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Home Energy Managment System using Meta-Heuristic Techniques

Conference Paper · June 2017

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6 authors, including:

Tamour Bilal Muhammad Awais

COMSATS University Islamabad COMSATS University Islamabad


Muhammad Junaid Zafar Faiz

COMSATS University Islamabad COMSATS University Islamabad


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Smart Grid View project

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Home Energy Managment System using
Meta-Heuristic Techniques

Tamour Bilal, Muhammad Awais, Muhammad Junaid, Zafar Faiz, Mujeeb Ur

Rehman and Nadeem Javaid1,∗

Abstract In this paper, we have evaluated the performance of Home Energy Man-
agement (HEM) using two meta-heuristic techniques: Chicken Swarm Optimization
(CSO) and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA). We have classified the appliances
in two catagories: fixed and shiftable/elastic appliances. Time of Use (ToU) pricing
scheme is used for the calculation of electricity bill. The main objective of this pa-
per is the minimization of electricity cost, reduction of Peak to Average (PAR) and
balancing of load between peak and off peak hours while taking User Comfort (UC)
under consideration. These algrithms performs efficiently in achieving multiple ob-
jectives. However results and simulations shows that CSO performs better than BFA
in terms of PAR reduction, while BFA performs better in reducing electrcity cost.

1 Introduction

Electricity is the most valuable and great blessing of Allah in the modern era. Elec-
tricity [4] is being used in everyday life as the primary resource. It has been used
by homes, industries, government organization, banks, etc. As the population is in-
creasing, demand of electricity is also increasing. In peaks hours it becomes difficult
for the utility companies to manage the load. So the utility companies come up with
different solutions such as changing the pricing scheme that contains different price
signals in different hours of the day. Similarly electricity shortage is dealt by intro-
ducing different energy resources such as nuclear power, fossil fuels, thermal, etc.
However these are not the optimal solution, as it increases the cost of electicity.
To address all these problems researchers have been working to provide solution to
the utility companies as well as the users. Traditional grids are unable to meet user
requirements so smart grids were introduced that integrates communication, infor-
mation technology and sensors within traditional grids. In Fig.1 there Smart Grid
1 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
∗ Correspondence: www.njavaid.com, nadeemjavaidqau@gmail.com

2 Tamour Bilal et al.

Fig. 1 Smart Grid

(SG) that provides the facility of communication between the users and utilities
through central communication network. Users can provide information about the
appliances, thier Length of Operation Time (LoT) and thier power rating to theHome
Energy Management (HEM) coontroller through this network, this information then
goes to the SG that schedule the appliances using Demand Side Managment (DSM).
DSM provides load control facility using the following techniques:
1. Peak Clipping: Peak load is reduced and shifted to RES.
2. Velley filling: Peak load is taken into consideration and shifted into off-peak
3. Load shifting, strategic focus is load shifting from peak hour toward the off peak
4. Strategic conservation: Load shapes and pattern of usage of appliances is changed
accordingly to manage the load.
Electricity can be reduced without the intention of the user. The electricity can be
reduced by SG feature such as DSM. DSM controls the load of electricity without
being acknowledgement to the user. In figure 1 HEM is shown. HEM [1],[2],[3]
through DSM can achieve the following objectives that can achieve the following
objectives: i) Reduce the electricity cost ii) Minimizing PAR iii) Maximizing user
comfort iv) Decreasing electricity cost. Many researchers have been working to at-
tain the above discussed objectives but have ignored user comfort as in [1]. Re-
newable Energy Resource (RES) have also been proposed by some researchers to
shift the peak load on them, but that is also has some limitations as initial cost of
installation becomes very high.
Home Energy Managment System using Meta-Heuristic Techniques 3

