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Alba 1

Yasmine Alba



27 September, 2018

Product Proposal

The purpose of my mentorship is to further understand the medical field and validate

medicine will play a role in my future. My name is Yasmine Alba and I mentor with Dr. Bay

Nguyen a pediatric physician. Dr. Nguyen’s guidance will allow me to decide both whether the

medical field is a sufficient career path, and if I would like to be a physician or nurse. Although

my mentorship takes place at a pediatric office, I chose to study neonatal for my final product

because that is the field that interests me the most. I will complete a research paper and poster

over jaundice, made available to Dr. Nguyen’s patients by the end of the semester.

The main goal of my final product involves educating myself as well as others. Jaundice

remains a very common disease within babies, especially pre-terms. It is important that all

expectant and present mothers are aware of what jaundice is, what causes it, the symptoms,

treatments, and preventatives. In addition to educating the public on jaundice, my final product

will be a learning experience for me. Although, aware of the basics of jaundice, my research will

allow me to gain a deeper understanding of the disease.

As stated earlier, my final product will include a research paper and educational poster.

The first step to completing my project will comprise of research on all related topics. In order to

write a satisfactory paper, I must know all of the background information on jaundice. After

gathering my research, I will then condense the information and construct an outline for my

paper to be reviewed by Dr. Nguyen. The rough draft of the research paper will follow an
Alba 2

approved outline. Once I have completed my rough draft, I will submit it to Dr. Nguyen for

necessary feedback and any possible corrections. Next, I will correct errors and construct the

final draft of my research paper. After completion of my research paper, I will review the major

points of my research, such as definition, symptoms, treatments, and causes, and create a rough

draft poster which Dr. Nguyen may provide feedback for. Lastly, I will correct anything Dr.

Nguyen deems necessary and create the final poster for submission and presentation at the end of

the semester.

Overall, I expect my final product will be of help to both myself and the public. I hope

the completion and action of my final product assists me in growing into a kind, knowledgeable

nurse in the near future and allows me to perform better in college. In addition, I hope that my

project will leave a positive, lasting impression on the public, expanding their knowledge to look

out for the symptoms and treatments of neonatal jaundice.

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