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01999 Applied Poultry Science, Inc

USDA, ARS,PPMQRU, Russell Research Center, Athens, GA 306045677
Phone: (706) 546-3551
FAX;.(706) 546-3633
E-mail: m berrang@ars.usda.gov
N . A. COX
USDA, ARS, PMSRU, Russell Research Center, Athens, GA 30604-5677
Universityof Georgia, Food Science and Technology,Athens, GA 30602
USDA, ARS, PPMQRU, Russell Research Center,Athens, GA 306045677

Primary Audience: Researchers, Hatchery Managers

hatching cabinet. Such contamination can be

OF PROBLEMcarried onto the grow-out farm and pose a
Bacteria including the human pathogen significant food safety hazard. Understanding
salmonellae can readily penetrate the shell the manner in which bacteria can penetrate
and membranes of an intact hatching egg. The the shell is important if producers hope to
result of this penetration is contamination not intervene. This information may be of use to
only of the embryo within but also of many hatchery managers, breeder managers, and
other chicks during hatch in the commercial producers in their efforts to control the

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed


Salmonella problem in the commercial hatch- They found that the blunt or air cell end is most
ery and its product, the chick. prone to penetration when challenged by a
temperature differential immersion. Interest-
How BACTERIA ingly, this is the only area where the inner and
outer shell membranes do not remain in close
EGGSHELLS contact, forming the air cell which may re-
AND MEMBRANES spond more rapidly to a change in tempera-
ture than the rest of the egg contents.
Bacteria can penetrate the outer struc-
tures of an egg. Once within the egg, bacteria PRODUCTION STAGES WHERE AN
can cause depression of hatchability and/or EGG MAY BE PENETRATED
contamination of the chick. Contamination of Since moisture and presence of bacteria
the chick with a human enteropathogen has are needed to allow penetration, any stage of
important food safety implications. production where these two factors may be
present provides an opportunity for bacterial
MECHANISM FOR TRANS-SHELL invasion.When the factor of a positive temper-
PENETRATION ature differential (egg warmer than the envi-
Eggshells can be penetrated by bacteria ronment) is added, there is an increased
when water or some other Liquid is present, possibility of bacterial attack. Padron [i'l found
especially if there is a temperature differential that when eggs were placed on Satmonella-
between the egg and the liquid. When an egg contaminated nest box shavings for 10 min,
is laid, it is warmer than the environment, since the eggshell and membranes were penetrated
the body temperature of the hen is 42°C. The by that Salmonella organism in 59% of the
warm egg cools to environmental tempera- samples. In a field survey, Smeltzeret al. found
ture, and this cooling causes the contents of that eggs laid on the dirty chicken house floor
the egg to contract. Such contraction tends to were more likely to exhibit internal bacterial
form a negative pressure within the egg. contamination than were eggs laid in a nest
Bacteria present in the environment or on the box [8]. Eggs are most vulnerable to bacterial
egg surface can then be pulled into and penetration in the first 30 to 60 sec after lay
through the eggshell and its membranes [l,21. before the cuticle hardens and effectivelycaps
This method of trans-shell contamination the pores.
has been confirmed through years of research. Other stages of egg production and
Early research showed that application of a handling can be implicated in bacterial pene-
mechanical vacuum to simulate a negative tration. After collection, eggs are usually
pressure could cause penetration of a partial placed in a cold room at the farm until hatch-
eggshell [3]. Later experiments proved that ery personnel transport them to the hatchery.
immersion of an egg into a cool cell suspen- When cool eggs are removed from the farm on
sion led to penetration of the intact egg [41. a warm day, they may "sweat"due to conden-
W-s et al. [5] found that eggs are pene- sation of moisture from the air. Despite the
trated almost immediately when challenged lack of a positive temperature differential, the
with moist Salmonella-contaminated chicken presence of moisture on the egg surface may
feces. They [5] further noted that shell thick- provide opportunity for contamination and
ness did not have a significant effect on bac- causes concern among many researchers as
terial penetration, but the presence of cuticle reviewed by Bruce and Drysdale [2].
plugging the shell pores is more important.
Also of interest was their observation that
bacterial motility is not related to ability to
penetrate. MEASURE
PENETRATED Many articles have been published on the
By covering areas of the egg with molten measurement of bacterial invasion of eggs.
wax, Vadehra et al. [6] tested which area is However, several stand out as real contribu-
most likely to be penetrated by Pseudomonas tions in the area of how best to assess the
aeruginosa, a common egg spoilage organism. penetration of intact eggs or membranes.
Review Article
BERRANG et al. 501

