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Different Integrated Situations 40

Situation 1: Your teacher asked you to make a research about an animal. Using the following cues, write a short
. . .paragraph about the animal you like best. Cues: domestic/ wild – food – shelter – fur – why you like it
My favourite animal is the cat. It is a domestic animal which we often find at homes. Cats feed on
(eat) meat and drink milk. They often have white, black or brown fur. They have claws which help them
…to catch mice. I like cats because they are gentle animals. They never hurt people
Situation 2: You have been asked to write an article for your school magazine about a sport you like best. Use the
following cues and write your article. Cues: Collective/individual game – where it is played – number of players –
?some rules of the game. Do you like it? Why? Why not
Football is a very famous game. It is the most famous game in all over the world. It is a collective
game which is played between two teams of eleven players each including the two goalkeepers for each
team. Only the goalkeeper can touch or hold the ball with his hands. The other players are not allowed
to do so. If they do the referee will stop the game… . Football is played in a stadium which is about
… .120 m long. … I like football because it is a very nice sport and I practice it every week
Situation 3: Your pen friend wanted to know about you. Send him or her an email telling him/her about yourself.
.Include the following notes: name- age- appearance – personality – likes and dislikes
Dear friend, My name is ………… …………… . I am 15 years old. I am from Algeria and I live in
….......................(city), a city in Eastern Algeria. I am quite tall with short wavy dark hair and
brown eyes. I am generally quiet but not shy. I like watching action and horror films. I hate video
. . . games and I consider them a waste of time
.(…You can be asked to write about an other person: sister – brother – friend – teacher )
Karim is one of my close friends. He is from …………… (city). He is 14 years old. He is a small fat boy
with short dark hair and sparkling eyes. He is very funny and friendly. He likes chatting on the net and
…playing video games
Situation 4: You and your friend are talking about the different means of transport. You want to tell him/her about
your favourite mean of transport and why you prefer it. Write a short paragraph (about 8 lines) about your best mean
.of transport and the reason why you like it
There are many means of transport nowadays. People can travel from one place to an other easily
using a car, a bus ,a lorry, a train or a plane. For me, the best mean of transport is the car. I prefer
it because it is fast and comfortable. By the car, you can go everywhere. You don't have to wait for
the bus or the train. You can go to the beach during the summer holidays. You can stop wherever and
. . . whenever you want
Situation 5: Your English pen friend wanted to know about an Algerian dish you like. Send him an email telling
… him/her about that dish- how to prepare it –The ingredients you need to prepare it- when it is served
My favourite Algerian dish is Couscous. It is one of the most famous dishes in our country. It is
made on special occasions, wedding parties, and sometimes we make it on weekends. It is very easy to
prepare. All we need is some Couscous, some vegetables to make the sauce and of course meat or
chicken. Couscous is prepared alone with oil and butter and the sauce is prepared alone with different
..vegetables. Couscous is often served with some salad , some sodas and fruits
Situation 6: You and one of your friend went shopping. Tell us what you bought. (Use the simple past tense)
Last weekend, I and my friend went shopping. We took some money and went to the nearest
supermarket. It was a new one which was opened recently. When we got into the supermarket we were
astonished by the different goods we saw inside. The prices were not very high. First we bought some
vegetables and then we bought some fruits and some orange juice. We also bought some presents for
. . . our family. I chose some perfumes and my friend decided to buy some games for his/ her little brother
Next weekend, I and my friend are going shopping. We are going to (The same topic using going to form)
takes some money and go top the supermarket which is near our houses. We are going to buy some
. . .vegetables, fruits and some orange juice
Situation 7: You have been asked to write an article about a famous person who lived in the past for your school
magazine. Write a short biography about one of the famous persons you know. Cues: Date/place of birth. Nationality /
.Activities/date and place of death
Ibn Badis was a famous Algerian person. He was born in 1889 in Constantine, a famous city in the
east of Algeria. He memorized The Holly Koran at an early age. He went to the Zeitouna Mosque in
Tunisia to study there. After that, he returned to Algeria to teach people there. Ibn Badis founded
with some friends ( Oulama) The Association of Algerian Muslims Oulama which contributed in the
.Algerian revolution 1954. Ibn Badis died at an early age in 1940 in Constantine

