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MS has made a number of important contributions Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; Liquid Chro-

to drug metabolism and the further development of matography-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Mass Spectro-
the technique, together with advances in instrumenta- metry.
tion, will enhance its application in this area.

See also: II/Chromatography: Gas: Column Techno- Further Reading

logy; Detectors: Mass Spectrometry. Chromatography:
Liquid: Detectors: Ultraviolet and visible Detection; Nu- Gibson GG, ed. (1993) Progress in Drug Metabolism, vol.
clear Magnetic Resonance Detectors. Chromatography: 13. London: Taylor & Francis.
Thin-Layer (planar): Layers. Electrophoresis: Capillary Moffat AC, Jackson JV, Moss MS and Windopp B, eds
Electrophoresis; Capillary Electrophoresis Detection; (1986) Clarke’s Isolation and identiTcation of Drugs in
Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry; Capil- Pharmaceuticals, Body Fluids and Post-Mortem Mater-
lary Electrophoresis-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. ial. London: The Pharmaceutical Press.
Extraction: Analytical Extractions; Solid-Phase Extrac- Reid E and Wilson ID (1992) Methodological Surveys in
tion; Solvent Based Separation; III/Drugs of Abuse: Biochemistry and Analysis, vol. 22. London: Royal So-
Solid-Phase Extraction. Drugs and Metabolites: Liquid ciety of Chemistry.


S. Doonan, University of East London, UK charge at all pH values except the unique pH (the
isoelectric point) at which the positive and negative
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press
charges are equal. Moreover, two proteins that have
the same charge at a particular pH are likely to
Nature of the Problem differ in charge at some other pH. Ion exchange
The puriRcation of proteins presents a unique chal- chromatography is technically simple and can be ad-
lenge in the Reld of separation science. Typically, the opted for use over a very large range of scales.
particular protein to be isolated will constitute 1% or Chromatofocusing and isoelectric focusing are
less (sometimes much less) of the material in the methods that depend on the differences in
original extract and all of the contaminants will have isoelectric points between proteins but are less widely
basically the same chemical characteristics, i.e. they used for preparative work than is ion exchange
are all proteins. There is the added complication that chromatography because of increased cost, restric-
for most purposes it is necessary to retain the bio- tions of scale and technical difRculty.
logical activity of the protein, and the inherent insta- Electrophoresis is a special case. Electrophoretic
bility of protein structures restricts the range of tem- methods are of central importance in analytical pro-
peratures and solvent compositions that can be used tein chemistry but, until recently, have not proved
during puriRcation.
Table 1 Properties of proteins that can be exploited for purifica-
tion and associated experimental methods
Tools for its Solution
Electrical charge Ion exchange chromatography
Clearly, methods for the separation of proteins must Chromatofocusing
be based on those characteristics in which they dif- Isoelectric focusing
fer from one another. The most important of these are (Electrophoresis)
Hydrophobic surface regions Hydrophobic chromatography
listed in Table 1 along with the separation techniques
General surface properties Salt fractionation
that exploit those differences. These various Size Size-exclusion chromatography
properties are not of equal generality or of equal Membrane filtration
utility for puriRcation purposes. Specific binding site Affinity chromatography
By far the most widely used technique for protein Dye-binding chromatography
Surface carbohydrate Lectin chromatography
isolation is ion exchange chromatography. The gener-
Metal-binding site Metal chelate chromatography
ality of the method arises from the fact that proteins Antigenic determinants Immunoaffinity chromatography
contain ionizable amino acids and hence carry a net

