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Smell and Taste in Health and Disel

edited by T. V. Getchell. et al.

Raven Press, New York @ 1991.

Olfactory Dysfunction and Its Causes,450 Disorders, Agents, or Events Associated with
Disorders Associated with Decreased Transport of Decreased Transport of Taste Stimuli to the
Odorant Molecules to the Olfactory Taste Buds, 458
Neuroepithelium,453 Disorders, Agents, or Events Associated with
Disorders, Agents, or Events Associated with Damage to Taste Sensorineural Structures, 458
Damage to Olfactory Sensorineural Structures, Conclusions, 460
454 References,460
Taste Dysfunction and Its Causes,458

mosensory disorders (Table 1) (4). In this study, 68%

Chemosensory dysfunction is relatively common. of the patients viewed their chemosensory dysfunction
Thus, data from the National Ambulatory Medical as affecting their quality of life, 46% reported that the
Care Survey suggestthat, for 1975and 1976combined, disorder had changed either their appetite or body
435,000visits to physicians' offices occurred in which weight, and 56% reported that the problem altered
a major presenting complaint was chemosensory in na- their daily living and/or psychologic well-being. Over
ture (1). Importantly, the frequency of such disorders a quarter of the patients evidenced scores on the Beck
is closely related to the age of the subject (see Chaps. Depression Inventory (14) indicative of mild to severe
10, 11, 15, and 19), For example, while only a small depression; for those with chemosensory distortions,
percentageof persons under the age of 65 evidence de- over one-third evidenced such scores. Such statistics
creased ability to detect and identify odors, more than underscore the importance of chemosensory disorders
half of those between the ages of 65 and 80 years and to persons who are experiencing them.
over three-fourths of those over the age of 80 years As indicated by the organization of this volume, it is
evidence major olfactory impairment (2). Data from a useful to divide both olfactory and gustatory disorders
recent worldwide National Geographic Society maga- into those associated with interruption of the transport
zine survey suggest that such age-related losses are of the stimulus to the receptors (transport problems)
universal (3). ~nd those associated with damage to either peripheral
Clinical studies suggestthat upper respiratory infec- or central nervous system structures (sensorineural
tions, head trauma, and nasal and paranasal sinus dis- problems). However, while the classification of disor-
ease are the most common recognized causes of che- ders into these components is of considerable heuristic
mosensory dysfunction (4-13), as shown in a recent value in identifying the most salient aspects of each
study of 750 consecutive patients presenting with che- cause, the relative contribution of these classescan be
difficult to determine in anyone case. For example,
some systemic disorders, such as those due to meta-
R. L. Doty: Smell and Taste Center, School of Medicine, bolic or endocrine disturbances, can influence periph-
University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce Street, Philadel- eral sensory structures, mucous secretion, and nasal
phia, Pennsylvania 19104. engorgement, in addition to central neural structures.
L. M. Bartoshuk: Department of Surgery (Section of oto-
Nasal and paranasal sinus disease accompanied by
laryngology), Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Ce-
dar Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06510. polyposis presumably influences both the transport of
J. B. Snow, Jr.: National Institute on Deafness and Other odorant molecules to the olfactory neuroepithelium
CQJllmunication Disorders, Bethesda, Maryland 20892. and the functioning of the olfactory neuroepithelium

450 CHAPTER 26

TABLE 1. Etiologies, complaints, and sensory findings from 750 patients consecutively evaluated at the
University of Pennsylvania Smell and Taste Cent~-

Upper respiratory 146 3

Idiopathic 167 (22%) 71 96 88 3 55 71 22"
Head trauma 132 (18%) 72 60 113 7 53 46 5
Nasal and paranasal 109 (15%) 55 54 78 O 30 21 3
sinus disease
Congenital 29 ( 4%) 15 14 29 O O 1 O
Toxic chemical 18 ( 2%) 13 5 12 3 5 10 2
Oral infection 6 (.8%) 2 4 1 o O 3 2
Other infection 4 (.5%) 1 3 1 o 1 2 2
Psychiatric 4 (.5%) 2 2 1 o 2 2 1
Pregnancy related 3 (.4%) O 3 1 o 2 2 0
Seizure related 3 (.4%) 1 2 3 o 1 1 O
Sarcoidosis 2 (.3%) 0 2 1 o 1 1 1
Lupus 2 (.3%) 0 2 0 o O 2 0
Multiple chemical 2 (.3%) 0 2 0 o 2 O 0
Brain tumor 2 (.3%) 0 2 o O O o
Other 22 ( 3%) 10 12 2 0 6 3 o
Dental procedures 15 ( 2%) 8 7 7 2 1 10 4
Medication induced 15 ( 2%) 4 11 9 3 4 11 6
Nasal operation 8 ( 1 %) 7 1 7 3 4 0
Neurosurgery 5 (.7%) 2 3 3 O 5 2 O
Radiation therapy 4 (.5%) 1 3 3 1 1 3
Ear operation 2 (.3%) O 2 0 0 O 2 2
Other operation 4 (.5%) 2 2 3 0 1 1 1
TOTALS 750 336 414 509 23 241 257 69
From Deems et al., ref. 4.
"Note that 18 of these patients were also classified as having BMS (burning mouth syndrome; 5 men and 13 women; 3 with
olfactory loss; 1 with gustatory loss; 4 reporting dysosmia; 11 reporting dysgeusia).

