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Executive Book

The Book on Leadership
By John MacArthur
In The Book on Leadership, pastor- In Part 2 – Paul in Corinth: Leadership
teacher John MacArthur entrusts us with Under Fire, MacArthur uses Paul’s most
a look at the principles of Christian personal and passionate letter, the
leadership as they are illustrated through Second Epistle to the Corinthians, to
the life of the Apostle Paul, one of the illustrate how Paul handles the
most influential leaders in the history of challenges of leadership under attack.
the Christian world. These leadership In Part 3 – An Approved Workman:
principles include: taking the intiative, Leadership Held to a Biblical Standard,
motivating others, leading by example, MacArthur summarizes help for
defending your integrity, handling identifying who is fit to lead, and who
adversity, and much more! isn’t, as well as offering warnings against
MacArthur divides the topic into four the pitfalls that disqualify leaders. He
parts. In Part 1 – Paul in Chains: then concludes with a brief epilogue.
Leadership in Action, he discusses the Throughout the book, MacArthur offers
lessons that can be learned from Paul’s us 26 Biblical characteristics of a genuine
leadership during the shipwreck on spiritual leader. As we delve deeper,
Malta on his way to trial before Caesar in we’ll see that the thrust of MacArthur’s
Rome, as recorded in Acts 27. argument is that character, above all
else, is what makes a leader great!

About the Author

John Fullerton MacArthur, Jr. is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California,
president of the Master’s College and Seminary, and host of the internationally syndicated Christian
radio program Grace to You. He has written and edited over 150 books, and is probably most well
known for The MacArthur Study Bible, MacArthur New Testament Commentary Series, Twelve Ordinary
Men, and the children’s book A Faith to Grow On. He and his wife, Patricia, have four children and
fifteen grandchildren.
The Book on Leadership
The Complete Summary
Introduction Part 1: Paul in Chains:
Author’s Aims and Perspectives
Leadership in Action
What makes a good leader? If the Great Commission calls all Chapter 1. Earning Trust
followers of Christ to also be leaders, to teach and to
influence others, regardless of our status, position, “How does a leader build trust? When people are convinced
giftedness, or occupation, how then do we accomplish this? you will do everything in your power for their good and
nothing for their harm, they’ll trust you.” (page 10)
“…my goal in this book is to distill the Biblical principles of
leadership in a way that I hope will be beneficial for leaders in Unfortunately, in today’s culture we are surrounded by a
every realm—business leaders, civic leaders, church leaders, “leadership vacuum”. Corruption and scandal have taken a
parents, teachers, personal disciplers, youth leaders, or stronghold both in the world and in the church. This provides
whatever.” (page xi) The argument in this book is that true a great opportunity for Christians with geniune character and
leadership is about character, not style or technique. integrity to fill this “leadership gap”.
MacArthur explains: “…the truest kind of leadership demands
service, sacrifice, and selflessness…leaders who look to Christ Acts 27 provides insight into how the Apostle Paul showed
as their leader and their supreme model of leadership will excellent leadership in a crisis situation. It’s approximately AD
have servants’ hearts…[these] are essential qualities of a 59, Paul has been arrested in Jerusalem, and in chains is on
Biblical approach to leadership…” (page v) his way by ship to Rome to face trial under Emperor Nero.

MacArthur also argues that one of the best ways to learn the Despite being in chains, Paul’s trustworthy character has
principles of leadership is through studying leaders who have gained him the respect of the Roman centurion, Julius; his
gone before, not according to the standards of the world, but respectability, intelligence, and kind demeanour has earned
the study of Christian, spiritual leadership. This is why he the trust of his captors, so much so, that Julius has allowed
chooses to focus on the life and behaviours of the Apostle Paul, a prisoner, to take leave of the ship to travel to Sidon
Paul in Acts 27 and the 2nd Epistle to the Corinthians. for medical treatment.

