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Assalamualaikum WR.

First off, permit’s insurance claim all the appreciation as well as gratefulness to Allah Swt because of
every one of His blessing, elegance, as well as assistance upon everybody. Shalawat and also salam
could everlastingly seek our Excellent Prophet Muhammad Saw who have actually led along with
guided us from dark into extreme program.
To all the girls, gentlemen, and audience I proud of,
There must be no individual below that wants to obtain ill. All we want daily is being healthy. By being
healthy we could then obtain the life for our on a daily basis lives. With healthy and balanced body we
could after that do all the everyday activities.
We all identify when we are ill, it’s not just our own selves who feel it, however additionally our
partners will certainly get busy to look after us, our kids will be neglected, along with we certainly will
need appropriate loan to heal the health issues.
To be healthy and balanced consistently afterwards we have to deal with our wellness as best as we
can. The means we can do from currently on is to obtain taken advantage of to run a healthy and
balanced as well as well balanced way of living in our everyday routine.
To all the ladies, gents, and also target audience I appreciate,
Preventing is much better than medicating. We have ever before heard countless instances that
individuals spent some of their wide range simply to treat their health and wellness issues, like heart
disease, cancer cells they were sustaining. However, health is definitely pricey. Despite simply just
how much the cash money we have in fact spent to deal with the significant illness, additionally
challenging it is treated, we can never ever recover our wellness as well as health problem just like the
very first time before we have the health and wellness issues. The most effective means to be avoided
many persistent healths concerns is by stopping the sicknesses ahead. One of the most effective
approaches is by getting utilized to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
To all the ladies, gentlemen, as well as target market I like,
Certainly we should recognize very first precisely just what healthy and balanced lifestyle suggests
Healthy as well as balanced way of living is an individual’s habits to run healthy and also well
balanced life in day-to-days online as well as avoid inadequate routines that could hinder the health and
wellness as well as wellness.
Just just what is the result by refraining from doing healthy as well as balanced lifestyle? It might
create countless illness, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cancers cells, diabetes
mellitus, persistent lung condition, extreme weight, osteoarthritis, weakening of bones, as well as much
Each of these wellness problems are brought on by 3 significant aspects, specifically cigarette smoking,
lack of exercises and also taking in coarse dishes. Therefore, to stay clear of all those diseases we have
to run a healthy way of life everyday.
Just what are the benefit from running a healthy and balanced way of life?
— Body will be healthier and also a lot more powerful versus health problems
— Daily jobs will certainly run better along with you look much more attractive
— Additional effective
— Protected against from various transmissions like heart problem, hypertension, stroke, diabetic
problems, chronic lung condition, weakening of bones
Precisely exactly what is healthy and balanced way of life like?
1. Taking well balanced along with nourishing foods, high fiber, low fats
2. Doing workouts for FIFTY PERCENT AN HR each day
3. Not smoking cigarettes
That’s all the essential points I might share on this good occasion. I desire from presently on we could
take care of ourselves and our family from healths issues by obtaining used to run a healthy and
balanced as well as balanced way of living. I desire every little thing I specified might be all-to-the
excellent for every individual. Please forgive me for any kind of kind of mistake on my words.
Wasalamualaikum WR WB
Assalamu Alaikum wr.Wb
Pertama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan segala
rahmat, taufik dan hidayahnya kepada kita semua.
Tak lupa Sholawat serta salam mudah-mudahan tetap tercurahkan kepada junjungan Nabi besar kita
Muhammad SAW yang telah menunjukkan kita dari jalan yang gelap gulita menuju jalan yang terang
