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6.1 CBR ( California Bearing Ratio)

6.1.1 Apparatus CBR Test

1. Laboratory
 Rammer tools metal
 Scraper
 Scale balance of 1 g
 Oven temperature ( 110±5ºC)
 Straight edge length = 254 mm maximum thickness 3mm
 Sieve 19mm, 9.5mm, 4.75mm
 Spoon, mixer, trowel, spatula
2. Samples in Field
 CBR cutting collar
 CBR extension collar size 152 x 127 mm
 CBR mould Body size 5.1 x 127 mm

6.1.2 Procedure of CBR (California Bearing Ratio)

1. Selection of the Sample Test
It should be perform at top layer with frequency one samples for 2500 m2
backfill in field, and has reached degree of compaction required or following
2. Sample
 Prepared the CBR cutting collar 1 pcs, CBR Mould Body and Extension collar
each number is 3 pcs.
 Connect the three of mould becomes one part.
 Place the CBR cutting collar on the surface layer then pressure the CBR
mould in the field until soil fill into its body mould fully
 Dig the soil of outside CBR mould surrounded so that the CBR mould easy
to be take out from within the soil.
 Takes the sample carefully so that soil of mould doesn't out ,
 Disengaged the CBR cutting collar from CBR mould body and repeat method
of takes sample such of No. 2, 3, and 4 above for second and third samples.
 Smooth down soil in CBR Body mould with blade so that surface of its upper
and lower plane

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 Melts the paraffin material by the way of filed on pan until melting then
plunges the soil surface of CBR mould upper side in paraffin fluid and let
 Performed the same way for lower side soil of CBR mould such as No 7.
 Keep into box and will be brought to competence Laboratory by expedition
3. Method CBR Test
 Place surcharge of weights on the specimen sufficient to produce an intensity
of loading equal to the weight of the base material. lf no pavement weight is
specified use 4.54 kg mass. lf the specimen has been soaked previously, the
surcharge shall be equal that used during the soaking period. To prevent
upheaval of soil into the hole of the surcharge weight, place the 2.27 kg
annular weight on the soil surface prior to seating the penetration poison,
after which place the remainder of the surface weighs
 Seat the penetration piston with the smallest possible load, but in no case in
excess of 10 lbf (44N). Set both the stress and penetration gages to zero.
This initial load is required to ensure satisfactory seating of the position and
shall be considered as the zero loads when determining the load penetration
relation. Anchor the strain gage to the load measuring device, if possible; in
no case attach it to the testing machine support bars (legs).
 Apply the load on the penetration piston so that the rate of penetration is
approximately 0.05 in. (1.27 mm)/min. Record the load readings at
penetrations of 0.025 in. (0.64mm), 0.050 in. (1.27mm), 0.075 in (1.91mm),
0.100 in (2.54mm),0.125 in.(3.18mm), 1.50in. (3.81mm), 0.175 in.
(4.45mm), 0.20in. (5.08mm), 0.30in. (7.62mm), 0.400in. (10.16mm) and
0.50in. (12.70mm). Note the maximum load and .penetration of less than
0.500 in (12.70mm). With manually operated loading devices, it may be
necessary to take load readings at closer intervals to control the rate of

6.2 Liquid Limit Test (ASTM D-4318)

Tes Liquid Limit (ASTM D-4318)

6.2.1 Purpose
Intent of this testing to determine the water content of soil in the liquid limit condition

Tujuandaritesiniuntukmenentukankadar air tanahdalamkondisi liquid limit.

6.2.2 Equipment or tools

- Standard liquid limit device
- ASTM grooving tool
- Glass plate 45 x 45 x 0.9 cm

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- Spatula
- Scraper
- Thin box
- Graduate cylinder.