26 Characteristics of a True Leader

1. A leader is trustworthy 14. A leader knows when to change his mind
2. A leader takes the initiative 15. A leader does not abuse his authority
3. A leader uses good judgement 16. A leader doesn’t abdicate roles in the face of opposition
4. A leader speaks with authority 17. A leader is sure of his calling
5. A leader strengthens others 18. A leader knows his own limitations
6. A leader is optimistic and enthusiastic 19. A leader is resilient
7. A leader never compromises the absolutes 20. A leader is passionate
8. A leader focuses on objectives, not obstacles 21. A leader is courageous
9. A leader empowers by example 22. A leader is discerning
10. A leader cultivates loyalty 23. A leader is disciplined
11. A leader has empathy for others 24. A leader is energetic
12. A leader keeps a clear conscience 25. A leader knows how to delegate
13. A leader is definite and decisive 26. A leader is Christ-like
14. 1.
The Book on Leadership
The Complete Summary
Chapter 2. Taking the Initiative
Part 2: Paul in Corinth:
“Give me one great, careful, thoughtful, analytical, wise
leader over the majority anytime.” (page 25) Leadership Under Fire
When the ship travelling to Rome experiences a tempestuous Chapter 5. A Leader’s Devotion to His People
storm, Paul, not the ship’s captain nor the Roman centurion,
recognizes the danger ahead and warns his captors to turn back. “The wise leader cultivates loyalty by being loyal—loyal to the
Ignoring this warning, the leaders continue into the storm after Lord, loyal to the truth, and loyal to the people he leads.”
the majority of those on board seek to carry on. Rather than (page 68)
analyzing the situation, assessing the risk, and seeking good We switch gears to the city of Corinth, a major trading centre for
judgement, the leaders choose to go with the “majority opinion” the Roman Empire on the Peloponnes Peninsula in Greece – the
– a failed decision. year is approx. AD 55. Several years earlier, Paul had established
Good leaders have foresight—they chart a path and plan ahead, a large church of both Jew and Gentile Christians here. How-
as Paul did. When the storm worsens, many resign themselves ever, now that Paul has been absent for some time, rebellious
to death, readying to throw cargo and themselves overboard. Jews in Corinth have threatened Paul’s reputation and stirred up
But not Paul - thankfully, a true leader is amongst them. the congregation against him.
Paul’s response is to pen this second letter to the Corinthians.
Chapter 3. Taking Courage Of all his epistles, this one is his most passionate and personal.
“As a true leader, Paul saw beyond the temporary Leadership is all about people – that means caring, showing
compassion and love, even for those who’ve betrayed you. This
circumstances and fixed his hope on the promise of triumph.
is what Paul does here – he is devoted to the people of Corinth
And he drew courage and confidence from that. Such
despite their betrayal. Loyalty is a great virtue, and authentic
optimism was contagious.” (page 39)
loyalty is not blind devotion to a man, but an allegience to truth,
After being driven aimlessly by the wind without rest for many duty, obligation of love and friendship. Paul knows also of the
days, Paul takes courage and, with authority (definitively, Corinthian’s suffering and struggle – he is eager to confront
assertively, but not arrogantly – and the leaders listen to him) them and also comfort them.
instructs the soldiers and crew to “take heart” and “believe in
God’s faithfulness”. He reminds us of Jesus himself when he Chapter 6. Paul Defends His Sincerity
spoke to the people with the authority of God.
“Good leaders must be able to make decisions in a way that is
A true leader strengthens others with inspiration, optimism, clearheaded, proactive, and conclusive. They must also be
enthusiasm, even despite difficult odds. As time goes on able to communicate objectives in a way that is articulate,
through the crisis, people on the ship begin to defer more and emphatic, and distinct. After all, a leader is someone who
more to Paul’s leadership – God’s blessing is with him.
leads.” (page 79)
Chapter 4. Taking Charge
“The real leader is the one who can handle the stress. He is
the one who can solve the problems, bear the burdens, find Service
the solutions, and win the victories when everyone else is
merely flustered, confounded, and perplexed.” (page 43)
Despite the chaos of the storm, Paul remains composed, taking
charge and setting the example for those around him.
Remember, leadership is influence, not title. He focuses on the
objective at hand, rather than the obstacles – getting to safety.
Some of the crew panic and decide to abandon ship, but
noticing the attempt, Paul warns Julius that all hands will be Selflessness Sacrifice
needed on deck to get everyone to safety; he must confront the
crew – a leader never compromises the absolutes.
At daybreak, land is spotted, and the ship is run aground a reef,
where it is battered by the storm. Despite some soldiers’ desire Figure 1. The three S’s of a Biblical approach to leadership (page v)
to kill the prisoners, Julius decides Paul is worth keeping around.
Giving instructions, Paul leads everyone on the ship to safety! 3
The Book on Leadership
The Complete Summary
People in Corinth were exploiting Paul’s absense so as to Chapter 8. A Leader Made of Clay
portray Paul as unreliable and insincere, so Paul decides
to first answer this charge and defend his sincerity. Wh ile “No true leader can boast of having
flatly denying these allegations, Paul’s words are always attained his position merely because of
