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IJECES 5 (1) (2016)

Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood

Education Studies

3D Puzzle: As a Fine Motor Skill Therapy Media for Children with Autistic

Dian Andari Hania , Rina Windiarti

DOI 10.15294/ijeces.v5i1.11278

Semarang State University, Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

Received February 2016 The aim of this research is to find out the purpose of 3d puzzle as a therapy media
Accepted May 2016 for autism children to develop their fine motor skills at Talenta therapy centre. This
Published June 2016 research in a qualitative methode with the data collection with the observation, in-
terviews and documentation. the analysis of this research has been showed that au-
Fine motor development tism children took a long time to finishing the puzzle. the reason was because their
Puzzle puzzle 3D eyes and hand were uncoordinated well. The study also showed that through this 3d
Therapy puzzle as a therapy media, the misbehavior of the children can be reduced such as
hitting, scratching, and any other thing. the 3d puzzle can be a way for children with
autism in any therapy centre to stimulate their fine motor skill.

How to cite
Hania, D., & Windiarti, R. (2016). The Use Of Puzzle 3D Puzzle in Therapy Me-
dia Fine Motor Skill to Autis Syndrom at Talenta’s Therapy Semarang. Indonesian
Journal Of Early Childhood Education Studies, 5(1), 59-67. doi:10.15294/ijeces.

© 2016 Semarang State University

Corresponding author: p-ISSN 2252-8415
Semarang State University, Semarang, Indonesia e-ISSN 2476-9584
E-mail: pgpaud@mail.unnes.ac.id
Dian A H & Rina Windiarti / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (1) (2016)

introduction was five years , but with progress not necessarily

they have been through its stages on age 5 years ,
The autis often shunned or viewed the spy often children autis aged five years
by anak-anak normal because of his disorder .Of- .Aspects the development of which will
ten they are cautious autis children for fear of the pass kids are described in permendiknas no. 58
emotions are out of control , because he has a dis- 2009 , in it already exists that will pass children
turbance autis on a communication , social inter- start age 0 months until with age of 6 years .Of
action and they often started playing imaginative the permendiknas we can know the development
emerged on children are under 3 year so cause of a child in accordance with development level
students to autis it cannot play with teman-teman or not , if not , parents and environment can give
in the area .The autis known to have silos because stimulus to help the development of to walk in
it often play unimaginative and should not pay no individuals at .If we want to seeing the develop-
mind the around .As one who had physical nor- ment of on child autis with the guidebook per-
mal , should not avoid this anak-anak with special mendiknas no. 58 2009 , we should see a men-
needs disabled athletes .As in undang-undang tal age of children the autis .Even though the
number 23 years 2002 about children protection child autis in chronological age was five years ,
dictates that the child with special needs disabled but with progress not necessarily they have been
athletes is part of indonesian children that needs through its stages on age 5 years , often children
to be attention and protection from the govern- autis aged five year.
ment , society and family . This outlined in the Limited or abnormality that happened on
state minister women empowerment and child child autis made researchers want to see from
protection ri no 10 years 2011 about the handling the use of that puzzle 3D for children autis as a
of children with special needs disabled athletes. medium therapy fine motor .Media that puzzle
Abnormalities or disorder autis this hap- 3D themselves into one of the media who able
pen at an early age, even several factors triggers to stimulate the development of fine motor for
can happens when the remain in the womb.Some children , that made researchers want to see di-
difficulty or complication birth to cause of the rectly the use of against children autis .
children with autistik syndrome, including an Preliminary observations conducted by re-
untimely birth bleeding at age pregnancy appro- searchers in therapy center talents of semarang
aching first three months, the use of obat-obatan , interviews were conducted with one therapist
during pregnancy ( gillberg & amp; coleman, tsai; who explained that puzzle puzzle 3D this could be
2000, 1987 in aloy, 2005: 498 ) The importance one of the media therapy fine motor for children
to launch detection this for the children so that autistic because of the motions that done in pre-
know whether was suffering from a autis and can paring puzzle will train smooth muscles existing
be immediately handle it because the more yea- on a finger so that it can become preparation
rs level patients disorder autis increase .In pen- writing for a child .Reason researchers chose a
sylvania , united states , the number of children research in therapy center talents of semarang
autisma alone in the past five years mengingkat because in this institution that directly addressing
of 500 % , up to 40 than 10,000 of the birth of directly autistic child by the span of the age of 2-8
your handojo , 2005: 6 ) Of several aspects of the years of age who is a requirement of research to
development of which will pass children autis be be performed
stunted , as aspects cognitive , aspects language , Problems this research which are ( 1 see
aspects value moral and religious , aspects motor the use of that puzzle 3D for children autis , ( 2
and emotional social aspects .Aspects the deve- see the role that puzzle 3D as a medium therapy
lopment of which will pass kids are described in fine motor for children autis .The purpose of re-
permendiknas no. 58 2009 , in it already exists search are ( 1 ) to know the use of that puzzle 3D
that will pass children start age 0 months until for children autis , ( 2 ) to know bagaiaman the
with age of 6 years .Of the permendiknas we can role that puzzle 3D as a medium therapy fine mo-
know the development of a child in accordance tor for children autis
with development level or not , if not , parents
and environment can give stimulus to help the METhOD
development of to walk in individuals at .If we
want to seeing the development of on child autis This study adopted qualitative approaches
with the guidebook permendiknas no. 58 2009 , , with data collection by interview , documen-
we should see a mental age of children the autis tation and observation .The subject of research
.Even though the child autis in chronological age this is the autis in central therapy talents sema-

