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Communication for  

c Market Communications

What is Communication?

In general, communication is how people exchange meaningful information

The process of sharing information to send & receive messages

The aim of communication is the ͚transference͛ and ͚understanding͛ of information between two or
more people

For communication to occur there must be at least two participants.

x? Message Source ʹ The source of communication is the party intending to convey information to
another party. The message source can be an individual (e.g., salesperson) or an organization
(e.g., through advertising).

x? Message Receiver ʹ The receiver of communication is the

intended target of a message source͛s efforts (e.g., consumer, etc) .

The Communication Process

x? Message ʹ content (ideas/feelings)

x? Sender ʹ sends the message

x? Receiver ʹ receives the message

x? Feedback - a return message

The act of communicating has been evaluated extensively for many, many years. One of the classic
analyses of communication took place in the 1940s and 1950s when researchers, including Claude
Shannon, Warren Weaver, Wilbur Schramm and others, offered models describing how communication
takes place.

In marketing the medium may include the use of different media outlets.

(e.g., Internet, television, radio, print), promotion-only outlets (e.g., postal / direct mail, billboards), and
person-to-person contact (e.g., salespeople, event, exhibition, etc).



  ʹ including dialects and accents

x? c  

 ʹ Is the target distracted today ?

x? 6


x? M
 of both the source and the receiver

x? ë
    ʹ gender, age, culture, education, intelligence, etc.

 ʹ status, boss-employee, parent-child, etc.

x? c  

 ʹ manipulation of information so that it will seem more favorable to the

x? ¦

ʹ receiver hears message based on his/her interests, needs, motivations,
experience, background and other personal characteristics.

x? ë 
  ʹ response when receiver interprets message as threatening

x? w  ʹ Words mean different things to different people.


x? c   ʹ something that gets in the way of communication

 ʹ noises (whispers, coughing)

 ʹ thoughts and feelings that distract people from listening (a fight with someone)

x? ¦  
 ʹ strong negative feelings from words used (͞This place is a dump.͟)

w ¦ 


x? wanguage that follows the rules of grammar and composition books

x? It͛s widely accepted and used; therefore, it͛s understood by many regions and cultures


x? °argon ʹ specialized vocabulary understood by a particular group

x? Slang ʹ recently coined words or phrases or old words used in a new way

x? ëialect ʹ regional/cultural variety of language


x? — impart wisdom

x?    substitute for words and phrases

x? c  accompany or reinforce verbal messages

x? Më
 showcase emotion

x? M  Release physical or emotional tension

x?   control the flow and pace of communication


x?    ʹ Marketers should make sure the message they send is crafted in a way that
will be interpreted by message receivers as intended.

x? M  ʹ Encouraging the message receiver to provide feedback can greatly improve
communication and help determine if a marketer͛s message was decoded and interpreted

x? 6
 ʹ In many promotional situations the marketer has little control over interference
with their message.

  ʹ Targeting the right message receiver will go a long way to improving a
marketer͛s ability to promote their products

Personal Communication

M ! 

x? Mpproach

x? Rapport Building

x? Motivational Bridge

x? ÿerbal Fact finding

x? Encourage

x? It is the interpretation of body language such as facial expressions and gestures Ͷ or, more
formally, non-verbal behavior related to movement, either of any part of the body or the body
as a whole.

x? EG gestures, theatre, etc.


Segmentation ÿariables


x? Reflects a distinctive state of mind

x? Many niche markets best found in urban, metropolitan environments


x? Increasingly to do with race or ethnicity

x? Simple, clear and straight

x? 6ow beginning to get aspirational

EG surf, nirma. Bajaj scooter, bike

ëivide: 72% of c 
͛s population lives in ÿillages, but the rural occupation of 
 contributes to
only 16% of India͛s  

#w $ by economists
Unbalanced development theory
Process of sucking up the resources in a particular area and using it in another

E.g India ʹ China race

Rural is richer!!!Urban getting weaker ?

x? Credit bubble - urban

x? Îousing loan ʹ rural

x? Urban is drying so now moving to rural

x? Banking services


x? Mutomobiles

x? Urbanising the rural ? v/s Strengthening the rural



¦ of Mdvertising Mgency


of Functioning
x? Integrated marketing communication is a process

x? Îolistic approach to Marketing

x? Planning, executing, and monitoring the brand messages that creates customer relationships

x? It aims to ensure consistency of message and the complementary use of media

x? Integration of all marketing tools, approaches, and resources within a company which
maximizes impact on consumer mind for '


What is Mdvertising?

x? Mdvertising is a non-personal form of promotion that is delivered through selected media

outlets that, under most circumstances, require the marketer to pay for message placement.

x? Mdvertising has long been viewed as a method of mass promotion in that a single message can
reach a large number of people.

Importance of Mdvertising !

x? Spending on advertising is huge. In India the industry is estimated about Rs 14000 crores,

x? Supports thousands of companies and millions of jobs

x? Media outlets such as television, newspapers, would not be in business without revenue
generated through the sale of advertising

x? Important contributor to economic growth

x? Marketing organizations differ on the role advertising plays. For some organizations little
advertising may consist of occasional advertisement in the classified section of a local

x? But most organizations, large and small, that rely on marketing to create customer interest are
engaged in consistent use of advertising to help meet marketing objectives

x? We will cover advertising campaigns in greater detail in future

Managing Mdvertising !!

x? ëelivering an effective marketing message through advertising requires many different decisions
as the marketer develops their advertising campaign.
x? For small campaigns, that involve little creative effort, one or a few people may handle the bulk
of the work.

x? For larger campaigns the skills needed to make sound advertising decisions can be quite varied
and may not be easily handled by a single person. While larger companies manage some
advertising activities within the company, they are more likely to rely on the assistance of
advertising professionals, such as those found at advertising agencies, to help bring their
advertising campaign to market.

