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Pronouns adjectives pronouns

Possessive Adjectives - Exercise 1

Fill in my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

1. I don't know the time because I can't find watch.

2. What's the boy's name? name is Ben Scott.

3. Debbie has got a dog. dog is very lively.

4. The dog is very lively. name is Ben.

5. We are at school. school is very nice.

6. I have a new laptop. laptop is white.

7. I'm from Seattle. Most of friends are from Seattle, too.

8. The rabbit is white. cage is in the garden.

9. Sandra and Jenny are friends. school is in the city centre.

10. The Millers have a new car. car is blue.

11. Emma Peel has got a brother. name is Paul.

12. Nick Baker has a sister. name is Debbie.

13. Yes, we have a dog. dog is very old.

14. The boys have got a tortoise. name is Trundle.

15. Suddenly the children see an old man. It's grandfather.

16. Aunt Mary is sitting at the table. Peter fills glass with juice.

17. We take the guitars and start to play. music is great.

18. Captain Clark drives a yellow sports car. It's car.

19. Tom and Robert like to eat fish and chips. It's favourite food.

20. We cannot come on Saturday. It's father's birthday.

Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Choose the right word.

1. Jack has two sisters. names are Jane and


2. Look at this lovely bird ! head is red !

3. Kate is not in my bedroom. She is in .

4. This rabbit is not in the right hutch. Please put it

in .

5. You like painting. paintings are beautiful.

6. She speaks English very well because mother is


7. Our car is red and is blue.

8. My friends love gardening. garden is fantastic.

9. Kate and Mary, don't play with these balls, they are
not .
10. We don't like their house, we prefer .

11. Is that your hat? No, it is not .

Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives 1

Click on the correct answer.

Choose the correct word for each space.

1. You can't have any chocolate! It's ________!

A. ? your

B. ? its

C. ? her

D. ? mine

2. My telephone is out of order, but ________ is working.

A. ? your

B. ? our

C. ? his

D. ? their

3. Jody has lost ________ book.

A. ? mine

B. ? her

C. ? hers

D. ? theirs
4. Was ________ grammar book expensive?
A. ? your

B. ? yours

C. ? your's

D. ? you

5. We gave them ________ telephone number, and they gave us ________.

A. ? ours, their

B. ? our, their

C. ? ours, theirs

D. ? our, theirs

6. Junko has eaten her lunch already, but I'm saving ________ until later.
A. ? hers

B. ? her

C. ? my

D. ? mine

7. These grammar books are different. ________ has 278 pages, but ________
has only 275.
A. ? Yours, mine

B. ? Your, my

C. ? Yours, my

D. ? Your, mine

8. ________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ________?

A. ? Mine, yours

B. ? Your, mine

C. ? My, yours
D. ? Yours, mine

9. ________ computer is a Mac, but ________ is a PC.

A. ? Your, mine

B. ? Yours, mine

C. ? Your, my

D. ? Yours, my

10. This bird has broken ________ wing.

A. ? it's

B. ? its'

C. ? hers

D. ? its

Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives 2

Look at the picture, and complete the sentences with the words in
the word list below.

her hers his His my our ours their

The Mysterious Volkswagen

Last week, we had a party at house. Many people came, and there were lots

of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three people were left:
myself, Eric, and Cathy. However, there were four cars. One of them was a

Volkswagen. I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was.

Eric said it wasn't car. is a Chevrolet pickup. When I asked Cathy if it

was , she said no — car is a Ford Explorer. I knew it

wasn't car, of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and

examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it

from street and left it on .

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