EGGSHELL AND MEMBRANES cator test whereby blue lake dye was applied
Williams and Whittemore [9] reported an to eggs. Penetration was assessed by detection
excellent test for bacterial invasion under sim- of blue spots on the membranes below the
ulated fecal contamination conditions. This surface of the shell. The dye penetration
method essentially involves gluing a short method correlated well with eggshell penetra-
aluminum tube to the area of interest and tion by Salmonella.
fllinp it with sterile chicken feces. The feces
can then be seeded with a known bacteria.
Penetration is demonstrated by culturally The literature does not contain many
retrieving the microorganism from within the
references to measurement of bacterial
egg. The egg is emptied and the inside of the
shell (or shell and membranes, depending on penetration of membranes alone. Lifshitzetal.
the interest of the researcher) is sampled with [14] were able to test penetration of these
a swab. This method is excellent for examina- structures by emptying the egg, removing the
tion of specific regions of the shell. However, shell from the wide end of the egg, and leaving
if one is interested in the entire egg or large the membrane intact. The egg was then set
numbers of samples, this method becomes into a bacterial cell suspension and the inte-
cumbersome. rior was filled with sterile broth. Periodic
Board and Board [lo] developed a culture of the broth from inside the shell
method whereby the entire egg surface can was used to determine the extent of bacterial
be quickIy and easily tested for bacteria1 pen- penetration.
etration. The intact egg is first subjected to a A more practical and repeatable method
positive temperature differential challenge by
immersion in a cool bacterial cell suspension. was originally developed to test the membrane
After drying, the egg is emptied of contents as a barrier to radioactive amino acids. The
and fdled with microbiological growth me- membrane can be placed across the opening
dium with the addition of tetrazolium. Upon in a ball and socket ground glass connection.
reduction by bacterial growth, tetrazolium is The radioactive amino acid is placed in the
chemically changed to formazon, which is a upper tube with the ball part of the connection
deep red color. After the growth media has and assayed in the lower socket section [15].
hardened, the egg is sealed with paraffin and This type of method was modified by Berrang
incubated to allow for bacterial growth. The et ul. [16]. An apparatus was fashioned with
resulting red spots appear through the shell PVC pipe and a union, whereby eggshell
using a standard portable candler. This same membrane was used to cover the only opening
method has been adapted for use to show that
between an upper and lower chamber. When
Campylobacterjejuni can penetrate the outer
structures of an egg [ll]. a cell suspension of Salmonella typhimurium
Another method developed to test in- was placed in the upper chamber, penetration
tact eggs for penetration uses a luminescent could be demonstrated by using a syringe
strain of Salmonella enleritkiis (121. In this and needle to aseptically draw samples from
method the egg is inoculated by immersion in the bottom chamber through a sealed rubber
a culture of luminescent S. enteritidis. The septum.
egg is then sealed in a plastic bag with the Wong et ul. [17] developed a method to
luciferase substrate decanal. Luminescence examine eggshell membrane microscopically
could then be detected through the shell with following positive temperature differential
an imaging system.This method is exciting and immersion of an egg in a Salmonella cell sus-
shows promise because the egg does not pension. A confocal laser scanning micro-
need to be opened or cracked during the
penetration test. However, it does require scope was used to visualize Salmonella within
some specialized expertise in the manufac- the meshwork of the outer membrane. With a
ture, handling, and detection of luminescent Salmonella-specific antibody conjugated to a
cultures. color-producing chemical, this method could
AS an alternative to using bacterial cul- allow detection of penetration without the
tures, Kim and Slavik [13] developed an indi- need for culturing.