Dian A H & Rina Windiarti / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (1) (2016)

rang between the ages of 2-8 years .Observation institutions have aims to help crew members to
done to see the use of that puzzle 3D by the son the development of can develop better .The fol-
autis during the process therapy .Interviews were lowing are table 4.1 data students who eventually
conducted with the therapist who handle directly get through in central institutions therapy talents
children autis and already versed in its field. Semarang.

RESULTs and discussion The number of children therapy center talenta’s

semarang in september 2015
In chapter 1 previously been explained that The number of
the study is done to know the use of that puzzle Type of disorder
3D for the media therapy fine motor for children
Autis 7 anak
autisdengan method kulitatif that is by using a
method of observation nonpartisipatif and inter- Cerebal Palsy 1 anak
view in depth to informants as specified based on Hyperaktif 2 anak
criteria is chosen and determined Down Syndrom 1 anak
Syndrom Asperger 1 anak
Talenta’s therapy profile
Institutions therapy center of talents in Retardasi Mental 1 anak
Jl. mintojiwo in iii 10 semarang .Have been Terlambat bicara (speech
2 anak
constructed since july 2010 .This institution delay)
handle therapy for crew members without limit
age the child that shall be by giving therapy by During their stay in the research locations ,
the span of age children who were now under by researcher has supervise the to five children autis
giving therapy from age 3 - 23 years , several spe- who by giving therapy in an institution therapy
cies of crew members that is in an institution are center talents semarang .Observation are in the
children autis , cerebal palsy , hyperaktif , down form of activity during therapy that does the autis
syndrom , syndrom asperger , mental retardation , from beginning to end , especially the use of the
and late talk or speech delay .Therapy on monday puzzle puzzle 3D this in therapy session .Behavior
till friday was started at 8 am s / d 2 pm , and shown children autis own diverse , starting from
on saturday was started at 8 am s / d 12 pm to who are not interested in a game of that has been
a session therapy 1-2 hours every child depends provided until interested .
the needs of a child which will perform therapy Researchers given time for approximately
and seen from disorder suffered .Besides institu- four observation and interview in an institution
tions therapy talents , there are kindergarten of talents , and done researchers on sunday first see
talents including kindergarten inclusion because usage that puzzle 3D in the terapi.karena the time
children by giving therapy in office also schools of the do his research is not long daru the new
in kindergarten talents . school year therefore his new therapies enter a re-
Based on the outcome of the findings po- minder and new activities .To the process therapy
tential and the problem , media development in every day , researchers used field notes in obser-
accordance with the needs of a child indispensab- vasinya The first week of observation on the use
le .Hence , developed a medium that can be used of that puzzle 3D, some children were wanted to
to the activities learning especially activity motor play with that puzzle 3D this and others did not
according to the ability of children and able to in- want to.But in the first week of observation, re-
crease confidence children interact social another searchers only see the newly want to holding had
friend as well as a media multi-function that can not would play it.But the meeting to 2 and three
be used to learning other. sons have started to want to put that in various
Institutions headed by elizabeth w.m indi- ways, is assisted, can anyone but only ordered 1
ra S.Psi or often called Mrs. ira has 3 a therapist part and others
who have versed in handle a kid crew members. In this study, researchers conducted inter-
The therapist that is in an institution talents of view in depth to school principals who here as
already have special skill to handle a kid who by psychologist who directly gave assessment to the
giving therapy .Before becoming a therapist given autis which will perform therapy and the thera-
trainings on special by psychologists but knows pist who directly handle a kid autis.Interviews
best characteristic , type and for crew members were conducted to answer formulation problems
.Number of children by giving therapy in office is in chapter sebelumnya.terdiri than one person
20 children with different characteristics .Talents psychologist / the school principal and 3 peop-