Situation 8: There has been a discussion about how life is going to be like in the future. Try to write a short
paragraph (8 lines) predicting how life is going to be like in the future. Talk about: Computers- schools – Life at
…home – Technology
I think that life in the future is going to be quite different from how it is nowadays. Many things will
change. New computer generations will be invented to make life easier for people. For example robots.
We will have robots which will be able to do the housework, others will do the homework and different
activities for students at schools. We will have computers and different machines which will facilitate
.things for us. Life in the future will be much easier
Situation 9: You received an email from an English pen friend who wanted to know what you do everyday. What
.you do in your free time. Send him/her an email telling him/her about your habitual actions and your hobbies
Dear friend, You asked me about my daily activities. Well. Everyday I get up early ( five or six ),
do my prayer, have my breakfast and revise my lessons. At about seven thirty, I put on my school
clothes, take my school bag and go to school. Our school is not far from my house, so, I usually go on
foot. It does not take more than ten minutes. At 12:00 I go back home to have lunch,… I return to
school at 2 pm and I stay there until 5 p.m. After school, I usually have a sandwich, then I play some
video games. . . I do my homework, have dinner, and go to bed at 9 pm. In my free time, I often play
. . . football and surf on the net
Situation 10: Your pen friend sent you an e mail. He/she wants to know about your Summer holidays plan Sent
him/her an email telling him/her what you are going to do. Cues: Destination / time / mean of transport / with
whom / activities... (use going / or present Continuous)
Summer holidays start next week. I and my family have already decided to go to the beach and stay
there for a week. We are going to Jijel. It is a very nice city. We are going there by car. In Jijel,
we are going to spend a few days in the beach, then we are going to the new zoo which was opened
...recently. Of course, we are going to do some shopping and buy some souvenirs for our relatives

Situation 11: Your pen friend sent you an e mail. He/she wants to know about your last summer holidays. Sent
him/her an email telling him/her what you did during the holidays. Cues: Place –where you went / time / mean of
.transport / with whom / activities... (use the simple past tense)
Last summer holidays I and my family went to Jijel. It is a very nice city in the east of Algeria.
We went there by car. We spent a week there. We went to the beach and spent a few days there.
We also went to the zoo and saw many wild animals there. At the end we went shopping and bought
very nice souvenirs and presents for our relatives. When we came back, we were very happy. Indeed,
.they were the best holidays we have ever had
Situation 12: Everyday you read in the newspapers articles about environment which is in danger. Your school
...magazine asked you to write an article about it and how to protect nature...Cues: Pollution- air –cars-factories– trees
The environment is in danger. Wild animals are dying. Rivers are dirty and full of garbage. Trees
are cut... All this puts our life in danger. We should protect our environment by planting trees not
cutting them to make wood. Governments should ban animals hunting especially whales, gazelles, bears
and elephants because they are in danger of extinction. The earth is our home, so we have to protect
.it . If we don't, no one will do
Situation 13: While you were having a holiday at the beach, you received an e mail from a pen pal. He/she wanted
.to know what you are doing. Report to him/her ... (Use the present continuous tense)
I am having a fantastic holiday in Ziama Mansouria in Jijel, a wonderful city eastern Algeria. The sun
is shining and the water is crystal clear. I am writing this email and drinking soda because it is very
hot here. My brother Karim is swimming with his friends and my little sister is building castles with
other girls whom she met just today. My father is reading the newspaper. He enjoys reading
newspapers and my mother is preparing something for us to eat. She is inside the tent. I feel very
.Situation 14: Imagine you are a weather forecaster. Tell us about Tomorrow's weather
Tomorrow, the weather is going to be fine in the East. In the West, we are going to have some
showers of rain with a temperature of 13 degrees Celsius, but it is going to be warmer during the late
evening. In the South West, it is going to be stormy and hot . the temperatures will reach 35 degrees
.Celsius. In the South East it is going to be sunny with some winds during the early morning
.Thank you for watching
(...Yesterday's weather use the simple past: e.g. It was sunny...Today's weather Use the present simple E.g. It is sunny )
Situation 15: You have been asked to write a short article about children's rights and duties in your country. Use
…the following cues to write your article: Going to school – health care – leisure activities
Like children in all over the world, we, children of Algeria have the same rights. We have the right
to live in peace and this is the most important right we should have. We have the right to study that is
to have a good education including good books, clean classrooms, competent teachers. We also have the
.right of health care and social protection
On the hand we also have duties. We must study hard for the future of our country. We must
. . .respect our teachers and other people. We must keep our schools clean

Situation 16: You had a health problem. How did you react? What did you do? Did you go to the doctor or used
...?home remedies
Last month I had a terrible stomachache at night. I could not bear the pain, so I got up and woke
my parents. My father told me it was not dangerous. He took me to the hospital immediately in his
car. When we got into the hospital, I was put on the stretcher ( the bed ) and the doctor started to
examine me. He asked me about what I had eaten. After a few minutes, he asked the nurse to give
…me an injection. I felt relaxed and went back home with no pain in my stomach. I recovered