DEFENSE The egg’s albumen is a substance unin-
BACTERIAL viting to most bacteria. The pH of egg albumen
is about 7.6 when laid. This pH rises to about
INVASION 9.5 during storage, unfavorable for microbial
Despite the fact that bacteria can pene- growth [22,23]. Conalbumin, an iron-binding
trate the shell and membrane, the egg is not agent is also present in the albumen. Unless
without defense against these invaders. this chemicalcan be quenched with iron, there
will not be enough free iron available to allow
PHYSICAL DEFENSES microbial growth in the egg [22]. Further
The outermost physical defense that a protection is afforded the egg by the action
bacterial cell encounters on an egg is the cuti- of lysozyme which can lead to the rupture
cle. The cuticle is a very effective barrier to of procaryotic cell walls [22]. The typical in-
water and carbon black particles [MI. Despite cubator temperature also seems to increase
the antibacterial effect of egg albumen [24].
the fact that the cuticle allows gas passage, it Nevertheless, in an in-vitro test Pseudomonas
seems to effectively fill the pores of the egg- putida cells could move through the albumen;
shell [Z]. However, this defense is not perfect. those reaching the surface of the yolk were
A small percentage of eggs are laid without able to reproduce quickly, leading to a gener-
cuticle; these eggs may easily be contaminated alized infection of the egg [l].
by water and carbon black [MI. Even when While bacterial cells that contact the al-
cuticle is present, for the first few minutes bumen early may be killed, the area within
after lay it is an ineffective barrier to bacterial the shell and membranes can provide a safe
invasion until it hardens [19]. Nevertheless, niche. Bacteria can remain in the membranes,
the hardened cuticle is the major barrier to which have been shown to select for gram
liquid and therefore is of utmost importance negative over gram positive bacteria [19].
in bacterial exclusion [19]. When the chick hatches, these bacteria are
However, the eggshell is an ineffective ingested or can cause cross contamination.
barrier to bacterial penetration. The pores Thus, in the hatching egg industry the chemical
defenses of the egg are not totally effective.
are wide enough to allow entry. Eggshells
Also, in a fertile egg, the chemistry changes at
characterized to be of excellent quality (from about the 7th day of embryonic development
eggs with specificgravityabove 1.090 and pre- and is no longer as hostile to bacteria such as
sumably thicker shell than poor quality eggs) Salmonella [25].
were found to be more resistant to penetration
by salmonellae [20], possibly because of the
longer time needed for bacteria to move RESULT
through a thick shell. INVASION
Eggshell membranes do not have an in-
herent anti-bacterial property and can be
penetrated by bacteria. However, the mem- In the past much of the concern regarding
branes do add some protective value to the bacterial infection of hatching eggs resulted
shell alone, improving the ability to hold out from the possibility of decreased hatch or
bacteria over the short term [21]. The time rotting eggs in the incubators. Current con-
needed for bacteria to penetrate the combined cern has shifted to the food safety aspects of
inner and outer eggshell membranes is not bacterial invasion. Human enteropathogen
invasion of hatching eggs is a real problem.
clearly related to the amount of open space Salmonellae have been isolated from hatching
between fibers in the outer surface of the outer eggs in the field [26, 27, 28, 291. The trans-
membrane [16]. When comparing the shell, mission of Salmonella through an integrated
inner, and outer membranes for ability to pre- poultry company has been documented. Bains
vent bacterial entry, the inner membrane is the et al. [30] details the chain of Salmonella from
most effective [14] because of the tighter breeder feed to the nest box, the hatchery,
meshwork of the inner membrane relative to onto the grow-out farm, and to dressed car-
the outer membrane. casses. Broiler hatcheries have been shown to
Review irticle
BERRANG et al. 503

be reservoirs for Salmonella. In one study71% flocks, hatching cabinets, hatchery environ-
of eggshell fragment samples were contami- ments, and broiler houses to minimize the
nated [27]. In another study involving six production of seeder chicks. Salmonella iso-
commercial breeder hatcheries, 15.2% of lates from the hatchery have been found to
the eggshell fragments were contaminated occasionally make their way not only to the
with salmonellae [a]. Salmonella contamina- grow-out farm but also to the processing plant
tion of eggs can lead to extensive cross con- and the final product [35].
tamination of chicks in the hatching cabinet In order to produce chicken and chicken
[31, 32, 331. In a 1996 study [34] Salmonella products free of human bacterial pathogens,
were introduced into the day-of-hatch chick the source of the pathogens needs to be inter-
through an assortment of body openings rupted. The hatching egg and the hatchery are
(mouth, cloaca, eye, nasal passage, and navel). very important control points for introduction
All of these routes produced birds contami- of some human pathogens such as Salmonella
nated with Salmonella. These data emphasize into the growing chicken and ultimately onto
the need to control salmonellae in breeder the final product [36,37,38].

1. Bacteria, including salmonellae, can penetrate eggshells and associated membranes.
Penetration can be detected and measured and may lead to cross contamination of many
chicks in the hatchery. This situation can cause a food safety problem when the contami-
nation is carried onto the farm and the processing plant.
2. The natural defenses of the egg are not entirely adequate to prevent penetration and
suMval of salmonellae.
3. Likelihood of penetration can be lessened by avoiding contact between the egg and
contaminated surfaces or substancessuch as feces or dirty nest pads. Also, excess moisture
(other than properly applied disinfectant solutions) on the eggs must be avoided, especially
at times of positive temperature differential (egg warmer than the environment).

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