Organizational Structure of an Mdvertising Mgency

x? Mn advertising agency has a very different structure from that of a regular organization. On a
general front, an advertising agency contains :

x? Mccount department (CS)

x? Creative department

x? Mrt department

x? Media department

x? Research department

x? Internal services departments (the human resources department and the finance department,

M  ë  ( ¦ 

Mccount Management (Client Servicing)

The account management department is the department that is in direct contact with the

Mccount Planning (Strategy)

Mlso called the strategy department that is mostly involved in research and strategizing on the
account / the advertising campaign.

Stress on Mccount building, extensions, relationship, etc

Mccount Management Functions

x? Within an advertising agency the account manager or account executive is tasked with handling
all major decisions related to a specific client. These responsibilities include locating and
negotiating to acquire clients.
x? Once the client has agreed to work with the agency, the account manager works closely with the
client to develop an advertising strategy. For very large clients, such as large consumer products
companies, an advertising agency may assign an account manager to work full-time with only
one client and, possibly, with only one of the client͛s product lines.

x? For smaller accounts an account manager may simultaneously manage several different, though
non-competing, accounts.


Creative Services

Responsible for the CREMTIÿE aspect of the advertising campaign. Îand-in-glove with Mrt

à? Creative Strategy
à? Campaign Ideation
à? Copywriting
à? Photography
à? Mudio-visual production


Mrt Services (Studio)

Responsible for the MRT aspect in the advertising campaign. Îand-in-glove with Creative

à? ÿisualisation
à? Graphic ëesign

Stress on ÿisual Interface in any communication

Creative & Mrt Services͛ Functions

x? Mccount managers manage the overall advertising campaign for a client, which often includes
delegating selective tasks to specialists

x? For large accounts, task managers routinely delegate jobs involving generating ideas, designing
concepts and creating the final advertisement, which generally becomes the responsibility of
the agency͛s creative team

x? Mn agency͛s creative team consists of specialists in graphic design, film and audio production,
copywriting, computer programming, and much more

Media Planning

The Media Planning department is the department mostly involved in research and strategizing
on the media. Planning the media spend. ëetermine the most effective way to channelize budgets in
order to achieve optimum results

Media Buying

The Media Planning department is the department involved with the actual placement of
advertisements. It negotiates with mediums. Schedules ads, manages post-ad efforts. Stress on smart
media pitch, etc


x? Once an advertisement is created, it must be placed through an appropriate advertising media.

x? Each advertising media, of which there are thousands, has its own unique methods for accepting
advertisements, such as different advertising cost structures (i.e., what it costs marketers to
place an ad), different requirements for accepting ad designs (e.g., size of ad), different ways
placements can be purchased (e.g., direct contact with media or through third-party seller), and
different time schedules (i.e., when ad will be run)

x? Understanding the nuances of different media is the role of a media planner, who looks for the
best media match for a client and also negotiates the best deals


x? Full-service advertising agencies employ market researchers who assess a client͛s market
situation, including understanding customers and competitors, and also are used to test creative

x? For instance, in the early stages of an advertising campaign researchers may run focus group
sessions with selected members of the client͛s target market in order to get their reaction to
several advertising concepts

x? Researchers are also used following the completion of an advertising campaign to measure
whether the campaign reached its objectives

͚Peep͛ into Functioning

͞The most important step lies in deciding what your advertising should say and to whom it
should say it all͟

x? Mll you need to do is to decide who buys ?

x? Who can uses and why ?

x? Their mind, their tastes, their emotions ?

x? What they read or watch, where they go ?

x? our intuition, intellect

x? our art & science

# M


) )  

x? Product-Oriented Mdvertising

Goal of product advertising is to clearly promote a specific product to a targeted audience.

x? Image Mdvertising

Image advertising is undertaken primarily to enhance an organization͛s perceived importance to

a target market

x? Mdvocacy Mdvertising

Organizations also use advertising to send a message intended to influence a targeted audience

x? Public Service Mdvertising

Mds directed at social causes

# M


͞Mn independent organization of creative people and business people who specialize in developing and
preparing advertising plans, advertisements and other promotional tools͟

x? Full Service set-up

Full service agencies are geared to provide complete range of services to its clients, which
includes services such as strategic planning, creative development, production, media planning, media
buying and other related services.

x? wimited Service set-up

They concentrate on any one aspect of advertising are geared to provide complete range of
services within that sphere.Creative agencies Media agencies

x? In-house Service set-up

The house agency is an advertising agency established by a company to look after its advertising


Mdvertising performs 3 basic functions:

x? c    



Course Content 3 + c

x? M



] objectives





 aims to identify markets that will purchase a product (business) or support an idea
and then facilitate that purchase, 

 is the paid communication by which information about the
product or idea is transmitted to potential consumers

Mdvertising objectives are the  

  undertaken for a 

, to be
accomplished with a 

 , that a company is trying to 





x? Building product awareness

x? Creating interest

x? Providing information

x? Stimulating demand

x? Reinforcing the brand




x? Message Mbout Product

x? Message Mbout Price

x? Message Mbout Offer

x? Message Mbout Market


is a
for someone.It  have an 
. Once it has an objective, it 
be .