.Situation 17: Your friend has a health problem ( a headache- a sore throat …) Try to give him/her some advice
.. Use: Should / ought to / shouldn't … Cues: stay in bed – don't watch TV too much – relax – not to speak too much
.Dear friend, I heard that you have a terrible headache. I had the same health problem last month
The first thing you should do is: You should relax and stay in bed. You shouldn't speak too much,
because this will help you to recover. You shouldn't watch TV too much, otherwise, you will feel
worse. You should take some aspirin. If you don't have any at home, I'll bring you some. Finally, if
.you feel it is serious, you must see a doctor immediately
.Situation 18: You had a health problem. You used plants to get rid of it ( to cure it). Tell us what you did
Last week I had a terrible stomachache. I didn't go to the doctor. Instead, I used some plants. My
grandmother prepared for me some Tizana with other medicinal plants I didn't know them. She put the
plants in water and boiled them for about ten minutes. When it got warmer, she put the infusion into a
big glass, sweetened it and gave it to me. I drank it. It was tasty. After some minutes it relieved the
.pain and I felt very nice
Situation 19: Your teacher has asked you to make a research about the computer and its different uses in different
fields. Use the following cues and write a short article about the computer and the role it plays nowadays. Cues:
- - - machine-stores information- facilitates the work – found in offices – schools – homes
The computer is a machine that stores and gives information. It can draw – write – perform music
and do difficult jobs that man can't do easily. We find computers everywhere: In offices , schools ,
post offices , police stations and of course at home. The computer plays a great role in our life today.
It is very useful for pupils and students to do their researches and projects that teachers asks them
.to do. Really we are at the computer age
Situation 19: Everyday you read articles in the newspapers about violence at schools. Write a short article trying
…to solve this problem. Cues: Causes of violence – parents role – Teachers role – officials role
Violence is a big problem that our schools face today. Everyday we read about violence between
teachers and students, students with students, students with officials and even parents with teachers
and officials. The first cause of violence in my opinion is the conditions of our schools, especially the
big number of students that we have in our schools. Teachers can not teach a class which consists of
forty or fifty pupils. They loose their temper when a pupil or a student misbehave in the classroom.
.The second cause is that parents don't care about their kids
… To solve this problem, everyone should play his role. Parents, teachers, officials
.Situation 20: You had a nightmare ( a bad dream ) Try to tell us about it
Yesterday I had a terrible nightmare. I saw in my dream that I didn't get up early and I was late
for school. All my friends (classmates) were at school while I was washing my face and putting on my
clothes very quickly. I went fast to school but when I arrived there I saw the headmaster near the
door. He started blaming me why I was late. I apologized for being late and he asked me to join my
class quickly. When I got in the classroom the alarm of the clock sounded and I woke up. I thanked
.God it was not real. It was just a dream
Situation 21: You celebrated your birthday party last week. Tell us what you did. ( Use the simple past tense)
Last Friday it was my birthday. I made a big party and invited all my friends and relatives. They all
came to my house in the afternoon. My mother prepared a big pie for us. I bought fourteen candles
because at that date I was exactly fourteen years old. We ate the pie, sang the birthday song, we
laughed a lot and had a very nice time. My friends gave me nice presents. It was a fantastic day. We
.enjoyed it a lot
Situation 22: You are going to celebrate your birthday party next week. Tell us what you are going to do. ( Use
going to form)
Next Friday it is going to be my birthday. I'm going to make a big party and invite all my friends
and relatives. They all are going to come to my house in the afternoon. My mother is going to prepare
a big pie for us. I 'm going to buy fourteen candles because at that date I'm going to be exactly
fourteen years old. We are going to eat the pie, sing the birthday song, we are going to laugh a lot
and have a very nice time. My friends are going offer me nice presents, of course. It 's going to be a
.fantastic day. We are going to enjoy it a lot
Situation 23: A tourist arrived in your city. He wants to get to the post office. Show him the way. (Imagine the
?Tourist: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the post office, please
You: Certainly, Sir. Go down this street then turn right. Walk straight again. Be careful ! Don't take
the first turning on the left. Take the second one. The post office is opposite the police station and
.next to the bank
.Tourist: Thank you very much, sir
.You: You are welcome
Situation 24: A famous magazine or newspaper wants to make an ad about a product or anything else. You want
to participate in the competition. Write your ad for it. ( Food- Cars – Computers- TV sets- LCD---)
You want to have a nice and comfortable car, don't you? Hyundai offers you this opportunity. Buy
an Accent car and you will never regret it. Accent is the best car your money can buy. It is not very
expensive. It is economic, safe, comfortable and roomy. It lasts longer and runs stronger on the
streets. . . For any other details , contact the agency at 021457845111 or email us at Hyundai……
Situation 25: You have read an ad about a job in a newspaper. You are interested. Write an application form for
… - the job. Use the following cues: Abilities ( What you can do ) – qualifications – school level
Dear sir, I have read your ad about the job of a bus conductor (driver) for your company and I
want to apply for the job. My name is …………… . I'm ………… years old I live in ………………… Eastern
Algeria. I have the Secondary school level. I have the transport driving license and I have worked as a
bus driver for an Algerian company for more than 5 years. I have included some of my experience
…………… ,documents with this application. Looking forward to receiving a positive reply. Yours
Situation 26: You are going to visit a famous city ( London). Plan your visit. Use the present continuous tense or
.going to form
Next week I'm going to London, the capital of England and the UK. I'm going there with my family.
We are going to take the plane which takes off on Monday at 9 am. We are going to arrive in London
at about 12 pm. In London, we are going to see famous places such as: Big Ben, the house of
Parliament, Buckingham Palace and the Castle of Windsor. We are going to stay there for about a
week. We are going to have a very nice time there. We are going to come back to Algeria the next
.week. Of course, we are going to bring some souvenirs with us
.Situation 27: You have watched a documentary about wild animals which are in danger of extinction
.Your school magazine has asked you to write an article about the dangers that wild animals face and how to protect them
Nowadays, many wild animals are in danger of extinction. The number of blue whales for example
has fallen from 40000 to only 6000. If we don't do anything for them, they will disappear soon. It is
the same case for gazelles, elephants, pandas and many other wild animals. People hunt elephants for
their tusks and gazelles for their beautiful skins and pandas, too. Those people don't care the
extinction of these animals. They only care about money. We have to stop them otherwise we will not
.…see these animals alive any more
…Situation 28: You have been asked to write an article about life in the past and life in the future
Life in the past was too difficult. There were no electricity, no cars, no TV sets, no computers…So life
was harder than it is now. People used fire to lighten up their homes and that was difficult for them
and for their children. Water also was not available at homes as it is now. It was very difficult to have
. . .water at home. People used to fetch it in rivers and lakes
…Nowadays, life is much easier. We have got everything in our homes: Electricity, water, TV sets
We just press the button and the house will be lighten up. We just turn the tap and water flows down
. . .easily. Today we have cars, lorries, planes, …We can even shop through the net