useful for puriRcation purposes. The reason for the proteins that recognize the ligand. Subsequent elution
change has been the development of ultra high sensi- can be achieved by passage of a solution of the ligand,
tivity techniques for structural analysis that has or a suitable analogue, through the column. This
blurred the distinction between analytical and prep- method has seen widespread application in the puriR-
arative methods. Hence the inclusion of electrophor- cation of enzymes and is in principle capable of very
esis in Table 1 as a preparative method, although it high selectivity because of the speciRcity of en-
serves that purpose for a limited range of applications zyme/substrate or enzyme/inhibitor binding. The sel-
(see later). ectivity achieved is, however, often limited by the fact
Although the surfaces of most soluble proteins are that the ligand may be charged and hence gives rise to
predominantly polar, many of them have patches of ion exchange effects, or it may be hydrophobic
hydrophobic amino acids that, under appropriate and give rise to nonspeciRc hydrophobic interactions.
conditions (usually at high salt concentrations), can Despite this, afRnity chromatography is a very
bind to hydrophobic matrices. This provides powerful method and its use is restricted more by the
a method for separation provided that elution from fact that it is often necessary to design and synthesize
the matrix can be achieved under conditions that do the afRnity matrix oneself rather than by inherent
not lead to loss of biological activity. limitations.
Proteins differ from one another in their Dye binding chromatography is a variant of af-
solubilities in salt solutions. Clearly, in a complex Rnity chromatography and relies on the fact that
mixture of proteins the solubilities of the components a variety of chlorotriazine textile dyes interact moder-
will overlap and hence fractional precipitation with ately speciRcally with enzymes that have nucleotide
salt, usually ammonium sulfate, provides only a crude (ATP, NAD(H), coenzyme A (CoA)) binding sites.
separation method. However, it is widely used as The ability of dye-containing matrices to recognize
a Rrst step in puriRcation procedures, particularly nucleotide-dependent enzymes is not a purely af-
when working on a large scale. Occasionally, frac- Rnity effect } indeed the structural similarity
tional precipitation with an organic solvent (ethanol, between the dyes used and the cofactors is not obvi-
acetone) is used but there is a possibility of protein ous } and includes elements of ion exchange and
denaturation at high solvent concentrations. hydrophobic effects. Nevertheless, these methods
Proteins also differ from one another in size often work remarkably well for isolation of groups of
and this can be exploited in size-exclusion nucleotide-dependent enzymes or even of individual
chromatography. This is inherently a method of low members when biospeciRc elution methods are used.
resolution and can rarely achieve more than separ- Lectin chromatography and metal chelate
ation of mixtures of proteins into broad size classes. chromatography are available when the protein of
However, a very important application of size-exclu- interest has either surface carbohydrate or a metal-
sion chromatography is for changing the composition binding site, respectively. The former method de-
(e.g. the pH) of the solvent between steps in a puriR- pends on the fact that various plants produce proteins
cation procedure. Dialysis can also be used for this (lectins) that bind speciRcally to particular classes of
purpose but is much slower. The same restriction of carbohydrate. If the lectin is coupled to an appropri-
low resolution applies to separations using membrane ate support then the product matrix will speciRcally
Rltration, but this technique is of enormous utility at bind glycolproteins from a mixture of proteins. Elu-
various stages in a puriRcation schedule for reducing tion can be effected by passage of a solution of
the volume of protein solutions: the single major the appropriate monosaccharide through the column.
‘contaminant’ in a protein solution is water. In metal chelate chromatography the matrix has
Whereas the methods above depend on differ- a chelating agent covalently attached and loaded with
ences in structures of proteins there is also a set of an appropriate metal ion. On passage of a mixture of
procedures that depend essentially on differences proteins through the column those with a binding site
in biological activity. In the vast majority of cases, for the metal will be retained and subsequently can be
biological activity of a protein depends on it recogniz- eluted by passage of a solution of metal ions through
ing and binding to a ligand. For example, enzymes the column.
bind to substrates and inhibitors, hormones bind to ImmunoafRnity chromatography is in principle the
receptors, antibodies bind to antigens and so on. This most speciRc method available for protein isolation.
speciRc biological activity can be exploited by con- It involves raising an antibody to the target protein,
struction of a matrix to which the appropriate ligand attaching the antibody to a supporting
is (usually covalently) attached. Passage of a protein material and then using this as an afRnity matrix.
mixture through the resulting afRnity matrix The extreme speciRcity of antigen}antibody interac-
should result in binding of one or a small number of tions should ensure high selectivity in binding the

target protein. However, there are two problems.

Clearly, the protein has to have been isolated pre-
viously in order for an antibody to be produced.
A highly puriRed protein will be required to raise
polyclonal antibodies. Alternatively, a partly puriRed
antigen can be used to produce monoclonal antibod-
ies but this adds an extensive new dimension to
a puriRcation procedure. The major restriction on the
application of the method, however, is the difR-
culty of elution of proteins from the immunoaf-
Rnity matrix once bound. The tightness of binding
often requires extreme conditions for efRcient
elution (very high or low pH, presence of chaotropic
agents) such that many protein molecules become
denatured during the elution process.