honest, forthright, and non-evasive. He reminds them of superior talents, physical attributes,
his unwavering integrity and his tender affection for them communication skills, or whatever. If God
when he was with them, and assures them his conscience did not use homely, ordinary clay pots,
is clear. He had never been double-minded with his there wouldn’t be any spiritual leaders at
message but always definite and decisive, and he always all, because there aren’t any people who Figure 2. True spiritual
leaders are clay pots
displayed a pastoral, never an authoritarian style toward aren’t beset with blemishes and human
them. weaknesses.” (page 107)
Here we see “…the price of leadership. It is a costly, The false accusers in Corinth even attack Paul’s lack of
lonely, and often thankless calling.” (p. 84) personal charisma and sophistication in speech. Rather than
Chapter 7. Who is Sufficient for these Things? responding in anger or vengeance, Paul humbly
acknowledges his physical deficiences and points to the work
“Such confidence is a great and necessary strength in of God, who does his work through sinful, broken people,
leadership—to be so secure in your giftedness, so emphatic whom he refers to as “clay pots”. True leaders, like the clay
about your calling that no trial, however severe, could ever pots of the ancient world, should be:
make you question your life’s work. Effective leadership
• Humble: God uses frail people to accomplish his purposes –
depends on that kind of resoluteness, courage, boldness, and
therefore rejoice in God’s stength and your weakness
determination.” (page 96)
• Sturdy: Nevertheless, like clay pots, be resilient in adversity
Paul reminds the Corinthians that no one is sufficient to lead, we • Expendible: True leaders are willing to suffer, even sacrifice
are all imperfect, yet “our sufficiency is from God” (2 Cor. 3:5). themselves for the good of their followers in God’s kingdom
Through the course of the letter, we can see that Paul’s accusers
are attacking four aspects of his leadership:
Chapter 9. The Leader’s Warfare
• His Character – people are shockingly fickle and easily “Spiritual warfare is all about demolishing evil lies with the
misled, yet Paul doesn’t abdicate his role, rather he truth. Use the authority of God’s Word and the power of the
anticipates their objections and faces them head-on gospel to give people the truth. That is what will pull down
• His Influence – Paul points to the congregation itself as the fortresses of falsehood. That is the real nature of spiritual
evidence of his positive influence and commendation warfare.” (page 139)
• His Calling – Sure of his calling, Paul sticks to the truth/facts
• His Humility – Paul also knows his limitations, and boasts on
Being misrepresented, slandered, reviled, persecuted, and
the sufficiency of God alone, and not his own abilities. wrongfully accused is an inevitable part of being a Christian,
and especially a Christian leader. A leader must display
passion when he and his followers are under attack; an
apathetic leader is a contradiction in terms – no true leader
will be uncaring, detached, or indifferent. Yet, human
passions can pose hazards too – leaders must learn to
harness their passions rather than be harnessed by them.
(MacArthur, 2004)
In the closing chapters of his epistle to Corinth, Paul displays
compassion, meekness, gentleness, while also being bold for
defending the truth, courageous against attack, and finally
militant in his description of our spiritual warfare against the
evil powers of this world who seek to undermine our walk
with God at every turn. A spiritual leader must discern the
truth, right from wrong, wisdom from foolishness, armed
Figure 3. A word cloud of The Book on Leadership
with the Word of God which is our weapon against evil. 4
The Book on Leadership
The Complete Summary
Part 3: An Approved Workman: 8 practical suggestions to help
you become
Leadership Held to a Biblical Standard
Chapter 10. How Not to be Disqualified
“Self-control is absolutely vital to lasting success in any endeavor of life. Many 1. Get Organized
people do attain a degree of prominence on the strength of sheer natural talent
alone. But the real, influential leaders are the ones who devote themselves to 2. Use Time Wisely
personal discipline and make the most of their gifts.” (page 144) 3. Find Ways to be Edified Rather than
At this point MacArthur changes tack again to deal with the practical approach to Merely Entertained
leadership. Probably the greatest pitfall to leaders in any sphere is a lack of self- 4. Pay Attention to Small Things
discipline – MacArthur argues that the “price of leadership is discipline”
(MacArthur, 2004), and those who fail to pay that price will likely be disqualified. 5. Accept Extra Responsibility
Paul himself in his New Testament writings frequently displays confidence in his 6. Once you Start Something, Finish It
calling and credentials, but expresses trepidation about the possibility of being
disqualified due to various temptations and failures of self-control. 7. Keep your Commitments
Paul describes the journey of Christian leadership like participating in a race of 8. Tell Yourself No from Time to Time
endurance, including:
• Competing for the Prize: if a worldly athlete is willing to disciplinehimself for a
transitory prize, what price would you pay for an “imperishable crown” (1 Cor. 9:25)
• Training for the Contest: Discipline teaches us to operate by principle rather than
desire; we live in an undisciplined society, yet time and again leaders emerge who
practice various forms of self-control; see “8 Practical Suggestions…” top right.
• Finishing the Race: Discipline requires energy, persistence, perseverence to the end!