 (+/0+ developed a model for setting advertising objectives and measuring the results.
This model was entitled ,ëefiningMdvertisingoalsforeasuredMdvertisingesultsëMGMMR
x? °   (BBëO), one of the greatest copywriters of all times, provided us the following

ü? Get attention

ü? Îold attention

ü? Create desire

ü? Make it believable

ü? Prove it͛s a bargain

ü? Make it easy to buy

ü? Give a reason to buy now

Î   1

x? ͞ëo not  

 the importance of strong copy or content and the importance of an
inviting graphic design/creative͟

x? ͞Work harder on an effective headline. It is important for many reasons͟

͞Can you spot the 10 decorating sins͟

͞Îow a "fool stunt" made me a star salesman͟

͞Îow can a strange accident save you from baldness͟

͞Mre ou Mshamed of Smells In our Îome͟

͞Get fairer in 4 days͟

͞Experience the ͚world͛ in the confines of your car͟

͞eh hain aapka suraksha chakra͟

ëavid Ogilvy famous line for limousine͙


  have an 

Models to the fallout.

Models are okay.
Îow to understand that in simple words ?
wet͛s study an example

x? # 

x? #
*The purpose of the trial objective is to encourage customers to make an initial purchase of
a new product


*Continuity advertising is a strategy to keep current customers using a particular

x? ]
—*Companies adopt strategies to keep competition at bay

x? ] ¦

*Companies adopt brand switching as an objective when they want customers
to switch from one brand to their other brand. Even shift between SKU͛s

x? ¦
 *Companies subscribe to this advertising objective when they want to get back
users of their brand

]  objectives


Why have you introduced the brand ?
Why do you want this brand renewed again ?




x? wong term objectives

x? Short term goals

Brand should be comprised of the company personality, image, highlight product properties, core
competencies and characteristics.
Brand is a personality.
Built on perception.
6ever fidget with the perception.

Once you've determined your objectives the next step is to 

   your   by
listing out  - -  you are going to do to accomplish to meet your brand objectives.


x? Strategic focus

x? Creative focus

x? Market focus

x? Î  - ͞Chatpata swaad jhatpat aaram͟


x? Market weadership ʹ more than 50%

x? Core proposition of ͞fun, taste and digestion͟


x? Convey product͛s benefits simply and clearly

x? Tastes good, provides instant relief

x? Mmitabh ʹ Celebrity endorsement


x? Introduction of Îajmola in pouches

x? Extension to candy

x? Price quotient

 - ͞G means Genius͟


x? Market weadership ʹ over 60%

x? Core proposition of staple for everyone in the house


x? Brand shouldn͛t become outdated as it is a historic brand

x? Stronger in the kids segment


x? Repositioning the brand without tweaking the look and feel

x? Stay with consumption trend

x? Price quotient




x? People need less money to live on once they retire

x? It͛s not safe to use credit cards on the Internet

x? Mppliances today are not as durable as they were 20 years ago

x? wower price means lower quality


x? Feelings as part of the 


x? Feelings as part of the  


x? Feelings as part of the   




x? ! : Whether the attitude is positive, negative or neutral

x? '
: The intensity of liking or disliking

 : ëegree to which the attitude is immune to change

 : Belief that attitude is correct

x? M

: Îow easily the attitude can be retrieved from memory



x? e.g., patriotic music during a Tÿ commercial for a political candidate


x? e.g., generating responses to your proposition about a particular brand

x? !


x? e.g., a celebrity model is shown using a particular brand of cosmetics

x? '  

x? e.g., Clinic Plus is briefly mentioned as a Tÿ show's sponsor each week


x? M 2( 

x? M is the overall attitude toward object

x? B
is the strength of the belief that object has some particular attribute

x? E
is the evaluation of the goodness or badness of attribute



x? Spending intentions

x? Purchase intentions

x? Re-purchase intentions

x? Shopping intentions

x? Search intentions

x? Consumption intentions

The psychology behind Mdvertising


x? Rely on past behaviour to predict future behaviour

x? Problems:

x? Situations change (changes in market can cause unpredictable changes in demand)

x? Sales trends are sometimes erratic

x? Past behaviours not available for new products or first-time behaviours

x? Rely on consumers͛ reported intentions

People often do what they intend

¦ 3

x? The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives
(e.g., brands, products);

x? The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture,
family, signs, media);
x? The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions;

x? wimitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence decisions and

marketing outcome;

x? Îow consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in their
level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and

x? Îow marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies to
more effectively reach the consumer.


x? ͞Please leave your values at the desk͟ - Paris hotel

x? ͞ërop your trousers here for best results͟ - Bangkok laundry

x? ͞The manager has personally passed all water served here͟ - mexico restaurant

x? ͞Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is
suggested that the lobby be used for the purpose.͟ - Zurich hotel

x? wadies are requested not to have children in the bar.͟- 6orway bar


x? Out of over 6500 new products introduced by over 60 companies, under £  are present 5
years later

x? Only ´ of new product concepts offered by 110 leading companies reached the market. Out of
that over 80% failed to meet marketing objectives.


x?  # #c#c 6 in which the market consists of a very large number of firms producing
a homogeneous product.

x?  6  wc¦#c  #c#c 6, also called competitive market, where there are a large number
of independent firms which have a very small proportion of the market share.

x? wc  w, in which a market is dominated by a small number of firms which own more than
40% of the market share.

x? wc ¦ 6, a market dominated by many sellers and a few buyers.

x?  6  w, where there is only one provider of a product or service.

x? 6M#Mw 6  w, a monopoly in which economies of scale cause efficiency to increase
continuously with the size of the firm. M firm is a natural monopoly if it is able to serve the entire
market demand at a lower cost than any combination of two or more smaller, more specialized

x?  6 ¦ 6, when there is only one buyer in a market.

x?  # #c#c 6 - Mgriculture

x?  6  wc¦#c  #c#c 6 - Books, restaurants, FMCG, grocery stores, shoes, clothing,

coffee, chocolate͙

x? wc  w ʹ Supermarkets, Banks, Cement

x? wc ¦ 6 is there a market like that. Zimbabwe ?

x?  6  w ʹ Indian Railways, Govt licenses.

x? 6M#Mw 6  w4w6M steel, Reliance

x?  6 ¦ 6 Government ?

