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Respiration and excretion REINFORCEMENT

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1 Unscramble the letters and label the diagrams.

snugl cahater sone nhirbco

2 Complete the sentences about respiration.

lungs – exhalation – inhalation – leaves – expands – contracts – enters – oxygen

a. Air reaches our lungs through respiration. When we breathe in, the thorax

and air the lungs. This breathing movement

is called .

b. When we breathe out, the thorax and air

the body. This breathing movement is called .

c. Inhaled air reaches the , and the in this air

passes into the blood.

3 Read the clues and complete the parts of the excretory system.
Then, put them in order.

a. It stores the urine until it is expelled from the body. d

b. It is the tube through which urine is expelled. r

c. They filter the blood and make urine. d

30 Natural Science 4 Photocopiable material © 2015 Santillana Educación, S.L.


4 Label the diagram of the excretory system.

5 Read and complete the text about sweat.

mineral – skin – cool – clean – blood – waste

Sweat keeps our body when it gets too hot, but it also helps to keep

our blood . It is made up of water,

salts and waste substances from the . When we sweat through our

, these substances are expelled.

6 Read the phrases about harmful substances and match.

a. Substances found in glue and cleaning products. pollutants

b. A very harmful substance with toxic ingredients. toxic substances

c. Substances produced by cars and factories. cigarette smoke

7 Tick (✓) the photos of healthy habits.

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Respiration and excretion EXTENSION

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What is asthma?
Asthma is a very common illness among children. The bronchi
become inflamed, so air cannot travel freely to the lungs.
Children who have asthma experience wheezing (a whistling
sound in the chest), coughing and difficulty breathing.
Asthmatic children usually carry an inhaler. This is a small tube
with medicine in it. The medicine helps to open the bronchi.
People with asthma also have to be careful about their
environment. Many different things can cause an asthma
attack: cold air, exercise, tobacco smoke, cat hairs and even
swimming pools!
But children with asthma can do everything other children can do. They just need to take
precautions. In fact, many Olympic champions and other athletes have asthma, for
example, David Beckham and Miguel Indurain.

1 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. Asthma is a disease of the circulatory system.

b. An inhaler helps asthmatic children to breathe.

c. The environment affects asthma a lot.

d. Children with asthma cannot play like other children.

2 Use the code and find a tip for asthma prevention.

t 5 A ∧ 5B ≈5C ♣5D ∪5E ⊃5I

♥5K ♦5M ♠5O ∅5S ∗ 5T ≅ 5V

t ≅ ♠ ⊃ ♣ ∗ ♠ ∧t≈ ≈ ♠ ∅♦♠♥∪

3 Interview your classmates. Find out who has asthma and how they treat it.

32 Natural Science 4 Photocopiable material © 2015 Santillana Educación, S.L.

Respiration and excretion EXTENSION

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Our natural cleaning machines

The kidneys are part of the body’s waste disposal system.
These little, but efficient cleaning machines are about the
size of a computer mouse and weigh between 120 and
170 grams.
Our kidneys filter about 200 litres of blood and make
an average amount of 1.5 litres of urine every day. They
filter all the blood in the body every thirty minutes, about
forty times a day!
In addition, kidneys adjust the volume of liquids in your
body, so if you are sweating a lot, or you are not drinking
enough liquids, they produce less urine. The kidneys also
help to make red blood cells when needed.
In order to look after our kidneys, we should drink between 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. How much do our kidneys weigh according to the text?

b. Why are kidneys considered cleaning machines?

c. What other important jobs do they perform?

d. How much water should we drink daily?

2 Do you drink enough water? Complete the table.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Photocopiable material © 2015 Santillana Educación, S.L. Natural Science 4 33

Respiration and excretion ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Read the sentences and write the organ or part of the respiratory system.

a. Two small tubes each connected to a lung.

b. The part of the respiratory system where air enters the body.

c. Two spongy, elastic organs that are protected by the thoracic cavity.

d. A tube that connects the nose and the lungs.

2 Look at the diagram and circle the correct words.

a. When we inhale / exhale, the thorax expands / contracts

and air enters the lungs. This is called
inhalation / exhalation.

b. When we inhale / exhale, the thorax expands / contracts

and air is expelled from the body. This is called
inhalation / exhalation.

3 Unscramble the letters and label the diagram. Then, write the name of the system.




t This is the system.

34 Natural Science 4 Photocopiable material © 2015 Santillana Educación, S.L.


4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

urethra – expelled – urine – filter – kidneys

a. The are the main organs in the excretory system.

They the blood and make urine.

b. The bladder is the organ where is stored

until it is from the body.

c. The is a tube through which urine is expelled.

5 Tick (✓) the photo of a healthy habit for the respiratory system. Then, write three
examples of harmful substances.




6 Use the words to write two healthy habits.

skin drink keep water



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Respiration and excretion TEST

Name Date

1 To obtain energy from nutrients, we need...

a. oxygen. b. nitrogen. c. air.

2 The respiratory system is made up of…

a. the nasal cavity, the trachea, the bronchi and the lungs.
b. the nose, the trachea, the bronchi and the lungs.
c. the nose, the trachea, the bronchi and the kidneys.

3 In the lungs, oxygen from the air passes into the…

a. bronchi. b. blood. c. ribs.

4 The thorax contracts during…

a. inhalation. b. exhalation. c. respiration.

5 Blood travels through our body and collects…

a. oxygen. b. nutrients. c. waste substances.

6 The cleaning of blood takes place in the…

a. respiratory system. b. circulatory system. c. excretory system.

7 The production, storage and elimination of urine take place respectively in the…
a. kidneys, bladder and urethra.
b. bladder, kidneys and urethra.
c. kidneys, urethra and bladder.

8 Sweat is mostly made up of…

a. mineral salts. b. water. c. waste substances.

9 Harmful substances for our respiratory system include…

a. pollutants, toxic substances and cigarette smoke.
b. pollutants from factories, paint and glue.
c. pollutants from cars, cleaning products and cigarette smoke.

10 Drinking enough water helps to look after our…

a. circulatory system.
b. excretory system.
c. respiratory system.

36 Natural Science 4 Photocopiable material © 2015 Santillana Educación, S.L.

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