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Secondary school Technician No. 31

Student : Sheyla Adelayda Martínez Lázaro

Degree: 3ro.

Group: “G”

Matter: English


Mailbox of Complaints

School cycle
2016 – 2017

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4
That it is a Mailbox of Complaints ..................................................................... 5
Process of Management of a Complaint ............................................................ 6
Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 11
Bibliography ....................................................................................................... 12


The mailbox of complaints allows to help to a company,

business or institution know the opinion of the customers,

consumers and/or users and of this way detect the areas of

improvement to increase the quality in the products and

services that offer to the public in general.

That it is a mailbox of Complaints

The mailbox of complaints is an instrument put to disposal of the members of the

community and of the users to do arrive the observations and claims that estimate

convenient on the operation of the service and/or product, as well as for the

improvement of the quality of thesames.

It understands by complaint the demonstration of dissatisfaction motivated by the

negative perception of a situation, procedure, article, service, etc.

The mailbox of complaints has by object receive the observations and suggestions

that make any one of the customers and/or users on the quality of the product

and/or service received, so much on deal to the consumer and of his installations

To do use of this mailbox will have to complete the compulsory fields of the form

established for this end. The manager of the administrative service or matter will

have then knowledge of the suggestion or complaint, proceeding to act in this

regard as it correspond.

The mailbox of complaints is an instrument put to disposal of the members of the

community and of the users to do arrive the observations and claims that estimate

convenient on the operation of the service and/or product, as well as for the

improvement of the quality of thesames.

Process of Management of a Complaint


In this stage define the actions of “Communication and Diffusion” of the procedure.

The aim of this phase is that the whole of the personnel and of the users of the

entity know the existence of the procedure of management of complaints and

suggestions and the functions that exerts.

It is important that once that it has established the procedure proceed to the

training and information of the personnel and of the customers and users. This

information has to be clear regarding the functions, the responsible people of the

process, the physical location of the points where can present the suggestions or

complaints, and those appearances that consider essential in the procedure of

management, as they can be: the form in that the reclamante has to present the

incidence, an explanation of the flow of the process, the terms of resolution

associated to the different stages of the process, the different options of resolution

to which can opt the user, between others.

The means for the diffusion of the existence and operation of the process will

depend on the situation of each entity. Some means recommended to reach an

elder difusión are the following:

 Brochures of internal diffusion.

 Circular informative, of simple character. The format can include the
commitments and terms established. Could use to distribute it to the
personnel and to the users.
 In electronic format, in the web page of the entity, or in the intranet to which
access the personnel. Initially it would have to have a special diffusion, and

surpassed a time of the establishment of the process, could leave like a
section more than the web. In this section has to inform on the location of
the place of attention, the applicable procedures and any information that
was useful for the user.
 Bulletin board situated in the installations of the entity.
 Talks or briefings.

It is interesting also measure the efficiency of the different means used in the

internal communication, and if it was possible, recommends do a follow-up of the

level of general knowledge of the existence of the procedure and of his functions

along the time, measuring the efficiency of each one of the channels of

communication employed, so that it could reinforce the use of those more effective



It has to exist the possibility to present the complaints and suggestions in different

formats (giving fulfillment at the beginning of Accessibility). The different

possibilities of presentation will have to confluir in the cumplimentación of the

standard form of Q/S, of the that will store the data and the information that will

apply in the following phases of the process, in such a way that any treatment

would have to initiate without the corresponding form properly filled.

The information to register from the forms filled, will have to include data

trascendentes and that consider necessary for the future treatment and

management of the incidence. Some important data can be:

 Relative information to the reclamante.

 Description of the complaint or suggestion, data of support related.

 Solution that the customer requests or proposes.
 Product, service, or procedure of the entity, objects of the complaint or
 Term limit of answer.
 Information about the personnel related with the incidence.
 Immediate actions that have taken (if it was the case).


The information registered previously has to be stored and classified so that it

allow his back query, and like this facilitate his follow-up along all the process. To

this end, in this “Database” or “system of register” was in electronic format or no,

has to update the state of the incidence periodically, to allow queries of the user

when this require it.


It has to send a notification to the user, indicating that his complaint or suggestion

has been received and finds in the process of resolution. This will carry out in the

format that consider pertinent.


Each complaint or suggestion received, would have to evaluate and classify of

agreement to criteria established. Each organisation will have to establish this

classification according to internal parameters, however propose criteria such as

the severity, implications of security and risks, complexity, impact, need of an

immediate action, etc., to take into account to the hour to establish priorities and

levels of performance.


Depending on the classification and categorisation before determinate, will

establish the level of depth of the investigation to carry out. Nevertheless, for each

incidence will have to investigate the causes, situations, people and corresponding



In this point is necessary to determine if the information obtained from the

investigation is sufficient to continue with the process of resolution, in case that it

was not like this, would be necessary to deepen in the investigation. Later it has to

determine the possibility of the resolution or feasibility of the complaint or

suggestion, if it determines that if it is it continues with the following stage of the

process; if it was not possible to carry it to term, would be necessary to decide if it

continues with the process, and head to it an upper level of resolution.


In this stage of the process have to determine the actions to carry out depending of

the character of the incidence, if it is a complaint or a suggestion. The

determination of these actions will have to make of conjoint form with the personnel

commissioned and the direction of the entity. Finally it has to communicate the

decision taken to the user.


It has to determine if the solution offered has been satisfactory for the user, of not

being like this will decide if it continues with the process in an upper level of

resolution. If the answer is satisfactory, proceeds to the closing and register of the



In conclusion it is of vital importance know the opinion or the

disagreements that have the users, customers and/or

consumers in relation to the products and services that offers a

company, trade or institution, therefore it has to create a buzon

of complaints for this.


http://www.uam.es/cgi-bin/formrtcentros/formsugerencias.cgi?estudio=grado In

Administracion and Direccion of Companies




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