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Nurse : “good Morning.....”
Patients : “Morning...”
Nurse : “ I’m Inti, I’m nurse in this room and I work from 7 am- 2 pm”
Patients : “ ok...”
Nurse : “ excuse me sir, may I leave the room for a while? I will come back soon for
take a sample a blood trought te veins for laboratory
Patients : “ ok...”

1. Patient’s Identity
- Complate name: Mr. Wahyu
- Age : 20 years old
- Gender : Male
- Religion : Islam
- Address : he live in Semarang
- Education : he is a male university student
- Occupation : a male university student
2. Person in charge identity
- Complate name: Mrs. Karyati
- Age : 39 years old
- Gender : female
- Religion : Islam
- Address : he live in Semarang
- Education : she graduated from senior high school
- Occupation : house wife
- Family status with clients: mother
3. Medical record / medical history
- Main complaints
He feels fever
- Current medical history
said patient has a fever accompanied by headache, vomiting, and no appetite
- Farmer medical history
Patients said previosly never experienced dengue fever
- Family medical history
Patients said his father had suffered from dengue fever

- Physical appearances
Head : oval
Hair : short
Eyes : small
Skin : white
Body : tall
- Client’s condition : weak, vomiting, fever, pale
- Review of system
Respiratory system: 21x/minutes
Temperature : 39°c

I have a patient. His name is Mr. Wahyu, he is twenty years old, he is islam, he live
in Semarang, he is a male university student, and he don’t work.
Person in charge is Mrs. Karyati, she is thirty nine years old, she is female, she is
islam, she live in Semarang, she graduated from senior high school, she is a civil
worker, family status with client she is mother.
He has a short hair, he has white skin, he has oval head, he has small eyes, he has
sharp nose, he has tall body.
He feels fever, he looks weak, he feels vomiting, he looks pale.
Of signs and symptoms of the patients is dengue fever. To confirm the diagnosis
that me I stand, I will take the blood throught the veinsof laboratory.
1. Greeting: good morning sir....
2. Self Introduction:
Nurse: “I’m Inti, I’m nurse in this room and I work from 7 am- 2 pm”. This
morning, I will take the blood, well are you ready?
Patients: ok...
1. Goal: How to do take the blood
2. Materials : syringes, torniquet, cotton alcohol, plaster wounds
3. Steps:
1. I: wash the hands
P: the hands are washed
2. I: adjust the position of arms the patient
P: the position of arm the patient is adjusted
3. I: trace the patient’s veins with your index finger
P: the patient’s veins is traced with index finger
4. I: put torniquet 5 cm proximal from the veins to be punctured
P: torniquet is put 5 cm proximal from the veins tobe punctured
5. I: wear groves
P: groves are worn
6. I: disinfect the area that plan to puncture with an alcohol wipe
P: the area that plan to puncture is disinfected with an alcohol wipe
7. I: Grasp your patient’s arm
P: the patient’s arm is grasped
8. I: Puncture the patient’s veins with a needle 30 degrees
P: the patient’s veins is punctured with a needle 30 degrees
9. I: allow the tobe to fill
P: the tobe to fill are allowed
10. I: discard the torniquet froms arms
P: the torniquet is discarded froms arms
11. I: remove the needle from arm and press area is puncture with cotton alcohol
P: the needle is removed from arm and areas puncture is pressed with cotton
12. I: Close areas puncture with plaster wounds
P: area puncture is closed with plaster wounds
13. I: Discard all waste and put your materials away
P: all waste are discarded and thee materials are put away
14. I: Wash your hand
P: the hand is washed
Nurse: “Ok sir, that’s all the action thank you for your trust, can I may I leave now?.
If you need a help, please call me in this nursing room, get well soon and
take a rest, please..
Patients: ok...

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