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From the beginning of her performance until the song At Last starts (2:30) Beyoncé sings and

talks about change that needs to happen in the world. Her performance consists of four of her
most popular songs, one song of hers that I haven’t heard of, and two covers of famously known
songs by other artists. All throughout the performance of the song At Last there were quotes
from powerful women and also pictures of many other women who have made a change in
society flashing in the background. The transition between At Last and If I Were a Boy (5:24-
7:10) she shows a clip of one of her music videos with a message about being who you are and
not letting anyone bring you down. Throughout the song If I Were a Boy (7:15-11:25) the violins
use pizzicato in the background while Beyoncé’s sings. Some notes that she holds out at the end
of phrases echo after she finishes holding the note. For example, the last note at 10:20-10:23. She
also encourages the fans to sing along and even stops singing some lyrics to hear the crowd
singing. For example, after a dramatic pause before the last note of If I Were a Boy (10:48-
10:53) she holds out the microphone to have the crowd finish the lyric. During the song Crazy in
Love (11:35-14:45) she brings out backup dancers and all of them dance throughout the song.
Since this is one of her most known song this causes the crowd to sing and dance along. The
crowd goes wild when she brings out her husband Jay-Z to rap his part of the song (13:11-
13:55). She uses multiple flashing lights, crazy backgrounds, and fog to amp up the crowd during
the song. The transition (13:56-15:30) between the songs Crazy in Love and Single Ladies (Put a
Ring on It) consisted of Beyoncé encouraging the crowd to cheer louder. The song Single Ladies
(Put a Ring on It) is her most popular song to dance to and that was shown by the crowd dancing
her popular dance routine all throughout the song. She once again brings out dancers and dances
her famous routine to the song. In the middle of the song she incorporates another song that is
unfamiliar to me (16:22-16:42). During 17:41-18:46 she sings multiple phrases and has the
crowd and backup singers repeat it back to her to create a call and response. The beginning of
Grown Woman (19:36-20:30) starts out with flashing images and videos with crazy sequenced
backgrounds of African animals and her in different outfits dancing and posing. Then the dancers
come out to the stage followed by Beyoncé a couple seconds later. The images and videos
continue throughout the song and once again Beyoncé and her dancers dance all throughout the
song with props and two new guy dancers. At the end of the song, confetti is being rained down
on everyone and Beyoncé and her dancers continue to dance until the end of the song. Then it
becomes pitch dark when she starts to sing, I Will Always Love You and slowly lightens up the
stage while finishing the song (25:00-26:30). While singing I Will Always Love You she uses a
lot of vibrato all throughout the song. I couldn’t tell if the crowd was singing loudly or if it was
just Beyoncé’s echo of each note. At the end of the song she blows a kiss up to the sky to
remember Whitney Houston. She immediately starts her song Halo after taking a minute to
remember Whitney. This is the first song where she actually interacts physically with the crowd
by touching their hands and having them wave/sway their arms to the song. She ends the song by
phrasing the lyric “I pray it won’t fade away” and other lyrics multiple times before holding out
the word halo in intonation by starting out in alto tone and ending in falsetto (29:36-31:32). Also,
the lights begin to flash, and the instruments play random notes. Once she is finished, she then
states her name and states that it is time for a change. All throughout her performance, she uses a
lot of vibrato and also uses a lot of mixture of falsetto and alto notes. She uses a variety of
instruments throughout the concert, but the most noticeable ones were violins, a piano, guitars,
and drums. All of the instruments except the violins were placed behind her during the concert.
Beyoncé creates a nice flow by starting her performance out with songs that relate to the message
that is being promoted at the concert and then moves on to her fun/upbeat tempo dance songs.
She finishes the concert with powerful songs that bring people together and also revisits the
message that is being promoted. I believe that a pop concert brings more social bonding because
the artist is constantly interacting with the crowd and it also brings a bigger crowd than a
classical concert would. More people listen to pop music because it creates emotions that can be
expressed and relate to in songs.

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