Putting them Together

Faced with the variety of methods available for the
separation of proteins the question arises as to which
of them to use and in which order for development of
a puriRcation schedule for a particular protein. The
answer to this depends on a whole host of issues such
E how much protein is required?
E what sources of the protein are available?
E has the gene for the protein been cloned?
E is the protein required to be completely pure?
E is it necessary to retain biological activity? Figure 1 Flow chart for the purification of an enzyme.
E has it been done before?
If the answer to the last question is positive, the
obvious approach is to try to reproduce the reported be used for therapeutic purposes there would also
puriRcation procedure. It may not work exactly as be speciRc requirements imposed by regulatory
described } small variations in procedures between agencies that are beyond the scope of the present
laboratories can give rise to signiRcant differ- discussion.
ences in the behaviour of proteins during puriRcation The Sow chart in Figure 1 outlines steps in the
} but it should be relatively easy to adjust conditions protocol for puriRcation of an enzyme developed in
to get it right. Development of a new protocol is the author’s laboratory. The starting material was
time-consuming and not usually worthwhile unless it 5 kg of pig liver. If the source of the enzyme or other
is to be used repeatedly and an existing method ap- protein is not of importance for the purpose of the
pears to be unnecessarily cumbersome; even then the investigation then the best choice is to use an animal
published method should provide a valuable guide on tissue that can be obtained in quantity from a com-
how to make improvements. mercial abattoir. Animal tissues are generally easy to
What follows are descriptions of the sorts of sched- homogenize in a domestic food blender. Other sour-
ules of methods that might be used in a variety of ces such as fungi, bacteria and plants present dif-
situations. Rculties in disruption of the tissue and are best avoid-
ed unless the source is constrained by the problem in
Large-Scale Isolation of an Active Protein
Large-scale here is taken to mean a laboratory-scale Ten litres of buffer was used for homogeniz-
puriRcation of a few tens of milligrams of protein. ation and, after removal of debris, the volume of
Industrial scale puriRcation might well follow the protein solution was 8.5 L. This volume of solution is
same general pattern but there would be engineer- difRcult to handle and hence fractional precipita-
ing problems associated with scaling up that will tion with ammonium sulfate was used both to obtain
not be dealt with here. In the case of a protein to an initial crude puriRcation and, more importantly,

reduce the volume. After centrifugation of the active two minor contaminants, both more basic than the
fraction, resuspension of the pellet and dialysis the target enzyme. Hence, a Rnal step using an anion
volume was reduced to 500 mL. exchanger under conditions where the protein of in-
The next step was ion exchange chromatography. terest was absorbed but the contaminants were not,
There were choices to be made of whether to use or were bound more weakly, suggested itself. The
a cation or anion exchanger, and as to which of exchanger chosen was DEAE-Sepharose, which has
the various available supporting materials (cellu- a greater resolving power than cellulose-based
lose, Sepharose, Superose) was to be preferred. products.
In the present case, a cellulose-based matrix was The Rnal product of the puriRcation procedure was
chosen. This was essentially because the amount 28 mg of protein that was homogeneous, as judged by
of protein in the sample (about 100 g) made it the usual criterion of producing a single band after
necessary to use a large amount of exchanger and sodium dodecyl sulfate}polyacrylamide gel elec-
correspondingly a large column. Cellulose-based trophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The enzyme had been
exchangers are much cheaper than other varieties puriRed 6000-fold compared with the original
and, in addition, large columns of cellulose ex- homogenate and the yield was about 50%.
changers have better Sow characteristics than do
those of other materials. The choice of car- Small-Scale Isolation of an Active Protein
boxymethyl (CM) cellulose rather than the anion
Isolation of a few milligrams of active protein follows
exchanger diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose was
the same general principles as outlined above but can
dictated by previous experience of the behaviour of
often be achieved in a smaller number of steps. For
the two materials for the separation of crude protein
example it is not necessary to carry out fractional
precipitation with salt because the small volume of
The protein of interest was retained by the CM-
protein solution will allow direct use of ion exchange
cellulose and was eluted by application of a gradient
chromatography as the Rrst puriRcation step. In addi-
of increasing sodium chloride. This is to be preferred
tion, because of the small scale of the procedure, the
over the other possibility of using conditions where
high resolving power of ion exchange chromatogra-
the protein is not retained on the column since a
phy or of hydrophobic chromatography in fast pro-
higher degree of puriRcation is likely to be achieved
tein liquid chromatography (FPLC) mode can be ex-
on gradient elution. After combination and con-
ploited, which may allow a reduction in the number
centration of the active fractions the volume of
of chromatiographic steps required. FPLC differs
the sample had been reduced to about 50 mL and
from conventional column chromatography in that it
the amount of protein to about 1 g. These amounts
employs very Rne particle size matrices that offer
were suitable for the application of a variety of
greater resolving power for protein mixtures. Fully
small-scale but more highly resolving techniques.
automated equipment is also available that allows for
For example, had the enzyme of interest been a glyco-
greater reproducibility between runs than do conven-
protein then lectin afRnity chromatography
tional methods. Capacity is, however, limited.
would have been a good choice. Similarly, hydropho-
bic chromatography could have been used. An ad-
Proteins from Sub-Cellular Organelles
vantage of using the latter technique would have been
that it would not have been necessary to remove the Many proteins in higher organisms exist in discrete
sodium chloride from the sample after gradient elu- subcellular organelles such as mitochondria, chloro-
tion from CM-cellulose given that in hydrophobic plasts and lysosomes. If the target protein is one of
chromatography the sample is applied in a solution of these it may be advantageous to make a preparation
high salt content to promote interaction with the of the organelle and isolate the protein from that
matrix. rather than from a total issue homogenate. Isolation
In practise it was relatively easy in the present case of subcellular organelles is usually carried out by
to develop an afRnity matrix for the enzyme preparative differential centrifugation. Proteins
based an analogue of the substrate. It was worthwhile can subsequently be extracted from the organelles
to do this because it was intended to repeat the and puriRed by standard techniques.
puriRcation frequently so that the time involved in The advantage of this approach is obvious. Given
preparing the afRnity matrix was subsequently that the organelles contain a more restricted range of
recovered. If a puriRcation is essentially one-off then proteins than does the parent cell then the puriRca-
this is unlikely to be the case. tion procedure is likely to be much simpler. The
After afRnity chromatography the product was downside is that the isolation of subcellular structures
examined by electrophoresis and found to contain is time-consuming and, except on a relatively small