] Process

] c strategy ëevelopment

͞Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind͟ - Walter wandor




.c  -

Philip Kotler




The meaning of word brand is traced back to ancient Greek and Roman times. The meaning originated
from ͚branding͛ used by cowboys to denote ownership over their livestock. To deter horse or cattle
rustling. Îow ?


Brand is not a logo. It is not an identity. M brand is no slogan. Brand is not a mailshot, mission
statement. Md gimmick. It is not even mantras. It is a personality. It is a 


Customer is the entity to whom you want this experience to be ͚experienced͛.

x? Ë
- M vital ingredient of a good brand.


Is about the position a brand occupies in a market in the minds of consumers.


 - Occurs when a brand tries to change its market position to reflect a change in
consumer͛s tastes.


 - Plays a key role in building a successful brand.

  Business strategists often talk about first-mover advantage.

x? w  
 - The need to invest in the brand over the long-term.
x? c    
ʹ Managers must ensure that the brand is marketed ͞internally͟ as well as it
is externally.



] ¦Essentials & Strength

Ultimate Brand Essentials are roles that brand plays to help  brand ͚equity͛ and  
͚salience͛. Brand strength is the power the brand wields.

Brand Essentials Role

ëriver ërive Purchase ëecision
Performer ëefine clarity and deliver user experience
Conductor Conduct in market in a manner that uplifts the image
Endorser Provide credibility, loyalty, quality and guarantee on the product property
Cook Ingredient, materials, components or parts that go in the making of branded
Stimulator Stimulate the market with ideas & innovations
Mdapter Strength to adapt to different situations

¦   3

x? Strengthen & enhance business value

x? Command market share

x? Create entry barrier for competition

x? waunch successful extensions

x? Easier entry in newer markets

x? Mttract and retain people talent

x? wower Price elasticity

x? Command a Premium

x? ëeal with market disruption

x? Ensure trust & loyalty

x? Money bank

 ¦Principles & winkages

Ultimate Brand Principles & winkages is about establishing the 

of brands
within a single company. Understand strategic purpose to help prioritize marketing investments.

]   ë


Flagship Company͛s most visible and most valuable brand. ?

Foundational to company͛s mission. Îigh category

Strategic Of strategic importance to company͛s future sales or ?

market position. Îas potential of positive impact on
overall perception of the company.

ëistinguisher Enhances the differentiation of another own brand. Mlso ?

referred to as ͚branded energizer͛, or silver bullets.

Cash Cow Money making brand that does not represent future ?
significant growth.

Corporate wow visibility to customers, but important to corporate ?

constituents such as regulatory bodies, investors,
employees, trade groups, partners.
Fighter Response to competitive threat. ?

    c proportions

x?  
: This is the key part of creating a powerful brand. Emotion as an ingredient

: Emotions aren͛t influenced by thin air. ou need to stimulate the five senses : sight,
sound, smell, taste and touch. 6eed all to build a strong perception

x? c 
: ou are aware of 5 senses. ou come up with novel ideas of presenting these
senses. ou need innovation to keep the brand alive and kicking


: What is your purpose of creating brand and why should your customers care
or look at you in a particular way ? Use communication to create narratives that describe your
promise and use them to underpin the whole customer experience


x? Mll brand purchases are emotional. ëriven from the heart. Product / commodity purchases are
only mind driven.

x? I am not saying dis-regard the mind, completely.

x? wook, the rational thinking of the brain is slower than the emotional thinking. ͞Our actions are
determined always by our emotions͟

x? People always buy on emotions and then justify with reason.

x? PREMIUM BRM6ë : See yourself buying a hi-definition Tÿ. Flat screen, surround sound.

x? Emotions such as desire, want, perhaps lust. Even envy.

Perception is reality.

Perception means to ͚seize͛ or to ͚understand͛.

͞Brain organizes and interprets information brought in by senses or created in imagination, stored in
memory and enable us to construct an understanding of the world around us͟


] c strategy ëevelopment

͞Conveying a brand image to a target market is a fundamental marketing activity͟ M brand image helps
the brand be widely known in the marketplace, acquiring   

. water, differentiation too͙
Consumers distinguish the   
 aspect of a brand from the '

x? The '
 consists of the sum of all points of contact with the brand and is known
as the  '
 .This could even determine the functional aspect of the product or

x? The   
, is referred to as the  
, is a symbolic / graphical / emotional
construct created in the minds of consumers. It could consist of all the information &
expectations associated with the product or service


Emotional thinking drives.

Rational thinking concludes

 ride of safety.

Biggest feature is safety.

ë.7ë  who has the best of equipments͙.

Biggest feature is word of mouth

 ¦  you buy.

Biggest feature is eyecare, photochromatic͙comfort

To build perception, you need to stimulate the five senses :

-  - -  .

x? Brand has a unique sight : wogo, packaging

x? Brand will have its own sound : auto

x? Brand will have its own smell : Perfumes, soaps, shave gels

x? Brand will have its own taste : Colas compare

x? Brand will have its unique touch & feel : Clothes, shoes, etc.

x? Combinations of all, most of these : #  .

x? c  


   *  - 
 -   .

x? ¦    - The sensory memory always retains an exact copy. Copy of what is seen or
heard (visual and auditory). It only lasts for a few seconds.

x? ¦ #  - Most often stored as sounds, especially in recalling words, but may be
stored as images. It works basically the same as a computer's RMM (Random Mccess Memory) in
that it provides a working space for short computations and then transfers it to other parts of
the memory system or discards it.

x? w #   - This is relatively permanent storage. Information is stored on the basis of
meaning and importance.