Dian A H & Rina Windiarti / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (1) (2016)

le therapist.A therapist who chosen by virtue of Level of concentration in the son of autis-
being connected directly handle a kid autis and tic indeed cannot be likened to a child normal .In
also have teaching more than 1 year, know in working on an activity that also given a therapist
depth children autis, know the world children au- , if he had was bored or tired , then a therapist
tis as well as having proximity emotional to one cannot force him.
autis observed Of little bit of the most striking namely litt-
le bit of 2 , but the time it takes to assemble the
The use of that puzzle 3D as a the media therapy depending on the level of autistic suffered severe
fine motor for children autis anak.semakin level autisnya hence the longer to
The use of puzzle 3D puzzle at talenta’s therapy be able to put them together, .Intensity given to
In therapy that does the autis, many media puzzle ordered the little bit of puzzle 3D for a child
that can be used to train progress, better than the autistic namely by around 10-15 minutes , but it
development of motor, cognitive, language and depends of the level of the level of autisnya .For a
others.In this research, researchers see one of the child autistic with a low rate of 2 with little bit of
media unique used children autis in session the- it often takes some time no more than 5 minutes ,
rapy, media is called that puzzle 3D. but for a child with the level of severe it is just up
From the interviews that has been done to 15 minutes or even 30 minutes for the son of
about that shaped puzzle 3D obtained the state- with the level of severe is not interested in all the
ment that puzzle puzzle 3D having the color of activity given by a therapist
compelling that children autis who meilhat im- In ordered that puzzle 3D with little bit of
mediately interested, this is in line with state- 4 in the process is not that easy ordered little bit
ments from the third therapist in central institu- of 2 , some children were difficulty ordered they
tions talents semarang. 4 because they are more they so that a little out-
Third therapist in the agency admit that wit concentration children to pair they with each
puzzle puzzle 3D this is very interesting to used other .Of course a therapist before giving they 4
as a medium therapy play for children autis , in to the , provides an example of way they string
addition to the shapes as funny and his livery in- up between one and the other .Some children
teresting not uncommon children autis this direct were failed to but keep trying and finally ordered
the taking of that without the opportunity to di- , with the first experiment intensity time used can
rectly it plays .Besides interesting , children autis longer which is approximately 20 minutes , but if
in office also looked pleased while playing use the child have come to can ordered they 4 would
that this .From the statement informants , can be need only five minutes .Explanation of some in-
seen that interest of children autis depending on formants also was supported by informants se-
the level of autis owned cond the say if difficulty in using that this depen-
. Although not all the autis interested di- ding on the level of disorder children autis it self.
rectly against that this , but except the son autis Children with disorder autis having one of
are also interested to use that this .Interest that is the characteristics behavior as a child like tant-
unusual shown by the son autis by direct means rum if his are not met , or she does not can do
take and played it . something he would be angry and will be wrath-
ful or cry , this berdasrkan from researchers and
field notes

