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Background of the conflict (conflict zone, conflict history – what led to the escalation of violence and
which past events contributed toward the escalation?)

2. Sides of the conflict – What are the key parties of the conflicts; are there any internal subgroups and
by whom they depend?

3. Problems of the conflict – Is there any distinction between position, interests and needs?

4. Phase of the conflict – is the conflict in escalating or de-escalating phase (or finished)? What is the
current behavior of the parties?

5. Leaders in the conflict - Who are the leaders of the parties at the level of leaders / elites and what are
their goals, policies and interests, relative weaknesses or advantages?

6. Context of the conflict:

a) Local factors – describe the political system, whether it is disputed, whether there are channels for
managing the conflict, what is the economic development etc.…

b) Regional factors – how are the neighbor relations, is there any help from outside, external parties
involved on the regional level etc. …

c) Global factors – for example: describe the behavior of the international community, are there any
external factors that fuel the conflict, are there any other geopolitical interests etc. …

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