2 Related work

Traditional grids are unable to meet user requirements. So smart grids were de-
veloped that enhanced the reliability, integrity and efficiency of the traditional grid
system. Peak to Average Ratio (PAR), user comfort, waiting time and electricity
cost reduction are the main objectives of any paper. The Utility companies select
pricing schemes that is beneficial for the users as well as the utility companies. User
comfort is taken into consideration at user side while on the other hand companies
chooses pricing schemes that fits best for them in terms of profit. So the related work
here is classified according to the pricing signal used in different papers.
Standalone pricing scheme is that pricing scheme in which only single pricing
scheme is used like time of use,Inclined Block Rate and Real Time Pricing.
In paper [1], authors have proposed a model for minimizing the peak loads by
balancing the load between off peak hours and peak hours. Each appliance is being
scheduled in such a way that power shiftable appliances are scheduled in terms of
power i.e. thier power varies in different time slots and time shiftable appliances
are scheduled in different time slots. DSM is using mixed integer linear program-
ming technique. User comfort has been maximized in this paper. The scheduling
hours can be sorted out using mixed linear programming technique. It is assumed
that hourly load is greater than all of the scheduled appliances running time. Both
integer and non-integer variables are used. Renewable Energy Resource (RES) is
integrated into the system to further meet the demand of the users. Users having ex-
tra energy due to RES can sale thier energy to users having less energy. This DSM
is for single homes as well as multiple homes. Peak hours and off-peak hours have
a time slot of 12 hours. The algorithm proposed in this paper has twofold advan-
tages:Firstly the users who are getting low on the energy can get energy from the
other users. Similarly there is a competition amongst different sellers so the energy
they sell will automatically get price lesser than the utility store. In [13], the authors
basic assumption is scheduling the appliances in an efficient way. The appliances
are classified into five sets based on operational time and power consumption. Load
scheduling algorithm is proposed that controls operational time and energy con-
sumption level of smart appliances. Time of Use (ToU) pricing scheme is used to
schedule the appliances. There is integrated Energy Management Controller (EMC)
with Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and made a distributed EMC to
schedule the appliances. The author has achieved following multiple objectives as
reducing power consumption cost, reducing load of the appliances, reducing elec-
tricity cost while the author has ignored PAR. The paper [12], an efficient HEMS
model has been proposed in [12] which is comprised of two types of appliances:
i) Real time appliances ii) Schedulable appliance, interconnected with this model.
Lower complexity is achieved by utilizing Djikstra Algorithm which impacts the
scheduling of the appliances within limited hours. ToU is taken under considera-
tion to balance load according to PHs and OPHs. Computational efforts are done
to provide better results in contrast to the non-optimized schemes. DijCostMin Al-
gorithm and Sub-Optimal Algorithm are considered to evaluate the most efficient
computational mechanism as these techniques above are only applicable for mul-
4 Tamour Bilal et al.

tiple homes. Results show the performance of the various proposed solutions have
attained significant reduction in electricity cost and decreases computational com-
plexity. The appliances attaining smaller slots in the paper are not considered which
the major drawback of this paper is that user comfort is ignored In [4], authors
discuss an intelligent DSM that minimizes the electricity peak load and cost of elec-
tricity. MOMILP has been formulated upon a set of appliances on the basis of ToU
pricing tariff for calculation while satisfying the users preferences and applicable
with multiple residential household. Performance is calculated by six scenarios, fo-
cusing upon each household based on the proposed approaches. Simulations show
separate measures are taken for each house, overall management of the appliances
gives better optimization of cost, effective reduction in PAR and optimal scheduling
for multiple homes, however it neglects application of this technique for a limited
number of homes or a smaller residential area.
In paper [14], the Demand Side Management (DSM) manage either to reduce
consumption or schedule consumption. The main objective of the paper is to re-
duce the electricity cost and appliances utility while it is maximizing the user com-
fort. The author has classified the appliances into two classes Class A and Class
B: Class A contains fixed appliances whereas Class B contains shiftable and elas-
tic appliances. The DSM is scheduling the appliances in the homes for single or
multiple homes such as fifty homes. Real Time Pricing (RTP ) is used in this pa-
per. The author is scheduling the appliances on the basis of appliances bits. The
high priority bit are used according to which if the appliance is working in on peak
hour than it is scheduled according to the priority bit: a priority bit is assigned to
theappliance by HEM if itis greater it is allowed to run and if it is less its oper-
ation is suppressed.. It contains scheduler bits according to which appliances are
scheduled , however further improvement can be made in the scheduling bits so
that problem can be resolved better.RTP is used for calculation of electricity bill .
This technique performs better than the other proposed schemes like WDO, GA and
BG in PAR, user comfort and cost reduction scenario. In [6], an efficient HEMS
model has been proposed that comprises two types of appliances: i) Real time appli-
ances ii) Schedulable appliance, interconnected with this model. Lower complexity
is achieved by utilizing Djikstra Algorithm, which impacts the scheduling of the
appliances within limited hours. ToU is taken under consideration to balance load
according to PHs and OPHs. Computational efforts are done to provide better results
in contrast to the non-optimized schemes. DijCostMin Algorithm and Sub-Optimal
Algorithm are considered to evaluate the most efficient computational mechanism
as these techniques above are only applicable for multiple homes. Results show the
performance of the various proposed solutions have attained significant reduction in
electricity cost and decreases computational complexity. The limitation determined
in this paper is it ignores the scheduling slots for smaller population.
In paper [7], the appliances taken in this paper are of two types fixed and
shiftable. Fixed appliances are those that starting time can be scheduled but power
consumption remains fixed for a given time slot. While the second type of appli-
ances have a flexible power with fixed running time. These are to be scheduled in
the given time slot however there is a tradeoff between the payments and the user
Home Energy Managment System using Meta-Heuristic Techniques 5