itself. Similarly, head injury can influence nasal air- orders. Emphasis is placed on recent studies and ex-
flow via changes in nasal obstruction, activation of al- amples; no attempt has been made to provide a com-
lergic reactions that cause upper airway inflammation, prehensive or historical review of the literature. Since
and displacement of bony and cartilaginous nasal most chemosensory disorders reflect olfactory dys-
structures as well as by trauma to neuroepithelial and function rather than taste dysfunction, per se, this
central neural structures. Indeed, the relative role of chapter is largely weighted by studies on the sense: of
such influences can change with time since the injury smell. The reader is referred to the following chapters
(e.g., trauma-related inflammatory reactions and he- and to other articles (4-17) for more specific informa-
matomas commonly regress over time). tion on clinical aspects of chemosensory function.
The primary purpose of this chapter is to provide an
overview of the major causes of smell and taste dis-
orders, so that perspective on the more specific and OLFACTORY DYSFUNCTION AND ITS CAUSES
detailed clinical chapters that follow can be obtained.
Salient points are highlighted and information comple- Disordered olfactory function has been associated in
mentary to the subsequent chapters is provided. A the medical literature with many diseases and trau-
secondary purpose is to impress upon the reader the matic and iatrogenic events (Table 2). Unfortunately,
breadth of causes of chemosensory disturbances and a number of these associations are based solely on pa-
to stress the importance of clinical psychophysical tient reports, questionable empirical evidence, anec-
testing in defining the nature and extent of such dis- dotal observations, case studies, and a priori assump-

TABLE 2. Olfactory dysfunction: possible etiologic categories

Lesions of the nose/airway Neoplasms-intranasal

Structural abnormality Neuro-olfactory tumors
Deviated septum Esth esion eu roepithe Iioma
Weakness of alae nasi Esthesioneuroblastoma
Nasal polypi Esthesioneurocytoma
Allergic rhinitis Esthesioepithelioma
Seasonal Other benign or malignant nasal tumors
Perennial Conductive effect (e.g., adenocarcinoma)
Vasomotor rhinitis Perceptive effect (e.g., schwannoma, neurofibroma)
Atrophic rhinitis Nasopharyngeal tumors with extension
Chronic inflammatory rhinitis Paranasal tumors with extension
Syphilis Leukemic infiltration
Tuberculosis Neoplasms-carcinomas
Sarcoidosis Lung
Scleroma Gastrointestinal tract
Leprosy Ovary
Wegener's granulomatosis Breast
Midline granuloma Neurologic
Adenoid hypertrophy Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Sjogren's syndrome Familial dysautonomia
Hypertrophic rhinitis Ref sum's syndrome
Rhinitis medicamentosa Multiple sclerosis
Infections and viral Parkinson's disease
Influenza or acute viral rhinitis Progressive supranuclear palsy
Acute viral hepatitis Temporal lobe epilepsy
Bacterial rhinosinusitis Mesial temporal sclerosis (ammons horn sclerosis)
Bronchiectasis Hamartomas
Infected teeth and gums Scars/previous infarcts
Infected tonsils Myesthenia gravis
Others Retinitis pigmentosa
Fungal Vascular insufficiency and anoxia
Rickettsial Small multiple cerebrovascular accidents
Microfilarial Transient ischemic attacks
Nutritional/metabolic Subclavian steal syndrome
Vitamin deficiency Others
Vitamin A Cerebral abscess (esp. frontal or ethmoidal regions)
Vitamin B6 Meningitis
Vitamin B12 Syphilis
Trace metal deficiencies Syringomyelia
Zn Paget's disease
Cu Korsakoff's disease
Protein calorie malnutrition Hydrocephalus
Total parenteral nutrition (without adequate replacement) Migraine
Cystic fibrosis Endocrine
Abetalipoproteinemia Adrenal cortical insufficiency-Addison's disease
Chronic renal failure Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Cirrhosis of liver Cushing's syndrome
Gout Hypothyroidism
Whipple's disease Diabetes mellitus
Neoplasms-intracranial Primary amenorrheas
Osteomas Chromatin negative gonadal dysgenesis- Turner's
Olfactory groove and cribiform plate meningiomas syndrome
Frontal lobe tumors (esp. gliomas) Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism-Kallmann's syndrome
Paraoptic chiasma tumors Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
Pituitary tumors (esp. adenomas) Pse udohypoparathyroidi sm
Craniopharyngioma Panhypopituitarism
Suprasellar meningioma Gigantism
Aneurysms Adiposogenital dystrophy-Froelich's syndrome
Suprasellar cholesteatoma Congenital/hereditary etiologies
Temporal lobe tumors Syndrome of hypogeusia and hyposmia
Midline cranial tumors Triad of:
Parasagittal meningiomas Submucous cleft of dorsal hard palate
Tumors of the corpus callosum Facial hypoplasia
452 / CHAPTER 26