6.2.3 Method of testing

- Put 100 gram of soil sample on glass plate stirring spoon, mixing soil sample with
spatula at same time and gradually add water as required until the sample
becomes homogenous. Record the quantity of water used
- Take part of sample and put on standard liquid limit device at full top surface flush
condition. Used provided tools to ensure the sample is full flush against the
standard liquid limit device (cup).
- Using the gravel tool, slice the sample in standard liquid limit device, separating
the sample into approximately two (2) equal halves.
- Rotate the handle of the tool to create up and down movement (blows) of standard
liquid limit device until 1.25cm length along the centreline groove touches each
other. Record the total number of blows to reach above condition.
- Repeat the steps (a) to (d) with different water content. The difference of number
of punch required for each test shall be approximately 8-10 punch in order to get
a good trend. A minimum of three (3) test shall be done.

6.2.4 Calculation result

The result of test shall be plotted using the total punch as the “X” axis with logarithmic
scale and the water content as “Y” axis. The liquid limit value is at 25 blows.

6.3 Plastic Limit Test ( Refer to ASTM D-698 )

6.3.1 Purpose
The intent of this testing is to determine the water content of soil in plastic condition.
The plastic limit is water content limit which soil changes condition from plastic to semi
plastic condition.
6.3.2 Equipment or tools
- Glass plate 45 x 45 x 0.9 cm
- Weight with accuracy 0.01 gram
- Oven
6.3.3 Method of testing
- Take sample in adequately dry condition and screen in sieve no.40.

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- The sample is added with water and mixed until the water content is uniform then
shape the soil sample to produce balls weighing 8 gram each. The soil balls sample
should than be hand roll on the glass plate at speed of 80-90 of rolling per minute.
- Hand rolling shall be continued until the sample is shaped to stick with diameter of
3 mm. should the samples crack before reaching 3 mm, then the sample shall be
reformed and added with adequate water and mix until water content is uniform to
repeat (b) and (c) to several times until the cracking of rolled sample occurs at
3mm diameter and record the water content
- This water content indicates the plastic limit

6.4 Standard Proctor Test (Refer to ASTM D-698)

6.4.1 Purpose
The intent of this testing is to determine the relationship between water content and soil
compaction, by compacting the soil sample in a cylindrical mould of 4” in diameter and
4.584” in height with the use of impact tool weighing 5.5 lbs at free falling distance of
6.4.2 Soil Sample Requirement
a. If the soil sample is damp, it shall be dried by natural means or dryer at temperature
not to exceed 600 C until it become loss however the original soil granules still
intact (not broken).
b. The dried soil sample is then screened through sieve no. 4 screen and the sample
that passed through the screen shall be used in this test.
c. The screened sample shall be at least 12.5 kg. Divided into 5 parts at 2.5 kg each
d. Each sample part shall be added with pre-determined quantity of water and mixed
until it becomes homogeneous. The difference of water content in each sample
part shall be at least 2-4%.
e. Each sample part shall be put in a sealed plastic for at least 12 hours or until the
water content ensured to be uniform.
6.4.3 Method
a) Weigh the mould with diameter 4 “(A1).
b) Assemble the mould, neck and support base and position it in a levelled and rigid
ground condition.
c) Take one sample (from 5 samples) and then perform compaction with impact
tool of 5.5 lbs in mould at 3 approximately equal layers. Every layer shall be
compacted at 25 blows. Continue the same method for the remaining 4 samples.
d) Remove the surplus material with scraper tool to flush with the upper surface
edge of the mould and then weigh the mould filled with sample (A2).
e) Take 500 gram sample as per ASTM D 698 part 10.4.9 of the soil sample to
determine the water content.

6.4.4 Calculation Result

a. Wet Density

() = A2-A1 (gr/cm³)

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 = Wet density (gram/cm³)

A2 = Weigh mould + soil (gr)

A1 = Weigh mould (gr)

V = Volume mould (cm³)

b. Dry Density

dry = Wet
1+ (W/100)

dry = dry density (gram/cm³)

W = Water content (%)

c. Draw a graphical relationship between dry density weights against the water
content from result of trial. The graph will determine the maximum dry density
(MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC)

d. Draw zero air voids line with calculation :

dry = G.γw
1+ (G.w)

G = specific gravity of soil

w = specific gravity of water (gram/cm³)

d = dry density (gram/cm³)

W = water content (%)

e. Acceptance criteria

As per Specification.

