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30. a.i.

Convertthegiven expressiontopostfixexpressionl +(B*C-DlEtf;*5:;*fI (8Marks)

Reg. No.
ii. Evaluate the postfix expression given below and write the result 5,6,2,+,*,12,4,1-. (a Marks)
(oR) Third / Fourth Semester
b.i. Elaboratethe operations ofdouble ended queue.

ii. Explain the priority queue with example.

31. a. Suppose the following eight numbers are inserted into an empty binary search tree T. (i) Part - A should be answered in oMR sheet within first 45 minutes and oMR sheet should be handed
50, 33, 44. 22,77,35,60, 40. Draw the tree. Write the procedure for all traversal over to hall invigilator at the end of 45d minute.
techniques and perform the same using the above values. (ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

(oR) Mar. Marks: 100

b.i. Show the step by step procedure for inserting 65 into AVL tree shown below
Answer ALL Questions
1. Which of the following is not a primitive data structure?
(A) Boolean (B) Integer
(C) A:rays (D) Character

2. of a set of Nrelements is an arrangernent of the elements in a given order

(A) Combination

Write the corresponding rotation made. (4 Marks) (B) permutation

ii. Explain the various rotations on eW ffee with examples. (8 Marks)

:' 3. The complexity of linear search algorithm is
32. a Construct the minimum spanning treb using Kruskal's algorithm for the following graph (A) 0(n) (B) 0(nr)
(C) 0(n log n) (D) 0(log n)

4. An ADT is defined to be a mathematical model of a uscr defined the

collections of all operations on that model
(A) Cardinality (B) Assignment
(C) Primitive (D) Structure

5. Which of the following items are not part of array declaration?

(A) Name of the array ' (B) Datatype of the array
(C) Index set of the array (D) Length of the array
b.i. Consider a hashtable of size 10. Using quadratic probing, 27,36, 24, 63, 6. Null links will not be there in
81 and 101 into the table. Take Cr 1 and Cz:3. (8 Mark9 (A) Singly linked list
(C) Circular linked list (D) Priority queue
ii. List the pros and cons of quadratic probing. (4 Marks)
7. Which pointer is associated with the availability list?
(A) First @) Avail
***,t * (C) Top (D) Rear
8. is a technique using which a computer periodically collects all the deleted space
onto the free storage list
(A) Garbage collection (B) Garbage compaction
(C) Linked list (D) Free storage

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9. Stacks may be represented in the computer usually by means of a one-way list or a PART -B (5 x 4:20 Marks)
(A) Queue (B) Linear array Answer ANY FM Questions
(C) Linear list (D) Recursion
21. Brief about various types of data stmctures with example'
10. Thepostfix form for the expression (A+ B)*(C* D- E)* FIG is
(A) AB+CD*E-FGlt('F (B) AB+CD-Fx*Gl 1',) Describe the complexity of an algorithm and space-time tradeoff of algorithm.
(C) AB+CD*E-xF*Gl (D) AB+CDE*-*p*tr1
in the computer's
23. Why we need sparse matrix? How the sparse matrices used efficiently
11. The circular queue will be full only when
- memory?
(A) Front: max-l and rear: max -1 @) Front: ma>r-l and rear: 0
(C) Front: 0 and rear:0 (D) Front: 0 and rear: max. 1 24; Devise an algorithm for converting,infix expression to postfix expression with an example.

12. a linear tist in which the elements can be added or removed at either end but not in 25. List the types of queues. Write a note on circular queue.

the middle
(A) Linear (B) Circular queue 26. Find the preorder and postorder expression for the given infix expression
(C) Enqueue (D) Dequeue la + (b - c)\*l(d - e) / (f + s - h)\

13. Degree of a leaf node is 27. Consider the below graph and find the adjacency matrix of G
(A) I (B) 2
(c) 3 (D)o
14. In a the left and right subtrees fo1 any given node, differ in height by no more than
(A) Balancedbinary.tree (B) Weight balanced binary tree
(C) Height balanced binary tree (D) Binary search tree

15. When preorder traversal of a tree is ABDEFCGHJLK, then the postorder traversal will be
PART - C (5 x 12 :60 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
16. is a selfbalancing binary search tree with an additional property that recently accessed
elements can be re-accessed fast
(A) AVL tree (B) Red black tree 28. a. Illustrate binary search technique with an algorithm. Mention the time complexity.
(C) Splay tree @) Binary search tree (oR)
b.i. Define ADT. List the advantages of ADT.
17. The of a node is the number of edges containing that node
(A) Path (B) Degree
(C) Vertex (D) Loop ii Explain the various mathematical notations and functions used in analysis of algorithms.
29. a- Describe the following operations of singly linked list with an example.
18. The graph is said to be _ if each edges in the graph is assigned a non-negative numerical
value called the w6ight of length of the edge
Deleting a node at the beginning
(A) Complete (B) Weighted (iD
Deleting a node at the end
(C) Balanced (D) Tree (iii)
Deleting a node after a given node

19. _ is a method used to store a graph
b. Discuss the following operations of doubly linked list with an example
(41 stactr @) Adjacency matrix
(C) Diagraph @) List
(i) lnserting a node at the beginning
(iD Deleting a node atthe end
20. The process of examining memory location in a hash table is called
(iii) Deleting a node after a given node.
(A) Hashing (B) Collision
(C) Probing (D) Addressing
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