TABLE 2. Continued
Stunted growth
Phosphorus oxychloride
"Red haired disease" with pigmentary abnormality Pepper and cresol mixture
Complete and specific anosmias of genetic origin Benzene
Bronchial asthma Benzol
Multiple lentigines syndrome Butyl acetate
Orbital hypertelorism Carbon disulfide
Trauma Ethyl acetate
(Most common proposed mechanisms: 1, shearing of
Ethyl acrylate
olfactory nerves; 2, hemorrhage of the basal frontal Formaldehyde
lobes and bruising of the olfactory bulbs and tracts)
Frontal fracture (esp. fronto-ethmoidal fracture) Oil of peppermint
Occipital contrecoup injury Trichloroethylene
Nasal fracture Hydrogen sulfide
Drugs Paint solvents
Adrenal steroids (chronic usage) Chlorine
Amino acid excess Benzine
Histidine Nitrous gases
Cysteine Industrial dusts (particulate)
Anesthetics, local Coke/coal
Procaine HCI Grain
Cocaine HCI Silicone dioxide
Tetracaine HCI
Anticancer agents (e.g., methotrexate) Flour
Antihistamines (e.g., chlorpheniramine maleate) Cotton
Griseofulvin Cement
Lincomycin Cadmium
Streptomycin Ashes
Tetracyclines Lead
Intranasal tyrothricin Chromium
Local neomycin Nickel
Neoarsphenamine Chalk
Antirheumatics Potash
Mercury or gold salts Iron carboxyl
D-Penicillamine Medical intervention
Antithyroids Laryngectomy
Propylthiouracil Anterior craniotomy
Thiouracil Surgical interruption of olfactory tract
Hyperlipoproteinemia medications Frontal lobotomy
Temporal lobotomy
Cholestyramine Paranasal sinus exenteration
Intranasal saline solutions with: Postanesthesia
Acetylcholine Radiation therapy
Acetyl, 13-methylcholine Arteriography
Menthol Influenza vaccination
Strychnine Maintenance hemodialysis
Zinc sulfate
Opiates Hypophysectomy
Hydromophone HCI
Morphine Oophorectomy
Psychopharmaceuticals (e.g., psilocybin, LSD) Gastrectomy
Sympathomimetics Psychiatric
Amphetamine sulfate Schizophrenic disorders
Phenmetrazine theoclate Olfactory reference syndrome
Fenbutrazate HCI Depressive disorders
Antipyrine Malingering
Oral ETOH Others
Local vasoconstrictors
Physiologic processes
L-dopa Circadian variation
Chemical pollutants (gaseous) Menses
Sulfuric acid
Hydrogen selenide
From ref. 7, with modification.
tions. Furthermore, even rudimentary olfactory Adenoid Hypertrophy
testing has not been performed in many of these stud-
ies. Since a number of patients are unaware of their Adenoid hypertrophy can significantly influence na-
sal airflow and olfactory function in children. Ghor-
olfactory disorder and even a larger number mistak-
banian et al. (22) found, for example, marked preop-
enly attribute their symptoms of flavor loss to taste
erative hyposmia in a group of 28 children using a
dysfunction rather than smell dysfunction (Fig. 1)
(18,19), most such associations need to be verified by phenylethyl alcohol (PEA) odor detection threshold
test. When tested 2 to 28 months after adenoidectomy,
well-designed studies incorporating adequate sample
sizes and sound psychophysical procedures. 20 of these children showed reductions in both nasal
In the following sections, the major etiologic classes airway obstruction and olfactory threshold values
associated with olfactory dysfunction are listed along (i.e., greater olfactory sensitivity). In 16 subjects who
with a brief description of illustrative studies. In cases had not received the operation, no change was ob-
where a given cause is described in detail elsewhere in served in either the nasal obstruction ratings or the de-
the volume, only a cursory description of the basic tection threshold values.
findings is presented.

Nasal and Paranasal Sinus Disease

Disorders Associated with Decreased Transport of Rhinitis, polyposis, and sinusitis are accompanied
Odorant Molecules to the Olfactory Neuroepithelium by decreased ability to smell [(23); see Chaps. 33, 34,
35, 36, and 37]. Importantly, recent quantitative stud-
Nasal obstruction can result from inflammatory, ies have found considerable variability in the olfactory
neoplastic, traumatic, and developmental alterations function of persons with nasal and paranasal sinus dis-
within the nasal cavity (20). All such processes, if they ease (4) (Table 1) and have documented that medical
result in bilateral restriction of airflow to the olfactory or surgical treatment can, in some cases, restore olfac-
neuroepithelium, presumably alter the ability to smell. tory function to normal levels (see Chaps. 33, 35, 37,
However, surprisingly few studies have empirically 38 and 39). For example, Leonard et al. (24) assessed
established the degree to which such alterations are the pre- and postoperative olfactory function of 25 pa-
present, and only recently have objective measures of tients who underwent unilateral or bilateral transantral
the influences of medical or surgical interventions ethmoidectomy specifically for chemosensory dys-
been determined for even the most common classes of function. Normal smell function was restored in nine
nasal airway obstruction (for review, see 21). patients after surgery, whereas four evidenced mild

Complaints Test Results


!I] Smell and Taste Loss [1] Smell and Taste Loss
D Smell Loss Only D Smell Loss Only
Dysosmia, Dysgeusia -Taste Loss Only
or Burning Mouth ~ No Identifiable Smell
-Taste Loss Only or Taste Loss
~ Other
FIG. 1. Distribution of total chemosensory complaints and test results (n = 750)
From Deems et al., ref. 4.
454 CHAPTER 26