*  *why we are surviving !

There was a study conducted where consumers were shown advertisements for 4 different brands in 4
different categories.

>? Cereals

>? waundry detergent

>? Pain relievers

>? Toothpaste
Îalf of the respondents were shown pack mock-ups that just featured the brand name, the other half
were shown pack mock-ups with brand name, packaging face and advertisement.


Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower͟ Steve °obs Founder of Mpple Innovation
could mean many things. In the brand context, it means finding   to deliver the
all-important customer '
 . Consumers tend to get bored quickly, so you need to carve out ways
to keep them occupied with your brand͙Innovation is one game forward. Re-branding is understood to
be a branch of the same tree.

x? Creating an all,


x? Use conventional to novel mediums

x? Brand engagement theory

x? 6ewer delivery systems

x? 360 degree media

x? Wholesome customer experience



Raising awareness of your brand

x? ë

Ensure sale is progressing smoothly


ëeveloping the relationship and maintaining them


Ensure new element to drive the consumer back


Îow else would he know about me ?? ? ?

?  ? ?  ? ?
   ?   ?  ???


The science behind -  - 


- which directly and
subliminally communicate brand's values and personality through compelling imagery & design style.



x? w 



x? c 

It is concerned with the 

 of the  

x? It translates the , and 

of the brand into a  
consumers become


x? It helps consumers   the brand, and often what 


x? It means creating  

 ways to combine words & images to express the 
 of the brand forward

x? It is about a 
  that focuses on the brand to remain  

 at all times




Mn M
   is one common form of persuasion. Îowever, most consumers do not know of / take
the time to examine the    
that are commonly used in advertisements. It is the
in theM
   that is the 
 factor. We think hard about a message only when
it is relevant to us, otherwise we think very little about a message. Both ways have been shown to affect

It is 
that leads itself to the ,M

   $ to occur.
The successful persuader will always take into account the audience characteristics, in order to increase
the success of his / her persuasive message. When persuaded effectively, it needs to bring about an

  in the consumer.

 - Mn enduring disposition to consistently respond in a given matter.


There are methods evolved to measure attitudes like (wikert scale / semantic differential).In particular,
the different measures focus on different components of attitudes and these components do not
necessarily coincide.



x?  - Rank order preference

x?  - Estimate magnitude of a characteristic

x? ¦  - Mrrange or classify concepts

x?   - Selection of preferred alternative

8    M

x? M

The feelings or emotions towards an object


Memory knowledge and beliefs

x? ]

Behavioral pre-disposition to actions, intentions & expectations





x? Every person living is creative

x? It explores the possible brain mechanisms where creativity resides

x? Creativity is a kind of Intelligence

x? Without left brain worked, right cannot be effective

 is a mental and social process involving the     ? ? ? ? ?   ? ? ?
    of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Creativity is fueled by the process
of either conscious or sub-conscious insight.

x? Creative decision guidance

x? M fall-out of the creative strategy

x? Mll creative works must ensure that the branding & advertising fits the image you wish to
promote for the company / product / service

x? Interpret the overall client's communications strategy

x? Creative approaches must align itself with brand strategy

x? Must be in sync with the audience you wish to target at

M 3

x? Is the creative approach consistent with the brand͛s marketing and advertising objectives?

x? Is the creative approach consistent with the creative strategy and does it communicate what it is
supposed to?

x? Is the creative approach appropriate for the target audience?

x? ëoes the creative strategy communicate a clear and convincing message to the customer?

x? ëoes the creative execution accentuate the promise?

x? Is the creative approach appropriate for the media environment in which it is likely to be seen?

x? Is the advertisement truthful and tasteful?



x? Mdvertising tries to deliver the 

  to the 
 at the 

 and must

x?   ʹ ideas have to mean something important to the audience.


 ʹ one of a kind ideas.

x? c  ʹ a commercial with impact has the stopping power that comes from an
intriguing idea.

x? This creativity leads to a ]

c, which expresses an original advertising thought to
push an 


-      5


x? In an increasingly fast paced world we don͛t make time for creative activities

x? It͛s getting harder to innovate, produce new ideas and communicate at this pace



x? Keep an open mind & explore all angles

x? Search for ideas

x? Power your intuition

x? Break the conventional wisdom in you

x? Generate creative and logical alternatives

x? Make predictions and evaluate them

x? Consult team

x? Challenge the paradigm

x? Test & experiment

x? Reason logically

x? Reach a Conclusion



x? Our world is dominated by   ?  ??  

x? Re-awaken natural ??  communication

x? 6urture    ?? ?

 in your organization

x? Understand that the way they see things is the way

  to see


x? MTÎ 1: There is always a clear path to creativity

x? MTÎ 2: Creativity is the result of the lone innovator

x? MTÎ 3: Creativity always results in greatness

x? MTÎ 4: I͛m not creative

x? MTÎ 5: Being creative is a waste of time

x? MTÎ 6: Creativity is not for people with serious attitudes




x? Mn unexpected twist

x? Mn unexpected association

x? Catchy phrasing

x? M play on words

x? Mnalogy (comparability) and metaphor (not literal to resemblance)

x? Familiar yet strange





Setting an advertising objective is easy, but achieving the objective requires a   .
One key factor affecting the strategy used to achieve advertising objectives is     





x?   ¦ ʹ Under this approach advertising spending is set based on either a
percentage of previous sales or a percentage of forecasted sales. 4%-8% in most high-voltage

x? —
M  ʹ Many smaller companies find spending of any kind to be constraining. So
they clearly go by what they find affordable

x? ] ʹ Companies entering new markets often lack knowledge of how much advertising is
needed to achieve their objectives. They go by some guess work ?



