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Rubric for Journal Writing

Degree Program:____________________________________________________________
Cooperating School:_________________________________________________________
Grade Assignment and Section:________________________________________________
Cooperating Teacher:________________________________________________________

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

Criteria Weight
Yes Yes, but No, but No
 Detailed explanation of  Clear explanation of  Somewhat clear explanation  Vague explanation of
experience experience of experience experience
Retelling of  Specific descriptors of  Objective observation of  Somewhat objective  Non-objective observation of
20% observations during experience experience observation of experience experience
 Writing is highly organized  Organization is clear and easy  Minimal organization  No organization evident;
with logical sequence to follow confusing

 Reflects well on own work  Reflects on own work  Some reflection on own work  Little reflection on own work
 Provides many examples  Provides examples  Provides few examples  Provides very few or no
Reflections/ Personal 20% examples

Relevance to  Student listens well in different  Student listens in class; relates  Makes minimal reference to  Makes no reference to what is
Classroom Concepts contexts; relates observations to some observations to what is heard in class or to heard in class or personal
20% classroom concepts and/or classroom concepts and/or personal experience experiences
or Personal personal experiences personal experiences
 Makes many inferences  Makes inferences most of the  Some inferences are made  Few or no inferences are
 Comprehends deeper meanings time  Comprehends surface level made
Analysis of  High level of critical thinking  Usually comprehends deeper meaning  No comprehension or
Experience expressed meanings  Minimal critical thinking reflection on assignment
 Some critical thinking expressed  Little or no evidence of
expressed critical thinking
 Obvious, detailed effort on  Acceptable effort on all parts  Some effort on assignment  Little or no effort on
Effort 20% assignment of the assignment  Readable handwriting assignment
 Neat, legible handwriting  Legible handwriting  Illegible handwriting

Final Score ________________

Assessed by:_____________________________

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