hyposmia, five moderate to severe hyposmia, and the tients have an intact sense of smell that does not
remainder no improvement. Similarly, Seiden and change with disuse.
Smith (25) administered the University of Pennsylva- In contrast to this conclusion is the view proposed
nia Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) (26) to five pa- by Henkin and associates (31,32) that laryngectomy
tients with nasal and paranasal sinus disease before disrupts a complex neural circuit from the larynx
and after endoscopic intranasal ethmoidectomy and through the vagus nerve to central nervous system
antrostomy. The degree of smell loss before operation structures associated with olfaction (e.g., the hippo-
ranged from total anosmia to moderate hyposmia campus). According to this view, the olfactory deficit
[mean UPSIT score 15.8, standard deviation (SD), would be irreversible. This theory is based, in part, on
8.73]. Four to eight weeks after surgery, all five pa- the assumption that air swallowing by laryngecto-
tients exhibited marked improvement in their olfactory mized patients results in normal or near-normalamounts
function (mean UPSIT score 33.4, SD 4.02). of air reaching the olfactory receptors. Recent rhino-
The efficacy of corticosteroid treatment in restoring manometric studies indicate, however, that the vol-
olfactory function in patients with nasal and paranasal ume, duration, peak flow rate, and mean flow rate of
sinus disease has been demonstrated in a number of sniffs produced using the air-swallowing technique are
studies. These studies are reviewed in detail in Chap- much lower in laryngectomized patients than in either
ter 35 by Mott. normal subjects or laryngectomized patients fitted
with a laryngeal bypass tube (33,34). Furthermore, the
Intranasal Neoplasms use of larynx bypass tubes demonstrates that rela-
Benign and malignant neoplasms can obstruct the
tively normal olfactory function is present in laryngec-
nasal chamber and thereby alter airflow to the olfac-
tomized patients once adequate volumes of air reach
the receptor region (35,36). Nevertheless, there is his-
tory receptors without damaging, at least in initial
stages, the olfactory neuroepithelium (see Chaps. 35
tologic evidence that at least some damage may be
and 38). Examples include epithelial tumors (e.g., pap-
present in the olfactory region of laryngectomized pa-
illomas from the nasal septum, lateral nasal wall, and
tients (37).
paranasal sinuses and tumors that arise from the skin
of the external nose and obstruct the nasal vestibule),
mesodermal tumors (e.g., hemangiomas and pyogenic Disorders, Agents, or Events Associatedwith Damage
granulomas from the nasal septum or turbinates), and to Olfactory Sensorinenral Structures
odontogenic tumors such as ameloblastomas, dermoid
tumors, and osteomas (27). To our knowledge, how- Viral Infections
ever, no systematic studies of olfactory function have
been performed before and after removal of such ob- It is well known that nasal obstruction associated
structive structures, although several authors report with upper respiratory infections such as the common
the existence of anosmia in patients with such tumors cold and influenza can temporarily decrease or elimi-
nate the ability to smell by blocking airflow to the ol-
factory receptor region. It is less well known, how-
ever, that viruses associated with these infections can
permanently damage the olfactory neuroepithelium
Although there is controversy concerning the basis and cause anosmia or hyposmia, particularly in older
'of olfactory dysfunction in laryngectomized patients, persons (4,38). In fact, the single most common cause
there is little controversy about its reality. In one ques- of hyposmia and anosmia is upper respiratory infec-
tionnaire study, for example, 95% of the laryngecto- tion (4-11). It is of interest in this regard that animal
mized patients who were polled reported noticeable studies demonstrate that many viruses have an ad-
loss of olfaction following this operation; however , verse influence not only on the olfactory neuroepi-
half indicated that their smell returned to at least some thelium but also on the olfactory bulb, olfactory tracts,
degree within a year of the surgery (29). and higher order cortical regions (see Chaps. 43 and
Ritter (30) hypothesized that laryngectomy-related 47).
olfactory loss is due to the patient's inability to force The olfactory loss associated with viral infections is,
adequate amounts of air through the nose. He dem- on average, indicative of marked hyposmia, although
onstrated that odorants injected toward the olfactory considerable variability is present and a number of
cleft of 18 laryngectomized patients were, in fact, per- subjects with this condition are anosmic. For example,
ceived to approximately the same degree as odorants in a recent study of 192 patients with upper-respiratory
similarly injected toward the olfactory cleft of normal infection-related olfactory loss (4), the mean UPSIT
subjects who held their breath during the stimulation. score was 23.2 with a SD of 9.4. In this same group,
'This finding led him to conclude that laryngectomy pa- the mean PEA detection threshold was -3.0 (Iog vol/
vol in propylene glycol) with a SD of 2.2. While pro-
edly performed), confounding practice and learning ef-
found, the average degree of smellloss in this group is fects with any adverse effects that might have oc-
about the same as observed"in nasal and paranasal si- curred as a result of the operations. Because the
nus disease, although not as great as that observed for somewhat crude test used in this study is likely insen-
persons with head injury, as discussed in the next sec- sitive to both increases in smell function from a nonan-
tion. osmic baseline and to decreases in smell function short
of major smell loss, operation-related alterations may
Head Trauma have gone unnoticed.
A common cause of olfactory dysfunction is trauma More recently, Stevens and Stevens (35) used the
to the head. For example, 113 of 750 patients (15%) Elsberg blast injection procedure to evaluate the olfac-
presenting to a smell and taste center with chemosen- tory function of 100 patients following various forms
of intranasal surgery and concluded that, in general,
sory dysfunction evidenced demonstrable decrements
in the ability to smell (4), although, as in the case of the operations improved olfactory function. Of the 100
viral infections, considerable variability in test scores patients examined, 63 had received nasal septoplasty,
was evident [mean UPSIT score 17.8 (SO 9.7); mean 23 septorhinoplasty, 3 turbinate resection, and 10 pol-
log PEA threshold value -2.3 (SO 2.2)]. Since head ypectomy as the primary operation. However, 38 of
trauma is reviewed in detail in Chap. 45, it will not be these patients also had turbinate resection, 7 polyp-
further reviewed here, except to indicate that exami- ectomy, 8 the Caldwell-Luc operation, and 4 other
nation of large unselected series of head injury pa- types of procedures as concomitant procedures.
tients typically finds anosmia incidence rates on the Therefore, defining the specific factors responsible for
order of 5 to 7%. the olfactory changes was difficult. The value of this
research was further compromised by the use of the
Septoplasty, Rhinoplasty, and Turbinectomy non-forced-choice Elsberg test procedure, which has
problems of reliability and validity (36,41; see Chap.
Most studies and case reports suggest that septo- 10).
plasty, rhinoplasty, and turbinectomy have little or no In a retrospective study, Ophir et al. (42) polled 77
negative influence on the ability to smell and, in fact, patients who had undergone bilateral total inferior tur-
likely improve smell function (see Chaps. 33-39). Un- binectomy for chronic nasal obstruction about their
fortunately, most of the major studies on this topic are ability to smell. Approximately half (51%) of these in-
limited on methodologic grounds, as discussed in what dividuals claimed to be aware of a preoperative dec-
follows. rement and, of these, 46% reported a postoperative
In 1966, Champion (39) polled 200 patients about improvement in smell function. Subsequent to this
their ability to smell following rhinoplasty. Twenty work, Ophir et al. (42a) established olfactory threshold
(10%) reported temporary anomsia lasting from 6 to 18 values in 24 turbinectomized patients for amyl acetate,
months after the operation and all reported regaining eugenol, citral, and camphor immediately before and
normal smell function. Since, however, no empirical 3 months following the turbinectomy. Sixteen other
olfactory testing was performed, it is unknown patients were tested two and a half years after the op-
whether any deficits were, in fact, present postopera- eration. Of the initial 24 subjects, 22 evidenced post-
tively. This consideration is important because, as operative olfactory thresholds which, on average,
noted earlier in this chapter, many persons with con- were about two orders of magnitude lower than thresh-
siderable smell loss are unaware of their disorder olds measured preoperatively. None of the 16 patients
(19,42a). evidenced abnormal smell ability, suggesting that long-
Goldwyn and Shore (40) evaluated, preoperatively term decrements in smell function were not associated
and postoperatively, the odor identification ability of with the operation.
64 patients who had undergone rhinoplasty alone, 22
who had undergone rhinoplasty in combination with
submucous resection of the nasal septum, and II who Radiation Therapy
had undergone submucous resection alone. In addi- Although the influence of ionizing irradiation of the
tion, 57 controls were evaluated. Peppermint, ground oral cavity on taste function is well documented (see
coffee, and clove served as test stimuli. Although the Chap. 48), there is little empirical information on the
findings were interpreted as supporting the notion that influences of irradiation of the olfactory neuroepithe-
none of these operations have any long-term deleteri- lium on the ability to smell. Nevertheless, radiation-re-
ous effects on smell function, this study is flawed lated alterations in both odor identification and odor
methodologically. For example, the same small set of detection sensitivity have been recently demonstrated
three test stimuli were used in the preoperative and (43,44). For example, Ophir et al. (44) evaluated the
postoperative tests (which in some cases were repeat- olfactory sensitivity of 12 patients before, during, and
456 CHAPTER 26