Chapter 11. Who is Fit to Lead?

Figure 4. Paul emulated the leadership of Christ
“A person whose Christian testimony is free from the taint of scandal— someone
who is upright, sound in character, and without any serious moral blemish. Simply put, it means leaders must have a reputation
for unimpeachable integrity.” (page 159)
The Lord has established positions of leadership in his church – pastors, elders, deacons – to be models of spiritual leadership
for all people. He also lays out principles of leadership in scripture, based on purity of character, not personality or experience.
In every description of leadership found in the New Testament, team leadershi p is always described; additionally, the first
characteristics always given is that of blamelessness, that is, “ ‘above reproach’— inculpable, unblemished, irreprehensible….
Simply put, it means leaders must have a reputation for unimpeachable integrity.” (p. 159)
The early Christian church of the New Testament showed in their leadership the guidelines of Plurality, Priority, and Purity:
• Plurality: Church government was a plurality of God-ordained men who lead together – no dictators, autocrats, or solitary rulers
• Priority: Church leaders prioritized the important task of prayer, study, and preaching the Word, and delegated still important but
less prioritized tasks of servant leadership and the ministry of mercy to the deacons
• Purity: Leadership is about character – honour, decency, integrity, faithfulness, holiness, & moral purity. The perfect model for
Christian character, and therefore true leadership, is of course Jesus Christ Himself.

