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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

4 November 2018 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B



O n this first Sunday of November we are invited to reflect on

and live out the two greatest commandments – love for God
and love for our neighbor. As Jesus said, there is no greater
commandment than these two, just as there is no other way by which
people can live in harmony and lasting peace. Love for God is, indeed,
the foundation of all because God is the beginning, center, and end of
all that exists. But love for God should always be accompanied by love
for our fellowmen, for no one can claim to love God who is invisible,
if one does not love the neighbor he/she sees.
For us Christians, it is not enough that we love our neighbor
as we love ourselves. Jesus challenges all his disciples to climb
a step higher, that is: to love our neighbor as Jesus has loved
us. Such is the challenge addressed to us in a world choked by
practical atheism, disfigured by man’s inhumanity to man, and polluted by so many forms
of adulterated love.

P –Lord, you are the only liv- Lord Jesus Christ, Only
INTRODUCTORY ing and loving God. Lord, Begotten Son, Lord God,
RITES have mercy! Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
All – Lord, have mercy! ther, you take away the sins of
Entrance Antiphon the world, have mercy on us;
(To be recited only when no Entrance P –Lord, your priesthood does
Hymn is sung.) not pass away because you you take away the sins of the
live for ever. Christ, have world, receive our prayer; you
Forsake me not, O Lord, are seated at the right hand of
my God; be not far from me! All – Christ, have mercy! the Father, have mercy on us.
Make haste and come to my For you alone are the Holy
help, O Lord, my strong salva- P –Lord, you joined for ever
the love of God and neigh- One, you alone are the Lord,
tion! you alone are the Most High,
bor as the greatest of all
Jesus Christ, with the Holy
Greeting commandments. Lord,
Spirit, in the glory of God the
have mercy! Father. Amen!
P –Grace and peace from God All – Lord, have mercy!
our Father, the Lord Jesus
P –May almighty God have Collect (Opening Prayer)
Christ, and the Holy Spirit be
mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
with you all! P –Almighty and merciful
and bring us to everlasting life. God, by whose gift your faithful
All – And with your spirit! All – Amen! offer you right and praiseworthy
Penitential Act Gloria service, grant, we pray, that we
may hasten without stumbling
P –At the very start of our Eu- All –Glory to God in the to receive the things you have
charistic celebration, let us highest, and on earth peace to promised.
pause for a moment and real- people of good will. We praise Through our Lord Jesus
ize how many times and in you, we bless you, we adore Christ, your Son, who lives and
how many ways we have failed you, we glorify you, we give reigns with you in the unity of
to love God with all our heart you thanks for your great glory, the Holy Spirit, one God, for
and our neighbor as ourselves. Lord God, heavenly King, O ever and ever.
(Pause) God, almighty Father. All – Amen!
blessed be my Rock! Extolled love of God is inseparable from
be God my savior. You who love of neighbor. The whole
gave great victories to your moral life of the Kingdom rests
king and showed kindness to on these foundation stones.
1st Reading Dt 6:2-6 your anointed. R.
P –The Lord be with you!
Faith in one God and rev- All – And with your spirit!
erential love for Him were 2nd Reading Heb 7:23-28
the two fundamental traits of The author of the Letter to P –A proclamation from the
the people of Israel. These set the Hebrews reminds us that holy Gospel according to
them apart from all their pagan the priests of the Old Covenant Mark
neighbors. The profession of were themselves sinners and All – Glory to you, O Lord!
faith in one God and the duty to had to offer sacrifice many One of the scribes came to
love Him with all one’s heart, times. Jesus, instead, is the Jesus and asked him: “Which
soul, and strength are among sinless, eternal High Priest is the first of all the com-
the most precious treasures we who offered himself in sacrifice mandments?” Jesus replied:
have inherited from the Jewish once and for all. He now lives “The first is this: ‘Hear, O
people. for ever and is the source of Israel! The Lord our God is
universal salvation through Lord alone! You shall love the
R –A proclamation from the his one, all-sufficient sacrifice.
Book of Deuteronomy Lord your God with all your
R –A proclamation from the heart, with all your soul, with
Moses spoke to the people, all your mind, and with all
saying: “Fear the Lord, your Letter to the Hebrews
your strength.’ The second
God, and keep, throughout Brothers and sisters: The is this: ‘You shall love your
the days of your lives, all His levitical priests were many neighbor as yourself.’ There
statutes and commandments because they were prevented is no other commandment
which I enjoin on you, and by death from remaining in greater than these.”
thus have long life. Hear then, office; but Jesus, because he The scribe said to him,
Israel, and be careful to ob- remains forever, has a priest- “Well said, teacher! You are
serve them, that you may grow hood that does not pass away. right in saying, ‘He is One
and prosper the more, in keep- Therefore, he is always able to and there is no other than
ing with the promise of the save those who approach God He.’ And ‘to love Him with
Lord, the God of your fathers, through him, since he lives for- all your heart, with all your
to give you a land flowing with ever to make intercession for understanding, with all your
milk and honey. them. strength, and to love your
Hear, O Israel! The Lord It was fitting that we should neighbor as yourself’ is worth
is our God, the Lord alone! have such a high priest: holy, more than all burnt offerings
Therefore, you shall love the innocent, undefiled, separated and sacrifices.”
Lord, your God, with all your from sinners, higher than the And when Jesus saw that
heart, and with all your soul, heavens. He has no need, as did he answered with understand-
and with all your strength. the high priests, to offer sacri- ing, he said to him, “You are
Take to heart these words fice day after day, first for his not far from the kingdom of
which I enjoin on you today.” own sins and then for those of God.” And no one dared to ask
the people. He did that once him any more questions.
The Word of the Lord! for all when he offered him-
All – Thanks be to God! self. For the law appoints men
The Gospel of the Lord!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Responsorial Psalm Ps 18 subject to weakness to be high Christ!
priests, but the word of the
R – I love you, Lord, my strength! oath, which was taken after Homily
R. M. Velez
the law, appoints a son, who
has been made perfect forever. Profession of Faith