“Lt” Children with other disorder interested to

play that puzzle 3D Ar” being tutored by a therapist to perform the
activities of sewing
From the statement above would known
level interest shown by the son autis to puzzle 3D In this research, even though the child the-
is variously.There is then took and played it, but rapy do not want to do that puzzle 3D, the son
some are will not take own but when given that shall not experienced tantrum, if a child is able to
puzzle 3D this child zeal in them. play they tend leave the puzzle puzzle 3D

Dian A H & Rina Windiarti / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (1) (2016)

Various kinds of reaction from the autis if therapy and included in what therapy .A descrip-
they do not can play with the puzzle puzzle 3D tion of informants second about therapy that uses
most like leaving puzzlenya just like that and du- that puzzle 3D mengungkpakan that it includes in
ring this child autis in office never show reaction therapy okupasi .From the opinion of the third
tantrum ( raging , crying and screaming or even therapist , all media that deals with movement
hurting himself ) if it does can do it done by the hands it can be said as a medium the-
  rapy fine motor and that puzzle 3D including one
of them .This explained by the school principal
who explained that puzzle puzzle 3D this could be
one of the variations given to son because so far
media ynang be in schools that is media that 2d
.That puzzle 3D this has an interest to son of ben-
tul and size , because in times of this kid needs
an example concrete in learning and the get need
a concrete example in learning so that the child
can figure out information provided to children
Reaction “Ar” do not want to put that puzzle 3D clearly because in this puzzle 3D puzzle has a clear
form such as bus, train and shape of the House.
Of the three the form of that that is, like Between the 2D and puzzle 3D puzzles
home, the train and can children autis tend to that are provided in this institution, as long as
have fondness different.From the shape of the the therapist’s opinion and research tells us that
puzzle puzzle 3D own namely the form of hou- children who underwent therapy at the Institute
se, cars and bus that each having little bit of 2 in particular autistic children more like puzzle 3D
and 4.Among all the form of that puzzle 3D this, puzzle.
according to researchers children autis especially Some of the opinions expressed by the
loved all form of that puzzle 3D, but because cha- third and fourth informant about motor develop-
racteristic of a child different will not all the autis ment disorders experienced by autistic children
like all, between a son of one and the other dif- in the institutions of these Talents among them
ferent.For example ch love the form of chariots when holding objects such as floating and other
and bus, then Gb love the form of the house and motor disorders as well as less able to coordinate
train.It can be concluded that all forms of that between the eye and the hand that results in an
puzzle 3D this favored by the son autis. activity that was given to the child could not be
done in a good, this analysis views of child who
The Development of Fine Motor absolutely can not exercise the tasks given by the
Children Autis therapist
In any therapy session , children always It could be inferred that the motor disor-
be given game that puzzle 3D ini.hal aims to train ders according to the informant in the talent that
dexterity the hand of the boy and also to train fine is a child who has not been able to coordinate
motor children to more trained again .Necessari- eyes and hands nicely so that children could not
ly in the use of that puzzle 3D this development be given tasks well.
fine motor children autis also can change. By the Lot of activities that able to stimulate
provision of that this every time children do the- fine motor children autis, same as activities that
rapy session , the more often also the son train was given the paud such as playdouh who able to
the development of motor but know not only that stimulate sensory kids for some children were feel
puzzle 3D just media which can be media motor risik holding objects spongy and can be formed,
therapy but know , many media that can be used not even possible there are children who refuses
as a medium therapy fine motor .Starting from to play playdouh this.A rally this playdouh the
the finger painting , squeezing or tear newspaper , therapist teach starting from roll up, and mene-
clamp , weaving , inserting acorns and still many kan.dari this game can be seen children autis can
more .Motor activities fine given usually all the do not control emotionally as most children with
activity pertaining to a muscle fine hand. disorder autis cannot control its pressure or more
Of many different kinds of therapy that tending to hyperaktif.atau also game fingerpain-
child is given autis , good to stimulate the deve- ting use glue wood added dye food, with its tex-
lopment of motor , language , cognitive and ot- ture sticky children are some will done and were
hers .In this research , researchers want to see not did.Of renunciation this, the therapist will
the degree to which the role that puzzle 3D in the teach babies to can get used.