discomfort. There is a single service provider with multiple consumers each having
fixed EMC controller integrated into it. The EMC can communicate with the energy
provider through the LAN cable. The task to balance the tradeoff between payment
and user comfort is divided into three operations. The first operational mode is just
minimizing electricity cost while user comfort is not taken into account. The second
operational mode addresses only user comfort while neglecting electricity cost. The
third operational mode gets a solution to the above problem i.e. electric cost and
payment. The pricing scheme used in this paper is Day Ahead Pricing Scheme In
paper [8], a cost efficiency-based residential load scheduling framework has been
introduced by authors to achieve better residential electricity consumption while
keeping the economic efficiency under consideration. The authors have analyzed the
effect of load shifting on cost with different households to attain optimized schedul-
ing. Fractional Programming is used for developing a load scheduling algorithm to
attain cost efficiency and providing with various consumption patterns to analyze,
with the combination of IBR and DAP being integrated to work accordingly.
Hybrid Pricing Scheme is the combination of two or more pricing schemes such
as inclined block rate embedded with time of use (TOU) and Time of Use (TOU)
with Real Time Pricing (RTP) In [9], Author have proposed HEM which empha-
size on the basis of heuristic algorithms; Genetic Algorithm (GA), Binary Parti-
cle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). Authors
present Demand Side Management (DSM).In addition, Multiple Knapsack Problem
is proposed. PAR, User Comfort, Electricity Cost and energy consumption are the
taken under consideration in this paper. Time of Use (ToU) and Inclined Block Rate
(IBR) is used in this paper. Results show that each and every implemented model
to attain our objectives and they show that these techniques effectively decrease the
electricity bill. GA based energy management controller performs more effectively
than BPSO based energy management controller and ACO based energy manage-
ment controller is performing even more better as far as electricity bill decrease, in
contrast to energy consumption minimization and user comfort level maximization
altering for each algorithm individually. The author has successfully implemented
renewable energy resource. But the major drawback of this paper is user comfort is
In this paper[10], Renewable Energy Resources are integrated in the system to
manage the load. Mostly usable and shiftable appliances are scheduled using dy-
namic programming technique. While on the other hand the users who have max-
imum electricity generation can sale their electricity to the other users. So in this
way system becomes stable due to multiple users cooperating with each other. In
this paper Author described the Home Energy Management System (HEMS) in
electric smart grid to manage the load and minimization of energy consumption.
There are number of appliances used in smart homes. The problems are existing in
a system some appliance are running in peak hours so that the energy consump-
tion high at that time. Due to high energy consumption peak is generated. In peak
hours electricity cost is also high which caused to increase the overall electricity
bill. The proposed system is scheduled appliances i2n two approaches: one is fully
distributed approach and second is hybrid approach. In fully distributed approach
6 Tamour Bilal et al.

appliances are intelligently stop running according to time span. However in hybrid
approach user forcefully stop the appliance in peak hour. Author used two types
of approaches for mathematical modeling, A Game theoretical approach and Nash
Equilibrium. Dynamic pricing scheme is used for calculating the cost of electricity.
These proposed solutions are Decreases waiting time of appliances so that PAR is
decrease. The cost of electricity is also decreases. So the limitation of smart grid
system is to ignorance of user comfort. In [11], authors discuss the deployment of
Energy Management System in a HAN and its impact and working in a single home
unit, for the purpose of decreasing the electricity cost and PAR. Techniques implied
include GA which is used for the scheduling of appliances based on the collabora-
tion of RTP and IBR pricing scheme. Appliances are distinguished on the basis of
their operations and results are also affected accordingly. Results depict that there is
a significant reduction in delay time, PAR and UC.