F Bb C F
    
The Word of the Lord!

(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
All – Thanks be to God!

All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
ther almighty, maker of heaven
I love you, Lord, my strength! Gospel Acclamation and earth, of all things visible
and invisible.
* I love you, O Lord, my All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
Whoever loves me will I believe in one Lord Jesus
strength, O Lord, my rock, my Christ, the Only Begotten Son
fortress, my deliverer. R. keep my word, says the
Lord; and my Father will of God, born of the Father be-
* My God, my rock of ref- love him and we will come fore all ages. God from God,
uge, my shield, the horn of to him. Light from Light, true God from
my salvation, my stronghold! Alleluia! Alleluia! true God, begotten, not made,
Praised be the Lord, I exclaim, consubstantial with the Father;
and I am safe from my en- Gospel Mk 12:28-34 through him all things were
emies. R. Today Jesus reminds the made. For us men and for our
* The Lord lives! And scribes (and us) that a sincere salvation he came down from

4 November 2018
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy vants and professionals: P –It is truly right and just,
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- May they give the very best our duty and our salvation,
gin Mary, and became man.* of their energies in the fulfill- always and everywhere to
For our sake he was crucified ment of their duty through the give you thanks, Lord, holy
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- strengthening power of God’s Father, almighty and eternal
fered death and was buried, and grace. Let us pray! R. God.
rose again on the third day in
C –For our community: For you so loved the world
accordance with the Scriptures.
May we commit ourselves to that in your mercy you sent us
He ascended into heaven and is the building of a society based the Redeemer, to live like us
seated at the right hand of the on love of God and neighbor in all things but sin, so that
Father. He will come again in like the first Christian com- you might love in us what you
glory to judge the living and the munities. Let us pray! R. loved in your Son, by whose
dead and his kingdom will have obedience we have been re-
no end. C –For all of us: May we stored to those gifts of yours
I believe in the Holy Spirit, treat everyone with love, that, by sinning, we had lost
the Lord, the giver of life, who kindness, and respect. Let us in disobedience.
proceeds from the Father and pray! R. And so, Lord, with all the
the Son, who with the Father C – Let us pray in silence for Angels and Saints, we, too,
and the Son is adored and glori- our personal intentions. give you thanks, as in exulta-
fied, who has spoken through (Pause) Let us pray! R. tion we acclaim:
the prophets. All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
I believe in one, holy, cath- P –Lord God, through the God of hosts. Heaven and
olic and apostolic Church. I power of the Holy Spirit, earth are full of your glory.
confess one Baptism for the continue to mold our lives Hosanna in the highest!
forgiveness of sins and I look according to Your love Blessed is he who comes in
forward to the resurrection of commandments until we the name of the Lord. Hosan-
the dead and the life of the world come to enjoy their fruits in na in the highest!
to come. Amen! the Kingdom of Love where
You live and love for ever
and ever. Memorial Acclamation
Prayer of the Faithful
All – Amen! P –The mystery of faith!
P –Led by God’s Word All – When we eat this Bread
which enjoins us to love God and drink this Cup, we
and neighbor to the best of proclaim your Death,
our ability, let us ask for the O Lord, until you come
grace to put into practice again!
these twin commandments. Preparation of the Gifts
Let our response be: P –Pray, brethren. . .
All – God of love, hear our All – May the Lord accept the
prayer! sacrifice at your hands, for the
C –For the Catholic Church praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of All – Our Father . . .
and all other Christian de- P –Deliver us, Lord. . .
nominations: May they be all his holy Church.
All – For the kingdom, the
shining examples of perfect power, and the glory are
love of God and people. Let Prayer over the Offerings
yours, now and for ever.
us pray! R. P –May these sacrificial of-
C –For the Holy Father, our ferings, O Lord, become for Sign of Peace
Bishop, parents, teachers, and you a pure oblation, and for
catechists: May they practise us a holy outpouring of your Breaking of the Bread
in their daily lives the love of mercy.
Through Christ our Lord. All – Lamb of God, you take
God and neighbor that they away the sins of the world:
teach to those entrusted to All – Amen!
have mercy on us! (2×)
their care. Let us pray! R. Lamb of God, you take
Preface VII away the sins of the world:
C –For those who are tempt-
ed to reduce their religious P –The Lord be with you! grant us peace!
faith to acts of piety and sen- All –And with your spirit!
timental devotion: May they P –Lift up your hearts! Communion
also practice the command- All –We lift them up to the P –Behold the Lamb of God,
ment to love their neighbor as Lord! behold him who takes away the
the Lord Jesus has done. Let P –Let us give thanks to the sins of the world. Blessed are
us pray! R. Lord our God! those called to the Supper of
C –For all our public ser- All –It is right and just! the Lamb.
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
All – Lord, I am not worthy gift for receiving what they P –May He strengthen your
that you should enter under my promise. faith with proofs of His
roof, but only say the word and Through Christ our Lord. love, so that you will per-
my soul shall be healed. All – Amen! severe in good works.
All – Amen!
Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no P –May He direct your steps
Communion Hymn is sung.) to Himself, and show you
You will show me the path how to walk in charity
of life, the fullness of joy in
P –The Lord be with you. and peace.
All – And with your spirit! All – Amen!
your presence, O Lord.
P –Bow your heads and P –May almighty God bless
Prayer after Communion pray for God’s blessing. you: the Father, and the
(Pause) Son, and the Holy Spirit.
P –May the working of your May almighty God em-
power, O Lord, increase in us, All – Amen!
power you to love Him
we pray, so that, renewed by and your neighbor the P –Go in peace, glorifying
these heavenly Sacraments, way all saints did. the Lord by your life!
we may be prepared by your All – Amen! All – Thanks be to God!

