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Is a condition that develops when your blood

lacks enough healthy red blood cells or
hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a main part of red
blood cells and binds oxygen. If you have too few
or abnormal red blood cells, or your hemoglobin
is abnormal or low, the cells in your body will not
get enough oxygen.

 Easy fatigue and loss of energy
 Unusually rapid heart beat, particularly
with exercise
 Shortness of breath and headache, particularly
with exercise
 Difficulty concentrating
 Dizziness
 Pale skin
 Leg cramps
 Insomnia

Treatment for this form of anemia usually involves
taking iron supplements and making changes to your
diet. If the underlying cause of iron deficiency is loss of
blood — other than from menstruation — the source of
the bleeding must be located and stopped. This may
involve surgery. Vitamin deficiency anemias.
A disease of the blood forming tissues (including the
bone marrow lymphatic system) characterized by the
over-production of white blood cells. There are
multiple types including: acute lymphocytic leukemia
(ALL), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), chronic
lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), chronic myelogenous
leukemia (CML), and hairy cell leukemia. The severity
of the disease depends on the cell type and whether
it is the acute or chronic form.

 Fever or chills.
 Persistent fatigue, weakness.
 Frequent or severe infections.
 Losing weight without trying.
 Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen.
 Easy bleeding or bruising.
 Recurrent nosebleeds.
 Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae)

Most treatment plans for acute lymphoblastic

leukemia (ALL) have 3 steps. These are
induction, consolidation, and maintenance.
Induction therapy kills leukemia cells in the blood
and bone marrow to induce remission.
Treatments include chemotherapy and
Congenital Heart
Congenital heart disease (congenital heart
defect) is an abnormality in yourheart's structure
that you're born with. Although congenital heart
disease is often considered a childhood
condition, advances in surgical treatment mean
most babies who once died of congenital heart
disease survive well into adulthood.
 excessive sweating.
 extreme tiredness and fatigue.
 poor feeding.
 rapid heartbeat.
 rapid breathing.
 shortness of breath.
 chest pain.
 a blue tinge to the skin (cyanosis)

Doctors repair congenital heart defects

with catheter procedures or surgery. Sometimes
doctors combine catheter and surgical
procedures to repair complex heart defects,
which may iπnvolve several kinds of defects. The
treatment your child receives depends on the
type and severity of his or her heart defect.

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