x? With an objective and a budget in place, the advertising campaign will next need to focus on
developing the message.

x? ëetermine which media outlets will be used to deliver their message since the choice of media
outlets guides the type of message that can be created and how frequently the message will be


Consumer Research

Media Research

x? Track viewing/ listening/ reading habits

x? Provide tools for critical advertising decisions

x? Îelp brand stay ahead of competition

x? Maximum efficiency / Maximum ROI

x? Business potential (Cost to Sales Ratio)

x? Effective campaigns

Media outlets : TMM, IRS, 6RS, MBC, Google analytics, etc

The main aim of a ͚Media Planner͛ is to assist the client in achieving business objectives through their
advertising budgets by recommending the best possible use of various media platforms available.

x? Mnalyzing target audiences

x? Keeping abreast of media developments

x? Reading / Catching market trends

x? Understanding motivations of consumers



x? Creative Options

x? Creative Cost

x? Market Reach of Media

x? Message Placement Cost

x? wength of Exposure

x? Mdvertising Clutter

x? Innovation

x? Response Tracking


x? Mn advertisement must have the potential to appeal all senses.

x? sight, sound, smell, taste and touch

x? ëetermine the different advertising mediums that will together offer / deliver multi-sensory


x? The media type chosen to deliver a marketer͛s message also impacts the cost of creating the

x? Creative costs are also affected by the expectation of quality for the media that delivers the


x? The number of Consumers you expose your communication to, in a single promotional effort,
within a target market is considered the reach of a Media.
x? Market reach can be measured along two dimensions :

x? Channels served

x? Geographic scope of a media outlet

Channels served

x? This dimension relates to whether a media outlet is effective in reaching the members within
the marketer͛s channel of distribution.

x? Consumer Channel ʹ ëoes the media outlet reach the final consumer market targeted by the
marketer ?

x? Trade Channel ʹ ëoes the media outlet reach a marketer͛s channel partners who help distribute
their product ?

x? Business-to-Business ʹ ëoes the media outlet reach customers in the business market targeted
by the marketer ?

Geographic scope of a media outlet

x? This dimension defines the geographic breadth of the channels served.

x? International ʹ ëoes the media outlet have multi-country distribution ?

x? 6ational ʹ ëoes the media outlet cover an entire country ?

x? Regional ʹ ëoes the media outlet have distribution across multiple geographic regions such as
counties, states, territories ?

x? wocal ʹ ëoes the media outlet primarily serve a limited geographic area ?

x? Individual ʹ ëoes the media outlet offer individual customer targeting ?


x? Creative development & Production are the two major spending constituents for advertising.

x? The other major constituent is for media placement; the purchase of ad time, space or location
with media outlets that deliver the message.

x? Media outlets set placement cost using several factors though the most important are
determined by audience size, audience type and an advertisement͛s production characteristics.

Mudience size
x? Refers to the number of people who experience the media outlet during a particular time

x?  ? ?? ?   ? ? ?

 ? ?   ? ?  ?  ??
  ? ? ? ?
 ? ? ?  ?

?  ? ?   ??  ?
? ?  ? .

Mudience type

x? When choosing a media outlet, selection is evaluated based on the outlet͛s customer profile
(i.e., viewers, readers, website visitors) and whether these match the characteristics sought by
the marketer͛s desired target market.

Characteristics of the Mdvertisement

Media outlet also charge different rates based on creative characteristics of the message. Characteristics
that create ͚ad rate differentials͛ include :

x? Run Time (e.g., length of television or radio ads )

x? Size (e.g., print ads size, billboard size)

x? Print Style (e.g., black-and-white vs. color)

x? wocation in Media (e.g., back magazine cover vs. inside pages)

w  ' 

x? Some products require customers be exposed to just a little bit of information in order to build
customer interest. Sometimes the ͚genesis strategy͛ can be that.

x? Media outlets vary in how much exposure they offer to their audience. Magazines over Press,
provide opportunities for longer exposure times since these media types can be retained by the
audience, while exposure on television or radio is limited to the time the ad was broadcast.



x? In order to increase revenue, media outlets often include a large number of ads within a certain
time, space or location.

x? To break through the clutter, advertisers may be required to increase the frequency of their
advertising efforts.

x? Mlternatively, advertisers may seek opportunities that offer less clutter where an ad has a better
chance of standing out from others.

Marketers are embracing new technologies that make it easier to track audience response to
advertisements. 6ewer media developed using Internet technology offer effective methods for tracking
audience response compared to traditional media. Other advertising outlets, such as advertising by mail
and television infomercial programming, also provide useful measures of audience reaction.




Understanding media language. Some terms apply to all media; some apply only to broadcast or print.


It is the cost to reach 1,000 things, whether households or women or children. CPT reduces a variety of
different audiences, costs and delivery to one common denominator.

COST PER TÎOUSM6ë (CPT) = Cost Per Spot

6umber ÎÎ Watching : 1000

They represent the total number of messages delivered by a media plan,  



.The gross sum of
all media exposures (numbers of people/homes) without regard to duplication.

9 *
Frequency refers to the number of times the member of the target audience is exposed to a media

x? Factors determining the need for frequency

x? Complex messages need more frequency

x? More demanding advertising objectives need more frequency

x? Îighly effective advertising generally requires lower frequency


It is a term often used for reach, however should not be confused with reach. Coverage refers to the size
of a potential audience that might be exposed to a particular media vehicle.  ?  ?
? ? ?

?  ?  ?? ??
? ? ? ?
? ? ?
?     ?
 ? !?
? ??
?  ?? !?
? ?
? ?

c !*

Impact refer more to Electronic than to the Print.