after exposure of the olfactory neuroepithelium to ra- the physiologic basis of this phenomenon is poorly
diation in the course of treatment for pituitary ade- documented, animal toxicologic studies indicate that
noma or nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Decreased sensi- such acrylates, as well as a number of other airborne
tivity was found in all patients by the end of the chemicals, can result in marked damage to the olfac-
radiation treatment period and was still present to tory neuroepithelium, as evidenced by metaplasia to
some degree a month following. Although varying de- respiratory epithelium, squamous metaplasia, loss of
grees of improved function were noted 3 to 6 months olfactory neurons, hyperplasia of submucosal glandu-
after the treatment, none of the threshold values had lar elements, inflammation, degeneration, and focal
returned to pretreatment levels. As noted by these au- necrosis (46).
thors, such alterations deserve more attention when Considerable controversy surrounds the notion that
considering the disability caused by irradiation of head some individuals become hypersensitive to odors as a
and neck tumors. result of exposure to environmental agents, particu-
larly petrochemicals. This chemical hypersensitivity
Intracranial Tumors or Lesions syndrome has become the subject of a number of stud-
Intracranial tumors can alter olfactory function by ies and is the basis for a nontraditional popular medical
damaging or adding pressure to sectors of the central movement based upon "environmental illnesses."
and peripheral olfactory pathway, including structures However, recent data suggestthat olfactory thresholds
within the temporal lobe. Olfactory groove menin- of persons with apparent chemical hypersensitivity do
giomas, frontal lobe gliomas, suprasellar menin- not differ from matched normal controls, although
giomas, and sphenoidal ridge meningiomas arising such persons do exhibit significantly higher nasal re-
from the dura of the cribriform plate and surrounding sistances (as measured by anterior rhinomanometry),
regions have all been associated with smell distur- respiration rates, and scores on the Beck Depression
bances (5,45). In addition, olfactory dysfunction has Inventory (47). Whether suprathreshold measures of
been reported as a result of tumors on the floor of the olfactory function would provide psychophysical doc-
third ventricle, pituitary tumors that extend above the umentation for their perceived hypersensitivity is not
sella turcica, and tumors in the temporal lobe or un- known.
cinate convolution (5).
Despite such observations, it is of interest that intra- Epilepsy
cranial neoplasms are only rarely the basis of the che- Olfactory hallucinations as a result of epileptiform
mosensory dysfunction of patients presenting to smell disturbances is very common, and olfactory auras are
and taste centers. For exampJe, in the large study by among the most common sensory events preceding
Deems et al. (Table 1) (4), only three (0.3%) persons convulsive seizure activity (48). The involvement of
complaining of chemosensory dysfunction were found limbic structures in seizure activity is well docu-
to have brain tumors. The low incidence of tumors in mented in animal studies (49), and the important role
such a sample presumably reflects their rarity relative of temporal lobe structures in epilepsy and in the pro-
to other causes of chemosensory disturbance and the duction of olfactory auras has long been recognized
nature of referral patterns. Thus, tumors are likely de- (50-56).
tected on initial visits to specialists such as otorhino- Gloor et al. (50) suggest that the mesial temporal
laryngologists and neurologists, and further referral to limbic structures, rather than the temporal neocortex,
.a smell and taste center for evaluation is not deemed are essential for the auras, which have been variously
necessary. The reader is referred to Chap. 38 for a described as "burning oil" (56), peaches and lemons
more detailed discussion of this topic. (57), blood (58), or "something to do with animals"
(50). Chitanondh (59) reported successful treatment of
Exposure to Toxic Volatile Chemicals or Pollutants olfactory hallucinations in seven patients with seizure
As reviewed in detail in Chap. 49 by Cometto-Muniz disorders by stereotaxically placed amygdalotomies.
and Cain, the inhalation of a number of environmental
and industrial pollutants can lead, under some circum- Psychiatric Disorders
stances, to disorders associated with acute or chronic Olfactory disturbances and hallucinations have been
olfactory dysfunction (Table I). Thus, in a recent case reported in a number of psychiatric disorders, includ-
control study of 731 employees at a chemical manufac- ing confusional states, depressive illnesses, chron-
turing plant (46), nonsmoking employees with a work ic hallucinatory psychoses, and schizophrenic syn-
history in job positions in which exposure to acrylates dromes (5). Of particular interest are depressive
was common were over 6 times as likely to evidence disorders, such as the olfactory reference syndrome,
olfactory dysfunction than were nonsmoking employ- in which strange smell sensations are often attributed
'ees who had no such similar work history. Although to environmental factors (60) (see Chap. 55).