scale, there may not be a net saving of time in been achieved in modifying genes by the attach-
adopting this approach. ment of an export signal so that the host organ-
ism excretes the protein product into the culture
Membrane Proteins medium.
Other approaches to facilitating puriRcation of
Integral membrane proteins present special problems
cloned gene products involve the construction of
because of their location within membranes and be-
fusion proteins. One example of this is where a tail of
cause they are not soluble in aqueous buffer
basic residues (lysine or arginine) is engineered onto
solutions. The Rrst step will be to obtain a prepara-
the protein. This tail will make the protein very basic
tion of the membrane of interest, usually by dif-
and hence increase its afRnity for ion exchangers
ferential centrifugation. Next, the protein has to be
such as CM-Sephadex. If, after elution from the ex-
extracted from the membrane preparation, most
changer, further puriRcation is required then the tail
commonly by using solutions of detergents such as
can be removed (by digestion with carboxypep-
Triton X-100, Lubrol PX, digitonin, sodium cholate,
tidase B) followed by further chromatography under
etc. This is a crucial step and the best detergent to use
the same conditions. The decreased basicity conse-
to obtain optimum release of the protein from the
quent on removal of the tail will ensure that the
membrane fragments can be determined only by trial
protein now behaves differently compared with
and error.
any contaminants whose properties will not have
Once a soluble extract of the protein has been ob-
been modiRed.
tained its puriRcation can be achieved using the usual
Other approaches involve engineering afRnity
chromatographic techniques except that, because of
labels onto the protein. For example, fusion products
solubility problems, it will be necessary to maintain
between a target protein and maltose-binding protein
a standing concentration of detergent in the buf-
from Escherichia coli can be very readily puriRed by
fers. This frequently adversely affects the perfor-
amylose afRnity chromatography. Similarly, anti-
mance of ion exchange materials and more success in
bodies to certain small peptide sequences, referred to
isolation of membrane proteins has been achieved by
as Sags, have been raised so that fusion proteins
exploiting their binding properties, that is, by using
bearing these Sag sequences can be readily puriRed by
various forms of afRnity chromatography.
immunoafRnity chromatography.
A Rnal problem, once the protein has been puriRed,
Obviously, in any particular case the question
will usually be to remove the detergent from the
needs to be asked as to whether the time and cost
preparation or to change the detergent type. This can
involved in genetic engineering of the desired protein
be achieved by a variety of methods, including equi-
product is justiRed in terms of the time saved in
librium dialysis, gel Rltration and a variety of
subsequent puriRcation. The answer is likely to be
chromatographic methods.
positive only if the puriRcation is to be repeated
Peripheral membrane proteins, that is, those that
are only loosely associated with the membrane, do
not usually present special problems. They can be
released from membrane preparations by salt extrac- Special Cases
tion or by changes in pH, are usually soluble in
The procedures described above should be used when
aqueous buffers, and are amenable to the usual
it is important to retain the biological activity of the
puriRcation methods.
protein of interest. Essentially, this means using ex-
perimental conditions under which the native three-
Products from Cloned Genes
dimensional structure of the protein is preserved.
As a result of the rapid developments in genetic tech- There are some situations where this is not necessary
nology in recent years it is now relatively easy to and all that is important is that the primary struc-
clone the gene for any protein of interest and express ture of the protein remains unchanged. An impor-
it in a suitable bacterial host. This does not change tant example of this is where the protein is required
the methods that are available for puriRcation but for amino acid sequence analysis. In this case addi-
it does allows for simpliRcation of the puriRcation tional techniques can be used for puriRcation. For
procedure. An obvious example is that expression example reverse-phase HPLC using hydrocarbon
of the gene can be manipulated so that its protein (C4}C18) stationary phases provides for high-re-
product represents a very high percentage of the solution separation of proteins but elution often
protein in the host cell. Values of up to 50% have requires the use of organic solvents such as aceto-
been achieved, which obviously simpliRes the sub- nitrile, which frequently leads to denaturation. The
sequent puriRcation. Similarly, some success has method is, however, extremely powerful for Rnal