3 Problem Statement

Energy is the most precious resource. As the population is increasing day by day, the
demand of electricity is also increasing. It becomes difficult for the utility companies
to provide electricity at a minimum cost to the user. Traditional grids are unable to
meet user requirement in terms of scalability, economically and reliability. So the
communication, technology, sensors and information technology is integrated into
the traditional grids to make it more sustainable, reliable and efficient. This results
in two way communication between the SG and the users. Similarly all of the users
are not literate so there is a need of DSM for the proper and efficient use of the
electricity by users. DSM guides the users of electricity to use less electricity during
peak hours. So the DSM is taking peak hours under consideration. The HEM applies
different algorithms to schedule the appliances usage from peak to off-peak hours
while taking user comfort at a maximum level. Many researchers have worked to
minimize the electricity cost but they have neglected PAR that results in burden
upon utility companies. Some researchers have introduced RES into the system to
shift peak load on the RES but it results in increased initial installation cost.


In this scheme we have taken a HEM that takes inforrmation from the consumers
about thier usage of electricity. DSM shifts the load from peak hours to off-peak
hours. In this paper, we have taken a single home with 12 appliances that are catago-
rized as: Class A that contains fixed appliances such as Fan, Furnace Fan, Central
AC and Room AC and Class B that contains shiftable appliances such as Space
Heater, Water Heater, Cloth Washer, etc. The appliances of Class A are fixed i.e the
running time of these appliances cannot be shifted in some other time slot, while
Home Energy Managment System using Meta-Heuristic Techniques 7

Fig. 2 Home Energy Management Controller

Class B appliances are shiftable i.e thier running time can be shifted frompeak to
off-peak hours. The main objectives of this paper are as follows.
1) We have to reduce electricity bill by shifting load from peak to off-peak hours.
ElectricityCost = Minimize ∑ (ERate ) ∗ AppliancesApp
Rate . (1)

2) We have to reduce PAR to benefit utitlity companies.

PAR = Minimize(MaxLoad/AverageLoad) (2)

Load = PRate ∗ AppliancePower (3)
The equation 1 is used to calculate the electricity cost and our main objective is to
reduce it. Equation 2 shows the calculation of PAR i.e. ratio of maximum load to
average load. In the Fig.2 there is a HEM that allows bidirectional communication
between the utility and the users. It gets information from the users about the appli-
ances, LoT, and Power rating and schedule them using DSM. Below are given the
optimization techniques used for this HEM.

4.1 Optimization Techniques

The optimization techniques used in this paper are CSO and BFA.
8 Tamour Bilal et al.

4.1.1 Chicken Swarm Optimization Algorithm

The algorithm used for scheduling is CSO and BFA. The Algorithm of the CSO is
shown below The CSO is based upon chicken swarms and behaviour. The chicken

Algorithm 1 CSO
1: Initialize all parameters (D,x1,xu)
2: total population size popsize, the roosters accounts Nr, the hens accounts Nh, the mother hens
accounts Nm, updating frequency of the chicken swarm G and the maximum number of gen-
erations itermax.
3: Generate a population X = x1 , x2 , ..xi , ..x popsize of popsize chickens with random solutions
4: Calculate the fitness(xi) and find the best solution Xbest of the population.
5: for iter = 1 → itermax do
6: if Wi = iter%G or iter==1 then
7: Sort all population individuals according to their fitness.
8: Divide total population individuals into three subpopulations (called rooster population,
hen population, and chickens population) according to their sort criteria, and establish
the relationship between the chickens and its mother (hens).
9: end if
10: Update the rooster population individuals according to Equation x0 i, j = xi, j + ψi, j .t(n).xi, j
and calculate their fitness.
11: Update the hen population individuals according to Equation xt+1 t t
i, j = xi, j + S1.rand.(xr1, j −
xti, j ) + S2.rand.(xtr2, j − xti, j ) + S3.rand.(optbest, j − xti, j ) and calculate their fitness.
12: Update the chicken population individuals according to Equation xt+1 t t
i, j = xi, j + FL.(xm, j −
xi, j ), FL ε ,[0,2]
13: Update the personal best position Xi∗ and the global optimal position Xbest
14: Perform local search for the global optimal individual.
15: end for
16: Output the best solution Xbest

swarm can be catagorized as: One rooster and many hens are present. Chickens
follows different laws of motion. Different hens compete with each other in a hi-
erarichal order.Strong chickens are replaced by the weak chickens. Strong hens re-
mains close to rooster while the weak hens move towards the periphery. The hier-
arichel order is disturbed by adding and removing chickens that is balanced later.
The dominant hens fight for food access, while the roosters contact their mates to
find the food. However, this is not the case existing for individuals from different
groups. Roosters gives a loud call when hens enters in its boundary line. The sim-
ulated experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is avoiding premature
convergence. My proposed scheme is taking single home with 12 appliances that are
being scheduled in 24 hours in such a way that user comfort is achieved and sim-
ilarly PAR ratio is also decreased. My simulations results shows that my proposed
scheme outperforms BFA.
Home Energy Managment System using Meta-Heuristic Techniques 9