Dian A H & Rina Windiarti / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (1) (2016)

If seen , actually activities child is given own .This also expressed by sunu ( 2012 ) ( in
autis like the son normal in made , but the dif- wikasanti , 2014: 20-22 clear that the cerebellum
ference more on supervision and guidance when ( brain small ) is part the brain that mediate the
activities .Children berkebutuhan special as autis ability speaking , attention , the capacity to think
cannot be tolerated just to perform the activities , memory , and the process of sensory .A disorder
of therapy , must go through bimbimbingan the in this section causes disruption of functions re-
therapist  lating to the in the atas.hal cause students to autis
Much effort to make kids autis being per- experienced difficulty focus or speaking .
sonal better, besides attention and effort given In other words children with medium IQ,
by parents, now there are many institutions that light and normal limits sure you can ordered or
offers therapy program aimed at helping parents unload pairs of that puzzle 3D given to them as a
make child can being personal better.Program medium play and media therapy to stimulate the
activities therapy having allocation of time di- development of motor but know .Intensity time
verse, hanging from the needs of the patients and used by the son autis in ordered they that good
volition from parents.Program therapy that is in they 2 or 4 also depends on level of autisnya level
an institution varies between 1-2 hours to the in- .The lower level autis level , the less time needed
tensity of therapy 3-2 times per week, but some to ordered and vice versa the more severe level le-
children were take full almost 5 times a week. vel autis the longer also in ordered they that puzzle
3D .
The discussion Some of the activities often done by autistic
The use of Puzzle puzzle 3D to autis children at child the truth has no sense as researchers gazed
Talenta’s Therapy observation and observations on the autistic child
The shapes as actually make children and in an institution talents , for example child autis-
can studies the shape of puzzleapa being strung tic is often menepuk-nepukkan two hands .The
together .In education , institutions paud especi- opinion of koswara ( 2013: 12 ) namely response
ally institutions are many use that in learning ac- stimulation himself who disturb the interactions
tivities because early childhood love media that in of autistic child social often do or showing such
general .Agreed with pramudiati and reza ( 2011: attitudes mengepak-ngepakkan hand , banging
14 the media that very often used in kindergarten the head , biting fingers when felt like it was going
due to the media that is one of a game having or frantic with the situation a new neighborhood
educative values and in playing that requiring me- received and belong .With some attitude carried
ticulous detail , children will be trained to focus out by anak autistic , can be transferred by some
mind , for the son of should concentrate when media , one of them is puzzle 3D puzzle , this ob-
developing pieces of the puzzle to a picture intact jective is to remove some of the habits the son
and complete .For observation researchers see and also for child could interact social a good for
some children autis very enthusiastic in playing the environment .In hadianah ( 2013: 145 ) men-
puzzle.salah one features children autis namely tioned that therapy played for people with autism
terobesesi with objects die ( maulana , 2014: 12 can ditujukkan to minimize / deprive of aggressi-
) .In other words if the child autis is like a game ve behavior , behavior hurt yourself ,
was playing tended to withdraw from of the en- That puzzle 3D in this research be one of the
vironment, in the sense of autistic children do media therapy for children autis , several species
not want to join with other friends. In the book of therapy one of them according to hasdianah
of Maulana (2001:15) mentioned that if autistic ( 2013: 137 the therapy play .Therapy play is the
children were playing with their toys, then the be- use of game as a medium effective by a therapist ,
havior will tend to be aggressive or moving his to help clients prevent or finish obstacles psikoso-
body, not able to stop the game when prompted sial and reach growth and development optimal ,
by others and just focus on what is done by hand through freedom of exploration and expression
only. self .All kinds of therapy done fixed for the last
The use of that puzzle 3D in office given in result better , for development and its growth .In
each program therapy , good for children autis or addition according to him mahendra ( in masu-
child other disorder with allocation of time 10-15 dah 2014: 3 ) explained that berrmain could cau-
minutes .The use of , same as other media used se cheerfulness , agility , relaxation , and harmo-
there are children that receive and is that did not nisasisehingga someone inclined to passionate
receive .This is because some abnormalities ex- dandapat do movements without any compulsi-
perienced by the son autis that causes a child is on and obstacles .So that it was expected a son
can focus or higher was consumed by his world although is undergoing the process therapy but