separation of partly puriRed proteins for sequence protein of interest. This allows not only the recovery
analysis. but also the degree of enrichment of the protein to be
For a variety of applications, including N-terminal determined. Any step for which either of these is low
sequence analysis using modern high-sensitivity should be abandoned.
techniques, only very small amounts of protein (a few In the case of enzymes, keeping this inventory is
micrograms) are required. For these applications the straightforward; it is simply necessary to measure the
resolving power of SDS-PAGE can be exploited to catalytic activity of a known volume of the fractions.
separate even relatively crude mixtures. The protein In other cases it is much more difRcult. Bioassays
of interest is then removed from the acrylamide gel, can be very time consuming. Immunoassays are not
for example by using an appropriate blotting tech- usually too difRcult, but in this case it is necessary
nique, and the blot subjected to analysis. to bear in mind that immunological reactivity of
More recently this approach has been extended to a protein may be retained even though biological
the identiRcation of proteins in cell homogenates. The activity has been lost. In the case of a protein with no
total cell extract is separated by two-dimensional known biological activity, or where the activity is
electrophoresis, most commonly using isoelectric fo- very difRcult to measure, then recovery can be
cusing in the Rrst dimension and SDS-PAGE in the assessed from the measurements of the intensity of
second dimension. Individual spots are excised from the appropriate band produced by analytical elec-
the gel, the protein subjected to digestion with tryp- trophoresis. Whatever the difRculties, however,
sin, and the trypsin fragments analysed by mass spec- keeping a score card is essential if a successful puriR-
trometry. The set of peptide masses obtained is then cation protocol is to be developed.
scanned against a data bank of the masses of tryptic
peptides from all known proteins. In most cases this See also: I/Affinity Separation. Centrifugation. II/Affin-
allows unique identiRcation of the protein in the gel ity Separation: Hydrophobic Interaction, Chromato-
spot, provided that its sequence is known either from graphy; Immobilised Boronates and Lectins; Immuno-
direct analysis or by translation of a DNA sequence. affinity Chromatography. Chromatography: Protein
Separation; Size Exclusion Chromatography of Polymers.
Chromatography: Liquid: Mechanisms: Size Exclusion
Detection and Quanti\cation Chromatography. Electrophoresis: Isoelectric Focusing;
It is clearly of central importance in any puriRcation Two-dimensional Electrophoresis. Membrane Separ-
procedure that a method is available for detecting the ations: Membrane Bioseparations. III / Proteins: Centri-
presence of the protein of interest in the fractions fugation; Electrophoresis; Field Flow Fractionation; High-
Speed Countercurrent Chromatography; Ion Exchange.
from the various separation steps. In the case of
enzymes this is easy because they possess catalytic
activity that can be measured by some appropriate Further Reading
analytical technique. Other proteins might require
the use of a bioassay, or an immunoassay, or perhaps Deutscher MP (ed.) (1990) Guide to Protein PuriTcation.
the identiRcation of the protein as a particular band San Diego: Academic Press.
produced on analytical electrophoresis. Doonan S (ed.) (1996) Protein PuriTcation Protocols.
What might not be so obvious is the importance of Totowa, Humana.
Harris ELV and Angal S (eds) (1989) Protein PuriTcation
quantiRcation of the recovery of the protein at each
Methods. Oxford: IRL Press.
stage of the puriRcation procedure } that is, of keep- Harris ELV and Angal S (eds) (1990) Protein PuriTcation
ing an inventory. Unless this is done it is very easy to Applications. Oxford: IRL Press.
end up with a disappearing yield of the protein of Kenney A and Fowell S (eds) (1992) Practical Protein
interest and not to know at which step or steps it Chromatography. Totowa: Humana.
disappeared. At each step it is important to measure Walker JM (ed.) (1998) Protein Protocols on CD-Rom.
the total protein content and the amount of the Totowa: Humana.

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