It has long been known that olfactory hallucinations whose operations were confined to the left central, pa-
are common in schizophrenia, although less so than rietal, or posterior areas of the brain showed no sig-
visual or auditory ones (e.g.; 61). Although many early nificant olfactory deficits. Importantly, the impair-
surveys suggest that less than 5% of schizophrenics ment after frontal lobectomy was found only for those
experience olfactory disturbances and hallucinations patients whose frontal lobe removal invaded the or-
(5), more recent studies, particularly those based upon bital cortex, supporting studies that suggest a role of
prospective rather than retrospective data, indicate the orbital cortex in higher order olfactory processing
that the true incidence is considerably higher, ranging (68).
from about 10 to 39%, depending upon the population
studied (5). Inherited Disorders
Many schizophrenics evidence a decreasedability to
detect and identify odors. However, unlike such neu- A number of congenital forms of olfactory dysfunc-
rodegenerative disorders as Alzheimer's disease (AD) tion are present, ranging from the inability to detect
and idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) (see Chap. only one or a few compounds (see Chap. 41) to com-
47), the loss of olfactory function in schizophrenia is plete anosmia (5,69). Congenitally related dysosmias
relatively mild (62,63). For example, Hurwitz et al. have been also reported (e.g., in association with epi-
(62) report a mean UPSIT score of 33.4 (SD 5.7) for 17 leptic disturbances), although such disturbances are
neuroleptic-medicated schizophrenic patients, in con- rare (5).
trast to average UPSIT score in the low 20's observed Perhaps the most widely researched congenital an-
in studies of AD and PD patients (18,19). osmia is that associated with Kallmann's syndrome
(70). This syndrome, which likely reflects an autoso-
Neurodegenerative Diseases mal dominant mode of inheritance with incomplete ex-
pressivity, is primarily characterized by hypogonado-
It is now well documented that such neurodegener- tropic hypogonadism and anosmia; some individuals
ative disorders as AD, idiopathic PD, and Hunting- also evidence midline craniofacial abnormalities,
ton 's chorea are associated with a marked decrement cryptorchidism, deafness, or renal abnormalities. Al-
in the ability to smell (see Chap. 47). Importantly, in though several areas of the nervous system may be re-
the case of AD and PD, such losses occur early in the sponsible for producing the anosmia, recent magnetic
disease process and may, in fact, be the first clinical resonance imaging studies suggest that interruption or
manifestation of the disease. As noted in detail in total absence of the olfactory sulcus is a primary de-
Chap. 47, such olfactory dysfunction is unlikely due to fining characteristic of the disorder (71).
nonspecific damage within the nervous system, in that
differing degrees of olfactory loss are present among
various neurodegenerative disorders. For example, Drugs
while idiopathic PD patients evidence, on average, A number of drugs have been implicated in olfactory
UPSIT scores around 20, those with progressive su- dysfunction (see Chap. 54). Unfortunately, few sys-
pranuclear palsy, a disorder that shares many of the tematic studies (e.g., double-blind ones) are available
motor symptoms of PD, have average UPSIT scores on this topic, so many of the reported drug-related al-
above 30 (64). terations are poorly documented; furthermore, little is
known about the sites at which such drugs exert their
Neurosurgical Interventions influences. Thus, some systemically injected and even
topically applied drugs may influence smell function
Alterations in the ability to smell are a common
not only by altering firing rates and Telationships
complication of some brain operations. Although a
within the central nervous system but also by influ-
wide range of operations can impact on the ability to
encing nasal vasodilatation, mucus secretion, and cell
smell, two major classes of operations are most note-
division within the olfactory neuroepithelium (5). A re-
worthy in this regard: (a) operations at the base of the
cent detailed review is available on this topic (72).
brain that transect or damage the olfactory nerves or
tracts and (b) operations that impact upon temporal
H emodialysis
lobe structures, such as those designed to eliminate
intractable epileptiform seizure activity (65,66). Re- A considerable body of literature indicates that pa-
cently, Jones-Gotman and Zatorre (67) have shown, in tients evidence decreased ability to discriminate or
a large series of 120 patients at the Montreal Neuro- recognize odors following hemodialysis. In a recent
logical Institute and Hospital, that the ability to iden- study, for example, Conrad et al. (73) administered an
tify odors is mildly to moderately impaired after right olfactory recognition task and a verbal recall memory
or left temporal lobectomy, right or left frontallobec- test to dialysis subjects before and after dialysis ses-
tonw, and right frontotemporal excision. Patients sions as well as to controls over equivalent time pe-
458 CHAPTER 26

