrc llilainstreatr, BB $.{ich L. Rev. 1946 t}gg1)
v. Intenvar h{inorities Regime and the Role of T'reaties
Steiner and Alston, Internationd fiuwan Rights in Context, pp. 93- i 1 1

VI. Civil and Palitical Rigirts

Inrernational covenant on civil and Foliticar ltights
Stsiner and Alston, Intern*{iortal Hum$r Rights in Context,pp. 136-15g,

VII. Econornic ancl Social Rights

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Steiner anil Aiston, biefitution*l Htrnmn Rights in C*ntext, pp. 23?-300

Vm. Womefl's Rights

Conventiorr or the Elimination of nll forrns of Discrimination Against
Initiai Reporl of Suaternala to the CEDAW Comnrittee, CEDAWC/Cua/l-
2, ? April 1991
Amafiya S*n,lv{are Than 100lu{illion l{rrsmen Are lulissitrg, Ner.v York
Review oflBooks, December 20, 1990 * Excerpt at 6l
Amnesty International, Rape crnd Sextml Ahuse: Torhtre antl Ill Treatment
af lYoruen in Detenti{},n (1992) - Excerpt at I
Steiner ard Alstnn, {ntentational Human Rights in Context, pp. 176-21 1

IX. The Challenges olRelativisrn

Makau lvlulua, The Banjd Charter antl the A,fi'iccvt Culnral liingerprint:
An ilvahwtion altho l"curguage of Duties,35 Va. J. Int. L. i39 (1995)
Steiner anri Alston,Iftleftratierral Hummt Rigkts in Context, pp. 383-402,
539-553 "
X. Tnstitutions, f;nforcement and the UN
Steiner ancl Alston, Intenmtional Human 1?iglrts in Context, pp. 557-671

XI. Regional N{echanisnrs

blalanczuk, Akelun'st's ]u{oc{ern {nlroduction to lnle*tqtion{tl Lcnv {7tt'
Revised ed), pp 217-721

XII. Domestic Context and Meclranisms

Art. II, Sec. ?, Constitutiein
Thiiacila v. Angaro, G.R. No. I lBZg5. May ?,, l9g"l
Article XIII, Constitution
Cariiio 1,. C//ll, G.R. No. 9668I, Decenrber Z, lggl
Sintrm r,. Cffft, C.R. No. 100150, JanLrary S, l9g4

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