Dian A H & Rina Windiarti / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (1) (2016)

not is too heavy a price since the process sepertii The development of that can be seen in
the activity of playing therapy . spesial needs not we can see same with the de-
Behavior arising on child autistic it could velopment of on child normal , this is because
be because the food consumed , on 18 september many disorder that occurs on a system neurobio-
2015 in research behavior “ ar “ not like this that logis children autis because of some factors .Ac-
although it will be difficult to to be set but can still cording to sunu ( 2012 in wikasanti , 2014: 20-22
controlled , after d kroscek by a therapist asked to ) one abnormality anatomically the brain that is
her parents it turns out that “ ar “ mengkosumsi a disorder in certain parts which includes the ce-
food that should not have eaten .According to the rebellum ( brain small , lobes parientalis , and the
therapist , the son of which have been affected limbic system reflect this behavior different forms
autistic need to go through some a diet of foods appear on child autis 
.A diet according to winanrno ( 2013: 75-76 ) eli- In other words , puzzle 3D puzzle that is
mination of all kinds of or part of the menu in simple puzzle because it has little bit of that is
handling and the treatment of adhd against usu- relatively easy to demolished pairs of good little
ally called a diet .Diet is a regiment manner of bit of little bit of 2 and 4 and could be one of the
feeding and drink that is focused on elimination media who provide a leadership role to stimulate
against gluten and casein . the development of fine motor for a child autistic
Casein according to winanrno ( 2013: 76 ) , especially in an institution talents of this therapy
is protein that was found in dairy products , but .Although previous of the study no one has exp-
expected people did not be fooled by the term lained that the type of puzzle puzzle 3D influen-
milk to free from casein free because casein can ced the development of fine motor , but some re-
terkadung in the product other than milk , as yo- search on 2d puzzle that will influence fine motor
gurt , ice cream , many products cake and bread and the development of children spesial need
even products never unexpected as tuna in cans In the use of that puzzle 3D on child autis
.While gluten according to winarno ( 2013: 76 ) in an institution talents response from the therapy
is a species proteins in seeds of grain and several different , according to field notes obtained rese-
species of other cereals . archers , some children were at once meeting can
Once again , the success of the behavior ordered and even were not can .This is because
and happened on child autis needs to be sup- children will mengobservasi first the activities to
ported of several factors , one of them factors a be performed .According to sujiono ( 2008: 1.4 )
diet of foods this .The careful parents over food there are three stage of development motor skills
intake consumed children , calmness children early childhood , namely the cognitive , associa-
will be more awake . tive and autonomous .At the kogniitf children
Based on the opinion of maulana ( 2014: trying to comprehend skill motor and all is requi-
45 ) that the intensity of therapy should be done red to perform a a certain movement .According
between 4-8 hours per day, while intensity the- to this theory when viewed from son manners
rapy conducted at the talents according to pe- autis , so if any one kid who just want to holding
nuruturan the informants and researchers own or see , therefore his autis be at the cognitive this
observations is 1-2 hours a day, of course inten- If in experiments second or third child
sity formally is very less.But expected parents at autis in ordered was still wrong put aside that
home able to assist well and offered some stimu- puzzle 3D , but girls were at the associative ac-
lation of which can exercise of children autis so cording to sujiono ( 2008: 1.4 ) , the son of a
no need to rely on this program is provided in an lot to learn by means of trying to rectify in ap-
institution therapy. pearance processed or movement be corrected
that tidsk made a mistake back in the future.
A role that puzzle 3D puzzle as a media fine mo- When the autis in the process of therapy they
tor therapy for the autis have been able to put that properly , so son were
Therapy program performed in this insti- at the autonomous according to in sujiono ( 2008:
tution that is by 1 therapist 1 child therapy , it is 1.4 ). At this stage movement shown children is
aimed to make the process of therapy work bet- a response that more efficient with little mistake,
ter .Agree with the theory of paul ( 2008: 386 ) kids are showing movement automatically .
who say that individual psychodynamic therapy , In theory maulana ( 2014: 58 ) when asked
the form of therapy one on one .This therapy not children do something ( e.g. sitting , the children
only focusing on businesses cure symptoms that will rebelled verbally or using physical .If in the-
there is , but also restore the child to normal in ory maulana ( 2014: 58 say children instructed to
the path of its development sit will rebelled , but during the process therapy