Impact = the total number of people who see the ad x by the number of times they saw it.

 ( #¦ *

OTS are the number of exposures or opportunities that a particular audience  to see a particular
advertisement.For example, if an advertiser published their content in the
Mugust and °uly issues of a magz and the respondent was served the questionnaire in september, at
least 2 out of 3 issues were needed to be assigned to the OTS condition.
In OOÎ, you are walking past a billboard, 20 days a month twice a day, so OTS is 40.


Media buying refers to buying time and space in the various selected media.


>? Inviting media representatives or other media representatives from the selected list of media.

>? Finalising package deals i.e. to obtain concessions in the media charges

>? 6egotiations may also take place to obtain premium positioning of the ads

>? Based on the final approved plan from the media planner, the media operators department
books time and space in the media.

>? The media operations department makes all necessary arrangement to supply advertising
material such as U-matic tapes, audio cassettes, art work and copy, etc.to various media well
before the deadline.

>? The billing and checking department checks on monitors the publications/ broadcasting /
telecasting of the ad.


Research conducted to improve the efficacy of advertising. It may focus on a specific ad or campaign, or
may be directed at a more general understanding of how advertising works or how consumers use the
information in advertising. While marketing research provides the information necessary to make
marketing decisions, advertising research   
needed for making 


# M



Product Concept

Target Market Selection

Media Selection





x? Mnalyzing the Situation

x? ëefining the Problem

x? Conducting Informal Research

x? Establishing Research Objectives

x? Conducting Formal Research

x? Interpreting and Reporting the Findings



x? Product Concept

x? Target Market Selection

x? Media Selection

Research can be particularly useful for concept testing, which is a process used to evaluate product
ideas, thrown open to pre-audiences, prior to the product introduction in the marketplace.







x? Projective Research

Projective techniques are used to uncover a respondent͛s innermost thoughts, feelings,

attitudes and motives.

x? Intensive Techniques:

ü? In-depth interview (IëI)

ü? Focus Group discussions (FGë)


x? Observations (Mrithmetical)

x? Experiment (Sampling)

x? Survey (surveying a large group of people)


x? Pre-testing methods:

ü? ëirect questioning

x? Post-testing methods:

ü? Mttitude test


 involves the cultivation of  
 for organizations and products with its

 through the  of a variety of communications   .



x? Building awareness and a favorable image for a company or client, with stories & articles
planted in relevant media outlets

x? Closely monitoring numerous media channels for public comment about a company and its

x? Managing crises that threaten company or product image

x? Building goodwill among an organization͛s target market through community, philanthropic and
special programs and events




Because PR communications is not perceived in the same light as advertising ʹ that is, the public
does not realize the organization either directly or indirectly paid for them ʹ they tend to have


In both absolute and relative terms, the cost of PR is  , especially when the efficacy is

x? M
Because they are typically perceived (as news items) PR messages are not subject to the 
. Mlso a story regarding a new product, introduction of break- through is treated as a 

 and so is likely to receive  

x? w 

Information about the technological innovations, medical break-throughs, etc does result almost
immediately in a 

. These inquiries may give the company some 9


x? M



Because some products appeal to only      , it is not feasible to engage in
advertising and / or promotions to reach them. If the firm does not have the financial
capabilities to engage in promotional expenditures, the best way to communicate to these
groups is through PR.

x?  c ]

Effective PR planning & execution does help to develop positive image for an organization. ͞M
strong image is insurance against later mis-fortunes͟



x? Marketers do not always have direct control over whether a message is delivered & where it is
placed for delivery

x? PR generally conveys information to a member of the news media (e.g., reporter) who then re-
crafts the information as part of a news story or feature. Thus, the final message may not be
precisely what the marketer originally plans

x? Potential to not produce results, if the ͚news media͛ feels there is little value in running a story
pitched by the marketer
x? M well devised news event or release could get ͞bumped͟ from planned media coverage
because of a more critical breaking news-story͙such as war, severe weather / serious crime










x? I6TER6ET (BwOGS / RSS FEEëS/ SEO-SEM) (6ew)



x? POëCMSTS (new)


x? Mnalysis of the situation / Briefing

x? ëefinition of problem / effective areas

x? Identification of publics

x? Establishment of specific objectives

x? Planning of program

x? Implementation of program

x? Periodic evaluation of progress



x? Government

x? Political Outfits

x? Corporate Bodies
x? Brands

x? College / Universities

x? Individual

x? Media (6ewspaper / Tÿ)

x? 6on-profit bodies



Skilled PR professionals offer many advantages for marketers. The ͚three͛ most important to my mind
are :

x? Mbility to understand & unearth good stories about a company and its product

x? 6ews writing skills

x? Knowledge of the media market / contacts may place them in a better position to match / plant
stories to the ͚news angles͛ media reporters look for

 c¦c¦*§—  5

x? Wrong public / consumer perceptions

x? Product failure

x? Financial in-stability

x? Industrial / wabour relations

x? Mergers / Mcquisitions turning sour

 * (¦  


x? They just invented, patented and launched a unique line of ergonomically correct playing cards
designed to fit the natural curvature of the hand / palm.


x? We researched and implemented a multi-faceted campaign of publicity and media exposure

that quickly spread the news about 6ew Playing Cards through the media market.
x? We generated dozens of features in media outlets nationwide including: every local print and Tÿ
medium in their market; large general circulation magazines like Men's Îealth, Entrepreneur,
Woman's ëay and Child, to name a few; 6ational Public Radio; and several newspapers and Tÿ
news broadcasts.


x? The key to a successful media campaign is something called ͚ëiversified Publicity͛.

x? That is, generating exposure in as many different media outlets in as many different ways to
optimize the chances of publicity for the product or business. Îere's how we dealt a winning
hand to the Playing Card Company.