Situation 29: Your pen friend has asked you about rules at the Algerian schools…Send him/her an email, telling
him/her about your school rules . (Cues: Clothes – break times – hours spent at school, …)
You want to know about our schools, Well. In Algeria, we start school at the age of six ( Some
pupils start at the age of 5) We spend five years at the Primary School, then we go to the Middle
school and study there for four years. \at the end of the fourth year, we take a final exam. If we
pass, we will go to the Secondary School and spend three years there. If we pass the Baccalaureate
…Exam , we will join the university
In Algeria, we don't have to wear uniforms, but pupils in all levels have to wear pinafores. Boys
wear blue pinafores but girls wear pink ones. During break times, we mustn't stay in the classrooms .
. . . We have to go to the playground. When the bell rings, we must join the classrooms, quickly
Situation 30: You saw an accident this morning. The police asked you to report what you saw. ….Use the past
.simple and the past continuous tenses. Use some adverbs
I saw a terrible accident this morning, while I was going to school. A car was going very fast. The
car driver was using his mobile. Suddenly, small boy who was riding his bike wanted to cross the street.
The driver didn't pay any attention and the car hit the boy and his bike. Some people gathered quickly
and one of them called the ambulance. The ambulance came quickly and took the child to the hospital
. . .immediately
Situation 31: You received an email from a friend. He wants to know about one of the Algerian cities. Send
.him/her an email telling him/her about one of the most famous cities in you country
Constantine is a very big city in the east of Algeria. It is the wilaya number 25 in Algeria. It has
borders with the wilayas of: Skikda, Guelma, Mila and Oum elbouaki. Constantine has a population of
about one million inhabitants. It is famous for its hanging Bridges. Sidi Msid Bridge is the highest in
Constantine and in the East of Algeria. Constantine is also famous for its Universities. University of El
…Emir is one of the most famous universities in Algeria and in North Africa