4.1.2 Bacterial Foraging Algorithm

BFA algorithm was proposed by [15]. It is a Bio- Inspired algorithm that focuses on
the behaviour of bacteria for the search of food. The bacterium continues swarming
in search of food, when it gets food it starts to tumble. The bacterium continues to
tumble unless it is getting food. When the bacterium becomes devoid of food it starts
to swarm again. The steps of BFA algorithm are as follows 1) It generates new pop-
ulation and calculates the fitness value of each bacterium 2)Next step is chemotexis
step in which bacterium swarms in search of food, if they get food they tumbles
and thier fitness value is calculated. 3)Reproduction occurs among the bacterium
that performs well throughout the chemotactic step 4) Eliminiation and Dispersal
step selects those bacterium whose efficiency is least amongst the bacterium during
chemotactic step and discards them.


We have used matlab for performing results and simulations. We have taken two
types of classes, class A and class B: class A consist of fixed load appliances and
class B consist of shiftable and elastic appliances. ToU is used for electricity bill cal-
culation. This paper has achieved following objectives:User comfort is maximized,
utilities of appliances maximized and cost is minimized. Scheduling of appliances
is doing for the reduction of PAR and electricity cost. The details of class A and
class B appliances given below in the table1.

Table 1 Appliances classification with LOT

Class Name Appliances Name Power Rating LOT Deferrable Load
Class B Space Heater 1 9.00 1
Class B Heat Pump 0.11 4.00 1
Class B Portable Heater 1.0 5 1
Class B Water Heater 4.50 8 1
Class B Cloth Washer 0.51 9.00 1
Class B Cloth Dryer 5.00 5.0 1
Class B Dish Washer 1.20 11 1
Class B First-Refrigerator 0.50 24 1
Class A Fan 0.5 11 0
Class A Furnace Fan 0.38 8 0
Class A Central AC 2.80 12 0
Class A Room AC 0.90 5 0

The Simulation results in Fig.3 shows the electricity cost graph for unscheduled,
BFA scheduled and CSO scheduled. The electricity cost for unscheduled, BFA and
CSO is 2000 cents, 1625 and 1800 respectively. The electricity cost decreases by
10 Tamour Bilal et al.




Electricity Cost (Cents)








Unscheduled BFA Scheduled CSO

Fig. 3 Electricity Cost (Cents)

BFA Scheduled
CSO Scheduled
Load (kWh)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time (hours)

Fig. 4 Load scheduling for 24 hours

scheduling them from peak hours to off-peak hours. The electricity cost reduction
is 18.75% in case of BFA, while it is 10% in case of CSO. So it is clearly evident
that the electricity cost reduction is much greater in BFA as compared to CSO. So
our HEM performs better in terms of cost reduction using BFA.
The Fig.4 shows the load scheduling graph for a time span of 24 hours. The load
graph is given for the optimization techniques used. As we have used ToU pricing
scheme: that contains peak hours, off-peak hours and medium peak hours. In the
peak hours and medium peak hours the load is minimized in this case and where
there are off-peak hours, the load is scheduled there.
In Fig.5 PAR is given for unscheduled, BFA and CSO. The PAR is 5 for unsched-
uled, 4.5 for BFA and 2.2 for CSO. The PAR reduction in case of CSO and BFA is
56% and 10% respectively.
In Fig.5 waiting time of CSO is given that is the accumulative of Class A and
Class B. The waiting time of the shiftable and elastic appliances is about 3 and
Home Energy Managment System using Meta-Heuristic Techniques 11


Unscheduled BFA Scheduled CSO

Fig. 5 PAR for CSO and BFA


Waiting Time (Hours)




Fig. 6 Waiting Time (Hours)

the waiting time of fixed appliances is zero because thier LOT cannot be changed.
Waiting time of CSO is less as compared to BFO.


In this paper, we have taken a HEM that is scheduling the appliances from peak
hours to off-peak hours to reduce the electrity cost and PAR. HEM evaluates the
performance of two meta-heuristic algorithms BFA and CSO. Each algorithm per-
forms distinctively in an efficient manner. Our results and simulations have shown
that CSO performs better than BFA in decreasing PAR, while our HEM performs
better with BFA when it decreases electricity cost. In future, we will integrate RES
into the system to shift the peak load of the user on the RES, in this case user com-
fort level will be maximized. We will also use other heuristic algorithms to achieve
minimum computational complexity and increased divergence.
12 Tamour Bilal et al.


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