Part 4: Epilogue
Chapter 12. The Measure of a Leader’s Success
“Paul measured his own success as a leader, as an apostle, and as a Christian by a single criterion: He had ‘kept the faith’—meaning
both that he had remained faithful to Christ and that he had kept the message of Christ’s gospel intact, just as he had received it.”
(page 184)
The Book on Leadership
The Complete Summary
MacArthur finishes his story on leadership with an epilogue would categorize MacArthur’s description of the leadership of
about how one’s success in leadership can be measured. Paul as being a combination of the trait- and skill-based
According to the world’s standards of success, Paul’s leadership approach with the theory of servant leadership described for us
was a failure – at the end of his life, he was in a prison awaiting in Northouse (2016, chapters 2,3, & 10). The description here
execution and many of his closest friends especially in Asia certainly draws from various styles of leadership, but in
Minor had deserted him due to the terrible persecution against categorizing moral character as the most important quality for
successful leadership in a Christian context, Northouse’s
Christians at that time.
comment about servant leadership came to mind: “Servant
However, Paul’s life and leadership was far from a failure – his leadership is unique in the way it makes altruism the central
influence continues worldwide today, while Nero, the emperor component of the leadership process. Servant leadership argues
who had Paul killed, is one of history’s most despised figures. unabashedly that leaders should put followers first, share control
Influence, not power or position, is the true test of leadership. with followers, and embrace their growth.” (2016, p. 240) This is
In closing off the story, MacArthur briefly looks at some of the exactly how MacArthur describes the Apostle Paul in this book.
significant figures mentioned in Paul’s letter to Corinth at the In reflecting on the quality of MacArthur’s writing, I agree with
end of his life: the team he built, the trials he suffered, the Christian resource reviewer Owen Strachan when he says that,
treachery he endured, and the triumph he obtained in Christ. while “a very good resource for pastors seeking a spiritually-
“Was Paul a failure as a leader? Not in the least. His continuing focused book on leadership….the book feels a little like a
influence in the lives of so many people gives ample proof of the collection of disparate addresses culled together.” (2010).
effectiveness of his leadership to the end. He had kept the faith. Additionally, Tim Challies, a Toronto-based Christian blogger and
He had fought a good fight. He had finished his course with joy. author, comments that while “The twenty six principles of
That was his legacy in this life, and through eternity.” (p. 206) leadership are sound and will no doubt serve to strengthen
many future and current leaders…. In the final analysis, though,
while they are proven from the life of Paul, they were not drawn
explicitly from Scripture.” (2005)
Nevertheless, I found this an invaluable tool for understanding
I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Book on Leadership by John
the role of leadership for a Christian who is looking for a
MacArthur. Not only is the author tremendously skilled at
Christian worldview and spiritual perspective on the role of
exegeting scripture passages such as Acts 27 and the 2nd Epistle
leadership in contemporary life, while not ignoring or
to Corinth, both in historical context and for application, but he
marginalizing the role of current scholarly work in theorizing
was also able to draw out some excellent qualities and
different styles and approaches to leadership today. For my own
characteristics of effective leadership along the way, and in a
professional practice, this book will serve me well as I transition
style that was very accessible to scholars and laymen alike.
into the leadership role of Principal of an independent Christian
In drawing from contemporary research on leadership theory, I High School.

1. How useful is it to study biographies of great (or not so great) leaders to learn about leadership? Are there any drawbacks?
2. Do you agree with the author that character, rather than power, skills, or experience, is the most important leadership factor?
3. What aspects of a person’s character resonate most with you as having a great impact on effective servant leadership?


Challies, T. (2005). Book Review - The Book On Leadership. Retrieved August If you liked The Book on Leadership by John MacArthur, you’ll also like:
2, 2018, from https://www.challies.com/book-reviews/book-review-
the-book-on-leadership/ 1. Twelve Ordinary Men, by John MacArthur – How the Master
Macarthur, J. (2004). Leadership Study Guide. Retrieved from shaped his disciples for greatness and what He wants to do with
https://www.gty.org/files/pdf/Leadership_Study_Guide.pdf you.
MacArthur, J. (2006). The book on leadership (Kindle Edition). Nashville:
Thomas Nelson Publishers.
2. The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership that Matters, by
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice (7th Edition). Albert Mohler – Leadership principles from a renowned agent of
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. change.
Strachan, O. (2010). Book Review: The Book on Leadership, by John 3. Serving Without Sinking, by John Hindley – How to serve Christ
MacArthur. Retrieved August 2, 2018, from
and keep your joy.

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