Situation 32: You received an email from a friend. He wants to know about your country. Send him/her an email
giving him/her some information about Algeria. Use the following cues: Situation – Area – weather – bordering
. . . countries – Highest peak
Dear pen friend, You have asked me about my country. Well. Algeria is a big African country
situated in the North of Africa. It has an area of: …………………………… square kilometers. It has borders
with seven African countries: Tunisia and Libya to the East, Niger and Mali to the South, Morocco,
The Western Sahara and Mauritania to the West. The Mediterranean is to the North. Algeria has a
population of about 36 million inhabitants with a density of about 15 people per square kilometre. The
weather in Algeria differs from the north to the south. In the North, it is temperate: Cold and rainy
in Winter, Hot and sunny in Summer. In the south, it is hotter and drier3. It rarely rains there. The
.highest peak in Algeria is mount Tahat in the Tassili, Southern Algeria. It is 3003 metres high
Situation 33: Your pen friend wanted to know about you school. (classrooms – Labs – School yard---) Try to
…describe it to him/her. Use adverbs of place: near – opposite – next to – on the right/left
Dear pen friend, You have asked me about my school. Well. My school is very large. It consists of
20 classrooms, four laboratories, a stadium and a large playground. The classrooms are on the right
side opposite the labs. The school yard (playground) is in the middle. We usually raise the flag and sing
the national song (hymn) there. There is a big stadium on the left side of our school. We practice sport
… there
Situation 34: You received an email from a pen friend. He/She wants to know about eating habits in your
country or region. Send him/her an email, telling him / her about meals times – the biggest meal in your country or
. . .region – special meals at special occasions
Dear pen friend, You have asked me about our eating habits in Algeria. Well. In Algeria , we usually
have a small breakfast when we get up. We have some milk with coffee and some jam. At lunch, which
is often served at about 12 pm, we have beans, fried potatoes or anything else. After coming back
from school or work, we often have some milk with cakes or bread. The biggest meal in our country is
… ,dinner. We often have pasta, Couscous, meat
At Aid Elfitr for example, we prepare Couscous with meat and vegetables. We drink a lot of sodas
.and we eat a lot of fruits

Situation 35: You invited a friend to dinner at home. He came and had a delicious dish. He/she liked the food and
.asked you to give him/her the recipe. Give him/her the ingredient and how to prepare this dish

To prepare Couscous, we need some vegetables, some meat or chicken, and of course some pepper,
some salt, some onions and garlic. First, you should prepare the sauce in a bowl. Put the meat in a bowl
then add a cup of oil and cook for ten minutes. Next, add the vegetables, chopped onions, a pinch of
salt and some pepper. After that you prepare the Couscous in an other bowl. After cooking the meat
and the vegetables for about half an hour, put the Couscous in a plate and then put the meat and the
.vegetables on top of the Couscous. It is often served with soda, some salad and some fruits
Situation 37: Your school administration has asked you to fill a form about stream you will choose if you pass
.your BEM exam . What will you choose and why? Use Conditional type 1

If I pass my BEM exam, I will opt for the science stream. That's because I like scientific subjects
and I want to be a doctor or a pharmacist in the future. Besides this, I find myself more interested in
science, physics and Maths rather than Literature and languages. If I choose the literature stream I
will surly fail and find it difficult to go on with my studies. But if I choose the scientific Stream, I'm
.sure I will succeed and have high grades

.Situation 38: Your friend had an accident. Send him/her a letter of sympathy
Dear friend, I was very sorry to hear that you had an accident. I hope that nothing serious has
happened to you. I wish you a prompt recovery. If there is anything I can do for you, don't hesitate
………………… ,to call me. I'll be at your series. Yours

.Situation 39: Your friend has passed his exam. Send him/her a letter of congratulation
Dear friend, I am very delighted to hear that you passed at the final exam. I saw the lists on the
wall of the college yesterday. You can't imagine how happy I was. Don't forget to invite me if you
.………………………… ,make a party.. I wish you success and happiness in your life. Your best friend

Situation 40: A group of students are talking about their childhood and what they used to do and how they used
."to live when they were children. They asked you to tell them about your childhood. Tell them about it. Use "used to
When I was a child I used to be fat. People used to call me ''Smina''. I used to go to school by
bike because my school was very far from home. At school, I used to be a shy boy/girl. I rarely raised
my hand to answer the teachers' questions because I was afraid that my classmates would laugh at me.
After school, I used to watch TV. My favourite TV show was 'Mission Impossible'. I never missed it. I
…used to be a trouble maker at home. My parents used to punish me all the time

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