x? We knew the client had a great product, but consumers simply didn't know about it yet. This
isn't advertising, this is "media notification" of an interesting new product that their readers and
viewers would be interested in.

x? Educate Consumers : We researched and contacted media outlets whose profiles matched this
product line and submitted effective feature pitches to appropriate editors, reporters and

x? But that was just the beginning͙

x? This is an aspect where business owners often fail to take full advantage of the media market.

x? We hit the media in local markets with what I call "relative releases" - a pitch alerting them that
someone with a connection to their market (native/former resident/alumnus) is involved in an
interesting, newsworthy venture - i.e. "Former 6evada Resident waunches Innovative Playing
Card Company."

x? wocal media are typically very receptive to features that have a local connection.



x? Where editorial profiles focused on :

x? Games, Îobbies, Toys, Children, Family

x? Feature, wifestyle, Elderly, Physically Challenged

x? Business, Entrepreneurial, Consumer Interest


x? One of the biggest mistakes with most publicity campaigns is improperly determining the media

x? For Playing Cards we covered our bets by cross-referencing a large part of the media market.

x? We also made many creative pitches to gain interest from several other contacts at magazines,
newspapers & broadcast media nationwide.

x? By hitting parallel media with our pitch, we were able to saturate the entire media market with
newsworthy pitches and generate placements in multiple media outlets.

x? M consumer product pitch to family magazines has a much different editorial slant and focus
than an entrepreneurial feature pitch to business reporters at newspapers & Tÿ shows.

Much like a game of cards, the success of this ͚Publicity Campaign͛ came down how you take
advantage of the cards you are dealt with.

x? ͙end up with the most money in the end.


ëesigning or developing a 'live' themed activity, occasion, display, or exhibit (such as a launch event,
sponsoring a sporting event, music festival, or concert) to promote a product, cause, organization. Event
is an activity, used primarily to reach specified business goals. It promotes a company / brand in
association with the attendee"

 *

x? 6 w 

Mn exciting product launch process results in faster time-to-market and time-to-profit. ëue to
heightened activity, the consumer is made better aware of the new product introduction. The
sales force is better motivated to begin selling the new product, and a service & support group
better able to service the new product, leading to greater customer acceptance.

x?   
c "¦

Often companies are looking to improve how they are perceived by their target audience.
Creating events that appeal to their market are likely to shape buying attitudes and help
generate a positive reaction.   ?? ? !!? ?? ? ?   ??   ?
  ? ?
?  ??
?? ?
?  ???
? ?  ?"?
?  ?
? ??  ?  ?  !

x? ë

Events geared to driving sales can be an extremely potent promotional tool. This objective
allows sponsors to showcase their product attributes. ›  ?? ?  ? ?   ?
?? !



Every event marketer is seeking wide exposure. Positive publicity helps create heightened
visibility of products/services. To maximize this objective, it is important for the event marketer
to have a comprehensive media campaign to augment footfalls.

x? ë

The mere act of managing / sponsoring an event, especially as an exclusive, is a significant way
to create competitor / brand differentiation. our brand has the opportunity to stand out ͚head
& shoulders͛ above the competition. 
?? ? ? ?  ??   ?
 ?? !?

x?   

-   !c

Event clubbed with hospitality opportunities are always very attractive. Perks may include
special exclusive networking settings such as ÿIP receptions or golf tournaments ʹ opportunities
to meet key customers to solidify business relationships. It is important to evaluate
opportunities and look for ways it could tie into your marketing objectives.

x? Î


& ) 

Mnother powerful objective allows companies to be viewed as a "good citizen" To be seen

supporting the community and contributing to its economic development is extremely powerful
and creates enormous goodwill. Use of Events as a part of the ͚Social Obligation͛ strategy

¦   *

x? Mnalyze the current situation: look at which other businesses / competition are sponsoring in
the target area, same calender

x? ëefine the event objectives: raise awareness of the existing brand; build company image; launch
a new product

x? Strategize: how does the event as a marketing tool, fit in with any other activities ? Reason that

x? ëevelop the tactics: details of what event to create / sponsor, price, timing, location, etc.

x? ëefine the target audience (attendees)

x? Consider what resources (publicity) are needed to make the event a success and apply

  M -]




x? Explain Their Product / Brand / Company

x? ëefining Brand Objectives

x? Responsibility for Best Message


x? The creative brief is essential

x? It is the platform that inter-weaves the ͚brand-positioning stage͛, with the ͚creative-concept
stage͛, of the campaign

x? It is about ensuring that the final creative concept is deep rooted in ͚branding-positioning-

x? The account planner is in charge at this point. The creative brief outlines to the creative team
the parameters in which they are expected to work and͙deliver


#¦ 3

x? Îigh-level background information

x? ëeclarative statements; ͞this is what͛s happening͟ and ͞this is what we want to do about it͟

x? The biggest obstacle to success (Why are we going wrong ?)


x? Ultimate goals and/or criteria for success (e.g., increase awareness, generate sales leads,
improve morale)

x? Why right now is the ideal timing ?


x? Brand Criteria (e.g. expression of brand attributes, desired emotional impact, alignment with
other initiatives)

x? Supporting rational & emotional 'reasons to believe & buy?'

x? Mandatory elements that inform the creative direction (e.g. product shots, use of USP͛s)


x? Who the target audience is and what they care about (e.g., demographics, motivations,
inspirations, turnoffs, etc.)

x? What we want them to do and why they should do it

x? The single most important ͚takeaway͛ from the experience


x? The competitors (Mctual & Perceived)

x? What they͛re doing (e.g., notable marketing activities, strengths and weaknesses, description of
competitive pressures on business & creative objectives)

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