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6.5 Specific Gravity Test ( Refer to ASTM D -854)
6.5.1 Purpose
The aim of this test is to determine the density of soil with sieve that passes through
sieve no.4 screen by using picnometer. Specific gravity means the ration between
weight of soil and pure water with the same volume at same temperature
6.5.2 Equipment and tools
- Picnometer with 100 ml of minimum capacity or bottle with 50 ml of minimum
- Oven
- Scale with 0.01 precision
- Sieve no. 4, 10 and the container.
6.5.3 Method of testing
- Clean up the picnometer with water and then dry it, weigh the picnometer (W1)
- Put the sample in the picnometer and weigh (W2).
- Fill full the picnometer with water and weigh the soil-water mixture (W3)
- Drain the picnometer and clean up the fill full the picnometer with water and scale

Calculation :

GS = (W2-W1) /{(W4-W1)-(W3-W2)}

Where :
GS = Specific Gravity of Soil
W1 = weight of picnometer
W2 = weight of picnometer and dry soil
W3 = weight of picnometer and soil + water
W4 = weight of picnometer and water.

6.6 The result will be used as baseline data for reference purposes
6.6.1 Water Content Test (Refer to ASTM D-2216)
Purpose :
The item of this test is to determine the water content of soil. Water content means
the ratio between weights of water to weight of dry soil, in percentage.
6.6.2. Equipment
a. Oven (Temp. 110 ± 5° C)
b. Container
c. Scale no.4, 10 , 40
6.6.3. Testing Sequence
a. Material sample to be tested is stored in the container and in the container and
weighing (W1)
b. Put the same sample into the oven to an adequate length of time to completely
dry the sample (usually to a minimum of 12 – 16 hours.)

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c. Weighing the dried sample material (W2)
d. Weighing the container (W3)

6.6.4. Calculation
Water content (w) = ( W1-W2)

X 100%

( W2-W3)

Where :

W1 = weight of container + wet sample (gram)

W2 = weight of container + dry sample (gram)

W3 = weight of container (gram)

6.7 Sieve Analysis Test (refer to ASTM C-33)

6.7.1 Purposes
The item of this test is to head for definitive of gradation aggregates.
6.7.2 Sample
Sample prepared in accordance with this procedure must be shipped from the field
to the laboratory in sealed containers and must contain all their natural moisture.
Samples obviously containing only particles passing the No. 10 (2.00-mm) sieve may
be tested in the particle-size analysis without first washing on the No.10 (2.00-mm)
sieve. Samples obviously containing only particles passing the No. 40 (4.25-mm)
sieve may be used in the tests to determine soil constants without first washing on
the No. (425-µm) sieve.
6.7.3 Equipment
a. Sieve Shaker
b. Sieve
c. Pan & Cover
d. Oven (Temp. 110±5ºC).
e. Soft wire brush
f. Materials :
- 1 kg sand
- 5 kg aggregates 20 mm max. size
- 10 kg aggregates 25 mm max. size

6.7.4 Testing Sequence

a. Put samples material in oven with temperature 110° (usually to a minimum 12 –
16 hours).
b. Weighing of the samples and record.

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c. Put the Pan in sieve shaker as per required.
d. Put materials in pan that on top and put the cover of pan and then stagger the
sieve shaker during 10 minutes.
e. Open the cover of pan and then weighing materials that exits on each pan and
f. Calculate weigh of materials that exits on each pan and then calculate of
percentage and cumulative value.
6.7.5 Sieve number of each materials
a. Sand sieve number as per specification E11 ASTM C-33 :
- 3/8
- No. 4
- No. 8
- No. 16
- No. 30
- No. 50
- No. 100
- No. 200

FM = Σno.4 – no.100


FM = Fine Modulus

b. Aggregates ≤ 30 mm sieve number as per specification ASTM C-33 Table 2.

Grading requirement for coarse aggregates size # 57:
- 1 1/2
- 3/4
- 1/2
- 3/8
- No. 4
- No. 8

c. Aggregates ≤ 20 mm sieve number as per specification ASTM C-33 Table 2.

Grading requirement for coarse aggregates size #67:
- 1/2

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- 3/8
- No. 4
- No. 8

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