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B.E III IT – Sem-5 [Odd-2018]

1. Cyber security
2. Need of cyber security
3. What is vulnerability scanning? Types of vulnerability scanner.
4. What is Nmap, Netcat and Socat?
5. What is OpenVas and Metasploit?
6. What is THC-Amap?
7. What is Port redirection?
8. What is Datapipe, Fpipe, WinRelay?
9. What is Tcpdump and Wireshark?
10. What is Firewalls and Packet Filters?
11. Explain Packet Filter Vs Firewall.
12. Stateless Vs Stateful Firewalls.
13. What is Linux Firewall and Windows Firewall?
14. What is Port Forwarding?
15. Explain about Virtual Private Networks.
16. What is Snort?
17. What is Nikto, HTTP utilities - Curl, OpenSSL and Stunnel
18. Application Inspection tools – Zed Attack Proxy, Sqlmap.
19. Passowrd cracking.
20. Cyber Crimes and Types of Cybercrime.
21. Cyber-attacks (Examples).
22. Explain about Hacking and Attack vectors.
23. Explain about digital forensics.
24. Explain DVWA. What is SQL injection?
25. What is Open port, closed port, Filtered port, unfiltered port, open|filtered port and
closed|filtered port?
26. What is Key loggers, Spyware and ransomeware?
27. Explain Steganography and Cryptography.
28. Explain about Brute Force Attack.
29. What is Virus, Worms Trojens and Backdoors?
30. Explain about DOS and DDOS attack.
31. What is Buffer Overflow?

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