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1. Title of the Project
Safety in the workshop and at work
2. Brief description
Students will research on:
a) To do a padlet with the students introducing themselves.
b) Which is the Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) they need in the workshops
and at work and write about them in English.
c) They will make an album of photos with that information.
d) Students can show one to another the way they get their uniforms and PPE. Do
they have to buy by their themselves? Are they free?
e) The important safety signals needed at workshops and the meaning of the safety
colours, and the meaning of the shapes. (IN CASE WE HAVE ENOUGH TIME)
Other information
we are thinking to prepare some visits so French students and teachers can go to Spain
and Spanish students and teacher can go to France.
For French students coming to Spain the visit can happen only on October or November
2019. The Spanish visit could be possible the next academic year too.
3. Languages: English

Minimum age
a) Spain: 16.
b) France: 15.
Maximum age
a) Spain: 19.
b) France: 19.
Number of the students in the Project

Maelle Vuillerod and Isabel Pérez 2018-2019

Spain: The students that will work on the project will be The first-year group of ‘
Technician in Interior Works, Decoration and Rehabilitation.

France: group of 10 apprentices in painting.

a) Spain: Professional Training and Guidance.
b) France: English class

a) Students will learn and improve their English.
b) Students will have to research on the internet and make a good use of the social
c) Students will learn on the way our countries work on Safety and Health in
d) Students will see how important English is nowadays to communicate in the
e) Students will be motivated to share information related to their job/work.

Calendar of our activities:

November: presentation of the group of students using a Padlet.
December: internal work in school: research on PPE, etc.
End of January: first sharing of PPE information: differences and comparisons between
our two countries.
February: internal work in school on the Album Photos.
April: second sharing of the information that has been produced on February.
May: planning and preparing our visits.

Other information
The calendar of the activities may change depending of the groups and the working

Maelle Vuillerod and Isabel Pérez 2018-2019

1. A Padlet introducing our students.
2. An album. Students have to make an album of the necessary PPE at workshop
associating the activities they make at their workshops and the PPE needed.
3. PPE in our workshop. Create a document with the list of the Safety Signal and
where would they put them in their workshops. They can use the map of their
workshops to mark them.
4. A plan for our visit.
We expect the students to have the minimum level of A2+ (CECRL) at the end of this

Maelle Vuillerod and Isabel Pérez 2018-2019

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