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Aprilia Ratna Dewi. P P1732016088

Nur Azmi Qudsiyah P17320116089
Oktavia Gunawan P17320116085
Rezhki Amalia Indri. A P17320116093
Sofi Ipah Sofiah P17320116023
Class I C


Jl. Dr. Otten No. 32 Bandung
2016 / 2017
Sofi Ipah S as A Patient
Rezky Amalia as A Mother
Nur Azmi Q as A Doctor
Oktavia Gunawan as Nurse 1
Aprilia Ratna D P as Nurse 2

One day, Sofi has a fever. her mother had given a febrifuge, but the fever didn't go
down. She has a fever for 4 days. Out of fear, her mother bring sofi to the Hospital.
Kiki : “Good morning doctor.”
Doctor : “Good morning, please sit down.”
Kiki : “Thank you.”
Doctor : “This is Sofi and Mrs. Rezki right? What can i do for you?”
Kiki : “My daughter got fever from 4 days ago. I’m already give her paracetamol but the fever
does not go down. I’m afraid something happen to my daughter.”
Doctor : “Hmm ok. What do you feel right now Sofi?”
Sofi : “I’m feel dizzy and my stomach is hurt.”
Doctor : “Did you eat spicy food before?”
Sofi : “Hmm yes. I eat spicy fried rice.”
Doctor : “Where do you eat?”
Sofi : “Oh i eat in street vendors.”
Doctor : “Hmm ok, can you be in bed? I will check your condition.”
Sofi : “Sure.”
(The doctor was checking the TPR and BP of Sofi)
Doctor : “After I checked, your body temperature is 38,5°C and your blood pressure is 90/80 I can
diagnose that you have typoid symptoms.”
Kiki : “Astagfirullah...”
Doctor : “She need to be hospitalized to restore her condition. So as not to get worse.”
Kiki : “Ok doctor, do anything to make my daughter health again.”
Doctor : “Then please go to the administration to take care of this hospitalization.”
Kiki : “Ok doctor. Thank you so much.”
Doctor : “You’re welcome.”
After taking care of administration, Sofi finally treated in the Room Roses bed 2. Nurse Okta
come to her to checking the temperature and give her compress.
Nurse 1 : “Good afternoon, this is Sofi and Mrs. Rezki right?”
Kiki : “Good afternoon, yes nurse.”
Nurse : “Sofi, Mrs. Rezki, let me introduce my self. My name is Oktavia, i’m a registered nurse
here. You can call me Okta. Today i will take care of you Sofi, from 08.00 am to 02.00 pm.
The other member of mine is Aprilia, she will incharge for you.”
Kiki : “Oh ok Nurse Okta.”
Nurse 1 : “So, now i’d like to check that i have your fullname and adress. Is this all correct, Mrs.
Kiki : “Yes, that’s fine.”
Nurse : “Okay. Now i will take Sofi’s blood pressure and temperature, so we can know your
condition. It’s only 10 minutes, are you fine with that Sofi?”
Sofi : “Yes Nurse.”
Nurse : “So now, let’s put the thermometer under your arm ... that’s it. Now give me your other arm
and i’ll wrao this cuf around it to take your blood pressure (Nurse Okta checking BP and
TPR). Your temperature is 38,5°C, the blood pressure is 100/70, respiration 20x/minute and
your pulse 72x/minute. Well, your temperature is high. How about i give your compress? It
will get down your temperature.”
Sofi : “Okay.”
Nurse 1 : “Wait a minute, i’ll take the compress for you.”
Nurse Okta get out from the room to take the compress. And come back again to give cold
compress for Sofi.
Nurse 1 : “Sofi, i will give you a cold compress because your temperatur is over 38°. Now i’ll take
towel under your forehead, then i take the cold compressan. That is.”
Sofi : “Thank you Nurse Okta.”
Nurse 1 : “Your welcome. I will change your compress every 2 hours, or if your temperature is go
down i’ll take it. Ok?”
Sofi : “Okay.”
Nurse 1 : “So i’ll back to nurses station now. If you need anything, just call me with the bell on your
left side. See you shortly Sofi, Mrs. Rezki.”
Kiki : “Thank’s Nurse.”
Nurse Okta go back to nurse station and documented the result of her implementation. 2 hours
later, after eating Sofi had to take the medicine. But since Nurse Okta had finished her duty she gave
the assignment to Suster April.
Nurse 1 : “Hello again Sofi, Mrs. Rezki.”
Kiki : “Hello Nurse.”
Nurse 1 : “How do you feel Sofi?”
Sofi : “I think my temperature is go down, but i’m still fell dizzy.”
Nurse : “Ohh... So i’ll take your temperature now. Let’s put the termometer... Your temperature now
is 38°C. Do you want to get compress again Sofi? Because the time for drink the medicine is
03.00 pm. Its 2 hours from now.”
Sofi : “Yes, i want.”
Nurse1 : “Okay then, here you are. Sofi, don’t forget to drink a lot of water, that help you to get down
your temperature.”
Sofi : “Okay nurse, i will drink a lot of water.”
Nurse 1 : “Good then, i’ll back to nurses station now. Have a good rest.”
Sofi : “Thank you so much.”
2 hour later, after eating Sofi had to take the medicine. But since Nurse Okta had finished her
duty she gave the assignment to Suster April.
Nurse 1 : “Hello Sofi, Mrs. Rezki. This is Nurse April, she will incharge for you.”
Nurse 2 : “Hello Sofi, Mrs Rezki. My name is April, I’m registered nurse too in here. Now, i’ll take
care of you from 3 pm to 9 pm.”
Sofi : “Hello Nurse April.”
Nurse 1 : “Now, if you need something, Nurse April will help you. So i’ll back to my room now. See
you again Sofi, Mrs. Rezki.”
Sofi : “Okay, see you Nurse Okta.”
Nurse 2 : “So, Sofi it’s time to you for drink the medicine. The medicine will make you better. It just 5
minutes. Ok?”
Sofi : “Okay.”
Nurse 2 : “So I’ll take the medicine, wait a minute.”
Nurse April bring the medicine.
Nurse2 : “this is paracetamol. It make your fever go down. You want to drink by yourself or with my
Sofi : “I can drink by my self.”
Nurse 2 : “OK, ths your medicine. Good job! Now i back to nursery room. If you need anything, you
can press the buttom in your left side.”
Sofi : “Ok nurse.”
Nurse April get out from Sofi’s room.
After being treated for 1 week, finally Sofi get better and allowed to go home by doctor.


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