Dian A H & Rina Windiarti / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (1) (2016)

children autis that cannot be ordered they that Handojo. 2008. Autisma. Jakarta: PT Bhuana Ilmu
good they 2 or 4 , the response that was given Populer
the to a therapist that is the son shall not tant- Hasdianah. 2013. Autis Pada Anak Pencegahan, Per-
rum if it does can put them together, .It is based awatan, dan Pengobatan. Yogyakarta: Nuha
on research conducted by researchers have never
Karyana Asep dan Hidayat Asep AS. 2013. Bina gerak
seen attitude children who rebelled or tantrum if bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus.Jakarta: PT
it does can ordered they puzzle 2 or 4. LUXIMA METRO MEDIA
On the other hand, if a child is can ordered Koswara, Deded. 2013. PENDIDIKAN ANAK
they that good they 2 or 4, as did “Ys” the field BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS AUTIS.Jakarta:
notes on 15 september 2015 when given they 4 by PT.LUXIMA METRO MEDIA
a therapist, given example first in assemble.Then Lakshita, Nattaya. 2012. Panduan Simpel Mendidik
“Ys” given the opportunity to try own assemble, Anak Autis. Jogjakarta:JAVALITERA
but “Ys” felt that they were not can and finally Maulana, Mirza. 2014. Mendidik anak autis dan gang-
guan mental lain menuju anak cerdas dan sehat.
only child of silence without trying to piece at all.
Jogjakarta: Katahati
In theory, this sort of thing called prompt.Accor- Misbach,Muzamil.“MediaPuzzle”,dari://www.econ-
ding to handojo ( 2008: 55 ) prompt namely aid or omy.jurnal.Blogspot.com/2010/06/media.
landing that is child is given when the child does puzzle.html. 30 Desember 2014
not respond to instruction.Prompt shortened by Paul, A Henry. 2008. Konseling Psikotreapi Anak (Pan-
p.prompt can be given in full namely hand-on- duan Lengkap Memahami Karakter, Perasaan, dan
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Sujiono, Bambang. Dkk. 2008. MetodePerkembangan
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you avoid babies to not get bored so it was always ta: Bumi Aksara.
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Dian A H & Rina Windiarti / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 5 (1) (2016)

pada 22 Februari 2015 pukul 15.25


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