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* Idelogies : great transformation, two important event

1- French Revolution
2- Scientific Industrial Revolution

* Where does the truth come from ?

Religious Tradition (Ancient) Modernity Post-modern Time

- God (Allah böyle yaratmış) - reason, nature (Society) - Multiple truth/s: there is no
- Prophets - Scientists (objectivity) one single way to explain the
- People (believers) - People truth.

* Ideology : they are believe system, values, norms which guide our actions and hold the
society together.
* Ideology : are ways of persuing, understanding and interpreting explaning the world and the
way by which react in the world.
* Ideology : are also describe as an opposite of truth.

* There are two kinds of ideology.

1- Progressive ideology (ilerici, ilerleme)
2- Traditionalistic ideology
- Progressive  “reference to future” (güzel günler göreceğiz)
- Traditionalistic  “reference top ast” (zaman değişti, kötüleşti) (there is a concept of golden
age / aims to corruption)
** both 2 ideologies are actionariented and not happy with status-quo.
* They differ on the conception of time and history.

* Ideology has certain many criteria

1- optimism
2- ideologies are created design mass appeal (consumption)
3- they all have utopia
4- polarization (kutuplaşma)
5- organization (there is no organization you can not mobilize people)

* Function of Ideology
1- solidarity (sense of solidarity) gives sense of solidarity or identity (bu ideolojik kimlik,
giyim tarzından da alınabilir)
2- identity
3- mobilization (ideology is mobilize people)
4- organization (bases of organization)
5- it create system of communication
 each ideology has own vocabulary.
6- a provide emotional attachment (duygusal bağlılık)
7- provide mens for expression (pursuit of happeness  mutluluk hakkı).

ANARCHISM (27/ 03/2012)

- Anarchism  otoritenin her türlü formuna karşıdır.

- Political outhority (the state) is accepted evil and unnecessary.
-- Why the state is unnecessary ?  because, order can arise naturally.
- created, stateless society, no law, no government against the priciples freedom and equality.
-- Devlete gerek yok, doğal halimiz iyidir. Doğal halde normal düzen kendiliğinden kurulur.
* Anarchism based on two things or fed. (Anarchism iki şeye dayanır veya beslenir).

-- Two tradition :
1) Liberalism  anarcho-capitalism (individualism) 
2) Socialism  anarcho-communism (community / collectivism) 

* Central themes / nations of anarchism

1) anti – statism  devletin olmadığı ortamda insan iyidir, sosyaldir. İktidarın olduğu bir
yerde, zengin fakir ayrımının olduğu bir ortamda insan tabiatı kötüleşir. Devlete son verelim
ki insanın iyi tarafı ortaya çıksın.
2) Natural order  human beings are rational creatures. They have the capability universal
moral laws.
- People have natural propensity (eğilim) to live in harmonies natural propensity to live

* Collectivist  human capacity …………………….

* Individualist  enlightened human reason (education) (eğitimle ortaya çıktığını söylüyor).
-- İnsan devlet tarafından şekillediriliyorsa, ortaya çıkan ürün “evil” olur diyor.
-- Collectivist = dislike property (özel mülkiyete karşıdır)
-- Individualist = respect for property rights and competitive market.

* Devletin en büyük araçlarından biri “din”dir. Devlete karşı isen dinede karşısındır.
- The idea of god represent ………………………….. ultimate and in questionable authority.
- Anarchist respected that………………
- They persuaded religion ……
3) anti – clericalism  ideology of obedience and submission.
-- Bu ideoloji yi takip etmek için dinsel inanca benzeyen mistik bir şeye inanmak gerekir.
4) economic freedom  political power and wealth inseparable (ayrılmaz).
a) large group of people exploited (anarşistler kendisini bu grup ile özdeşleştiriyor).
b) minority of group of people exploited and exploiter.
c) elite, supreme (small minority) / supreme governing a state
- minority exploiter (sömüren) and oppressor (ezen).

Collectivist Anarchism vs Individual Anarchism

* Proudhon (sayfa 195)

- Social vs Anarchism
Similarities Differences
a) rejection of capitalism a) anarchist do not believe in parliamentary
b) revolution socialism.
c) collective ownership b) they disagree the notion of dictatorship of
d) withering away of the state the proletariat
e) political athority is unnecessary for the the notion of dictatorship of the proletariat
construction of order.

- Individualist Anarchism
Similarities Differences
- individualism freedom - Liberals  state is necessary (bekçi olarak
- extreme individualism  constraints on minimum düzeyde gerekli).
individualist freedom is evil, when these - Individual anarchist  no government
constraints come from state, it is absolute - Constitutionalism  every form of
evil. government is evil.

* Anarchism’in en büyük savunucusu Noam Chomsky  anti globalization



* Fascism
- Two types of governments  Germany and Italy
- Marx, predicted the rise of coming industrialized countries contary left regimes under the
develop countries.
* The defining of Fascism
- General fact is Nazism
1) Fed of Germany in WWI and after following defeat with Wersailles Treaty.
2) Germany and Italy is economic crisis 1929 effects and an other reason for ultra
3) decline of middle class (burjuvanın temel direği orta ditektir / orta direğin çökmesi).
4) The fear of a srong communist movement.
5) Frangility of democratic institution. (Weimar Republic).
6) International factor “appeasement”.
7) late comming nation state for Germany and Italy.