“The Two-Rail Track that Leads to Eternal Life”

• Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB

T he scribe had come up with a vital question, but

imperfect in its formulation: “Which is the first
of all the commandments?” Jesus’ answer con-
In the same way, a misdirected love for people
which makes them the supreme value in life, but
positively refuses to relate it to God as its source,
tained an indirect rectification of the question it- is a form of idolatry. It is a perversion. Such a crea-
self. We cannot speak of just one most important ture-centered love soon will become possessive,
commandment. They are two. There is no “mono- discriminatory, oppressive . . . . It will be no love
rail” to heaven . . . The road leading to eternal life at all, for “love is of God . . .” (1 Jn 4:7) At best, a
is indeed one: LOVE. But this “love-track” consists “God-less love of neighbor” will be limited to this
of two rails: LOVE OF GOD and LOVE OF NEIGHBOR, earthly life, but we, as the Christian faith teaches
inseparably joined together by God’s very will. us, are made to live for ever. Genuine love of neigh-
Such is the teaching of Jesus, contained in that bor must also include and show concern for their
splendid synthesis that brings together the two eternal salvation.
fundamental precepts found in two different books In fact, when these two loves are kept united
of the Bible (see Dt 6:4f and Lv 18:19), but already as Christ teaches us in words and deeds, then
underlying the whole of the Old Testament revela- wonders happen. The life of a person flourishes
tion. (See Mt 22:40.) like a tree planted by the riverside. The barren
No one should attempt to separate these two desert of human society, tormented by selfi sh-
precepts which God Himself has conceived as com-
ness and hatred, blossoms into a splendid garden,
plementary. When unnatural dichotomies creep in,
rich with countless flowers and fruits bearing the
dangerous imbalances and even moral perversion
trademark of LOVE, with its related virtues, such
follow inevitably.
as: mercy, compassion, solidarity, forgiveness,
A misguided religiosity which focuses on God,
while forgetting the practical demands of love of generosity . . . .
neighbor, is not according to the divine will. As Such a unified love is the most powerful energy
St. John piercingly puts it, “If anyone says ‘My which we need in life. It can change and uplift the
love is fixed on God,’ yet hates his brother/sister, face of the earth. It can gather the scattered chil-
he is a liar” (1 Jn 4:20). And there are so many dren of the “dispersion” caused by hatred, venge-
ways of failing or refusing to love one’s neigh- fulness, callousness . . . into a wonderful family,
bor, while claiming to love God . . . St. James puts characterized by brotherly/sisterly sharing, soli-
it positively as he gives a practical example: “Re- darity and care. Love is what brings us to work
ligion that is pure and undefiled before God . . . together under God, journeying together toward
is this: to care for orphans and widows in their af- Him in harmony and peace. That will be the sign
fliction” (Jas 2:27). that His Kingdom is already in our midst.

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD & LIFE Tel. Nos. 894-5401; 894-5402; 892-2169 • Telefax: 894-5241 • Website: www.wordandlife.org
PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: marketing@wordandlife.org; wordandlifepublications@gmail.com • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco and T. Mojica • Circulation: R. Saldua

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