riods. The olfactory test scores of the patients were Disorders, Agents, or Events Associated with
significantly lower after dialysis than before dialysis. Decreased Transport of Taste Stimuli to the Taste Buds
In general, the test scores of the dialysis patients were
significantly lower than those of the normal controls. Although more data are needed, the available evi-
Similar relationships were not observed for the verbal dence suggeststhat transport problems do not pose as
recall memory test, suggesting that these effects were severe a problem in taste as in smell, since a large
dependent upon sensory, rather than cognitive or per- number of individual taste pores must be blocked to
formance, factors. produce a taste problem, whereas stimulus access to
only a single cleft need be blocked to produce a smell
problem. Saliva plays complex roles in maintaining the
health of the oral cavity and in transporting taste stim-
uli to the receptors, and clinical disorders such as Sjo-
Although noticeable losses or distortions of the
sense of taste are considerably less frequent than those gren's syndrome, in which the salivary glands are ab-
observed for the sense of smell (Table I), they can be
normal, can alter taste function to some degree (see
quite debilitating when they are present. In general,
Chap. 8). Poor oral hygiene may also reduce taste per-
the sense of taste appears to be more resilient than the ception, as discussed in Chap. 40 by Catalanotto.
sense of smell to the influences of age (Chap. 19), neu-
rodegenerative disorders (74,75), and head trauma (4), Disorders, Agents, or Events Associated with Damage
partially because taste is mediated by more than one to Taste Sensorineural Structures
cranial nerve and partially because of the compensa-
tion produced by inhibitory connections among the Viral Infections
taste nerves (see Chap. 11). Nevertheless, numerous
A number of studies suggest that upper respiratory
taste disorders are reported as a result of viral and bac-
infections can alter taste function, although the mag-
terial infections, use of various drugs, and damage to
nitude of the taste losses are often small. Taste loss in
neural structures mediating taste. Furthermore, care-
the front of the tongue (76) suggests chorda tympani
ful regional psychophysical testing can demonstrate
nerve involvement. This nerve is particularly suscep-
regional alterations in the taste system that might oth-
tible to damage from viruses and other infective agents
erwise go unnoted.
since its course runs from the tongue to the brain
Among the most debilitating and distressing taste
through the middle ear (between the malleus and in-
problems is that of dysgeusia (sometimes termed para-
cus), which in turn is connected to the nasopharynx
geusia). The possible causes of this condition fall into
by the eustachian tube.
three general categories. First, and most common, are
An association between upper respiratory infections
chronic dysgeusias, which may reflect normal tastes
and taste loss is actually not new. For example, otitis
associated with substances that are actually in the
media was reported to be associated with such loss in
mouth, such as exudate arising from gingivitis or ab-
the nineteenth century (77), but this observation
normal saliva. This bad taste is, of course, not a true
seems to have been lost in later literature. The high
taste disorder, since the experience of dysgeusia in
incidence of viral infections with and without overt
this case is mediated by a normally functioning taste
otitis media makes this source of taste loss an impor-
system. The types of oral stimuli responsible for this
tant area for future investigation. Infection caused by
class of dysgeusia are discussed in Chaps. 40 and 54.
herpes zoster is discussed in Chap. 43, and an example
Second, some substances enter the bloodstream and
of taste loss from such an infection is provided in
can be sensed directly by the taste system, presumably
Chap. 11.
via receptors in close proximity to blood or interstitial
fluid (75a). Third, abnormal stimulation of peripheral
Tumors or Lesions Associated with the Taste Pathways
or central taste structures, including that resulting
from stretching or crushing of a taste nerve, can result Probably the best known source of taste loss from
in aberrant taste experiences. The association be- damage to the taste pathway is Bell's palsy. The facial
tween burning mouth syndrome (abnormal perception nerve is vulnerable to damage from a variety of
from the pain system) and dysgeusia is discussed in sources (e.g., ischemia, vasospasm, viral infection,
Chap. 42. neoplasms). Graham (78) notes that one of the reasons
As was the case with the sense of smell, disorders for this vulnerability is the length of the nerve in a
of the sense of taste can be divided into those whose bony canal. Although well known, taste loss from
causes seem to largely reflect disturbances in trans- Bell's palsy has not been systematically evaluated
port of stimuli to the receptor membrane and to those with modern psychophysical tools.
of sensorineural origin. Some tumors of the peripheral taste nerves or cen-
tral taste structures can cause taste loss as well as taste may somehow be related. Although strong associa-
dysgeusia or phantoms. A case of a salty phantom tions between dysgeusia and drugs used to treat hy-
arising from damage to the chorda tympani nerve is pothyroidism have been reported (5), it is not clear to
described in Chap. 11. Bull (79) described metallic what degreethese associations reflect the action of the
