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1. Cholera is caused by consumption of water and food contaminated by bacteria ...

A. tetani

B. Vibrio chloerae

C. Bordatella

D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Answere B

2 The virus that causes moderate diarrhea is the type of virus ...

A.ibrio cholera serogroup 01 and non 0139

B. Influenza Virus B

C. Pox virus

D. Adenovirus virus

Answere A

3. Characteristics - A common feature of cholera, except ...

A. Multiseluller

B. Intraseluller

C. Prokariot

D. Does not have chlorophyll

Answere B

5 How to transmit cholera through?

A. The source of contaminated drinking water

B. Food and beverages contaminated with cholera virus

C. Vomiting from an infected person

D. Everything is correct

Answere D
6. What follows is not the cause of cholera?

A. Clean and hygienic water supply

B. Ice made from mass water sources

C. Vegetables grow with diary wastewater

D. Food and beverages that are less hygienic

Answere A

7. How many days is the incubation period for cholera?

A. 1-10 days

B. 5-9 days

C. 6-9 days

D. 2-6 days

Anwere D
8. Below which is not a sign and symptom of cholera is?

A. is watery and abundant without being preceded by heartburn or tenesmus

B. Abdominal muscle spasms can also be felt with intense pain

C. The occurrence of vomiting after being preceded by diarrhea that occurs, the patient
does not feel nausea before

D. Spots - red spots on the face

Answere D

9. Here is one of the clinical manifestations of cholera which can be seen from different
faeces compared to diarrhea in general, namely ...

A. Diarrhea with bloody faeces

B. Diarrhea with yellow faeces

C. Diarrhea with faeces resembles rice washing water

D. Diarrhea with slimy faeces

Answere C
1. How to transmit cholera?

Answer: enter through food or drinking water that is contaminated directly or indirectly
by feces or vomit from an infected person.

2. What is the impact of cholera?

Answer: results in losing a lot of body fluids or dehydration because vibrio cholerae
secretes toxins in the intestinal tract. If dehydration is not treated immediately, it will
proceed to hypovolaemia or rapid fluid loss, causing organ failure and excessive metabolic
acidity or blood acidity, which eventually leads to death.

3. Why is the highest incidence of cholera occurring in young adult men?

Answer: because based on where live Vibrio cholera exists in the wild, directly or indirectly
activities outside the home or the outdoors are mostly due to the work done by men
generally of productive age, so the possibility of transmission or spread of cholera is more
common in adult men young.

4. What is cholera and how do you spread cholera?

Answer: cholera is an acute intestinal tract infection caused by vibrio chlorae bacteria. The
spread of cholera through contaminated drinking water and through marine animal
vehicles such as oyster shells, mussels, shrimp and crabs.

5. What are the visible symptoms or signs of people with the disease?

Answer: The following signs or symptoms are shown, including:

1.Diarrhea is watery and abundant without heartburn / tenesmus

2.Originally colored and smelly faeces changed to like rice washing water without a foul
odor but piercing fishy.

3.Faeces, if it is settled, will emit white lumps. Diarrhea occurs many times in large

4.Vomiting after diarrhea without nausea

5 Perusive muscle spasms with severe pain


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