Semua hadirin yang saya banggakan.
Di dunia ini, Siapapun tentu tidak mau mengalami sakit. Keadaan sehat senantiasa kita harapkan setiap
hari. Dengan sehat maka kita bisa mencari nafkah untuk kehidupan kita sehari-hari dan dengan badan
kita sehat maka kita bisa melakukan segala aktifitas sehari-hari pula.
Kita semua tahu bahwa ketika sakit maka tidak hanya badan sendiri saja yang merasakan, namun istri
kita ikut sibuk mengurus kita, anak kita terlantar dan tidak terperhatikan, tentu akan membutuhkan
uang yang cukup banyak untuk berobat hingga sembuh.
Oleh karena itu kita untuk senantiasa sehat maka kita harus menjaga kesehatan kita semaksimal
mungkin. Ada beberapa cara yang bisa kita lakukan mulai dari sekarang adalah marilah kita biasakan
gaya hidup sehat dalam keseharian.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan semua hadirin yang saya hormati.
Istilah mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati memanglah benar. Sudah banyak sekali kasus dimana
orang menghabiskan sebagian hartanya hanya untuk menyembuhkan penyakit jantung atau kanker.
Begitulah, kesehatan itu memang mahal.
Kita pasti akan menghabiskan sebanyak apapun uang yang untuk menyembuhakan sakit yang terlanjur
parah, walaupun dapat sembuh, akan susah untuk mengembalikan kondisi kesehatan kita seperti sedia
kala. Satu cara yang paling tepat untuk terhindar dari berbagai penyakit kronis adalah mencegah
penyakit tersebut. Adapun, salah satunya dengan membiasakan gaya hidup sehat.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan semua hadirin yang saya cintai.
kita harus memahami terlebih dahulu makna dari gaya hidup sehat.
Gaya hidup sehat adalah kebiasaan seseorang untuk menerapkan hidup sehat dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari dan menghindari kebiasaan buruk yang menganggu kesehatan kita.
Lalu, apa akibatnya bila tidak melakukakan Gaya hidup sehat ? Kita dapat terpapar berbagai macam
penyakit seperti: Jantung, Stroke, Kanker, Kencing Manis,Tekanan Darah tinggi, Sumbatan Paru
Kronis, Kegemukan, Radang Sendi, Kerpos Tulang mdan banyak lainnya.
Kesemua ini disebabkan oleh tiga faktor risiko utama, yaitu kurangnya melakukakan aktifitas fisik,
merokok dan kurang makan-makanan yang berserat. Adapun untuk mencegahnya, Gaya Hidup Sehat
harus kita terapkan setiap hari.
Manfaat Gaya Hidup Sehat bagi hidup ?
• Anggota tubuh jadi lebih sehat dan tidak mudah sakit.
• Kegiatan dan aktifitas sehari-hari jadi lebih lancar dan tampil lebih menarik.
• Kondisi lebih produktif.
• Dapat terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit kronis.
Bagaimana Gaya Hidup Sehat itu ?
1. Rutin makan-makanan bergizi seimbang, tinggi serat dan rendah lemak.
2. Rutin melakukakan aktifitas fisik 30 menit, setiap hari.
3. Tidak Merokok
Itulah uraian yang bisa saya sampaikan pada kesempatan ini, semoga mulai dari sekarang kita bisa
menjaga diri kita dan keluarga dari serangan penyakit dengan membiasakan gaya hidup sehat.
Semoga apa yang saya sampaikan ada manfaatnya buat semua.
Assalamu alaikum wr. Wb
Healthy lifestyle

Assalamu,alaikum wr wb.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to tell you about healthy lifestyle.
Healthy is very expensive and we can not change our healthy to all valuable things in this world.
we can not enjoy everything in this world nothing healthy.
everything will be unvaluable without healthyness.
so,that is that why healthy lifestyle is very important?. Here there are some tips how to take care our

1. First get gym

At least we go running arround our house or push up, sit up, and skipping. That important
achievement is we get wet but it is a must for us.

2. Second, don't be greedy

All kind of foot it look nice,delicious, and we always to eat them. one important thing, we have to
know that eat to much is not good for our health. eating to much cause our body fat. So our body look
not proporsional. So we have to choose and measure all the thing that we it. Remember our stomach is
not waste basket.

3. Third, avoid drug abuse

Say no to drug! it means we can not be easily to eat drugs. Drugs can cause a variety of diseases,
and even death.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is all that i can tell you about healthy lifestyle. I hope it will be useful for
us. thank you for your kind attention. And good morning!! wassalammualaikum wr wb!!!

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