sensations arising from damage to the chorda tympani drug or the underlying disease process (see next sec-
during stapedectomy, and a remarkable bitter taste tion and Chap. 48).
hallucination that resulted from a temporal lobe tumor
was described by EI-Deiry and McCabe (80). Chapter
43 by Esiri describes the neural lesions of the taste Epilepsy
system. Taste loss in these patient populations has not Although seizures are more commonly associated
been systematically evaluated, so the extent of such with olfactory auras than with taste auras, some gen-
losses is not known. uine taste symptoms have been associated with epi-
lepsy. For example, in a study of718 epileptic patients,
Head Trauma Hausser-Hauw and Bancaud (82) found that 4%
showed taste hallucinations. In some cases, a taste
Head trauma damages gustation as well as olfaction,
hallucination could be induced by electrical stimula-
but it is apparently relatively rare and the pathophysi-
tion of the parietal or rolandic opercula.
ologic mechanisms involved are usually unknown (see
Chap. 45). Such damage can be to the taste nerves or
to more central structures. Since the damage must be Psychiatric Disorders
extensive to override the compensatory mechanisms, As in the case of olfaction, taste is reported altered
there may well be many cases of taste loss that are less in a number of psychiatric disorders. However, few
severe and go unnoticed by the patient. One interest- patients with most psychiatric disorders have been
ing new approach to determining the source of taste evaluated quantitatively. Exceptions include major de-
loss in head trauma patients has been made possible
pressive disorders, where suprathreshold test intensity
by the work of Miller and Reedy (81). They stained is altered (see Chap. 55), and several eating disorders
human tongues temporarily with methylene blue and
(anorexia nervosa, bulimia). However, in the latter
photographed them with videomicroscopy (see Chap. case, the search for sensory alterations that might un-
11). When innervation to a taste bud is intact, the taste derlie the changes in behavior have been generally un-
pore stains blue. When innervation is interrupted, the successful (83). Rather than affecting the sensory
taste pore does not stain. Thus, it is possible that pe- properties of food, such disorders appear to affect
ripheral damage from head trauma may be distinguish- their hedonic properties. For example, for normal sub-
able from central damage by observing whether or not jects, eating or ingesting a sugar load decreases the
taste pores stain in this manner . palatability of sugar. However, anorexics (84), bulim-
ics (85), and obese subjects (86) often fail to show this
Radiation Therapy effect.
Taste loss due to both radiation therapy and che- There is one clearcut connection between eating dis-
motherapy is well documented and reviewed in Chap. orders and sensory loss. The purging behavior in bu-
48 by Beidler and Smith. They note that rapid cell limia appears to damage taste receptors on the palate
turnover makes the taste bud particularly vulnerable (85); however, this damage is rarely, if ever, noticed by
to damage from such insults. In addition to chemosen- the patient, presumably because of the compensatory
sory disturbances, irradiation and chemotherapy are taste mechanisms discussed in Chap. 11.
associated with affective changes (i.e., conditioned
aversions) that can compromise the nutritional status Hypothyroidism
of cancer patients. This important clinical issue is dis-
cussed in Chap. 23. As with the case of smell, there is evidence of an
association between thyroid disease and taste function
(see Chap. 52). The taste losses known to accompany
hypothyroidism illustrate the importance of careful
A number of drugs, especially antirheumatic and an- psychophysical testing. Early studies suggested that
tiproliferative drugs and such agents as captopril and nontasters of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and related
penicillamine, have been reported to alter the ability compounds showed a high incidence of thyroid dis-
to taste (see Chap. 48). The basis of such changes is ease. However, as pointed out by Mattes et al. (87),
poorly understood; however, as pointed out by Schiff- the taste loss associated with thyroid disease might
man (11), the presence of sulfhydryl groups in the mo- have made these individuals only appear to be non-
lec~lar structure of the aforementioned compounds tasters.
460 CHAPTER 26

Diabetes and that, in the large majority of cases, the disorders

are olfactory rather than gustatory in nature. Never-
Although there is little evidence that diabetes alters
theless, as indicated in Chap. 11, recent studies sug-
the ability to smell (5), this is not the case with taste.
gest that careful regional taste testing reveals altera-
As indicated by Settle in Chap. 53, there is evidence
tions in gustatory function that, in the past, have been
for a progressive loss of taste function beginning with
largely overlooked. The chapters that follow provide
glucose, extending to other sweeteners, salty stimuli,
considerable detail on the nature of these chemosen-
and finally to all stimuli. In his own work, Settle eval-
sory dysfunctions and point to the complexity of much
uated suprathreshold taste responses to glucose and
of this vast literature.
fructose in relatives of adult-onset diabetics and in
controls with no family history of diabetes. He identi-
fied a small subgroup of subjects with diabetic rela- REFERENCES
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