* Ideological characteristics of fascism and Nazism.

1) Anti – liberal (çünkü onlar devletçi ve ırkçıdır).
2) irrationalism 
3) elitism / leadership / chiefdom
4) Social Darwinism (en güçlü milletler ayakta kalır), Natural selection (doğa zayıfları eler),
who are strong will be survival.
- lebensraum  superior nation need a large space.
5) Racism  social misfits (topluma uymayanlar) include Jewish to be exterminated.
- eugenics  fit olan üyelerin çoğalması ve unfit olanların ürememsi.
6) Collectivism  individual is noting, racism is everything.
* Why did they come to power ?.
1) uniqueness  fascism is uniq (kendisine uygun koşullarda oldu bitti).
2) marxist  because of economic crisis of capitalism was under threat supported fascism to
prevent capitalism.
3) Modernization  social country break down and people alienated their labor force.
- Saviour
4) psychology of middle class (orta sınıf çökerse, rejim de kaybolur).
- there are vulnerable
5) authoritarian political culture.
- more vulnerable to fascism.

FEMINISM (10/04/2012)

* since 17 century
- the late 1700s in Britain
- the early 1800s in USA

* Mary Wallstonecraft “Vindication of the rights of woman” 1792.

- First argument equality of the sexes.
* Reasons ;
1) Rise of Capitalism  capitalism created new relationship between men and women.
- Kapitalism ile birlikte kadın – erkek ilişkileri, kadının statüsü düşmüş, kamusal alanda
değeri azalmış, kadının yeri evidir denmiş.
2) New political theories  representative government (sadece adamlar temsil ediyor).
- Kadınlar diyorki, “ekonomiye bizde katkıda bulunuyoruz, bizim siyasal haklarımız ne
* In short  market economies and conservatism created a new form of feminism.
- What does feminist want. ?
- By 1900s, in international women movement demanded these rights in different parts of the
- They wanted equal economic, educational and political opportunity.
* There are various steps.
- 1. way feminism  1800 – 1960 early feminist movement  refers to the first consentrated
on movement working reform social and economical.
- 2. way feminism  afer 1960s – 1990
- 3. way feminism  mid 1990s

* Key concept of 1. way feminist  female suffrage, legal and political rights as men
- education, employment, marriage laws, oppotunities for women, struggle of educated or
intelligent apper middle class women.

* First Wave  Civil Political Rights (1926 – 1934)
- early 20 century Kemalist effects
- Feminist movement worked as regime soldiers to spread revolution aims.
- Ayrıca bu kadınlar gelecek nesilleri Cumhuriyet değerleri ile yetiştirecek kadınlardır.
- Kemalist women 
-- in private sphere ; home makers or mothers to raise future generations to disseminate
(spread) the values of the republic.
-- Public Sphere ; work and education.
-- Civic rights ; dress code, marriage, divorce, custady
-- Political rights ; to vote and to be elected.
* Nezihe Muhiddin (Türk Kadınlar Birliği)  1935 de kapatıldı.
- 1930 Municipal elections.
- 1934 general elections.
* The myth of equality  women organization closed no longer needed.
* Second Wave  1980s, elimination of violance against the women .
- domestic violance, use of sexuality, misrepresentation of women in the media, (1987 de
yüzlerce kadın, bir hakimin kadınları gerektiğinde öveceksin sözünden dolayı ilk defa sokağa
- Ve bu kadına şiddetin, mahrem bir mesele olmadığını, artık siyasi bir mesele olduğunu iddia
-- Kadınlar, artık çalışmak için izin istemiyorlar
-- Erkek aile reisi değil.
* Third Wave  1990s, rise of identity politics  lezbiyen ve siyah feministlerin beyazları
suçladıkları gibi, İslamcı ve kürt feministler diğer feminist grupları eleştirdiler.
- Ex ; umartesi anneleri, KAMER hareketi  bölgedeki şiddetten rahatsız oldukları için
ortaya çıktılar.
- İslami Feminism  Türban yasalarına karşı olarak çıktılar.
-- lezbiyen, gay, bisexual, hayat kadınlarıda birleştiler.

II.Dalga  1960 larda civil rights (siyah beyaz hareketi kadın hareketlerine yansıdı).
- They demanded, equal pay for equal work, free aborjin and contraseption (doğum kontrol),
equal educational opportunity men and women.
- The personal private is political
- Şimdide kadınlıktan doğan hakları talep ediyorlar. (süt izni, yani kadınların farklı
olmalarından kaynaklanan haklar).
- women equality with men at work and politics. And women different from men in the areas
of reproductive and sexuality.
- The personal private is political.

III. Dalga  1990s women

- how by forcing more radical and racially and sexually diverse and inclusive movement.
(gay, homosexual, lesbian, göçmen, düşük gelirli kadınlar)
- Femail on powerment (burada amaç kadının güçlendirilimesi).
- İslamcı feministler  bu haklar ayrıca kimlik ile ilgildir.

* Critism Against the Feminism

- feminist are effectivelly tapınmak against the men. (bunlar erkek düşmanı)
- feminist has led to oppression of veil society (erkekler tahkumu).
- feminist destroy traditional gender roles.
- social change and legal reform have you gone to far (çok ileri gittiler). a now negativelly
effect men and negativelly effected children.

** Özellikle different feminism, equality feminism.

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