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Kinetic energy is energy possessed by a body by virtue of

its movement. Potential energy is the energy possessed by a body by
virtue of its position or state. While kinetic energy of an object is relative to
the state of other objects in its environment, potential energy is completely
independent of its environment. Hence the acceleration of an object is not
evident in the movement of one object, where other objects in the same
environment are also in motion. For example, a bullet whizzing past a
person who is standing possesses kinetic energy, but the bullet has no
kinetic energy with respect to a train moving alongside.

Kinetic Energy Potential Energy

Definition The energy of a body or a Potential Energy is the stored
system with respect to the energy in an object or system
motion of the body or of because of its position or
the particles in the configuration.

Relation to Kinetic energy of an object Potential energy is not relative to

environment is relative to other moving the environment of an object.
and stationary objects in
its immediate

Transferability Kinetic energy can be Potential energy cannot be

transferred from one transferred.
moving object to another,
say, in collisions.

Examples Flowing water, such as Water at the top of a waterfall,

when falling from a before the precipice.
Kinetic Energy Potential Energy
SI Unit Joule (J) Joule (J)

Determining factors Speed/velocity and mass Height or distance and mass

 The roller coaster in an amusement park begins with the conversion of kinetic
energy into gravitational potential energy.
 The gravitational potential energy keeps planets in orbit around the sun.
 Projectiles are thrown by a trebuchet making use of gravitational potential
 In spacecrafts, chemical energy is used for take off after which the kinetic
energy is increased to reach orbital velocity. Kinetic energy gained remains
constant while in orbit.
 Kinetic energy given to cue a ball in a game of billiards is transferred to other
balls through collisions.


Kinetic energy is defined as the energy of a moving object. A thrown football, a

speeding automobile, a marathon runner, or a rock falling from a cliff, are examples
of objects that have kinetic energy.

Potential energy is defined as the energy associated with the arrangement of a

system of objects that exert forces on one another. Potential energy is stored or
released when the arrangement of the objects and/or the forces they exert on each
other changes in some way. Systems of objects ranging from atoms to planets can be
arranged in many ways, resulting in many forms of potential energy: chemical,
elastic, electrical (electromagnetic), gravitational, nuclear, and thermal energy.

Although potential energy is often referred to as “stored” energy, two

misconceptions may arise when referred to in this way. First, saying that energy is
stored in something may imply that energy is some sort of invisible substance, which
it isn’t. Second, consider a textbook held above a classroom floor. Many would say
that the textbook has potential energy stored within it, and it is often convenient to
think that only the textbook has potential energy. However, the textbook has
potential energy because it is part of a system that includes the Earth, one in which
both exert gravitational forces on each other. In other words, the textbook would
not have potential energy if it were not for the Earth.

When something is lifted, work is done on the object against the pull of gravity. This
work is converted to a form of potential energy called gravitational potential energy.
When the item falls towards Earth like an apple from a tree, gravitational potential
energy is converted into kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy vs. Potential energy

Energy is the ability to do work. Objects can have stored, or potential, energy
when work has been done (such as raising an object in the air) or by virtue of
their position (such as sitting at the top of a hill). Potential energy changes to
kinetic energy when the object moves. Examples include holding a stretched
spring (potential energy) and then releasing it (kinetic energy) or holding a box
above the ground (potential energy) and then dropping it (kinetic energy).
Kinetic energy is a form of energy that results from an object's motion. There
are many types of motion that use kinetic energy: translation (moving from one
place to another), rotation, and vibration. The measurement of kinetic energy in
an object is calculated based on the object's mass and velocity. It is measured
in Joules.
Potential energy is a form of energy that results from an object's position or
arrangement of parts. It is stored energy that can become kinetic energy. It
includes potential electrical, chemical, and nuclear energy. The measurement of
potential energy in an object is calculated based on the object's mass and its
height or distance. It is measured in Joules.










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